
Gu Xuanli received bad news in the Governor's Mansion.

"What did you say? The entire guard group was wiped out? Shi Shuangyu lost contact? Didn't my Yuxiao army send someone to support them?"

Madman Qiao lowered his head, not daring to look at the governor.

"Well, governor, I just confirmed that the seventh regiment of the Yuxiao Army was ambushed by unknown forces on the way, the entire army was wiped out, and the regiment leader disappeared."


Gu Xuanli angrily swept down everything on all the tables.

"Trash! Trash! It's all trash!"

The governor's roar could be clearly heard even through the office door, and the officers, large and small, in the corridor shrank their heads, not daring to go in.

"I have said a hundred times to be cautious and careful in reconnaissance! The battle situation must be reported from time to time, and you have repeatedly violated my orders."

No one spoke in the corridor, only the crying of a few sister-in-laws and wives.

"The military has been holding me back for so many years, why can't you guys be smarter?"

It took a long time for the Governor's yelling to subside. This was not because he had lost his temper, but because he had received a new bad news.

"Wu Daxiong's entire army was wiped out? All the residents of Ningdu Town have run away?"

The governor's office was quiet for a while, and then a personal guard came out and shouted: "All officials above the county level, come in."

There was silence in the office, and it took a long time for Gu Dacheng, the governor's confidant, to break the silence.

"Governor, this must be the work of Changshan County. President Wu led the army to suppress the rebellion in Ningdu Town when he heard that there were bandits fighting against taxes."

"That's right, those gangsters were actually protected by Changshan County."

This opened the chatter box, and the subordinates poured black water on Changshan County in a hurry, including the rumor that Changshan County killed refugees deliberately spread by the council.

Gu Xuanli was silent for a moment, then asked: "Joe, can we find any evidence at the scene?"

Madman Qiao replied: "It's very difficult, Changshan County will not leave evidence to prove that they did it."

Gu Xuanli slapped the table with a sudden slap: "Isn't that pure nonsense? You said a lot of nonsense and useless nonsense. People want to come and go. Why did I raise you bunch of trash?"

Then there was another round of cursing, until a new news came.

"Xinghe warehouse and Nanxing warehouse were robbed! More than 4,000 tons of grain were lost!"

Gu Xuanli scolded angrily: "How dare you little bastard come to my place to rob..."

Zhang Shuangcheng, director of the state government office, suddenly yelled and interrupted the governor's words.

"I see!"

"Stinky boy, what do you know?" When Governor Gu got angry, the director didn't show any face.

Zhang Shuangcheng said loudly: "Governor, I heard that Changshan County has received many refugees..."

Fu Yixiu interrupted: "It's massacre!"

"...They have been buying a large amount of food from outside some time ago, but the purchase was later restricted by the empire. Maybe this is the reason why they attacked us."

Gu Xuanli suddenly understood: "You mean, they really took in a lot of refugees, and they couldn't buy food. There was no food in the county, so they had no choice but to come to me to grab food?"

Zhang Shuangcheng nodded: "That's right, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why they dared to commit crimes against the wind."

After saying this, everyone felt stunned, Madman Qiao asked, "But why does Changshan County accept so many refugees?"

"Joe," Gu Xuanli said with a smile, "You don't understand that, do you? He's trying to make money."

"Look, he took in a large number of refugees during the war and sheltered them from death. Did he protect the reputation of the empire and contribute to the empire? Did he do something to the people by saving so many people and feeding them? As long as the war is won, isn't this one of the many heroic, benevolent, and loving deeds of the empire?"

"Such a good deed, how can the elders not publicize it?"

"In this way, he is a county sheriff who doesn't want to shit, and he hasn't sent a single soldier. Didn't he also reap some of the fruits of victory?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone let out the voices of those who were shocked.

"Oh! Got it, got it!"

"So this is ah."

"That little bastard is really cunning."

"The governor is really astute!"

"Governor Gu is tall!"

"The governor is hard!"

Gu Xuanli's mood suddenly improved a lot, and he said with a smile: "Shuangcheng, speak out your thoughts."

Zhang Shuangcheng replied: "Yes, Your Excellency Governor." After a pause, he said:

"I think that four thousand tons of grain is not enough to alleviate the food crisis in Changshan County. They will definitely come again. We just need to wait and see, and we will definitely be able to catch them."

"That's right!" Crazy Qiao jumped up and said, "Not only will we rape them all, but we will also leave death certificates and sue him at the Supreme Council to see if the Great Elder skinned him!"

"Good!" Everyone clapped their hands together.

Fu Yixiu said: "Governor, Changshan County must still use smuggling to buy food, we might as well check their smuggling channels, maybe we will gain something."

This statement awakened the dreamer, and Gu Xuanli immediately ordered Song Ziyuan, chief of economy and logistics: "Immediately investigate all our smuggling channels, and all those involved in Changshan County will stop confessing."

Food is now a commodity in short supply. Despite the empire's best efforts to adjust, it still cannot resist the trend of rapid rise in food prices.

Almost everyone in the empire is hoarding food, which has exacerbated the rise in food prices.

Therefore, Shizhou, as the largest grain smuggler, can completely cut off the smuggling channels of Changshan County. Unless it offers a sky-high price, no one will take the risk of offending Shizhou to supply Changshan County.

After a while, Song Ziyuan really reported back: "Changshan County buys about 1,500 tons of grain through smuggling every day. I have cut off all channels. They are out of grain."

There was warm applause in the office, and those who didn't know thought that the Imperial War had been won.

It is rare for Gu Xuanli to have a happy day. Not only has Changshan County offended him many times, he is his mortal enemy, but also the mortal enemy of the Qin Group.

Getting rid of Changshan County is equivalent to getting closer to the Qin Group.

This is a great thing that kills two birds with one stone.

While Gu Xuanli was excited, he thought of his confidant's serious trouble.

Although Chuanluo County has been captured, Panwa County is still strong and cannot be attacked for a long time.

The most irritating thing is that the rebels have received assistance from unknown forces. Not only have a large amount of munitions flowed into their hands from unknown channels, but their battles have also become more organized and sophisticated, and even the regular imperial army cannot win.

"There's still too much waste!"

Gu Xuanli cursed angrily.


East Qinzhou.

Governor's Palace.

Sheng Huaixuan is listening to the report of Chief of Staff Ling Huayue.

"...It was a very beautiful battle of annihilation. The interval between the two battles was less than two hours. The Changshan County troops with a total strength of less than 1,200 troops wiped out the 4,000-strong security regiment. The 1,000-strong Shizhou Yuxiao Army Seventh Regiment captured at least 3,000 people. The head of the security regiment, Shi Shuangyu, was wounded and captured and brought back to Changshan County."

Sheng Huaixuan took a deep breath and surrounded himself in the smoke.

"That is to say, together with the joint regiment of more than 2,900 people before, Changshan County relied on more than 600 people and fought three consecutive battles to wipe out the enemy with a total strength of 8,000? Take more than 4,000 prisoners?"

Ling Huayue nodded: "That's right, Governor, we didn't see the whole battle process, but it's generally good."

"What about your evaluation?"

"First-class troops in combat, super-first-class tactics, and monster-like battlefield information and intelligence work."

Sheng Huaixuan nodded, and Ling Huayue sat down. Beside him, Nopes, Director of the State Council, Mei Xingan, Chief of Internal Affairs, Dong Qianwang, Ren Qingshan, the first and second commanders, and many confidant officials of the Governor's Mansion were all present.

State Hall Director Nopes stood up and set the tone for the whole thing.

"This is Shizhou's big defeat, our big victory."

Everyone applauded, and Li Yuchen, who was beside the governor, blushed and applauded with all his strength.

After the applause fell, Sheng Huaixuan said, "Have you investigated the movements of the New First Army in Shizhou?"

Mei Xinqian coughed a few times, and said with a smile: "The investigation has been clear, they want to ambush in Beishuangshan."

"Has the channel of Huaiyin River been opened?"

Ren Qingshan, the second commander who has returned to his original post, replied: "Report to the Governor, it has been cleared. The officials in the Huaiyin River area are colluding, greedy and lustful, and it is easy to handle."

"What about the other resistance groups?"

Nopes said: "The remnants of the Black Knife Society have followed Lin Wen to Changshan County, and their power in Shizhou has been completely wiped out."

Sheng Huaixuan wanted to ask again, but the Chief Secretary Cheng Hexin broke in.

"Mr. Shouren is here!" he shouted excitedly.

Everyone in the governor's office stood up at once, including Sheng Huaixuan. He strode out the door, smiled and held the hand of a middle-aged man in his forties outside the door.

"Mr. Shouren, I have been waiting for you for a long time, please come in."

The man smiled politely: "You're welcome, Governor Sheng, let's go in."


The moment he stepped through the door, everyone shouted.

"Welcome to the party, Mr. Chang Shouren is here."

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