As soon as the First Mechanized Division stepped out of the low-lying plain, it was hit head-on.

They rushed here without any reconnaissance troops. The first army led by Fang Dashan was a team of all veterans, knowing that the louder the drums and hammers, the better. The first wave of attack used all the cluster bazookas and mortars seized from the giants.

In an instant, the roar of the cannon resounded throughout the world, and the overwhelming rockets rushed towards the troop transport trucks and off-road vehicles that were still in the lowlands like a beautiful fire net.

The 120mm artillery shell exploded in the convoy, like a spring thunder being thrown into the ant pile, and the sky was full of blown vehicles.

The rockets are like a 10,000-ring firecracker, blowing up the ants all over the ground.

Flames and thick smoke completely covered the battlefield. A cluster rocket has eleven warheads, and a hundred rocket launchers fired eleven hundred warheads.

Such ferocious firepower completely destroyed the enemy's will to resist.

The weapons of these giant troops are really too powerful. After a long period of training, Fang Dashan finally fully mastered the usage of these inhuman weapons.

This time was an excellent actual combat exercise. In the first round of attack alone, more than 80% of the enemy's vanguard was destroyed.

Fang Dashan waved his hand, and the machine gunner, who had already been unable to restrain himself, opened fire immediately.

In order to conceal, these cannons originally used by armed helicopters were removed from the off-road vehicle and supported on the ground with a weapon rack. When it fired, the 20mm armor-piercing bullets were like a wind of death, destroying all targets it touched.

The steel plate was cut across, the bones were flying and the flesh was scattered, and no bunkers would work.

The enemy troops behind were scared out of their wits, and some off-road vehicles turned around and ran away. The troop transport truck was too big to turn, so the soldiers and drivers abandoned their vehicles and fled.

But Yang Shaohu had already circled to the rear, blocking their retreat.

Although Yang Shaohu led all recruits, they only had rifles and grenades, and no giant weapons, but they occupied a favorable terrain, fought from high to low, and had a large number of people.

The first division commander was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Knowing that he was in an ambush, he could only order the remnants to break out from both sides, but was blown up by landmines.

At this time, the human security forces rushed up from the side again, Xu Chaogong took the lead, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha! Cheng Qing, I didn't expect that! I, Xu Chaogong, are back!"

The division commander Cheng Qing was so angry when he saw it, he shouted angrily: "So it's you! Xu Chaogong, you are a small regiment leader, you are not worthy of licking my ass, and you dare to betray Governor Gu!"

Xu Chaogong was furious: "Prisoners under the rank, dare to talk! Brothers, kill them!" He led the army to attack.

What he is best at is beating dogs in the water. He and his subordinates can exert tons of fighting power in any battle where the more bully the less and the strong bully the weak.

Not to be outdone, the other four regiment leaders fought bravely and strived for more military exploits.

According to the agreement Lin Wen gave to the Human Security Army, killing an enemy will earn 10 points of combat merit, and if he wins a battle, each person will gain 500 points of combat merit. If he wins a big victory, he will earn 1,000 points of military merit.

Every point of military exploits can deduct one hundred yuan.

According to this speed, the debt of 1 million will be paid off soon, and the debt of the head of the 100 million will not be too long.

After paying off the arrears, the brothers will soon be able to make a fortune.

But they still don't know that the withdrawal of military achievements is only one-tenth of the price. Lin Wen wrote the line of the contract in an inconspicuous place in extremely small characters, and they didn't see it.

Since being captured, they have received very good treatment in Changshan County compared to Shizhou, which made them believe that Lin Wen, the county chief, is a pure and good person and will not deceive them.

The teacher, Cheng Qing, was startled and angry, and shouted: "Li Changsheng, Hu Ming, you, you all turned out to be traitors! I'm fighting with you today! Ah, Shi... Shi Shuangyu? Aren't you Governor Gu's favorite student? Why, why, you surrendered too?"

Shi Shuangyu sneered, without answering, and led the army to grab the military exploits.

"Don't! Stop fighting, I surrender! I surrender!"

"Hurry up, put down your weapons, those who don't want to die, put down your weapons! You guys, hit those with guns, we are good people!"

The battle was over in less than thirty minutes.

They didn't have time to clean up the battlefield, so they only sent some people to hold the prisoners, and the rest immediately went into the second battle.

Under Lin Wen's full notification, the second mechanic fell into the same situation. The vanguard suffered heavy artillery fire, the rear was blocked, and there were booby traps on the side. Finally, they were severely beaten by the human security forces.

When they saw Xu Chaogong, Shi Shuangyu, Cheng Qing and others, they had no choice but to surrender.

The third mechanic was not so lucky. They discovered something was wrong and started a fierce exchange of fire with Fang Dashan. However, the firepower of the two sides was too far apart, and they were outflanked by Yang Shaohu.

All three vanguard divisions were wiped out.

At this time, the second Shizhou Yuxiao Legion had just assembled and was rushing towards Quzuo Town.

When the bad news came, Wang Jing, the head of the army, couldn't believe it. His first reaction was: "Governor Gu tricked me!"

The head of the regiment and the teacher under him also have the same idea.

"Legion Commander, Governor Gu's doing this is too dishonest, right? Changshan County is so strong, but the Governor's Mansion doesn't tell us!"

"Three mechanized divisions, how long has it been? If you don't have it for three hours, the whole army has been wiped out."

"But the Governor's Mansion says they are a gang of mobs who just want the brothers to die!"

Wang Jing yelled: "Shut up!" His subordinates quieted down. After a while, the governor's mansion called.

Wang Jingshen took a deep breath and answered the phone: "Governor Gu, hello."

After a while, Wang Jing hung up the phone with a livid face.

Many subordinates surrounded him.

"Legion commander, what did the governor say?"

Wang Jing sighed: "Ask me why I didn't set off with the whole army? Is it because I took black money from Changshan County by sending away three mechanized divisions for nothing? I am strictly ordered to set off with the whole army immediately and block the Changshan Army in Shizhou. I also need to pay attention to preserving the iron evidence of Changshan County's invasion."

The subordinates all showed injustice: "It's too much!"

"Legion Commander, we can't go anymore!"

At this time, another call came from the Shizhou State Government Office, asking him to immediately support Quzuo Town. The Changshan Army had taken down the Quzuo Town's granary and was transporting grain there.

The wording of the phone call was very harsh, and Wang Jing sighed and said, "Brothers, it's okay if you don't go, but we don't really call, so let's pretend to be far away. After all, we are brothers of the empire, so why kill each other."

Everyone has no other way.

After all, you can't really tear yourself apart with the governor.

Therefore, the Second Yuxiao Legion did not delay any longer, and quickly packed up and set off for Quzuo Town.


After the victory, Fang Dashan and Yang Shaohu quickly cleaned up the battlefield. Although the fighting time was short, they gained a lot.

A total of more than 2,000 intact off-road vehicles, 130 trucks, countless other firearms and ammunition were seized, and more than 6,000 people were captured.

After cleaning the battlefield, the whole army set off quickly and arrived at Quzuo Town before noon.

This is a town located in the south of Shizhou, surrounded by vast and fertile plains, and it is one of the important grain-producing areas of Shizhou.

And Quzuo Town is one of the few towns in the south that has a railway. Because it is convenient for smuggling, most of the dignitaries in Shizhou store their private food here.

Fang Dashan ordered the soldiers to complete the last repair, and then the whole army assaulted, but Quzuo Town had been warned long ago, and the governor personally called and ordered them to strictly guard.

So, everyone ran away immediately, without time to get anything, and some didn't even wear clothes.

Everyone knows that the governor personally called to indicate that the enemy is very strong.

Why don't you run away and stay where you are and wait to die?

So, when Lin Wen entered the town, what he saw was an empty town.

"I haven't seen much in battle, but escape is first-class." Lin Wen was not very happy.

Fang Dashan was very happy: "Our reputation is so loud!"

Qin Luoshuang reminded: "We are the Golan Baath Party now, don't make mistakes when shouting slogans later."

"Yes, yes, Chief of Staff, I remember, the heavens are dead, Ge Lanxing, for the sake of Xintu, go!"

Yang Shaohu was restraining the soldiers: "All the confiscated trophies must be handed over. Anyone who keeps them privately is violating discipline."

They quickly found the granary, and the soldiers broke down the gate and began loading grain into the trucks.

Yang Shaohu quickly completed the estimate.

"Most of it is flour. There are 26 warehouses. It is estimated that there are about 1.4 million bags, which is 140,000 tons. The other part is wheat, which is also about 10,000 tons."

Qin Luoshuang asked: "Do we have enough capacity?"

Yang Shaohu calculated: "We drove 150 trucks ourselves, captured 130 trucks, and more than 2,000 off-road vehicles, which can transport about 6,000 tons at a time, and need to go back and forth 24 times."

"Twenty-four times?" Fang Dashan asked, "How long will it take?"

Yang Shaohu said: "It's 50 kilometers away from our cargo ship's mooring point. One round trip is 100 kilometers. Not counting loading and unloading, it takes at least two hours, and actually at least three hours. We need seventy-two hours, that is, three days," Yang Shaohu said.

"Three days?" Fang Dashan was surprised, "Are we going to stay here for three days?"

"Three days is three days."

Lin Wen made a final decision.

"We stayed here for three days and emptied their warehouses, just in time for military training."

Qin Luoshuang didn't speak, she was already thinking about the arrangement of sticking to it for three days.

These three days were fought in enemy territory, and the 50-kilometer transportation line had to be protected, and the camouflage would easily reveal more flaws.

In short, many difficulties.

But with 150,000 tons of grain in sight, it was impossible to give up.

Flour is the best food raw material for human beings and can make many different kinds of food. If it can be matched with other foods, it will be even more.

140,000 tons of flour and 10,000 tons of wheat, with a little saving, can feed 10 million people for a month.

"I have to think of a way to drag Shi Zhou."

Qin Luoshuang began to contact the various secret service teams that had infiltrated Shizhou, hoping that they would create enough trouble.

Fang Dashan is organizing soldiers to carry flour, and at the same time is preparing to divide troops to protect the transportation line.

Yang Shaohu got in touch with Zhao Minggong, hoping that the county government office can send a large number of labor and staff to support, and be prepared to receive a large amount of flour, so as to improve the transportation efficiency as much as possible.

But it is impossible for laborers to come to Quzuo Town, and there is a shortage of manpower.

Therefore, Yang Shaohu tried to recruit prisoners directly on the battlefield. He expected that it would be very difficult, but he didn't expect that the two division commanders hugged his thigh and cried to take him in before he could speak.

After asking, they found out that Wang Jing, the head of their army, had publicly published an obituary on all the radio stations in Shizhou that the three divisions had died fighting bravely with the bandits who invaded Shizhou.

As soon as the obituary was issued, the living were all dead, and they could no longer go back.

Yang Shaohu found it difficult to understand that the council would not do such a thing. They usually execute the losers directly, or turn people into biochemical weapons.

He didn't think about it, so he didn't bother to think about it. Now that there is a shortage of people, he immediately recruited the six thousand people and reorganized them into teams. The two division commanders were appointed as the sixth and seventh regiment commanders according to the surrender time.

Xu Chaogong, who became the first group leader based on seniority, almost burst into laughter.

Sure enough, the sooner you surrender, the better it is. It's really refreshing to see the former high-ranking teacher's decline under his hands.

When he thought that he was just a low-level regiment leader, but now he was ranked first in the powerful human security army, he felt a sense of superiority.

Hahaha, that's the thing.

Xu Chaogong thought happily.

Who told me to judge the situation the fastest, and was the first to surrender when everyone didn't react, and only then did I get the position of the first regiment leader.

Sure enough, the only way to have a future is to follow Sheriff Lin.

The person surnamed Gu is a piece of trash, and he doesn't even know such an outstanding talent as Lao Tzu.

How many battles have I won since I changed my family?


At this time, Lin Wen happened to walk in front of him,

Overjoyed, he roared: "I wish County Chief Lin a long life, longer than Nanshan!"

Lin Wen's face darkened instantly.

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