Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 301 I am the Commander-in-Chief

On the land of the empire, except for one governor who defected, more than half of the twenty-eight governors participated in this handicap. They all chose the powerful Shizhou with a population of 200 million.

For Changshan County, which has a population of less than 2 million (not including refugees), only more than 40,000 troops, and no advanced weapons, they are unanimously unfavorable.

The Empire Gaming Company with a strong background has adjusted the odds of Changshan County to five decimal places, and there are still people who come to cast Shizhou.

There are still people making such a small profit, but the trader still said with a sad face: "Boss, we can't make any money here."

Another trader suggested: "Why don't we open a new market, betting on how long Changshan County can last for a few days, how big the loss is, and how high the compensation will be."

This is also a common method used by the company. When a certain project is too positive or negative, the conditions will be changed, so that competition can be generated and the dealer can make more money.

After research, the company's top management agreed to the proposal.

As a result, the new handicap was quickly pulled up.

Bet on Changshan County surrender within three days: 10 to 1, 1 to 5 if surrendered within 7 days, 2 to 1 if surrendered within 15 days, 1 to 1 if surrendered within 20 days, 0.1 to 1 if surrendered within 30 days.

No matter how long it is, the trader believes that it is impossible for Changshan County to resist for more than 30 days.

There is also the loss of Changshan County, and the amount of compensation after the surrender, all of which were opened one by one.

As soon as the new project was launched, there were indeed more people who voted, but what made the boss even more happy was that there were fools who came to buy Changshan County Win in the previous old handicap, and even bet 100 million at a time.

He immediately sealed the deal, lest someone else come to follow Tou Shizhou and reduce the profit of the banker.

"Hahaha, this time I can make a lot of money again."

Changshan County.

Old Xie said with a bitter face: "County Lin, the other side has already closed!"

Lin Wen was very unhappy: "I told you to buy it quickly, you have to wait and see, I would have known that one billion would not go in at once."

Old Xie shouted: "County Lin! The opponent's single betting limit is 100 million, and I can only place 100 million. This kind of huge order requires multiple confirmations before and after, and the process is very complicated!"

"Okay, that's it, you hurry up and do your financial work well."

Old Xie said loudly: "Don't worry, Changshan County's finances are very healthy now. This month's total fiscal revenue is 4.2 billion, of which Changshan Iron and Steel Plant contributed 2.9 billion, and Tongli Baba Company contributed 800 million. Due to the influx of traders into Huai Town, tax revenue soared to 300 million, mainly from commercial tax and value-added tax. The remaining 200 million came from Changshan Food Factory and Tianjiang Fishery Company, as well as some miscellaneous items."

"The expenditure is 3.7 billion, and there are currently 1.2 billion left on the books."

A series of numbers were reported very smoothly, obviously he had practiced many times, and after he finished speaking, he glanced at Lei Tiantong beside him, as if to say: Look! I am much more professional than you.

Lei Tiantong nodded slightly to Lin Wen, indicating that there is no problem with the Finance Department.

Lin Wen smiled, and said to Lei Tiantong, "Old Xie will rely on you to protect me."

Lei Tiantong understood in seconds.

Sheriff Lin obviously has a way to identify whether Lao Xie has enriched himself or not. Once he makes a mistake, with Sheriff Lin's character, he will not show mercy.

Then, Lei Tiantong, who was supervising him, was the one who reined in the horse.

Lao Xie is a horse.

Old Xie didn't understand what Sheriff Lin meant, so he jumped up and tore off his shirt, puffing up his biceps.

"Sheriff Lin, I am much stronger than Lei Tiantong! It is he who needs my protection!"

Lin Wen has disappeared.

Changshan County Command.

With the efforts of Fang Dashan and others, the battle plan has been basically finalized, and Qin Luoshuang's agents have confirmed that this Shizhou army is planning to invade Changshan County on foot.

This is the slowest way, but to the west of Changshan County is a mountainous area that stretches for more than 300 kilometers, and there are complex lands such as Gobi, swamps, and rivers, which are not suitable for motor vehicles at all.

In other words, they had to trek more than 300 kilometers in the mountains, with a 300-kilometer-long supply line, to fight against the army of Changshan County in the territory of Changshan County.

This is something the stupidest general would do.

Wang Jing has been in the army for many years. Although he has no outstanding record, he is not so stupid.

Everyone discussed for a long time, but they didn't find any other intentions. As soon as Lin Wen came, Qin Luoshuang asked, "Can you get Shizhou's battle plan?"

Lin Wen directly closed his eyes and asked [Immortal Guidance] a question.

Consumption: 10%.

Huh? so little?

Only 5% will be used after halving.

Lin Wen used the spell without hesitation.

Yuanshen remaining: 101%

"He wants to attack villages and towns in the mountains, and then declare victory in the crusade against Changshan County."

Except for Qin Luoshuang who understood, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Lin Wen thought to himself: "It seems that the level of this group of people has to be improved. They only think about fighting, and they don't think about a higher structure."

Qin Luoshuang didn't think of it immediately because she didn't realize that there were villages and towns in the mountains.

But Lin Wen knows that the western mountainous area of ​​Changshan County is extremely vast, with an area of ​​nearly 40,000 square kilometers. There are more than 1,000 mountain villages and small towns, large and small, living in a total of 700,000 people. They are extremely closed and have a strong sense of self-protection.

There are many criminal gangs hidden in the mountains. There is no law, no order, and not many traces of civilization. The villages and towns that cannot protect themselves have disappeared.

Lin Wen suddenly realized two things.

1. If these 700,000 people can be included in a civilized society and let them enjoy the convenience brought by the development of Changshan County, there will be a lot of good luck.

Second, the Shizhou army must not be allowed to harm these residents, otherwise, as the head of a county, he has not fulfilled his responsibility to protect the residents of this county, and there will definitely be bad karma.

Lin Wen immediately overturned the battle plan they had spent a whole day working out.

"Go into the mountains immediately, and beat them back to their hometowns before they attack any village in the mountains."

Lin Wen directly opened Qiqiao Linglongxin to boost morale.

It shouted: "The blue sea, white clouds and long mountains are dark, and the lonely city looks at Yumen Pass in the distance. The yellow sand wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and it will not be returned until it breaks Shizhou!"

The blood of Fang Dashan and the others surged up instantly, their faces turned red, and their necks became thicker.

Only Qin Luoshuang expressed his objection: "In this case, we will cross 300 kilometers and use the 300 kilometers of supply lines to attack enemies whose numbers are twice as many as ours!"

"Shut up! I'm the commander-in-chief! Listen to me."


Although Qin Luoshuang was very angry, she helped them remake the battle plan. She didn't really object to Lin Wen, but just objected to Lin Wen's reckless behavior.

He looked like a hot-blooded young man just now, desperate to do things only with his blood.

Qin Luoshuang has seen too many people like this, and their final endings are basically miserable failures.

That's why she objected to want Lin Wen to calm down.

However, this hot-blooded young man is different, not only is he very hot-blooded, he can also force others to share his blood.

The most important thing is that Qin Luoshuang discovered that he has the ability to realize passionate dreams that passionate youths cannot.

When his slogan was uttered, Qin Luoshuang also had a long-lost enthusiasm, an impulse to break through all worldly obstacles, no longer care about all conflicts of interest, and only do what he wanted to do.

She covered her face, listening to Lin Wen explaining his miraculous idea, a strange feeling spread in her heart.

"I was actually infected by this fool!"

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