Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 144 Speed ​​up

The next day, as soon as Lin Wen woke up, he went to the Security Section and the Supervision Office.

Jangsan County currently has two huge looming problems.

The first is money.

The second is the lack of qualified government officials.

As far as money was concerned, he had already had a bold plan.

Just waiting to be implemented.

The first step of the plan is the Public Security Section and the Supervisory Office, and the second step is Qin Luoshuang's Forbidden Curse Mage Group.

After the cleaning and management of Wolong some time ago, the security department has obviously improved a lot.

But the section chief and deputy section chief are still vacant, and the highest official of the security department is still the senior security officer Ma Baojia.

Lin Wen used [Immortal Guidance] to ask the most suitable section chief, and after blocking a series of candidates, the candidate he got turned out to be Ma Baojia.

This trash is the culprit who caused him a little bad luck last time. Lin Wen still remembers the bad things he did.

It seems that there are indeed no good talents.

After increasing the number of labor affairs, Wolong could no longer manage the security department. The 7,000 laborers transported by land today will arrive soon, and the resettlement task is extremely heavy.

Coupled with the management and work arrangements of more than 10,000 laborers, the affairs to be dealt with are simply piled up, which is daunting, and only Wolong can handle it.

You must know that human beings are not robots. Every individual has emotions, sorrows, joys, and different thoughts.

It doesn't mean that when an order is issued, people will execute it unconditionally. The result of rough management is confrontation and confrontation, and the subsequent development is violent resistance and force suppression.

The closest example is that the Locke Consortium hired people to dig coal. Because of the serious embezzlement and exploitation, the two sides had a long-standing grievance. After the conflict broke out, the "coal blacks" with three guns per capita rose up and revolted. As a result, they were beaten to death by the Locke Consortium's private soldiers.

For primitive accumulation, massacre is a good way to solve contradictions.

But in Lin Wen's place, whoever dares to do this kind of thing will be lighting the lamp in the toilet.

Therefore, this matter must be Wolong.

Therefore, new qualified candidates are the second biggest problem after money.

In desperation, Lin Wen could only ask Ma Baojia: "Do you know anyone who can be the section chief?"

Ma Baojia clapped his chest: "County Lin, I am the right candidate. I am the head of Hunyuan Thunderbolt, and my martial arts have reached a superb level. As long as I become the chief of the security department, I can guarantee that every security guard can easily suppress any criminals!"

He Baoguo, the No. 4 mid-level security officer next to him, had long been annoyed by seeing him, and immediately took out a photo, which was the photo of Ma Bao's family being knocked down by Yun Qingshui's punch outside the town.

"Mr. Ma, what's going on?"

Ma Baojia's face turned red all of a sudden, with blue veins bursting out on his forehead, he said angrily.

"I was careless and didn't dodge. This woman came prepared. She is a top expert known as the Taihu Flood Dragon. She has practiced Paiquan and Jieyun Kicks. She came to attack me when I was not prepared..."

"Hehe, why did I hear you say that she has a false name!"

"You fart! Don't talk about Wude!"

Lin Wen's head was about to crack, and he yelled, "Shut up!"

The two fell silent, but still stared at each other like fighting cocks.

"You guys must list ten candidates for section chief and deputy section chief within three days. If I eliminate all ten candidates, you will follow suit!"

After speaking, Lin Wen ignored them and turned to the Supervisory Office.

The Supervision Office is equivalent to an enhanced version of the Public Security Section, mainly responsible for major criminal cases.

Like the security department, the Supervisory Office has no director and deputy director, only Xu Kangxing, the chief eunuch, who is not worthy of a big job.

Lin Wen used [Looking at Qi and Watching People] to see that this person's black energy was already 20%, and then used [Ask Yu Tian] to ask him what he did in the past month.

Good guy, he got 560,000 yuan, slept with more than a dozen women, and gave their husbands a promotion and salary increase.

Lin Wen's face turned dark. He originally planned to put him away for a while, and if he passed the test like Fang Yaobo, he would be lifted up. Unexpectedly, he was also a bad guy.

Lin Wen immediately called Qin Luoshuang and Fang Yaobo, and he sat in the middle, with Qin Luoshuang and a group of KGB agents on the left, and Fang Yaobo and the judges of the trial court on the right.

Xu Kang was standing in the middle, his face was pale and his thighs were trembling.

Lin Wen said indifferently: "Tell me, what did you do and how much you got greedy."

Fortunately, Xu Kang was terrified by this battle, and he spoke out like beans in a bamboo tube.

Fang Yaobo's expression didn't change, he already had a sentence against humanity in his mouth, and he was waiting for his tongue to explode.

Qin Luoshuang's face was extremely gloomy. In addition to spies and counter-spies, the KGB's tasks were to eliminate spies in the county, protect the safety of important people in the county government hall, and also have the task of reconnaissance and surveillance of officials.

The Supervision Office is an extremely important law enforcement department in the county. The chief of such an important department is engaged in corruption transactions under her nose, but she doesn't know it. Doesn't this mean that her work has a huge loophole and is completely unqualified?

On the outside, Qin Luoshuang is cold and peaceful, but deep down, Qin Luoshuang is arrogant and conceited.

This stems from the environment she has been in for a long time. She has been far superior to her peers since she was a child. Her dazzling light can never be concealed. Even most adults cannot compare with her. Even in Song of the Sky, she is in the absolute core leadership position. She has always been extremely mean to those who are weaker than her.

In her eyes, apart from Lin Wen, only Wolong can catch her eyes, and the others are all chickens and dogs.

But now, a native chicken actually told her with practical actions that she was too conceited.

After Xu Kang finished speaking, Fang Yaobo immediately shouted: "Crime of anti-human corruption, bribery, and abuse of power! Arrest it!"

This charge is a bit long, but the logic is self-consistent. Obviously, Fang Yaobo has further evolved during this period of time.

Qin Luoshuang wanted to speak, but was stopped by Lin Wen. After Xu Kangxing and Fang Yaobo left, Lin Wen said: "This is the truth dug up by the Dragon Team, there is no need to investigate any more."

Qin Luoshuang nodded sadly.

Lin Wen noticed that Fengchu was a little depressed, so he held her hand and said with a smile: "Don't blame yourself, how can there be nothing foolproof? Besides, the KGB has not been established for a long time, and the number of people is small, so it's not surprising that there are occasional mistakes and omissions."

Qin Luoshuang struggled lightly, but Lin Wen didn't intend to let go, so she didn't move, and said in a low voice:

"When the county's financial crisis is resolved, I will go to the Imperial Martial Academy and the Imperial Police Academy to recruit some outstanding talents, and establish a special agent training department, a logistics department, an internal affairs department, and a personnel department. At the same time, I will refine the division of labor and standardize the process, so that the organization can get on the right track as soon as possible."

Lin Wen smiled and said: "That's right, but the top priority now is to establish the Forbidden Curse Mage Group as soon as possible. This is related to the income of Changshan County and cannot be delayed."

"I asked you to come here to temporarily place the Supervision Bureau under your management. You let the crows of the KGB lead the surveillance guards to catch tax evasion, smuggling and underground transactions as soon as possible. They must be thoroughly investigated, and every corner must not be let go."

"When the Forbidden Magic Mage Group is formally established, you will start to deal with illegal money-raising. Let me remind you first that the members of the Forbidden Magic Mage Group do not need particularly strong spy capabilities. What they need is firm belief and strong self-discipline, as well as keen insight and judgment."

"Can you understand?"

Qin Luoshuang's cheeks were slightly red, and she nodded.

Lin Wen let go of her hand and said with a smile, "Go."

Qin Luoshuang walked out of the office briskly, all the bad moods were suddenly swept away.

She didn't know why.

Next, Lin Wen went to the Finance Department and met with Lao Xie and Fang Weiwei who was monitoring him. Fortunately, nothing happened to them.

After carefully checking the accounts for a while.

Lin Wen asked: "Is there any income in Changshan County? Except for me and Qin Luoshuang's income."

For Lao Xie, dealing with the inspection is his top priority, and he has been preparing for it for a long time.

He immediately handed over a picture showing the income of Changshan County for the past two months.

I saw a pillar on the icon, and all the income came from County Chief Lin and Director Qin, and the rest of the small items could only be seen clearly with a magnifying glass.

In addition to hundreds of thousands of yuan in taxes, there are thousands of yuan in corporate profits.

Lin Wen asked as if he had discovered a treasure, "There are still companies in Changshan County?"

Old Xie said in surprise: "Yes, there are one forestry, two minerals, and two breeding companies, which are directly managed by the Imperial Assets Office of the County Government Office, and belong to Changshan County."

"There is also the tobacco and tea company, but its plantations have been flooded and it has declared bankruptcy."

Lin Wen nodded. He had a new plan in mind, but that was for the future.

Looking at the consumption table again, it is shocking. The first one is the labor plan, also known as the Changshan County Development Plan.

The plan has already spent 50 million yuan, and the budget for the next two months will be 1.5 billion yuan, including labor placement, food, medical care, wages, living supplies and labor protection supplies, as well as construction facilities and materials, etc.

After that, an average of 500-600 million yuan will be needed every month to maintain this huge workforce.

The second is to rebuild the home. Fortunately, the work is nearing completion, and the materials for reconstruction are basically ready, mainly food consumption.

For 300,000 victims, 1.2 million food expenses per day, plus some other living and medical supplies, do not exceed 1.5 million per day.

The third item is the great wasteland reclamation in Shangxi Town. There are currently 60,000 farmers, and Shangxi Town is almost overwhelmed.

Fortunately, under the leadership of Chen Xingtai, he organized some farmers to go to the mountains to log and hunt, and built houses in the town, planned the layout, established public facilities, and cleaned up the streets.

Its work is steady and orderly, the distribution is reasonable and efficient, and the results are outstanding, which greatly reduces the burden on the county hall. It is said that the whole town has taken on a new look.

The expenses are only 150,000 per day, mainly food, and some medicines, cold-proof materials, etc.

The fourth item is the daily expenses of Changshan County. There are hundreds of miscellaneous items, about 10 million a month.

The last three items add up to about 60 million a month.

There is 160 million on the book, which could have lasted for more than two months, but when the labor plan came up, half a month was not enough in an instant.

Money must be obtained as soon as possible.

Lin Wen was slightly anxious.

Yesterday, labor's good fortune income alone exceeded 70 points, plus the regular 30 points, Lin Wen got 100 points for a day without doing anything.

He has 4100 points.

Huge income brings huge burdens. If the funds are broken, the loss of good karma will make him feel heartbroken. If it brings bad karma, he will fall into endless hell.

This cannot be tolerated.

Must be hastened.

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