In the end, the furious governor of Shizhou ordered that four military leaders, including Fu Yixiu and Guan Jurang, jointly form a crusade army and march east to Changshan County.

The four military leaders went out with gloomy faces.

There are only a few confidantes left in the governor's office.

After a while, Zhang Shuangcheng, director of the Shizhou State Government Office, opened the door and came in, finally bringing good news:

"Your Excellency, we have obtained evidence that the Chuanluo rebels colluded and rebelled."


Gu Shengli gritted his teeth and said.

"When I wipe out the rebels, you will be finished, and the Supreme Council will reward me!"



Kui'an County.

The Chuanluo Rebel Army has wiped out all the enemies in the county, and after a brief repair and supply, is planning to attack the Gu Dacheng Army in Shizhou.

Military strategist Han Dong suddenly got a piece of news, and rushed to report to the leader Xu Jieying:

"Jieying! Governor Sheng's supplies are here!"

Amidst the cheers of many soldiers, Xu Jieying remained silent. He walked up to a cliff alone and looked into the distance.

On the earth, yellow sand is flying, and it is as vast as a dragon.

The breeze blew, and a few grains of fine sand hit his face. The leader who pulled up the entire team by himself whispered something to himself.

"The storm is coming."


East Qinzhou.

Governor's Palace.

Chang Shouren, the leader of the Mingren Party, had a serious expression on his face.

"Our couriers and aid have been intercepted."

Everyone was silent, they knew what this meant, and the party was the enemy of the empire, and it would be destroyed if touched, no matter who it was.

Sheng Huaixuan said in a deep voice: "The governor of Shizhou will definitely use his direct troops to suppress the bandits. Xu Jieying is in danger."

"What should I do?" Nopes, the director of the State Council, and the others couldn't help becoming anxious.

Sheng Huaixuan was silent for a while, then said: "We can only contact Changshan County."

"No." Chief of Staff Ling Huayue said anxiously: "We can't contact Changshan County..."

"Don't worry." Sheng Huaixuan said gently: "Changshan County is in a secret war with Shizhou. The war under the curtain of shadows, except for massacres, is reasonable. Changshan County has this qualification and is the most suitable candidate."

"But," Ling Huayue said, "Changshan County is too weak. Shizhou's troops are dozens of times stronger than theirs, and their background is a hundred times stronger..."

Sheng Huaixuan smiled and said, "Hua Yue, this is a group arena, not a deathmatch. It's skillful. Besides, I've read the information about the annihilation battle in Changshan County. This battle can only be described as unbelievable. That kid is stronger than we imagined."

"When I first met him, I knew he was not an ordinary person, but unexpectedly, he still exceeded my expectations..."

As the chief of staff, Ling Huayue was full of dissatisfaction, but she kept her mouth shut when she thought of his brilliant achievements.

Mei Xingan, chief of internal affairs, asked: "Xiao Sheng, how can we contact them? In our current state, it is impossible to contact them explicitly or secretly."

Nopes, the director of the state government office, nodded: "Also, Changshan County may not be willing to make such efforts."

Sheng Huaixuan smiled slightly: "You didn't pay attention, but I noticed that in the battle report of Changshan County, there was a man who was good at using big swords and short spears. He was very brave and often took the lead in rushing into the enemy's formation. Like a sharp knife, he cut through the enemy's formation and broke up the enemy's resistance."

Everyone looked at him in bewilderment, only Chang Shouren looked thoughtful: "You mean, the Great Sword King Zhengwu?"

Sheng Huaixuan smiled and said, "That's right."

"But, the secret report doesn't say..."

The first secretary, Cheng Hexin, agreed with the governor's thoughts: "We are so far apart, the information will always be distorted."

Chang Shouren read the battle briefing carefully again, and also smiled: "What you said, the more I look at it, the more I look at it. He Shangsheng, the black knife, is not in this style at all."

Cheng Hexin smiled and said, "Look, He Shangsheng, the Hei Dao, can be rescued, why can't the Dao Wang Zhengwu be rescued?"

Chang Shouren said excitedly: "Okay, that's great, we've saved another team, I'll ask Xu Jieying to contact Wang Zhengwu immediately."

Sheng Huaixuan said with a smile: "That's exactly what I mean, it's not too late, let's go."

After the meeting was over, the young master Li Yuchen, who had been listening and had no chance to speak, returned to his bedroom with great excitement. When he thought of his good brother galloping across the battlefield, so mighty and domineering, his heart was shaking and he was very excited.

He secretly made up his mind.

"I must study hard and study hard. I must read the books my sister gave me as soon as possible! I must work hard to become a qualified person in power."

after an hour.

"Fuck! The corpse king just exploded these garbage, it's so boring!"

"Oops! My +15 big knife exploded! I have strengthened it for a long time, and the dog is so painful that I secretly changed the explosion rate."

"The Blue Moon Evil Ghost is gone!"

"Fuck! How dare you cut me down!"

"There are a lot of you out there, right? My sword fairy, Li Yuchen, is not easy to bully."

"Hey, it hurts Ribaba's customer service, I want another one million yuan treasure..."

After a while, the general manager of Tongchen Group came over.

"Young master, Changshan County has sent an order. They want to buy the firing device for the shells."

Li Yuchen jumped up all of a sudden.

"Great! Hurry up and buy it!"

"Yes, young master, let me report the order to you. They are planning to buy 1 million pieces in advance, and the order price is 45 yuan each. We can reduce the purchase price to 35 yuan, and the estimated profit is 10 million yuan. Excuse me, do you still need to negotiate the price?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? How can you not bargain in business? I will negotiate in person!"

The general manager of Tongchen Group showed a smile of surprise and relief. The young master is finally willing to work, and he is finally going to display his hidden talent.

"Hey, Changshan County, right? Your price is not right, I want to change it."

"45 yuan is too expensive, just 15 yuan."

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