Southeast of Shizhou.

Night fell.

More than 40,000 troops were all parked in the wilderness, surrounded by endless plains. They had already walked 20 kilometers, and they were still 30 kilometers away from the target town of Quzuo. They were taking a short rest.

"Five hours."

Fang Dashan said, with strong pride in his expression.

"We only have more than 10,000 veterans, and most of the remaining 30,000 soldiers have not received training for more than a week."

Yang Shaohu nodded.

"The formation is very neat, and the 20-kilometer field march did not damage the formation, nor did it fall behind. For a recruit, this is very remarkable."

He paused, and said: "The council also conducts militarized training, so that the soldiers can retain muscle memory after undergoing biochemical modification——according to their high standards, this team is also qualified."

Fang Dashan smiled and said, "Shaohu, it's not because you have a good source of soldiers. The refugees have traveled long distances to reach Changshan County, and have endured hardships. After your selection, the soldiers who joined are first-class in terms of physical and mental quality."

Yang Shaohu smiled, but did not respond to Fang Dashan's flattery.

Not far away, Qin Luoshuang was adjusting the reconnaissance strategy of the reconnaissance unit. Several reconnaissance company commanders surrounded her, constantly writing down her requirements.

There was no trace of fatigue in her expression, and the twenty-kilometer walk seemed to have no effect on her.

Lin Wen stood on the other side of the line, feeling very depressed.

As soon as he entered Shizhou, he added the long-stored cyan destiny star to [Body Without Colorful Phoenix].

[Body without colorful phoenix] has turned into a blue color, but this is just an ordinary enhancement. Compared with the previous super enhancement, there is no particularly huge change.

Lin Wen tried it, and sure enough, he didn't have such a miraculous function. He couldn't predict the distant future just by relying on imagination, nor could he look a thousand miles away and discover the fate of good and evil after a long distance.

Probably the early warning function is more sensitive.

Lin Wen glanced at his primordial spirit, 15% left.

It should be able to handle Qin Luoshuang's slight squeeze once or twice.

It is estimated that the question of major squeeze will not work.

However, since it was the best route established based on Lin Wen's intelligence, it bypassed all villages, towns and military camps, and did not encounter any enemies along the way.

Generally speaking, everything is going well so far, and there is no time to use spells.

Lin Wen thought for a while, and said to Qin Luoshuang, "I'll go out and do some reconnaissance."

Qin Luoshuang directly refused.

"How can there be any reason for the commander-in-chief to conduct reconnaissance himself?"

Lin Wen said, "I have special scouting skills."

Hearing the word special, Qin Luoshuang hesitated for a moment, remembering all the incredible miracles on Lin Wen, and agreed.

"Okay, but make sure you stay in touch with me, and don't stray too far from the main force."


After a while, the team finished repairing and set off again, planning to arrive at Quzuo Town before dawn.



cage town.

The Second Yuxiao Legion is stationed here.

Wang Jing, the commander of the Second Yuxiao Legion, is a devout believer of the Zhoutian God Sect. He governs the army with "integrity", emphasizes "integrity and dedication", and is determined to be "loyalty".

Therefore, he was re-used by the governor, and was specially appointed to trap and wipe out the invading enemies of Changshan County, and asked to find evidence to thoroughly confirm this matter.

For this reason, they specially came to Cage Town to station. It extends in all directions and overlooks all paths in the direction of Changshan County.

Tonight is also a quiet night.

Wang Jing came out of the Qunfang Building, and conveniently touched a golden hairpin from the counter into his sleeve. His movements were sophisticated and smooth, and the old bustards didn't notice it.

"Tonight, another prostitute."

Wang Jing looked at the moon, the moon was hazy, the mist was light, and the stars were sparse and clear.

He started to do a fortune telling.

"Well, the astrology is clear, the moon palace is not cold, nothing happened tonight, peace."

He walked into a barbecue stand not far away.

"Boss, here are ten catties of kidneys and ten catties of leeks."

The boss glanced at him: "Can you finish eating?"

Wang Jing smiled slightly: "I can't finish eating and pack." He handed over a piece of fake money, the boss looked carefully for a long time, and was still fooled.

While he was enjoying himself for free, the personal guards broke in and shouted, "League Commander! I finally found you! There is an urgent military situation! I, we..."

He took a deep breath, "We found an unknown army moving west along the Jiajia River to Benzhi County!"

Wang Jing stood up and walked out quickly.

"how many people?"

The personal guard followed closely: "It is not clear in the dark night, there are at least ten thousand people."

Wang Jingjing nodded: "It seems that as the governor expected, Changshan County really couldn't hold back and took the bait."

Although the military situation is urgent, he still maintains a calm demeanor.

"I'm rushing back to the headquarters now, you go and pack my waist."


The Second Yuxiao Legion assembled quickly, and Wang Jing sent three elite mechanized divisions to pursue the Changshan County army as the vanguard.

Their mission is to bite the enemy, waiting for the follow-up army to come.

But the commanders of the three divisions didn't think so. They thought they could defeat the enemy by surprise and win.

In their eyes, Changshan County is a poor and primitive area. The army there is probably not as strong as an army with mud legs.

And they are a fully mechanized army, one of the best elites in Shizhou, defeating an army composed of poor ghosts, wouldn't that be easy?

"This credit is mine!"

The commanders of the three divisions all thought of this, and rushed to Benzhi County with full horsepower.

What they didn't realize, though, was that the enemy had spotted them at the same time they had spotted them.

Although Lin Wen didn't have an infrared imager, and didn't turn on [No Eyes and Brightness], but the moment the enemy saw him, the enhanced [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] gave a warning.

This warning is a mixture of feelings, not purely good, evil, or dangerous.

Clearly, it portends an uncertain battle to come.

"It really didn't disappoint me."

Lin Wen thought to himself.

"The next step is to crush you severely, and you will take revenge on me even more viciously."

"Moreover, we must minimize our losses, otherwise I am incompetent as the sheriff."

"Hmph, let me show you my ability to support 1,900 gold medals. After a peak game, the opponent directly paid me 200 yuan. This kind of bastard spirit is rare in the world."

Lin Wen immediately reported the news to Qin Luoshuang.

The troops immediately made adjustments. Fang Dashan led the first army to fight in the front, Yang Shaohu led the second army to outflank from the rear, and the human security army prepared to attack from the side.

At this time, the night was fading and the sky was getting brighter. Lin Wen stood on a small mountain, opened the [Thousand Miles Eye], looked in all directions, and reported any information he got to Qin Luoshuang, Yang Shaohu and Fang Dashan.

Also use [Heavenly Ear Technique] to monitor sounds from all directions.

Coupled with the enhanced [Body Without Colorful Phoenix], Lin Wen's reconnaissance function has surpassed the Global Hawk at this moment, which is equivalent to a human full-power barrier-free phased array radar.

Soon, Lin Wen heard the roar of vehicles coming from the wind on the right front.

He immediately turned his gaze, and saw a large number of off-road vehicles and personnel carriers roaring towards them from the low-lying plain seventy kilometers away.

At the same time, he discovered that there were enemies 130 kilometers away in another direction.

Not long after, another group of enemies was found 170 kilometers away.

A total of three groups of enemy troops attacked them from three different directions.

Lin Wen immediately reported the news to the three commanders.

After a brief discussion, the army made corresponding changes and decided to eliminate the nearest unit first.

Yang Shaohu continued to attack from behind, Fang Dashan made a pocket formation, Qin Luoshuang repeated his old trick, and planted booby traps at some key locations.

Booby traps, deceptive landmines that can be deployed quickly, are her favorite tactical weapon, and all her agents keep a good stock of them.

During this expedition, Qin Luoshuang took out all her family assets.

After the booby traps are deployed, the encirclement circle is set up, and the only way for the enemy to be wiped out is left.

Lin Wen reported all the movements of the enemy army throughout the process. Fang Dashan chose an appropriate time to attack brazenly.

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