Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 145 Purifying the World's First Seed

On the third day, just as Lin Wen woke up, the situation suddenly changed.

The first is a letter from the headquarters of the empire, which arrived in Changshan County.

It was a letter sent by the Taxation Department of the Imperial Headquarters, which severely reprimanded Changshan County for tax evasion and tax evasion, and demanded that Changshan County immediately pay back the arrears of taxes totaling 571 million yuan.

Lao Xie was so frightened that he passed out on the spot. Lei Tiantong rushed back from the temporary headquarters in Changle Town to deal with this matter.

After carefully reading the letter, Lei Tiantong said: "In the letter, all the purchases of goods and materials purchased by Changshan County are counted as the income of Changshan County, and the tax of Changshan County is deduced based on this income, and according to this, a huge amount of tax has been generated. From a procedural point of view, there is no problem."

"However, our accounts cannot be checked by them. There are too many problems."


Lin Wen tore up the letter and sprinkled it casually.

"That's all, you go back to work."

Lei Tiantong went back with doubts about life.

After that, Changshan County suddenly received more than a dozen applications for transfer orders. Although they were only low-level officials, it was the first time that officials from other places were willing to be transferred to Changshan County.

"Maybe it's the same spy as last time."

Lin Wen thought to himself.

Lin Wen directly agreed to all transfer orders in the spirit of meat buns beating dogs.

At noon, many people suddenly came to the county government hall, claiming that they had come to seek refuge with Sheriff Lin.

Of course, the security office for such unknown persons rejected them, but they were quickly reprimanded by Lin Wen.

Lin Wen told them that if anyone wanted to come to see him, they would let him through. If he was not in the county hall, they should tell them that the county chief was there.

If they don't know the way, send them over.

If they don't want to come over, force them to come over.

However, Lin Wen emphasized that this privilege is only valid when seeing him.

The security guards at the security office were extremely depressed, where did they do this?

The sheriff is the governor of a place, so there is a reason to meet casually!

That way they won't even get a tip!

But the sheriff's order must not be disobeyed, so they let them go.

Originally thought that the spies were about to reap a wave of good luck happily, but Lin Wen opened the [Looking at the Qi and Watching People] and saw that this group of people was all extraordinary.

Although it is far inferior to Huang Mingxiao and others, let alone Wolong's level, it can be regarded as a usable talent.

The leader came up and bowed and said: "Hi, County Chief Lin, we are all from Longzhou. We had already resigned and returned home. After hearing about your deeds, we decided to join you."

"We already know that you save disaster victims, take in refugees, hire laborers, and provide relief to the poor. Therefore, we specially come here to invite you, hoping to work on the front line."

Another person stepped forward and said, "We are new here, and we have no proof, so we dare not ask County Chief Lin to believe us. We only ask for the hard work on the front line to be handed over to us, and we only want to work on the front line."

There is such a good thing?

Lin Wen simply couldn't wish for it. Just as the number of laborers increased rapidly, various related affairs were on the verge of collapse due to the extreme shortage of manpower.

Lin Wen immediately said: "Very good, you report to Deputy County Chief Zhao Minggong, and he will arrange for you to go to the front line to work."

At the same time, Wang Haoran, the head of the personnel department, was called to ask him to go through the entry procedures for this group of people immediately, and immediately give them all the treatment they deserve.

This group of people never expected that the legendary Sheriff Lin agreed in the blink of an eye. They thought it would take a lot of time and words. After all, a group of strangers came up and said that they would work in the county government office. Even if it is the most difficult and tiring job, it is not so easy, right?

And the meeting was also very strange. The sheriff spoke to them alone, without a secretary or entourage, and even let them in directly.

They had planned to wait until midnight at the gate of the County Hall.

This Changshan County is really weird everywhere. Could it be that this is the extraordinary thing about the legendary imperial hero?

Lin Wen sent away a batch, and soon another batch came.

This batch is from Yunzhou.

This group of people is much more gentle and elegant, and they have brought all kinds of documents. Almost all of them graduated from the first-class institutions of higher learning in the empire, and all of them have relevant work experience.

Like the previous batch of people, everyone is a talent.

The most important thing is that their weather is all white or cyan, almost no black air, and occasionally there is a little bit, which disappears in a blink of an eye.

Lin Wen once again approved the entry at the speed of light.

Section Chief Wang Haoran's jaw and wrist were about to be dislocated, but the order of the county chief must not be disobeyed, this person has the power of restraint.

It's the deputy county chief, so he mentioned it.

Now it's just a few ordinary staff members, so doesn't that mean that you will be hired as soon as you enter the job?

It's just that there were too many people at the moment, and the county chief urged him like a ghost, so he could only arrest the deputy section chief, Meng Bo, and then called a large number of personnel from the personnel department to go through the entry procedures on the spot.

This batch is not over yet, another batch is coming.

Lin Wen couldn't believe it, and thought to himself: "Could it be that my fairy identity was finally discovered by this world?"

I'm a little worried, the empire won't directly send troops to bombard him, right?

He is currently in a period of extremely high-speed growth of good fate, and it is expected that there will be a huge explosion in the future. These are all luck opportunities, at least he will not look for reincarnation opportunities until he has all the good fate.

But after a little questioning, it turned out that his heroic deeds had spread, and Yu Zhongxian seemed to have a deep reputation in the empire. Most of these people came for him to publicly attack Yu Zhongxian at the joint meeting.

This batch has not yet completed the formalities, and another batch has arrived.

This group is from Zhongzhou, and there are a lot of people. At a rough look, there are close to a hundred people.

Lin Wen swept out a few spies, a few moral delinquents, and some speculators, but most of them were usable talents.

There were nearly a hundred new recruits at once, and Lin Wen and the personnel in the personnel department were so busy that they couldn't keep their feet on the ground.

This busy work lasted until the evening, and there was an endless stream of people. The people who came to seek refuge were like ants attached to the mutton, but they were connected on the road.

Lin Wen's face was about to die from laughing. Just now he was worried about the lack of manpower, and Wolong couldn't take it easy. Now that so many outstanding talents have come, it is simply God's help.

Almost all defectors are resigned personnel, some have been fired or resigned voluntarily, and some have just resigned.

Except for a few speculators and spies, most of them are available talents, and there are also some mediocre talents. Lin Wen of these people stays in the county hall.

All available talents are sent to Wolong, and Wolong assigns tasks.

There are also some good talents and a few outstanding talents. Lin Wen specially wrote down their names, and then compiled a list and handed it to Wolong.

After all, Zhao Minggong does not have fairy eyes like him, and it takes a long time to recognize a person.

Lin Wen handed him the answer directly and asked him to focus on it, which can greatly improve efficiency.

Of course, their positions are the same, and everything still depends on their grades. It is not impossible for someone to suddenly change their fate and jump from a mediocrity to a genius.

Fang Yaobo is a typical positive example.

There are positive examples, and there are negative examples, [Looking at Qi and Watching People] can't be blindly believed.

One glance cannot see through a person.

But soon, Lin Wen was no longer happy to recruit so many people.

Because the staff of the county government office recruited by Yaojing Lingdu have arrived.

They come from waterways.

There are 9,000 people on the three ferries, all of whom are fresh graduates or students who have not graduated a few years ago. Wearing silver anchor badges and dragging their luggage, they disembark from the only pier in Changshan County.

There are men and women, all of them young and young, talking enthusiastically, and with the expectations of their parents, enthusiasm for future work and beautiful illusions about life, they set foot on this poor land.

Lin Wen's face suddenly fell to the ground. He had been busy all day, but he only recruited more than 500 people. Now 9,000 people came. The county hall must explode?

Moreover, Changshan County, as an area with an official count of 1.32 million people, has a maximum of 6,600 official government employees allowed by the county government office.

Those who are redundant can only be recruited as local positions.

The local system of posts refers to the increase of recruited staff due to local needs.

The difference between them and regular employees is that the wages are borne locally!

Previously, there were more than 4,000 official employees of the County Hall. After recruiting more than 500 people, the gap was only 2,000.

Now that 9,000 people have come down, it means that the wages of 7,000 people and the expenditure of all welfare benefits have to be paid by Lin Wen himself.

At the time of recruiting, the staff of the county government office set a salary of 1,200, which was the top salary for the newly recruited ordinary staff of the Changshan county government office.

What Lin Wen thought at the time was that the money was issued by the empire anyway, so don’t want it for nothing.

Now it's in my hands.

But it was impossible for Lin Wen to send them back.

This group of flowers that have just come out of the greenhouse should not be devastated by the storm as soon as they step into the society.

The huge differences in society and books will destroy their little innocence.


Lin Wen sneered.

But it's a monthly salary of 8.4 million, I can afford it!

Moreover, such a large number of fresh troops can completely form a new atmosphere and a new environment.

An environment that has not been polluted by the empire for the time being.

If they can stay pure and take root in Changshan County, they will be like alum thrown into muddy water, lotus growing in a sewage pond, and seeds buried in rotten soil.

The moment they spit out the buds, they will breathe in the stale air and breathe out the fresh air.


Healing the world begins with you!

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