Qi Mu looked dignified and left in a hurry, but he was very happy in his heart. Being able to work for Boss Lin is what he wants to do most urgently.

But Lin Wen didn't just want to fulfill Wolong's commission.

From what Qi Mu and Qin Luoshuang said just now, he realized that if he could recruit a few more unemployed people and let a few more unemployed people find jobs, he would surely gain a lot of good fortune.

Although apart from the county government staff and reserve officials, Changshan County is not very short of labor, but recruiting one more unemployed worker can bring a little more good luck.

This is a steady profit business. Wouldn't it be a pity not to earn more?

So Lin Wen directly said that there is no limit.

Anyway, no matter how many people there are, Lin Wen still has some tricks to use.

Back then, in order to cultivate immortality, he decided to study the laws of the original world first, so he had to be admitted to the best physics major university first, so as to have a better chance of finding a way to travel in this world.

For this reason, he has hard-read many, many books. Although he can't remember it after the exam, he can still recall it when needed.

Therefore, talent is the most valuable asset.

For Lin Wen, there is no more correct answer than this, otherwise who would he benefit? Cangsheng refers to intelligent beings. In the world of cultivating immortals, there is White Lady, Spiderman, and Elf King. In this world, there are only human beings.

The empire, which treats people as human beings and wastes them at will, is a representative of stupidity and arrogance.

Next, Lin Wen began to look for Wolong's successor.

Logically speaking, there should be many hidden talents in Dayinyin Chaoshi and Yaojingling.

Lin Wen first visited some well-known professors, famous economists, theorists, political scientists and so on.

As a county chief, although he is not particularly high in the entire imperial system, for ordinary civilians, he is almost an existence that can only be looked up to.

Lin Wen's rank allows him to travel freely in various institutions of higher learning, but the meeting is not very smooth. These prominent guys, under the [Looking at the People], they all look ordinary, and some of them can't even catch up with ordinary people like Qi Mu who are looking for from the street.

And many of them have black air, more than half of them are black, there are many people there, and there are even a few of them that are completely black.

Lin Wen then opened the [Spirit of the Civet Cat] to deal with these people, so as not to stay in the world and harm others, and he also made a lot of ill-gotten gains.

At the end of the day, I actually made a lot of money.

Lin Wen is not afraid of being discovered. He has watched more than a thousand episodes of Detective Conan, and he is proficient in more than a thousand methods of killing, especially in secret room murders. He is proficient in more than 700 alibi.

It is absolutely impossible for the inexperienced detectives of the empire to defeat him in this field!

Even if there really is a Sherlock Holmes Kogoro-like character, it doesn't matter if he is found out.

Anyway, according to the unspoken rules of the empire, he is a high-ranking official of the empire. As long as he insists that the other party committed suicide, it is impossible to convict him of this level of accusation.

This means that the wicked still need to be tortured by the wicked. Without Lin Wen's action, they will be judged for their evil deeds. I don't know if they are allowed to die in the Year of the Monkey, that will be the greatest tragedy.

Although some achievements have been made, the fundamental problem has not been solved.

Lin Wen soon realized that it was almost impossible for him to directly find someone who would be the opponent of Crouching Dragon.

He can only take a step back and first look for some qualified and talented talents to be cultivated as reserve talents.

This kind of people is also very rare in Changshan County. Currently there are only Huang Mingxiao, Fang Yaobo, Lei Tiantong and Yuan Zhimen. Fang Dashan is quite qualified as a leader of the army, but he is simply imbecile as an officer.

Li Xiaoli is still a baby and still needs to grow up. Lin Wen is thinking of ways to help her mature after returning home.

In such a large county, there are only a few who can really do the job. It can be seen that the shortage of officials in Changshan County has reached a very serious level. Even the second position of Changshan County, the director of the county government office, has been vacant.

Since that bald dipper was (knocked) down by Lin Wenzheng, there has been no new candidate.

After Lin Wen cleaned Changshan County several times in a row, some frightened people chose to resign or transfer away.

As a result, the county hall is almost half empty.

Throughout Changshan County, the internal frame is almost entirely supported by Wolong alone.

It's not that Lin Wen doesn't want to mention people, but he is very cautious, very serious, and very careful in promoting officials, and he will never use Jieduquan to promote a person in a flash.

This is called Ning Que Wu Lan.

Moreover, Lin Wen also discovered that spell selection is not so reliable.

If it is necessary to know very accurately whether this person is qualified for a certain position, the cost of spells is very high, just like he asked people like Crouching Dragon where to find them.

If the question is only vague, then the answer is not accurate.

People who may choose supermodels, such as the problem when they first found Wolong and Fengchu.

Sometimes it is far below the lower limit, just because there are no other qualified candidates.

For Lin Wen, high consumption is unacceptable, so he can only try his luck with a vague search. As long as he passes the initial inspection of [Wang Qi Guan Ren], he can barely use it.

So, after failing to visit famous people, he immediately used spells.

【Are there any people near me who are suitable to be the administrative officer of Changshan County? 】

Consumption: 18% Yuanshen


Sure enough, once he used the spell, the people he found were much better than the previous guys with vain names.

But the problem is that a considerable part of them are officials from the Lingdu of Yaojing.

How could it be possible for an official from a quasi-first-tier city to give up his favorable treatment and developed environment to go to that remote village in Changshan County?

As for other people, when they heard the specific situation in Changshan County, they also changed their minds and said that they would consider it.

Lin Wen used spells twice in Lingdu, and found seventeen people in total, but none of them agreed.

In fact, it was a tactful refusal.

Depressed, Lin Wen had no choice but to go back to the hotel, only to find that Liu Sheng, the deputy capital of Yaojing Lingdu, had been waiting for him here.

"Liu Duchang, what's the matter?"


the other side.

Unlike Lin Wen, who was not going well, Qi Mu's recruitment caused a huge sensation from the very beginning.

Because he has experienced a long and painful job search, he knows the desires of these desperate unemployed, so he made a huge sign himself, and wrote in bold words what they are most concerned about and need to see:

Stable job!

stable income!

Food and shelter included!

Have a vacation!

Work overtime and get rich!

Imperial County Council Open Recruitment!

No job seeker can turn a blind eye after seeing these six lines.

Once this sign comes out, it will definitely attract attention.

Then at the bottom, Qi Mu wrote the detailed information in smaller characters.

Work location, job position, job benefits, etc.

Since Sheriff Lin asked him to make up his own mind, he wrote the request according to his imagination:

County Hall Affairs Officer: First-class graduates or above, and have relevant experience.

County Hall staff: Higher graduates or above.

Labor: good health.

He was also embarrassed to ask Lin Wen for money, so he hired two people out of his own pocket, and carried a sign to the employment market in the east of the lower city.

Instead of going into the employment market, he rented a stall on the street outside.

Opposite the booth was a long queue, and he happened to be in the middle of the queue.

This place belongs to the old city before Yaojing, with low floors, outdated infrastructure, narrow and cracked roads, and telephone poles standing on the road in a disorderly manner.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and the hot sun was shining from the west. Everyone was sweating, dry and thirsty, but no one wanted to leave. They had been waiting for a day, and leaving at this time would be a waste of all previous efforts.

And when Qi Mu asked someone to lift up the sign, all eyes turned in an instant.

However, no one acted rashly.

It was all too good to be true.

They watched helplessly until there was the first crab eater.

She is a delicate girl with big braids and glasses.


she said softly.

"Is what you wrote above true?"

Qi Mu hurriedly said: "Of course it is true, we are the staff of the Imperial County Hall, how can we cheat people?"

The girl said softly: "I am a freshman who graduated from Lingdu University. My name is Tian Jiajia. This is my resume. Can I apply for the staff of the County Hall?"


Qi Mu hastily raised up another smaller sign.

"Here is the relevant work situation. We are the staff of the Changshan County Government Office. If we succeed in the application, we will need to work in Changshan County. It is a poor area and the environment is far worse than here. Can you accept it?"

Hearing this sentence, the girl breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Yes, my mother always said that I am a child who is not afraid of hardship."

Qi Mu nodded, briefly looked at the resume, and began to ask questions: "You are from the Department of Mathematics, um, what is your graduation thesis grade?"

"A one."

"College exam?"

"First in three years."

"One more year?"

"I've taken the Imperial State Mathematics Exam."



"I will ask a question and give me the answer within 3 minutes. There are 15 female employees in the Changshan County Government Office. They walk in a row of three every day. The question is: how can each girl walk in a row with any other girl only once in a week?"

The girl lifted her glasses and quickly reported the answer.

Qi Mu smiled and said: "Congratulations, you have been officially admitted. Please fill in your personal information here, and please report to the Changshan County Government Office within 7 days. This is your proof of successful application."

He handed over a shiny silver anchor badge.

This is a souvenir provided by the captain's hotel for officials. It is made of sterling silver and is very finely crafted.

In the spirit of not wanting nothing, Lin Wen directly brought a few boxes back.

Originally, this souvenir was placed in the lobby, and everyone could take it at will.

Because they are all officials and their entourage, this small souvenir is not worth a lot of money, and basically no one cares about it before, so no one cares about it at all.

But they never expected that Lin Wen would be mixed into this session of the joint meeting.

In his eyes, as long as there is no bad karma, it is his money, and it is the money of all the villagers and elders in Changshan County.

This is a solved math problem and the answer is:

Sunday {1, 2, 3}, {4, 8, 12}, {5, 10, 15}, {6, 11, 13}, {7, 9, 14};

Monday {1, 4, 5}, {2, 8, 10}, {3, 13, 14}, {6, 9, 15}, {7, 11, 12};

Tuesday {1, 6, 7}, {2, 9, 11}, {3, 12, 15}, {4, 10, 14}, {5, 8, 13};

Wednesday {1, 8, 9}, {2, 12, 14}, {3, 5, 6}, {4, 11, 15}, {7, 10, 13};

Thursday {1, 10, 11}, {2, 13, 15}, {3, 4, 7}, {5, 9, 12}, {6, 8, 14};

Friday {1, 12, 13}, {2, 4, 6}, {3, 9, 10}, {5, 11, 14}, {7, 8, 15};

Saturday {1, 14, 15}, {2, 5, 7}, {3, 8, 11}, {4, 9, 13}, {6, 10, 12}.

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