Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 140 The First Princess

The battle of the gods ended on the second day.

As pawns of the gods, both Sheng Huaixuan and Yu Zhongxian suffered injuries to varying degrees.

The Supreme Council was ordered to suspend, to reorganize itself, and to review it a month later.

At the same time, the power to inspect any aid materials from the empire was taken away, and this right is now returned to the headquarters of the empire.

Sheng Huaixuan was forced to disband most of the Qing army.

The Qing Army is a local army allowed by the East Qinzhou Governor's Mansion.

According to common sense, the Qing Army is only allowed to have an establishment of 5,000 people, but in fact the Qing Army has more than 50,000 soldiers in the ranks alone, and there are many soldiers who are not in the ranks but are actually serving.

Dong Qianwang, the first commander of the Qing Army, and Ren Qingshan, the second commander, were dismissed and investigated for violating the imperial ban to expand the army without authorization.

Of course, everyone knows that this is the one who came up to take the blame.

However, the case was won by Sheng Huaixuan to East Qinzhou, which can be regarded as saving the city.

In terms of the results, Yu Zhongxian, who had been preparing for a long time, only suffered a loss for both sides, obviously far from reaching his goal.

But Sheng Huaixuan was also extremely uncomfortable. The Qing army was one of his trump cards, and he was crippled all of a sudden, which hurt him a lot.

To make matters worse, there are already two elders clearly standing behind Zhongxian, while there is only one elder behind him, and there has been a gap in the power balance at the Supreme Elder Council.

That means endless trouble later.

But overall, this is already a good result.

The evidence given by Yu Zhongxian was very deadly. If it weren't for the fact that his accusation against Lin Wen was not established, it would have damaged a lot of credibility, and I am afraid that he would lose even more this time.

After returning home, Sheng Huaixuan immediately held a meeting.

At the meeting, apart from the core officials of the Governor's Mansion, Ren Qingshan and Dong Qianwang were also present.

The joint meeting was reviewed in the first half of the meeting. Although the joint meeting has not finished yet, everyone knows that it is over.

The second half discusses the next arrangements and countermeasures.

Dong Qianwang, the former first commander of the Qing Army, was assigned to the governor's guard, where he would reorganize the governor's guard in his private capacity.

Ren Qingshan, the second commander of the former Qing Army, was sent to the folks to form a ranger self-defense regiment.

They will all recruit a large number of disbanded Qing army soldiers, and they will be more covert.

Sheng Huaixuan knows very well that force is the core element of self-protection, as long as the force loyal to him is stronger, when others move him, he will have to weigh it more.

The reason why the empire can still maintain stability is because the seventy divisions of the Supreme Presbyterian Church are invincible.

Li Longxing was still able to sit firmly on the throne of the imperial emperor because the thirty-six divisions of the Royal Guards were guarding around Shenjing.

A total of fifteen reorganized armies, more than two million of the most elite soldiers of the empire, fully mechanized armed, is the force that the Supreme Council of Elders can directly mobilize.

This force far exceeds that of any other region. Even if the six major regions unite, it may not be a sure win.

Of course, that is simply impossible.

The current situation of the empire is very bad, the foreign war is unfavorable, the internal unrest, the economy is declining, the people's livelihood is dying, and the situation is close to corruption. It is time to make changes.

However, there are many factions within the empire, there are many contradictions, and various interests are intertwined. If any movement is made, it may cause an unpredictable chain reaction.

Among the elders, there is still endless debate on how to change the unfavorable situation of the empire, and there is no conclusion.

There are also many contradictions within the empire, and the battles are extremely chaotic and frequent.

The Reichstag has long lost its justice and has become a battleground for all parties.

The Senate was sluggish, discussing how to expand the imperial power to rule the world all day long, dreaming some unrealistic dreams, claiming to be the waist of the emperor, but in Sheng Huaixuan's view, it was more like Li Longxing's shackles.

The Supreme Council is now a thoroughly brutal institution, full of thugs and executioners.

Cruel, ruthless, and inhumane are their status quo.

The State Council has become a bloated corpse, extremely inefficient.

Only the headquarters of the empire is still barely functioning, but there are still many contradictions.

And all of this stems from the chaos of the Supreme Council of Elders. The eight factions represented by the eight elders, together with the imperial faction in the middle, are the source of all struggles.

The empire's brain is chaotic and endlessly arguing, and the empire behaves like a schizophrenic patient, making the situation of the empire even more treacherous and difficult to understand.

Profit-hungry local factions are looking for backers everywhere, crazily grabbing benefits, high-level struggles are incessant, and there is no unified government order. All of these are intertwined to form the nightmare of the empire today.

A change must be made.

Otherwise the empire has no future.

This is what Sheng Huaixuan thinks deep in his heart.

The conflicts among the elders could no longer be reconciled, and the gods had to be killed.

Then the new god takes over.

Only by forming an overwhelming stable force can we break the current chaotic situation.

Yu Zhongxian also thought the same way.

So they are sworn enemies.

They used to work together but quickly broke up.

Yu Zhongxian wants to build an empire that relies on violence to maintain itself. This empire will establish an unprecedented spy organization that will cast everything under the shadow of spies.

He believes that only in this way will the empire be of one mind.

So his goal is to greatly strengthen the Supreme Council, giving the Supreme Council the power to arrest or execute anyone without a trial.

Afterwards, the hands of the terrifying council will spread throughout the empire, cutting off all disobedient people, and the higher evolutionary listeners will monitor the entire society, making all secrets invisible.

In this way, a stable empire is formed, and this empire has only one voice, and that is the voice of the Supreme Council.

All things are silent, only God speaks.

That's his idea.

And the means to achieve it is biochemistry.

He believes that the evolution of human beings is the future of human beings, and human beings who rely purely on external objects are inferior races.

Man's greatest weapon is himself.

Therefore, Elder Moxili, the leader of the Evolution Sect, became Yu Zhongxian's staunch ally.

More than half of the cutting-edge biological laboratories in the empire are under their command, and a large number of prohibited and unimaginable biochemical technologies are all developed by them.

And now, Elder Lin Yabo, the leader of the aristocratic party, has become his big backer.

Of the eight elders, he has already won the support of two of them, and the situation is very unfavorable for Sheng Huaixuan.

This attack is a very obvious signal.

Obviously, it's just the beginning, not the end.

Therefore, how to deal with it in the future is the top priority to consider now.

While everyone was discussing, a follower suddenly came in to announce that Yu Zhongxian's special envoy had come to visit.

Sheng Huaixuan was slightly surprised, they were already in the same situation, what else can they say?

"Let him in."

Not long after, a guy with a sallow complexion came in, he bowed respectfully to Sheng Huaixuan, and said:

"Governor Sheng, hello, I am the special envoy of President Yu. I am here this time to cooperate with you."

Sheng Huaixuan asked lightly: "Cooperation?"

The envoy showed a sinister smile.

"That's right, let's promote the administrative bill of Changshan County to separate from East Qinzhou."

"From the performance of the past few days, you can tell that that little beast is a time bomb, and it will explode around you at some point, bringing you extremely serious adverse effects."

"As long as Changshan County is separated from East Qinzhou and is no longer under the rule of East Qinzhou, you can sit back and relax and don't have to worry about what troubles that little beast will cause."

"Of course, Jieduquan will change the granting party, from the East Qinzhou Governor's Mansion to the Empire Headquarters."

"Thus, you will not be affected, and we can also concentrate on dealing with that little beast. This is a win-win situation for mutual benefit."

Sheng Huaixuan sneered, "Why do you think I will agree?"

The special envoy smiled and said, "You are a smart person, and you know the benefits and harms. That little bastard will do all kinds of harm but not any benefit. Sooner or later he will become a public enemy of the empire. It is a smart person's choice to cut him off as soon as possible."

Sheng Huaixuan stopped talking and picked up his teacup.

The special envoy bid farewell tactfully, but still smiled and left a sentence.

"You will."

After the envoy left, the meeting continued.

But everyone always seemed a little absent-minded, Sheng Huaixuan saw that everyone was hesitant to speak, and said, "Say what you have to say."

Everyone looked to Nopes, the director of the state hall, who was the governor's most trusted person.

Nopes coughed and said, "My lord, I personally think that what the special envoy said makes sense. You can think about it."

Sheng Huaixuan's face darkened.

If it was normal, Nopes would definitely not continue talking, but now, he bit the bullet and continued:

"Governor, Lin Wen's words and deeds are too unscrupulous. He has offended too many people and violated too many taboos of the empire. Although you didn't severely punish him at this joint meeting, what will happen in the future?"

"He is on your side, just a bomb that doesn't know when it will explode."

"Also, Changshan County didn't belong to East Qinzhou in the first place. It was forced in by Yu Zhongxian and his gang from the United Empire Headquarters in an incident. The purpose was to drag East Qinzhou down. Wouldn't it be a good time to take this opportunity to throw it out?"

"Without Changshan County, we have lost a big burden. We no longer need to help that bottomless pit, and we will no longer be dragged down by it on the per capita and development indicators."

Sheng Huaixuan glanced at him, and all his confidants looked at him helplessly.

"You all have this opinion?"

Everyone nodded.

Sheng Huaixuan sneered and said, "Let a brat act as a shield for us? He has a high hatred, and the enemy hates him to death, so we will still go out to attract firepower, and we will sit cleanly and collect the profits he earns?"

He stood up, the smile on his face gone.

"You guys are really accurate. Those who don't know think that Lin Wen is my die-hard soldier. I don't know that in order to repay Governor Sheng's great kindness, he is willing to sacrifice his life to share the governor's worries."

"One day, if I treat you like this, who would you like? Say it now."

Everyone was silent like a cicada, not daring to speak again.

The meeting continues.

But after a while, someone came to visit again.

The attendant did not announce, but only pulled the dark bell to indicate that someone was coming.

That means someone from the Dongzhou faction, at least someone with a very close connection.

Everyone looked at the door, thinking it was Lin Wen, but they only saw a pure white complicated dress, a tall figure, and a classic gauze mask.

With a bang, everyone stood up and bowed in salute.

"Meet the first princess!"

As for the thin figure behind the princess, it was completely ignored.

Sheng Huaixuan also showed a rare smile: "Li girl, why come here when you have time?"

The first princess bowed to Sheng Huaixuan Yingying: "Hello, Uncle Sheng, the impeachment has just ended, and my father asked me to visit you."

An attendant had already prepared a seat for the first princess, and she sat down gracefully, only to reveal the figure of Li Yuchen behind her.

Then everyone greeted one after another: "Hi, young master."

"Young master, stay safe."

Li Yuchen pursed his lips tightly, without saying a word.

The first secretary, Cheng Hexin, smiled slightly, and started talking: "Your Highness, where is your head maid? I miss her so much, when can I meet again?"

The first princess covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "I'm afraid we can only wait sixty or seventy years later."

Cheng Hexin said with a mournful face on purpose: "Isn't this a lifetime that I will never see again? Has His Highness betrothed her to someone else?"

The princess's attendant in white handed over the freshly brewed Yunshan white tea. The first princess took a sip and said with a smile, "Yes, I'll kill her. If I had known that Secretary Cheng liked it so much, I would have given her to you."

The first princess smiled sweetly, and the moment she lifted her veil slightly, one could see her crystal-clear jade-like skin, neat and straight cherry mouth, and fine teeth like broken jade.

It is rumored that the beauty of the first princess is the highest in the empire, and just this glimpse is really depressing, lamenting that the reputation is well-deserved.

But what she said made Cheng Hexin feel a chill from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, and he lost his voice: "Why, why?"

The first princess said absently: "Probably because she forgot that she is just a dog."

"Okay." Sheng Huaixuan interrupted the chat and said, "Li girl, let's talk about something, we don't have much time now."

The first princess smiled and said: "Okay, Uncle Sheng. I came here to persuade Uncle Sheng to let Changshan County be independent, let the young county chief go out, and let him soar freely in the sky. You should know that an eagle cannot spread its wings under the protection of its wings."

Sheng Huaixuan fell silent.

After a while, he suddenly smiled: "Eagle? The first princess thinks too highly of that kid, even if he is an eagle, but now times have changed, and all the flying outside are fighter jets."

The first princess chuckled and said, "Uncle Sheng is really funny, just like before."

Sheng Huaixuan smiled, and she continued to say: "However, it's just an eagle, but it dares to show off its power in front of the fighter jet. Isn't it too ignorant? If there is no Uncle Sheng and no father, the fighter jet can beat this little eagle to pieces just by pulling the trigger."

Sheng Huaixuan nodded: "I will advise that kid."

The first princess covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Uncle Sheng is still the same as before, but you have to know that you are no longer the Nantian King you used to be. You are now the core of the Dongzhou faction, and the Huang faction is in Dinghaishenzhen."

Sheng Huaixuan's face turned cold, he picked up his teacup, and said calmly: "It's getting late, please go back, princess, and say hello to your father for me."

The first princess did not intend to get up, she sat on the chair with her hands folded in front of her body, her figure was elegant and decent.

She smiled faintly, as if she was at a party at her own house, chatting with her best friend.

"What if I say that I'm willing to withdraw from the battle for reserves and wholeheartedly assist Li Yuchen in his position?"

Everyone's face changed drastically in an instant.

Li Yuchen, who was standing beside him, bit his lips tightly and said nothing.

For everyone in the Governor's Mansion, the young master Li Yuchen is the closest candidate to the Dongzhou faction, unlike other candidates who have many conflicts of interest.

But he has no advantage now, the first princess is too bright, the queen's voice is very high, even the little princess has many supporters, and there are many young heroes in the collateral.

It can be said that there are many difficulties for him to want to take the throne. Although His Majesty the Emperor is considered to be in his prime of life, there is still a long time before he abdicates.

But this kind of thing, no matter how early you can prepare for it.

If the first princess announces her withdrawal and assists Li Yuchen, it will undoubtedly be the greatest news for the Dongzhou faction.

Everyone's eyes turned in an instant, but Sheng Huaixuan remained calm.

He took a sip of tea, put down the cup seemingly calmly, raised his head, and looked directly into the eyes of the first princess.

"Is this what you mean?"


"What about princess pie?"

"I'm going to disband."

"What did Li Longxing say?"

"That's what my father meant."


"There are bigger reasons, but that kid is an unstable factor that should be eliminated."

"Why?" Sheng Huaixuan asked for the second time.

The first princess said seriously: "East Qinzhou must become stronger at all costs. Once there is a war, my father will push his plan."

The two fell silent at the same time.

After a while, the first princess smiled and said, "Uncle Shang also meant the same thing."

Sheng Huaixuan stopped talking, he stood up and said calmly: "I'm tired, Nopes, you can chair the next meeting."

After Sheng Huaixuan left, everyone surrounded the first princess, as if she was the new core.

Only Li Yuchen looked at the direction of Sheng Huaixuan's departure and remained silent for a long time.

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