"In modern warfare, what is fought is logistics, and what is fought is national power."

Emperor's Tower.

Li Longxing was sitting on the throne, the vast and tall palace was empty, only some minimalist facilities.

Bright sunlight shone in through the long windows, reflecting the palace brightly.

Brighter than the sun is the first princess sitting at the bottom.

Li Linyue.

Her makeup is exquisite, her long hair is rolled up, her snow-white jade neck is as elegant as a swan, and the crystal earrings sway gently on her perfect cheeks, reflecting thousands of brilliance.

With perfect, impeccable etiquette and posture, she listened to her father's speech.

"An earth-shattering conspiracy, a brilliant plan to win a battle, and those ancient military books do not exist here. The complete staff system and advanced reconnaissance technology have greatly reduced the space for conspiracy to exist."

"In war, the first is strategy, the second is tactics, the third is logistics, and the total is national strength."

"The reason why the empire is now in decline is due to excessive internal vain and internal friction, the national power is gradually declining, and it is no longer as strong as it used to be."

Li Linyue raised her head, the sun shone on her side face, making her skin as white as jade, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, making her look pitiful, no longer a strong posture outside.

"Father, how can we restore the national power of the empire?"

Li Longxing looked at her with a serious expression and cold eyes, without any father's love.

But Li Linyue thinks that this is the real father, the father who used to be glib, gibberish, extremely nasty when he saw her, and who must drive her away before he is willing to give up, is just a disguise.

But why her father pretended to be like this in front of her, she didn't think about it.

"Rinyue, it's not that simple to restore a huge empire to its national strength. The rule of law is clear, orderly, and the rule of law is fair. These are just the most basic conditions. We also need a new and thorough system to get rid of all rotten, backward, and dark things, and to sweep away the chronic diseases that have existed for 180 years."

Li Longxing looked at her, only to see the flush on his daughter's perfect face.

"You are quite right."

She tried her best to suppress her excitement and maintain perfect decorum.

"The empire needs a new system to ensure your only voice. The empire only needs one authority, just like the sky only needs one sun!"

"The chaos of the empire is due to the arrogance of these despicable people! They dared to stand shoulder to shoulder with the supreme emperor, and dared to restrict the supreme imperial power, resulting in disorder, disorder, despicable people prevailed, the virtuous people were unable to move an inch, the lawless people were rampant, and the laws of the empire were in vain."

"This is the culprit behind the decline and corruption of the empire, which is getting worse day by day."

"Only under the rule of an emperor who is supreme, holy, talented, virtuous, and wise, can the empire be rejuvenated!"

Li Longxing was extremely disappointed, he still had the last ray of hope, and asked:

"What do you think of the democratically elected parliamentary system?"

Li Linyue frowned slightly, but the disgust in her eyes couldn't be concealed, as if she saw poop while eating a sumptuous and delicious meal.

"Stupid rubbish system, ignorant pariahs who can't even understand a few trivial matters, how can they be qualified to talk about state affairs?"

Li Longxing was not interested in talking any further, he regained his cold expression, and said lightly: "I'm tired, you can go back."

Faced with her father's indifferent attitude, Li Linyue did not feel alienated at all. She bid farewell to her father with perfect etiquette, even some of the old empire's red tape.

Looking at the first princess who is far away, even in the empty palace, she must ensure perfect etiquette, and every step must show the nobility of the princess and the dignity of the royal family.

This is why she was praised as the most perfect princess in the history of the empire.

The number and quality of her suitors far surpassed that of the first princesses of all dynasties. If His Majesty the Emperor uses her for a marriage, at least one elder will have the strong support.

But Li Longxing knew that his education had failed completely.

Li Linyue used to be his favorite daughter. When she was 7 years old, that little princess who was carved in pink and jade, that innocent and romantic little girl, that little girl who would cry when a bird broke its wings, was always in Li Longxing's memory and never left.

It's a pity that the acquired environment has greatly changed her. Li Longxing was deeply involved in the vortex of struggle during that time. The throne of the emperor is not guaranteed, and there are many sidelines with legal support.

In order to take refuge, he sent his family out.

Many years later, when the political situation finally stabilized, Li Longxing brought them back. At that time, she had already become like this.

Li Longxing tried various methods, but he could never get back the innocent girl he once was.

What is in front of him now is a figure.

Even more frightening, is a childish character.

She is indeed very talented and understands people's hearts, but this does not prevent her from being naive in politics. She thought that she could complete the baptism of the empire by enlarging the princess party, a private party model, to the entire empire.

Li Longxing tried to educate her, but each time only ushered in a deeper disaster.

She regards forbearance as concession, death struggle as fighting, covenant as law, and seeking common ground while reserving differences as sole supremacy.

After causing several major disasters, Li Longxing never talked to her about any of these topics again.

But Li Linyue was always unwilling to leave without her father's teaching.

Li Longxing started talking nonsense to drive her away.

So much so that it became a habit to talk later, and I started talking nonsense in front of my wife and brothers.

For this reason, he was often beaten by his wife, so that Li Longxing missed the old emperor system a little bit.

Of course, this is just a thought.

The great emperor system of the old empire was a more backward and ignorant system. It tied the rise and fall of the world to the emperor. If the emperor was talented, the empire would naturally prosper once a thousand years, otherwise the empire would inevitably decline.

Most of the time, it will be the latter, which is already the consensus of the empire.

But now, due to the rapid expansion of imperial power, many people have shouted to be careful of the emperor.

Since the battle of Zezhou began and the empire fought three wars at the same time, the four elders judged that the empire was at the point of life and death. According to the highest sacred norms of the empire, they began to switch to a regular state and take over the power of the supreme ruler of the empire.

The empire went from being ruled by eight people, to being ruled by thirteen people, to being ruled by five people.

Li Longxing, the emperor and first elder of the empire, has also changed from a quasi-mascot to one of the actual rulers.

Later, with the support of the three pillars of the Senate, the thirteen elders, and many nobles, he formally performed the duties of the Grand Marshal of the Empire.

Since then, imperial power has reached its peak in nearly two decades.

Li Longxing took advantage of this opportunity, while dealing with state affairs, he was also quietly getting rid of the empire's shortcomings.

For example, change the news censorship system, stop threatening journalists and taking money to do things to a certain extent, increase channels for private feedback, strictly restrain governors and councils, and so on.

This is his last attempt at top-down reform.

If it can be successful.

Then, he and Sheng Huaixuan would not have to launch their thunderous plan, and the empire would be able to save many, many people from dying.

Li Longxing stood in front of the window, and the bright sunlight shot in at an angle of 75 degrees, making the part below his eyes submerged in the bright light.

The shadow of the window lattice covered his eyes, and he looked down from a height of 600 meters, everything in the imperial capital was still prosperous.

May this prosperity.

As I see it.


As soon as Lin Wen came to the river, he found [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] a slight phoenix cry.

But as soon as he stepped on the boat, the slight phoenix sound disappeared, and it returned once he stepped back.

Lin Wen thought for a while, the sound of the phoenix sound means a good relationship, stepping on it and disappearing means that if I get on the boat, I will lose a chance to get a good relationship?

So Lin Wen sneaked down while no one was paying attention, and stood by the river waiting.

As soon as the boat left, Lin Wen saw dozens of corpses floating down the river.

This is kindness?

Lin Wen glanced at his remaining 18% soul, and used [Fish and Water Blend].

Yuanshen remaining: 5%

He jumped into the river and swam to the corpse in the caress of the rapids.

After a little identification, the bodies were all dead.

Most of them were shot to death, and a few were also tortured. Their internal organs were ripped out, their eyes were gouged out, and their noses and ears were cut off.


Where does the dead come from? I can't come back from the dead.

[Back to Life] is the only spell in his spell list that is at the level of a true immortal, and the number is too black to read, so as not to be sad.

Is it to bury them?

Lin Wen wasn't quite sure that burial in the physical world was just a ritual, just to comfort the living, and wasn't water burial a burial?

But if the good fate is on his face and he doesn't go for it, then his surname will not be Lin.

After thinking about it, Lin Wen decided to take them ashore for burial.

He untied the weapon belt around his waist. The belt had several layers, which were used to insert different tactical weapons, and it stretched out very long.

After tying up all the corpses, Lin Wen dragged them ashore.

Just as he was about to find stones to build a simple grave for them, Lin Wen suddenly found a person spitting water.

not dead?

Lin Wen rushed up to touch it. His body was cold and his heartbeat was extremely weak. At first glance, he could easily think it was a dead person.

5% good fate is only enough for one 【Yang Zhi Gan Lu】.

Lin Wen immediately used the spell.

The invisible green light entered his body, his body temperature gradually recovered, the water in his lungs was coughed out, his breathing became steady, his heartbeat gradually increased, but he was still unconscious.

Save lives and heal the wounded, kindness +2

Although not many, Lin Wen will be very happy as long as there are more good karma.

After careful inspection again, he was indeed the only living person, so he stacked the corpses together, moved stones to build a simple tomb.

When he was about to go back, the phone in his arms rang.

Qin Luoshuang: "Lin Wen! Where did you go? Can you act together with everyone? At least let me know if you have any plans!"

Lin Wen was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he opened the exquisite heart with seven apertures, and only listened to it say:

"Tell you, you will be worried. If you don't tell you, you will be sad. The word love, the world..."

Qin Luoshuang has been fooled many times, and he knows that whenever Lin Wen's style changes suddenly, when he no longer speaks like a straight man of steel, but becomes pleasant to the ears, sweet and greasy, coquettish and artistic, he is just perfunctory her.

"Shut up!" She said angrily, "Now tell me where you are and what do you want to do?"

"I am far away from you, I want to enter your heart, but you closed the door and put me..."

Lin Wen wisely turned off the Qiqiao Linglong Heart. It seems that the heart has a limit, and it may not necessarily make people happy.

It should be because we have been together for too long, his attitude is always jumping back and forth, and the fool knows something is wrong.

Just before the phone exploded, Lin Wen said, "I saved a person not far from the boarding point. You can send a speedboat to pick me up."


There was a short answer on the phone.

After a moment of silence, the phone rang again.

"Lin Wen, in fact, you don't have to make me happy. It's just that when we act together, you'd better tell me if you want to act alone, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do things as a leader."

"Okay." Lin Wen replied.

"Also, if you are willing, I really think that you are actually quite suitable for Xia. Why don't you try her? I will guarantee that she won't run away."

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