Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 141 The Emperor of the Empire


Emperor Tower.


The sun shines into the window at a 35-degree angle.

Li Longxing became happy, which meant that something good happened today.


Sure enough, when he was sitting on the throne in the palace thinking about the egg, the voice of his precious daughter came back.

"Linyue, you are back, come to father's arms quickly."

The first princess, Li Linyue, seemed not to have heard his words, and said with a smile, "Uncle Sheng has agreed to the new plan."

"It's hard work, go take a bath and rest, the emperor will come to help you rub your back in person, okay?"

Li Linyue's smile seemed to be constant on her beautiful face, unchanged at all: "Several opponents of the highest military department of the empire have been instigated by me, and we will soon be able to master some troops in the central region."

"Oh, are you injured? Quickly, let father check your body."

Li Linyue frowned unconsciously, ruining her perfect expression.

She tried to discuss the issue in a serious manner, but Li Longxing's increasingly absurd and perverted words made her really unbearable, and her perfect etiquette also showed flaws.

In the end, he could only leave sadly.

After successfully driving away the first princess, Li Longxing changed into formal clothes and came to the highest meeting.

They were discussing military affairs, arguing fiercely, but Li Yongxing just wanted to sleep.

After a while, the question of Jieduquan came up.

Sure enough, the old boy Yu Zhongxian had bad intentions, and he proposed to directly take back the Jiedu power of the interesting new county chief of Changshan County.

Li Longxing didn't even say a word, and directly pressed the veto.

Jiedu power is regarded as an extension of imperial power, and the emperor has the power to veto its granting and deprivation.

This is also the reason why Sheng Huaixuan was able to have such a special power in the first place, other governors did not have this ability.

The eight elders did not speak on this issue, otherwise they would be bitten by the mad dog Senate.

Although the nobles, elders, and national pillars there have no real power, they are highly respected, so it is best not to touch this bad luck lightly.

Then there is the change of the signing right of the joint degree right.

Sheng Huaixuan strongly advocated the application for Lin Wen's Jieduquan. If Lin Wen's downfall proves that the Jieduquan was given to the wrong person, there will be heavy joint and several responsibilities, and the Supreme Council will have a lot of excuses to attack.

However, after changing the grantor to the headquarters of the empire, it became a grant after joint consultation. Even if something happened, the law would not blame the public.

Without this condition, it would be pure nonsense for them to demand that Changshan County be separated from the protection of East Qinzhou.

Then there is the issue of the administrative ownership of Changshan County.

All parties have reached an agreement on this, Sheng Huaixuan has acquiesced, and Yu Zhongxian has also acquiesced. Based on their different interests, the two parties have reached the same goal. It can only be said that the kid is too deadly.

but I like it.

Li Longxing had read the boy's actions more than a dozen times, and the detailed report on the new head of Changshan County handed in by the secret agent had become his favorite reading material in his spare time.

But that didn't stop him from casting a yes vote as the First Elder.

As a result, Changshan County became administratively independent and was no longer under the management of East Qinzhou.

As a rare independent county, its administrative management has been handed over to the Imperial Headquarters.

That is to say, in the future, every absurd thing that the new county chief does will be ruled by the headquarters of the empire. Sheng Huaixuan can no longer cover the sky with one hand and give him protection, favor and support without a bottom line.

He will face all the storms in the empire.

Good luck.

Next, Yu Zhongxian spread Lin Wen's black material at the Supreme Council of Elders.

The dispute at the joint meeting continued again.

In front of outsiders, the eight elders are one, but as long as they step into the high-level, they will know how serious the differences between the elders are.

After about three minutes, the four elders stopped the dispute.

"Since when did the Supreme Council of Elders actually discuss the issue of a county chief?"

"Aren't you concerned about the common people of the empire? Isn't it a way to reverse the decline of the empire?"

"A county sheriff is worth your time?"

"Leave it to the headquarters of the empire."

As the first elder, Li Longxing was in the same camp as the four great elders at this time, so he immediately interrupted: "No one in the Supreme Elder Council is allowed to interfere with this kind of matter."

"The supreme power of the empire should not be wasted on the fly."

"It is because the highest power intervenes in the low-level situation of the empire at will that the order is out of order and the situation is chaotic!"

This deep throat angle was perfect, and the thrust from His Majesty the Emperor immediately choked everyone. The four elders immediately agreed: "I agree with the opinion of the first elder!"

"This should form an iron law!"

"The empire does not allow this chaos to continue!"

"Supreme power is not allowed to be abused. This is destroying the sanctity of the empire!"

As referees, although the elders do not participate in actual affairs, they can create rules, explain rules, restrict players, and even replace players.

The first princess Li Linyue, who was sitting in the corner listening, was admiring and confused at the same time. She didn't understand why her wise and powerful father always looked abnormal in front of her, and he never discussed with her how to restore the glory of the empire.

And when it came to the Supreme Council of Elders, even though he was wearing all the shackles, he was still able to make a perfect attack in the gap.

This is what she has known since she was a child.

His Majesty the Supreme Emperor.

Therefore, Li Linyue has always believed in it.

As long as the father can rule the government.

The Empire will be great again.

And she will also become the queen regent of the next era of the empire, assisting her little brother to become the emperor of the empire, and bring the empire back to the peak of glory.


she secretly thought.

All obstacles to the expansion of imperial power must be removed.

No matter the cost.



When Lin Wen returned to Changshan County, his good relationship had already broken through the 4000 mark.

And it is still growing rapidly, and the second supernatural power is already in sight.

After scribbling over some conflicting state affairs and a few hapless ghosts the next day, the joint meeting quickly declared it over.

Lin Wen didn't pay attention to the estrangement of the officials of the Governor's Mansion, and he returned to Changshan County as soon as the meeting was over.

Qi Mu stayed here to continue to deal with recruitment-related matters, and Tian Jiajia and other newly promoted staff were responsible for assisting him.

Before leaving, Lin Wen had already seen the overwhelming advertisements in Yaojing Lingdu.

On the way back, there are large-scale beautiful photos of Yaojing Lingdu everywhere, all kinds of night scenes are too beautiful, with all kinds of elegant and beautiful words attached, a sense of nobility floating above the atmosphere blows over my face.

On the Internet, Yaojing Lingdu is also one step ahead of the world, and started crazy marketing. Almost all websites have received sponsorship fees from Du Changsheng, and started to advertise frantically.

"Yaojing's spiritual capital is far superior to Longjing's, so I don't need to explain."

"You are not human unless you have a spirit."

"Yaojing is the number one capital in the world."

All kinds of posts boasting about Yaojing Lingdu have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and without exception, they all have extremely high popularity, and without exception, they are all hung on the most prominent positions of various portal websites.

At the same time, Chang Sheng gritted his teeth and decided to take a bigger step. It doesn't matter if he pulls the balls, the worst is to cut him off forever.

So all of a sudden, all the banks, investment banks, lending institutions, and credit institutions in Yaojing Lingdu lowered their thresholds. In the past, even if you asked your grandpa to sue your grandma, you couldn’t squeeze out any loans.

As a result, Yao Jingling seemed to become rich overnight. Everyone waved their banknotes to buy things that they could not afford before. The market demand was extremely prosperous, and the economy rebounded rapidly.

Of course, Lin Wen hadn't had the chance to see this scene of burning oil and blooming flowers. He had already arrived in Changshan County and met the first batch of laborers who came over.

There were 16,000 people in total, 7,000 by land arrived first, and 9,000 by water arrived a day later.

Zhao Minggong newly established a Changshan County Labor Department, which is responsible for keeping in touch with the recruitment points far away in Lingdu, monitoring the transportation of laborers in real time, and taking care of them.

Every laborer who arrives will be given two sets of standard work clothes, two pieces of fragrant soap, a soft towel, enough cleaning supplies and labor protection supplies.

And experience, sulfur disinfection, collective bathing, and then formally entered the Ministry of Labor and became a laborer hired by the Changshan County Government Office.

The salary is 800 per month, and there are 5 days of vacation a month, which can be accumulated by self-arrangement, and there is money for overtime work, including food and housing.

Of course, according to the standard treatment published by the empire, the salary of Changshan County is far lower than this standard.

But for the laborers who come here, their income is already much higher than what they earned when they worked in Yaojing. Their average income is 500 yuan, and the highest is 1,000 yuan, but without food and lodging, they can’t save 300 yuan a month.

Those with an income of 500 yuan are even worse. They live next to the sewer sewage, do not have enough food and clothing, and are beaten and scolded at the same time.

Food and lodging included, 800 yuan, is their greatest wish, and they don't care about anything else.

This group of arrivals were all young and healthy men, and they were resettled in Qingze Township, six kilometers away from Huai Town.

Qingze Township has been abandoned for many years, and there are almost no houses that can be lived in. Mr. Zhao Minggong directly spent money to buy a large number of detachable temporary work sheds, and placed them here as temporary residences on the construction site.

One work shed can accommodate ten people. Zhao Minggong bought 5,000 of them in one go, plus various labor insurance supplies and daily necessities. Before construction started, he had already spent nearly 50 million.

Fortunately, Changshan County has money now, but it won't last long if it continues to spend like this, not to mention the biggest expense-salary.

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