Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 136: A 360-degree Huge Bow

At the beginning, the hotel management staff were very happy when they found that all the souvenirs were taken away at once. They did not expect that the souvenirs were so popular this time, which must be the reason for their good service attitude.

But soon he found out that something was wrong, no matter how fast they added it, it would be gone after a while, and sometimes even the boxes were moved away.

Since it was during the conference, there was not much traffic in the hotel, so how could it be obtained so quickly?

It wasn't until they called the monitoring that they discovered that they were all moved away by one person.

Just when they thought furiously that a thief had come to the hotel, they discovered that this person turned out to be the sheriff.

Now the hotel management staff are in pain. The souvenirs are all silver, and a box is worth tens of thousands of dollars. How could there be a county chief taking such a small advantage?

Of course, it is impossible to come to the door to inquire about the crime. The hotel simply sent several boxes of souvenirs to Lin Wen in a very gracious manner, and then set up an automatic retrieval device in the lobby on the first floor. When the officials approached, the souvenirs would automatically fall down, once every five seconds.

The income was too low, and Lin Wen really lost interest.

But in his room, there are already more than a dozen boxes of souvenirs piled up.

Since Qi Mu didn't have any certificates, he was afraid that others would not believe him, so he decided to move a box out by himself.

When a person is selected, a souvenir will be issued, which can be regarded as a certificate of entry, adding a sense of ceremony, and recruiting will be more sincere.

This souvenir is very detailed, with exquisite craftsmanship, perfect shape, full of artistic atmosphere, and it is made of sterling silver. Although it is nothing in the eyes of officials, it is a rare and exquisite work of art outside.

The girl fell in love with it at first sight. She took the anchor with both hands and carefully held it in her palm. Looking closely, the sterling silver surface reflected the shining brilliance under the sunlight, making her big eyes full of shining silver light.

"thanks, thanks!"

She bowed again and again, and there was no doubt in her heart anymore. She deserved to be recruited by the Imperial County Council, but she was different.

Although the booth is a bit crude, the content is still very substantial.

When the girl bowed for the third time, all of a sudden, crowds rushed in and surrounded Qi Mu's booth to death.

"Brother! Laborers also get 800 yuan a month? Is it also free food and housing?"

"Boss! Where is Changshan County?"

"Little brother! How many people are you recruiting?"

"Is there anything labor demands?"

The crowd was raging, and all the burly men squeezed in front. Qi Mu pulled Tian Jiajia over and shouted: "Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze! If you overturn the stall! No one will be recruited today!"

After shouting like this, the crowd really quieted down and stopped being crowded.

Qi Mu said to Tian Jiajia in a low voice: "There are a lot of people today, I'm not ready, fortunately, can you help me register?"

Tian Jiajia nodded quickly: "Okay."

Qi Mu raised his voice: "Everyone, there are no requirements for laborers, only good health, no bad habits, hard work and ability are enough! We have unlimited recruitment, as many recruits as there are!"

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd erupted with a bang, and the crowd moved forward irresistibly.

Qi Mu tried his best to suppress the noise, and shouted: "Changshan County is far away! It's very poor! It's bitter! It's remote! You should think about it before you come back!"

No one left, and it was like a tsunami broke out in the crowd.

"I come!"

"I'm willing to eat any kind of bitterness!"

"I can work till dark!"

"I don't want to rest! I can work as long as you want!"

Qi Mu deeply regretted that he didn't bring a loudspeaker, so he could only shout at the top of his voice, "Come one by one to maintain order!"

It turned out that Qi Mu was planning to distribute souvenirs to the workers, but seeing this posture, he really changed his choice, and only distributed a piece of paper with his name written on it, which was considered as an employment notice.

At the same time, workers who have filled out their job applications are required to maintain order at the scene.

This move played a huge role.

As Qi Mu's team got bigger and bigger, the order on the site got better and better, and the speed of recruiting people got faster and faster. Qi Mu even extended the booth, allowing the staff who had successfully joined the county government office to start working on the spot, which greatly improved efficiency.

However, most of the people at the scene were still recruited laborers, and only a small number of applicants were employed. Qi Mu brushed off some of them, but these people immediately applied for entry-level laborers.

As for the clerk, no one chose to apply.

Just like that, Qi Mu's booth produced a huge siphon effect, even attracting people who should have been in the employment market.

Not long after, a group of people in clothes and leather shoes ran over and shouted, "Who are you?"

"Are you qualified to recruit people here without authorization?"

"What about the city permit?"

"Such a good treatment, I'm afraid I'm not a liar!"

"Don't be fooled!"

No one paid any attention to them, only a few mouthfuls of saliva were spit to the ground.

Due to the noisy crowd, Qi Mu was too busy recruiting people to notice the flies outside.

That group of people was crowded and couldn't get in, and nobody paid any attention to them. They were used to bossing around in the employment market. After receiving this kind of treatment, their faces turned blue with anger, and they shouted: "You wait for me!"

After a while, a large number of security guards drove over rumblingly.

A senior sheriff at the head shouted with a loudspeaker: "Who is here to disturb the order? I don't know that disturbances are strictly prohibited during the Joint Conference of the Thirteen States of the Empire?"

Qi Mu looked up, and before he could speak, the senior security officer waved his hand: "It's you, right? Arrest it for me! Go to the detention center for a few days first."

Qi Mu hurriedly shouted: "I am a staff member of the county government office in Changshan County! I am entrusted by Boss Lin... County Chief Lin to recruit people here! I told the management office in advance! I paid the money!"

The senior security officer sneered, and was about to step forward, when suddenly an official jumped down from behind, he stared at Qi Mu twice, and said in surprise:

"Here, isn't this the Chief Computer Network Conference Chief Engineer and Senior Computer Language Expert of Sheriff Lin, Mr. Qi? You, why are you here?"

He turned around suddenly, bowed left and right, and almost knocked the senior sheriff to the ground with two slaps.

"Dog, who told you that someone disturbed the order here? Master Qi recruited a few laborers here, how did you disturb the order? Is your dog blind?"

The senior magistrate was stupefied all of a sudden, but after all he had been in the officialdom for so many years, he immediately understood that he had bumped into a big shot.

He immediately jumped up and bowed 360 degrees: "I'm sorry! Mr. Hu! I'm sorry! Mr. Qi! This subordinate is blind!"

As soon as he turned around, he immediately straightened his back and shouted: "Catch these villains who are falsely accusing good people!"

The security guards rushed up like wolves, and arrested the group of whistleblowers from the employment market who followed, ignoring their cries.

The official bowed his hands to Qi Mu, with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Master Qi, please don't bother me, I will send someone to help you maintain order in a while, I hope you will not forgive me."

After speaking, he quickly left. As an official who can participate in the joint meeting, he is one of Chang Duchang's confidantes, and he is very well informed.

Sheriff Lin has landed safely, not only today, but the relationship between Chief Chang and Sheriff Lin will also be close in the future.

It is no exaggeration to say that now, Sheriff Lin and Chang Duchang are a couple in the honeymoon period, and he is just a confidant, and he dare not offend the number one general under Sheriff Lin.

Of course, if he knew that Lin Wen's temporary title for Qi Mu was just made up by him, he would probably spit blood on his back.

The job seekers were as silent as death, and Tian Jiajia looked at Qi Mu in a daze, and said in disbelief, "You, you are the chief network engineer of the County Government Office?"

She originally thought that this unremarkable boy was just an ordinary employee, but she didn't expect to be a big shot.

Qi Mu scratched the back of his head: "No, it's not." He didn't know what to say to be reasonable, but the people around him only thought he was being humble.

What could be more authentic than the personal certification of local high-ranking officials?

Everyone could see his condescending appearance, those two slaps made everyone's hearts twitch, and they were secretly happy. That senior security officer usually bullied them a lot, but this time he was deflated, and everyone liked it.

In fact, with such favorable conditions, it would be impossible for the job seekers at the scene to be unafraid.

In recent years, recruiting scams have been common. It's fine for those who cheat money, but it would be bad if they were tricked into selling piglets.

Those two slaps were equivalent to slapping away all the remaining doubts for them.

A job seeker who had been watching from behind murmured: "Really, is this true? I'm going to tell Dazhu and them! Let them stop being coolies like dogs!"

"Quick, tell the workers on the pier! We won't work under that vampire anymore!"

"I, I want to go back and take the whole family away! Parents, mothers, brothers and sisters can work as laborers, and they must live a much better life than here! This is not a paradise at all, it is an abyss!"

So, just like that, the news quickly spread in the Lingdu of Yaojing as if it had grown wings.

First it was the lower east district, then the west district, the south district, the north district, the wharf area, and then gradually spread to the inner city district, and finally even the upper district district.

"Hey! Have you heard? There is a location called Changshan County that is about to be developed. I heard that they are recruiting infinitely!"

"I heard that they are going to dig through the Taixu Mountains!"

"What? The empire decided to dig through the Taixu Mountains?"

"What? The empire has decided to engage in large-scale development?"

"What? The empire decided to change its strategic direction, open up the Taixu Mountains, and establish a troop transport channel to the southwest. Is this going to attack the Western Federation?"

"What? The empire has decided to officially declare war on the whole world?"

The news reached Chang Changsheng's ears in the Lingdu of Yaojing. Although he said it clearly, he still sneered: "Nonsense, don't waste time sending such rumors to me in the future."

After the joint meeting was interrupted, Chang Sheng returned to the mansion to discuss the current situation with his confidants.

What Lin Wen said a few days ago moved him very much. This is not just an empty theory, it is also extremely operable. Lin Wen even talked about many subsequent developments, as if it really happened.

As a result of collective discussion between Chang Sheng and his confidants, they agreed that it should be the research result of Sheng Huaixuan, which was an olive branch thrown to them by Sheng Huaixuan.

Lin Wen is the representative they pushed to the foreground.

Therefore, when Lin Wen passed the test, Chang Sheng immediately decided to send Liu Sheng to contact him. After all, it was related to entering the Supreme Council of Elders, and he could not be neglected in the slightest.

Chang Sheng is still only the head of the capital, unless Yaojing Lingdu becomes a super first-tier city, otherwise he is not qualified to wear the red flower of the Supreme Council representative.

Not having the status of a representative of the Supreme Council means that he is always one step away from the power center of the empire.

This step is like a moat.

Therefore, the development of Yaojing Lingdu is the top priority in his heart.

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