Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 175 The Third Divine Ability

On the third day, a large force from the Imperial Supervision Department arrived.

In order to thoroughly find out the accounting problems of Changshan County, after a series of exchanges, the Imperial Audit and Supervision Department sent their most elite team and many auxiliary members, a total of 1681 people, to station in Changshan County.

For the profession of supervisor, this is an unimaginably large team.

As soon as he came in, the leader of the team, Xiang Tianhe, the deputy director of the Imperial Audit and Supervision Department, proudly announced that he would take over all the statistics and auditing work of Changshan County, and asked the Changshan County Statistics Bureau and the auditing department to cooperate unconditionally.

And announced that they will implement the most stringent review standards. In order to ensure real-time and credible data and ensure the full disclosure of the true situation of Changshan County, they will announce the output value of Changshan County to the empire once a week.

Lin Wen didn't pay attention at all, since the 1,681 people didn't need him to pay anyway, and Lao Xie secretly doubled the price of the food sold to the imperial inspection force by five times. A chicken leg with a little more pepper and tomato sauce dared to claim that it was the imperial capital's premium chicken leg, 30 yuan a piece, and no counter-offer was made.

The people from the Imperial Audit and Supervision Department are used to the prices in the imperial capital, and they don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. They just keep complaining about the inconvenience of the small place. There is nothing, and the food is not delicious.

They rented a building by themselves as their office, and they brought all the materials and tools with them except food.

As the elite team of the Imperial Headquarters, they quickly went through the preliminary preparations and started working.

All departments of the county government hall are ready to fight, and the heads of relevant departments such as Lao Xie are even more prepared for a full-scale confrontation.

But as the chief of Changshan County, Lin Wen not only didn't take them seriously, he was not even in Huai Town.

He went to Changle Town.

The first phase of home rebuilding is nearing completion.

The new home is built three kilometers west of Changle Town, with Changpai Village to the north, Niujiao Village to the west, and Changle Town to the east, covering an area of ​​18 square kilometers.

With the concerted efforts of more than 300,000 people, it took nearly three months to build more than 90,000 houses in this mountain and wasteland, excavate more than 5 million square meters of soil, establish a sewer system with a total length of more than 40 kilometers, and pre-buried more than 10,000 water pipes, wires and cables.

No one would believe it if they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes.

Today, Lin Wen came over, shoveled the last shovel of soil, and sealed the last cement sewer pipe with a diameter of 1.2 meters.

There was thunderous applause and cheers, and more than 300,000 people sang their favorite songs and came to the big battlefield outside the new town.

Here they will take the final step, distributing the fruits of their labor.


Looking back, the 90,000 houses are neat, beautiful, and neatly arranged in front of them. They are painted with white paint, covered with red tiles, and filled with bright glass, just like they dreamed.

Looking back on the past few months, everything really seemed like a dream. The flood came, the bad guys came, and Sheriff Lin came. Life has its ups and downs, just like a small boat in a big river.

Just three months ago, no one dared to say that they could build such a large and beautiful town from scratch in this barren land.

At that time their only wish was to live.

Now, not only are they alive, but they can live better, with a promising future.

I don't know who started it, everyone shouted together:

"Long live Sheriff Lin!"

The sound shook the mountains, and then the loud song "Power" sounded in the mountains outside the town.

On the battlefield, Fang Dashan led 3,000 soldiers to maintain order, and further ahead, there were more than 100 ballot boxes.

Disaster victims will be allocated houses by lottery on a family basis.

There are three types of houses in the town, a single-story large house of 100 square meters, a medium-sized house of 70 square meters, and a two-story small house of 60 square meters each.

Adult males are the main labor force and are the main contributors. There is a free quota of 50 square meters. Women are paid. They can make up the difference with a price of 100 yuan per square meter. If there is not enough money, arrears are allowed.

The entire house selection follows the principle of freedom, with more refunds and less compensation. For example, if a family has three adult men and they only choose a medium-sized house of 70 square meters, the county government will refund 8,000 yuan as compensation.

This is the fairest distribution method that Huang Mingxiao came up with after hard thinking and meditation. The victims can choose freely. Those who need space can choose a big house, those who need money can choose a small house, and those who want to be a facade on the street can choose a small building.

Any house has a built-in space. If you want to add a cover, it is very convenient and does not even affect the normal living.

This is also a wonderful design of the fairy scheme.

In the whole town, there are perfect remaining spaces everywhere, which will not affect the normal life and living, and at the same time, it is very convenient to expand.

The distribution in full swing continued until the evening. When the last victim happily took away the last 70-square-meter house, the entire resettlement work for the victims was announced to be successfully completed.

So far, the 300,000 disaster victims officially have a new home.

They are all from the dotted villages in the western part of Jangsan County, but because of the flood, they gathered together, endured hardships, resisted, worked together, and built their homes together. Emotionally speaking, this is a rare fate.

But objectively speaking, it was a rare opportunity. The flood destroyed the old order and gave Lin Wen a chance to establish a new order.

The development of the new town is expected to far exceed the countless scattered villages in the mountainous area. Its geographical pattern and layout will play a pivotal role in the development of Changshan County.

These are the hidden benefits brought by the immortal plan.

And this point, neither Lin Wen nor Huang Mingxiao realized it for the time being.

As night fell, Fang Dashan and the staff of the Department of Civil Affairs, who were full of emotions, also left. They still had some finishing work to do, and they also had to prepare for the second phase of expansion work in the future.

Huang Mingxiao didn't find Lin Wen, so he thought he had gone back long ago.

But he didn't expect Lin Wen to stay alone in the wilderness outside the town, laughing wildly in the bottomless darkness.

Of course, Lin Wen wasn't crazy, he really didn't expect that there would be so many good fortunes in rebuilding his home.

The moment the assignment ended, Lin Wen's eyes flashed a huge number that he had never seen before.

Good fate +6101.

The huge number was accompanied by a huge golden light, which not only blinded Lin Wen's kryptonite dog eyes, but also exploded his kryptonite primordial spirit.

When this heavy good fortune melted into his body, Lin Wen felt extremely fulfilled, and his spirit seemed to be broken into the void, and he became a fairy.

Good karma: 14501, bad karma: 239.


So many heavy good fortunes made Lin Wen feel like he was in a fairyland.

But the bad fate of 239 is very annoying, but it doesn't matter, as long as it takes time, it will always return to zero.

The gold and black characters disappeared into the void in an instant.

Another huge golden light spread out in front of his eyes.

The third supernatural power, open!

Just like last time, three lines of extremely dazzling golden text hovered in the midair surrounded by immortal energy.

【Hui Jian Slashing Thoughts】

Wisdom and supernatural powers.

There is no place for lovesickness, why does love seem ruthless,

Goodbye indefinitely, don't complain about the pain of parting.

You will have true love with any opposite sex who has a crush on you, and if you pour out the true love, you will gain a sliver of wisdom.

When you have one hundred strands of wisdom, you can fuse it into a wisdom sword. The wisdom sword ignores all defenses and directly causes damage to the spirit and primordial spirit.

The more wisdom thoughts that make up the wisdom sword, the stronger the wisdom sword.

If the true feelings are responded to, then there will be distracting thoughts, which will reduce the comprehension, and the influence time is determined by the comprehension.

【Half edge monasticism】

Karma supernatural powers.

The fragrance of the moon dew and the leaves of the osmanthus, the body is in the love.

The Tao is full of heaven, only half if there is a destiny.

Strengthen the induction of karma, and at the same time, the increase of the line of karma will strengthen the primordial spirit very slowly.

【Floating Life Without Sunny】

Divine powers.

The clouds are bright and dim, and the sun and the moon are shining.

Lovesickness is useless, only difference.

If there is a certain date, there will be all kinds of suffering.

There is no rain or sunshine, and it will always be there.

The lower the emotion, the darker the state of mind, the stronger the soul, and vice versa.

If the emotion collapses and the state of mind is disturbed, the primordial spirit will dissipate.


After watching the supernatural powers, Lin Wen's expression was quite exciting.

[Hui Jian Zhan Nian] It is clear that it is a huge pit.

Only those who are born with a dog-licking physique are suitable for use.

You must also be able to lick a good impression.

Only when you have a good impression, give your true feelings, and then be abandoned, can you get a sliver of wisdom.

In case of paying back the true feelings, there will be more distracting thoughts to reduce the comprehension.

Perhaps only a ten thousand year spare tire has become a master, can be competent for this supernatural power.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with Lin Wen.

The worst thing is that you can't even take the initiative to choose, as long as someone of the opposite sex has a good impression of you, your true feelings will come out.

This virtually added too many weaknesses, even if this Huijian is invincible, it cannot be used.

[Floating Life Without Sunshine] is also very pitiful.

Lin Wen studied it for a long time, and found that its essence is to make you sad and depressed, but not to collapse and give up on yourself.

Only by maintaining a state of mourning and not hurting can one be strengthened, otherwise it will be weakened.

This is completely opposite to Lin Wen's positive nature.

He has always been firmly moving towards the direction of slaughtering all immortals and dominating the world of cultivating immortals.

And he has always believed that with his aptitude, as long as he can reach the world of cultivating immortals, no matter how twists and turns the road is, he will eventually win.

Unless his Dao heart is shattered, this [Fu Sheng Wu Qing] is extremely poisonous to him.

[Half Edge Cultivation] Although the effect is not very obvious, it is the only choice after being ruled out, and it can strengthen the primordial spirit in the physical world. Although it is "extremely slow", it can be regarded as moving a little more than others when starting.

With his thoughts settled, Lin Wen's eyes were locked on [Half Fate Cultivation].

With a light touch of the mind, in an instant, the other two items disappeared into the void, and [Half Edge Cultivation] turned into a golden light and flew into the third item in the background of the supernatural power.

Beside [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] and [Yuankong], the words [Half Fate Cultivation] lit up.

At the same time, a line of tiny numbers on its right also emerged.


This means that the fourth magical power needs to be obtained after 20,000 points of good fortune.

Lin Wen looked at his 14501 good relationship and showed a happy smile.

However, he didn't notice that on the other side of the supernatural power, amidst the billowing black air, there was a line of pure black numbers, 1000, and under that, there was another line of vague numbers.


And at the top, his bad fate: 239.

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