Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 300 The Storm of the Empire

Recently, the situation in the empire has calmed down a bit, and the empire's external wars on three fronts have all entered a stalemate.

During the war with the Papal State on the southern front, there was continuous autumn rain in Zezhou, and the roads were muddy. Both sides dug deep trenches and avoided fighting. The empire needed time to produce arms.

The Papal State needs time to gather untouchable cannon fodder.

The empire's strict internal control also played a role. The governors of all places acted cautiously, and the usually arrogant and domineering councils, nobles, and lords all put away their dog paws.

The Great Elder agreed with Li Longxing's plan of "extraordinary times and extraordinary management" and agreed with Li Longxing's principle that "there is only one voice in the empire, and that is the voice of the Supreme Council".

Under such management, the empire's economy unexpectedly rose slightly, which surprised the experts who predicted the imminent collapse of the empire's economy, and the voices of opponents disappeared without a trace.

Right now, there is no major news in the empire, and it is as calm as a windless lake.

Although the undercurrent is still raging under the surface of the lake, most of the trickle has subsided.

Under such circumstances, the secret war between Shizhou and Changshan County became the only big news, attracting the attention of most of the upper echelons of the empire.

"This kind of handicap empire has rarely opened in recent years."

Zhao Chaoyang, governor of Yunzhou, sighed.

"It's harmful to the authority of the Supreme Council. It's absurd that a region within a country can openly fight each other."

Xu Chengfeng, the head of the headquarters, also sighed.

"This shows that the highest level has concerns and is unwilling to cause internal conflicts at the moment, so they use the method of passing on the conflicts to make them self-determination, but they don't know that this is more damage, and it is really drinking poison to quench their thirst."

Old friend Li Changsheng picked up a bowl of green wine and drank it down in one gulp, his sad expression could be seen at a glance.

Zhao Chaoyang suddenly said, "How about we place a bet too?"

Xu Chengfeng was taken aback: "Shall we go too?"

Li Changsheng gave them a drunken look: "Who are we going to marry?"

"Of course it's the kid from Changshan County."

"Go to the virtual market?" Xu Chengfeng asked tentatively, but he knew it was impossible.

The virtual market refers to the handicap opened by a gambling company with an imperial background, betting on whoever loses and who wins. The current odds between Shizhou and Changshan County are 15,600 to 1.

With their rank, it is not enough to make a false offer, but it must be a firm offer.

The real offer is the real handicap, which is equivalent to the highest meeting. The betting method is to directly assist the two parties participating in the war, in order to obtain benefits after the war is over.

It's like a proxy war.

This is why they find it ridiculous-a proxy war can be carried out within the empire?

Zhao Chaoyang smiled and said, "Of course it's a firm offer!"

The other two old friends suddenly sobered up.

They looked at each other, "But, Old Zhao, will this cause trouble?"

"Will they think that we have something to do with Changshan County?"

Zhao Chaoyang patted his thigh: "Have you forgotten how heroic we were when we wrote "Book of Empire: Biography of Lin Wen"?"

With this said, the three of them gradually became enthusiastic.

The green wine on the stove was already hot, and the three of them drank a bowl with each other, and after drinking the hot wine, their pride surged.

"As long as you help me, I'm afraid of an egg!"

"That's right, we're just placing a bet, so no gamblers are allowed to bet big?"

"Yes, yes, we are simply betting. We just want to find another way to make a big fortune with a small one."

"Then what do we aid?" Xu Chengfeng, the head of the Ministry, raised a key question.

Governor Zhao Chaoyang of Yunzhou thought for a while, and said: "Changshan County is going to fight, of course it is reinforcements and ammunition. I happen to have a batch of scrapped Xiaoying-10 helicopters, so I will give them to him!"

Southern Army Commander Li Changsheng slapped his thigh: "Great, I happen to have a batch of Type 58 tanks that are about to be scrapped, let's help him too!"

Minister Xu Chengfeng said distressedly: "I don't have any ammunition assistance."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed, and he laughed and said, "Hahahaha, although I don't have arms, I can provide subsidies. Changshan County has accepted 8 million refugees. According to Article 137 of the "Empire Emergency Management Law", the empire is obliged to provide humanitarian assistance to areas hosting refugees. For 8 million people, I can provide 8 billion yuan!"

"Hey, wake up, your plan won't pass, even if it passes, the Supreme Council will immediately reject it."

Xu Chengfeng sneered and said, "You underestimate me, the Minister of Civil Affairs of the Empire, money needs to be approved, materials need to be reviewed, but water is not needed!"

"I donate 8 billion tons of pure water to Changshan County!"

With a puff, the two spat out the wine.

They looked at each other and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Haha, okay, that's it!"

"According to the rules and procedures, people can be greedy, why can't I be greedy?"

"Yes, yes, the betting behavior is reasonable and legal, without further delay, let's go!"


imperial capital.

Taiming Palace.

The first princess Li Linyue, who was dressed in costume, was preparing to attend the imperial youth banquet. Before leaving, she instructed: "Give more assistance to Gu Xuanli, and give him ten Yuntai tokens, and let him distribute them by himself."

Liu You, the core of the princess faction, bowed and replied: "Yes!"

Xiao Zhizhong, another core member, said: "Does Changshan County need assistance?"

In the past, the Princess faction had hedged their bets on such matters.

Li Linyue didn't answer this question, got in her exclusive luxury car, and drove away.

"No." Liu You sneered: "Changshan County is so ignorant, he asked for it."


To the Winter Palace.

Yu Zhongxian issued the latest instructions:

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, concentrate our forces and intensify our confrontation, striving to regain the dominance of the struggle with the Qin Group before Changshan County is defeated."


Emperor Tower.

Eight elders gathered together.

Elder Lin Yabo spoke first.

"Your Majesty cruelly persecuted the pillars of the empire and tolerant of useless pariahs when the country was in crisis. This is the greatest catastrophe in the past 40 years of the empire. We must stop your majesty from going against the law and stop the expansion of imperial power. Otherwise, once the great emperor reappears, the achievements of the 180 years of reforms will be wasted."

Elder Wang Wengong objected: "I think His Majesty's reforms are very good, and the national economy can recover under the strict control of the war, which is proof."

Elder Moxili let out a strong nasal voice: "This is just a short-lived flashback. Without us, the pillars of the empire, the economy of the empire will only collapse, and the war of the empire will not be able to win."

The two sides had different opinions, and they had quarreled for a long time without any result.

In the end, a basic consensus was reached only on the issue of limiting the expansion of imperial power.

The eight elders all agreed to unanimously fight against the expansion of the imperial faction.

On the issue of the secret war in Shizhou, there are many opposing opinions. Some do not agree that Changshan County is a chess piece of the emperor's faction, and some think that the governor of Shizhou has too many entanglements in his interests and is unwilling to participate.

The meeting broke up badly.

After that, Elder Lin Yabo found Elder Moxili.

"Elder Mo, I think some assistance should be given to Shizhou."

Elder Moxili shook his fat body and disagreed with this close ally:

"However, Shizhou is very close to the Qin Group. Qin Gang is our enemy. His theory of only weapons is very harmful to our biological plan. He also announced the method of fighting against special operations units."

Elder Lin Yabo sneered, "Qin Gang is deliberately embarrassing us."

"Then do we still need to assist the governor of Shizhou?"

"Aid, why not? The little beast in Changshan County is more harmful. He is a super-individual faction, but we mainly focus on mass-produced biological weapons with economic value. His heresy should be eliminated first."

"What's more, he also killed my slave trading group and killed my nephew. I must avenge this revenge!"

Elder Mosilli squeezed his fat body into the chair, and the pear wood chair groaned under the weight.

"Yu Zhongxian won't agree. He and the Qin Group are in the middle of fighting and won't stop."

Elder Lin Yabo said coldly: "That's why we need to help the governor of Shizhou even more. We don't want to help anything else. It just so happens that our giant factory has been completed and the mass production technology has matured, so we can only help him with the giant army. Do you think the governor of Shizhou won a complete victory with our biological weapons? What will Qin Gang think in his mind?"

"Hahaha, what a cunning scheme, as expected of the treacherous and wise Elder Lin."

Elder Moxili laughed so hard that the whole chair was shaking.

Elder Lin Yabo sneered a few times, and then said: "However, we can't help too much. Shizhou's interests are too involved, so as not to fall into it. I can send a giant team to attack the Changshan Army from another direction and help Shizhou win."

"Then you have to be careful." Elder Moxili said with a smile: "Your Majesty has been very strict recently, and the Imperial Political Supervisory Council has become much stronger recently. You will not feel comfortable being caught by them."

Elder Lin Yabo snorted coldly: "Those little bastards, let them run rampant for a while. After the war is over, there will be some time to settle accounts with them. At that time, they will know who the master of the empire really is."

"By the way, how is the immortality project of your Leila Institute? How long will it take for the life-extending medicine to succeed?"

Elder Moxili's face turned gloomy, and he said solemnly: "Nerve cell regeneration is really an unsolvable problem. We have searched all the ways, but we still haven't overcome this difficulty. Once it withers, the process will inevitably be irreversible."

Elder Lin Yabo asked: "How did I hear that there was a case of nerve cell death that was stopped in Changshan County?"


Elder Moxili laughed:

"Research on nerve cells is the highest-end biological research in the empire and the world. All the equipment, equipment, and personnel required must be the most advanced. The barren mountains in Changshan County that are only suitable for orangutans can still study this kind of subject? It's just a few old liars who want to use a fake case to cheat money."

Elder Lin Yabo hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'd better go check it out, just in case."

"You go, but I remind you, don't get your hopes up."

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