Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 176 Have you ever seen Changshan County at four o'clock in the morning?

Supernatural powers return.

Lin Wen opened his eyes, and the world in front of him didn't seem to have changed.

I looked at my hands and jumped a bit, but I didn't feel the "response to karma".


Is this a pit?

Do I have to choose Huijian to kill Nian?

Although Lin Wen coveted the power of Hui Jian, but when he thought of choosing that supernatural power, he might pay hundreds of true feelings in an instant, and he felt shuddering.

After tossing for a while, I didn't feel any change.

"Maybe I haven't found a way to use it?"

Lin Wen thought to himself, but he couldn't find a better way in the dark, so he had to go back to Changle Town in a dull mood.

Outside Changle Town, thousands of soldiers and the staff of the Department of Civil Affairs are holding a bonfire banquet. Under the night sky, beside a dozen burning bonfires, some of them sing, some dance, and some wrestle. The atmosphere is intense.

On the bonfire, the rare large piece of barbecue was sizzling, and the aroma of the barbecue wafted from afar, which made Lin Wen, who had always eaten Xiuxian radish rice as his staple food, a little moved.

Lin Wen blended into it silently, quietly touched a piece of barbecue and gnawed fiercely.

The meat is fragrant and tender, Lin Wen has already gnawed all the bones clean in the blink of an eye

Someone handed him a bowl of wine, and Lin Wen drank it all in one gulp. The green wine entered his throat, sour and bitter, which aroused the lingering aftertaste of the barbecue even more, making his mouth watery, his lips and teeth fragrant, and his appetite increased.

Before he knew it, Lin Wen had eaten more than a dozen pieces of barbecue and drank more than a dozen bowls of wine. The concentration of green wine was not high, slightly higher than beer, but far lower than that of white wine. Although it tasted sour, it had a long aftertaste. It was the most popular wine among adult men in the empire.

When Lin Wen was drunk, Lin Wen got up and was about to solve his physical problems, when he turned around and saw the person who handed him the wine.

It was Bai girl.

This girl also drank a lot of wine, her little face was flushed, her eyes fluttered, and her eyebrows were smiling. Although she was still young, she was quite attractive to all living beings, especially her long snow-white hair and slightly red pupils. Under the bonfire at night, she had a strange charm.

She raised her head and drank another bowl of wine, turned her eyebrows and eyes, saw Lin Wen staring at her, and said with a smile: "Brother Lin, why are you looking at me? Do you want to have a baby with me?"

Lin Wen's face sank in an instant. This girl was originally a weird, courageous, and disobedient character.

After Bai Xiuyu recruited a lot of girls around her age in order to solve the problem of poor children, she immediately exposed her nature and became the king of children, leading a group of girls to run wild every day.

Not only was Bai Xiuyu out of control, but she didn't even listen to Lin Wen's words.

"Bai girl." Lin Wen reprimanded: "Why are you talking like this? Is this something girls can say?"

Bai Yatou wrinkled her nose, and said unhappily: "But if they say this, men will be happy."

Lin Wendao: "Your elder brother Lin is different."

She tilted her head, with half of her white hair hanging down: "What's the difference? Isn't Brother Lin a man?"

Lin Wen dissatisfied: "It's a special man!"

Bai girl: "Men who like men?"

Lin Wen said angrily, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll lock you up at home and won't let you go out to play."

Bai girl pursed her mouth, turned her head away unhappily, and drank alone.

But Lin Wen didn't look away, he stared at Bai girl's back without moving.

Of course, Lin Wen is not a pervert. Although the white girl is very suitable for the preferences of Lolicon and the two-dimensional dead house, it does not meet the preferences of Lin Wen.

The most basic requirement of the opposite sex that Lin Wen likes is to be able to fly with a sword. This alone eliminates 100% of the opposite sex in the physical world.

He stared at Bai girl because he found several bright red threads on Bai girl's body, which were connected to him.

They can't be touched, they can't be touched, but they move with them, and there is a shimmer of light on the thread, as if it is a spiritual thing.

If Lin Wen relaxes his mind and diverts his attention, they will disappear from his eyes. If Lin Wen concentrated his mind, they reappeared.

Looking carefully, I found that each bright red thread is composed of countless smaller red threads.

Each thinner line has a line of words:

The world of mortals will not change, the life of this life.

There is no doubt that this is the effect of [Half Fate Cultivation].

This line is the line of karma between Bai girl and him.


Lin Wen turned his head in an instant, and casually looked at a person in the field. Sure enough, upon closer inspection, there was a very thin line between that person and Lin Wen.

But this line is very thin, faintly visible, and there is only one word on the line.


Lin Wen was inspired and immediately understood the meaning of the word: he had a positive and beneficial influence on him.

That means……

Lin Wen instantly understood the operation method of the second half of the sentence in "Half Fate Cultivation":

As long as such lines of karma increase, his primordial spirit will strengthen!

The thick line of karma on Bai girl's body shows that as long as he does more good deeds and has a greater impact, there will be more lines of karma.

When multiple threads of cause and condition are tangled together, they become thicker.

The line of karma becomes thicker by increasing the number!


Lin Wen instantly felt his blood boil.

This shows that as long as he brings more benefits to more people, such lines of karma will increase, and his primordial spirit will continue to strengthen!

There is such a good thing?

Lin Wen's face was so full of laughter, how can he cultivate the primordial spirit while earning good fortune for nothing?

I am indeed worthy of being the king of multiple choice questions, the destined son of the world of cultivating immortals.

All of a sudden, the most correct and perfect answer was selected.

Haha, if the great immortal cultivators in the future know that I have such a chance, their faces will turn crooked with envy and jealousy.


Lin Wen didn't even have any physical problems on the spot, and drank dozens of bowls of wine in an instant, feeling that Dao Dao was already beckoning to him.

When I was flying like a celestial being, a little good fortune flew by in front of my eyes.

Lin Wen glanced at it, but suddenly couldn't move his eyes away.

For Lin Wen now, a little bit of good fortune is nothing, and it can pop up anytime, anywhere.

What made him unable to take his eyes off was that there was an extra line of small characters after this point of good fortune.

Good fate +1 (good deeds).


What does it mean?

Can I see the reason for my good karma?

Lin Wen immediately entered the system, looked up, and saw a row of numbers that appeared and disappeared under the golden number of good fortune at the top.

They are, in order:

+2 (punish evil and promote good)

+1 (inspiring)

+191 (Live and work in peace and contentment)

When Lin Wen was about to take a closer look, the number on the top line disappeared, and at the same time, a golden number floated in front of him.

Good fate +2 (punish evil and promote good)

The total good relationship has also become: 14504.

Lin Wen's mind turned very quickly, and he immediately understood: he can now see the good fate that is being settled, and he can know the reason for obtaining the good fate.

This +2 punishment of evil and promotion of good should be the death row prisoners that Fang Yaobo shot one after another.

The inspiration of +1 should be brought by his coming to participate in the completion ceremony of home reconstruction and attending the bonfire party together.

It is also very simple to verify this.

Lin Wen stood up straight away, took a loudspeaker, jumped to the largest bonfire in the middle, opened his seven orifices, and Lin Wen had a cross talk and break dance on the spot, instantly winning applause from all the audience.

Even Huang Mingxiao was so drunk that his face was flushed, he whistled furiously from the sidelines, and shouted loudly: "How coquettish!"

"Quick, go up to a beauty, don't let Sheriff Lin dance alone!"

With a whoosh, a large crowd rushed up, and the white girl took a step back, and was squeezed to the back where she couldn't even see the figure, and she yelled angrily: "You little dogs, how fast are you running!"

It is said to be beautiful, but in fact, a lot of men are also mixed in.

Lin Wen jumped onto a wooden box, Qiqiao Linglong shouted: "Everyone, don't worry, 1, 2, 3, come, jump with me!"

Thus, break dancing appeared in a different world in such a form.

Lin Wen is not a professional dancer, and he doesn't do difficult movements, so everyone can easily imitate them. Break dancing, a dance with strong rhythm, openness, visual restlessness, and inner emotional release, is very suitable for their current needs.

Everyone is in high spirits, immersed in the twisting of the limbs, and the joy is released in the air, forming a sea of ​​joy.

The bonfire party ended at 12 o'clock, and after Lin Wen went back to the house and lay down on the bed, a golden good fortune flew past his eyes.

Good fate +3 (inspiring)

Lin Wen clenched his fist.

Very good.

Not only did he gain 2 points of good fortune, but he also fully confirmed that he could indeed see the good fortune that was being settled.

Living and working in peace and contentment at +191 is actually the daily good fortune of Jangsan County.

This is the result of his governance of Jangsan County, and it is his good fortune to bring happiness and stability to the people of Jangsan County as the county governor.

And when Lin Wen inspected himself, apart from the countless connections with others, there were also several lines of karma and fate on his body that sank straight into the void.

On the largest line, there is a line of small characters: the duty of the sheriff.

Not only is this line the largest and thickest, but it is also shrouded in a part of illusory light.

These rays of light are slowly consolidating, making this line of responsibility even thicker.

Lin Wen knew very early on that, as the head of Changshan County, he was responsible for the greatest cause and effect in Changshan County.

As time goes by, his connection with Changshan County will become deeper and deeper. Sooner or later, all affairs in the county, all good and evil karma, will have a connection with him.

But now, only a part of the place affected by him is related to him.

But that day will come sooner or later.

This was originally Lin Wen's conjecture.

But now, this conjecture has been thoroughly proved, conclusively.

Changshan County is the land of his good fortune.

Lin Wen suddenly felt blood boiling all over his body, as if infinite power was burning.

the next day.

It's exactly 7 o'clock in the morning.

A huge golden good fortune flew past.

+191 (to live and work in peace and contentment).

Lin Wen jumped up from the bed in an instant.


Today, we must also work hard for the construction of Jangsan County.

Struggle for the modernization of Jangsan-gun!


Have you seen Changshan County at four o'clock in the morning?

You say you have seen it?



Lin Wen will never allow anyone to see it.

Except himself.

This is privilege.

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