Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 309 Military Base

The news that Changshan County wiped out 130,000 people in Shizhou in three days did not cause any waves in the empire.

There is no report on this matter anywhere, not even on the Internet, which has always been a lawless place. The only thing that confuses netizens is that several websites have inexplicable 808.

Major mainstream newspapers such as the Imperial News are still promoting the theory of the victory of the Empire, listing the various advantages of the Empire, bragging about the Imperial Double Stars, bragging about the Imperial General Yamaguchi Takeshi, and deliberately creating an atmosphere of worship, trying to turn the Double Stars into idols.

The Imperial Twin Stars indeed have this capital, under the perfect packaging, anyone looks handsome and extraordinary.

They quickly became sought after by young people, and the two even formed a fan club to fight each other on the Internet.

The main news in the major media has been replaced by celebrity gossip, and apart from the official top news, there is no news related to the war.

But to the upper echelons of the empire, the news of Shizhou's fiasco was well known.

All parties have different opinions on this, but most of them are ridiculed, thinking that the governor has lost face.

There are also some gamblers who bet on Changshan County to lose in three days are very angry about this.

Empire Gaming made a fortune as a result.

At the same time, the theory of quick defeat in Changshan County quickly disappeared, the odds of seven days and fifteen days were upside down, and the odds of thirty days rose rapidly.

However, no one still thinks that Jangsan County will win, but it may lose decently.

Judging from past secret battles, Changshan County may win about two billion yuan in compensation to understand this grievance.

Even Qin Luoshuang thinks so, she has already proposed this goal at the headquarters, and asked Lao Xie to prepare two billion funds in advance.

For this reason, Lin Wen didn't even look at the men, and made a special trip back to the Changshan County headquarters to severely criticize Qin Luoshuang's view of surrender.

And asked the whole army to prepare for a big battle, and at the same time put forward an incredible suggestion.

"In the Qichuan Mountains, build a military camp."

And for good reason.

"Every time Shizhou sends someone to deliver a courier, we have to travel more than 300 kilometers by boat, and we have to climb mountains and mountains to get it. How troublesome, why don't we just stay there and let him deliver it directly to our doorstep?"

For the first time, Qin Luoshuang felt that her brain was not enough.

To make matters worse, she found out that she was the only one who opposed it, and everyone in the entire command supported Lin Wen.

"Don't be too proud! That's just a random army!" Qin Luoshuang tried to reason.

Fang Dashan smiled and said: "Chief Qin, County Chief Lin said, please stop spreading your views on surrender in the headquarters, Changshan County is invincible!"

"Yes, Changshan County is invincible! Long live County Chief Lin!"

"Long live!"

Qin Luoshuang felt that all the blood vessels in her brain were about to explode, and she tried her best not to kick everyone present.

"Lin Wen, I'm not talking about surrender. I'm just analyzing the situation rationally. What we got from Shizhou is definitely not something that can be measured by two billion funds. It is the most correct way to settle the grievances at an appropriate price as soon as possible. Otherwise, the consequences will be unbearable for us..."

Lin Wen patted his chest: "I still have a hole card."

"What cards?"

"Hmph, that's me...not telling you."

Qin Luoshuang felt the sound of her cerebral blood vessels breaking in her mind.

[Body without colorful phoenix] An alarm sounded sharply, and Lin Wencai realized that his phoenix chick was on the verge of running wild.

He immediately opened the Qiqiao Linglong Heart.

It opened its mouth and said, "Your girlfriend is so pretty."

Inexplicably, Qin Luoshuang's anger dropped, her eyes flickered, her expression became slightly complicated, and her tone softened.

"Lin Wen, let's not talk about anything else. You built the military camp in the Qichuan Mountains, which is more than 300 kilometers away from our core area. What about the supplies? Will you use my cargo ship?"

"It's from the Navy." Lin Wen corrected, "I will build a road from the middle of Changshan County to the Qichuan Mountains."

Qin Luoshuang's two beautiful willow eyebrows are almost tangled together:

"The west of Changshan County is full of big mountains. Do you know how difficult it is to build a road among the mountains? And it won't be built in a short while. Can you get a car in a few years?"

Lin Wen said, "A few days will do."

Qin Luoshuang was silent for a moment, and asked, "Java engineering team?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "It's really smart."

Qin Luoshuang felt a little relieved.

"Has the location been chosen?"

"Well, it's in the Erlong Valley in the Qichuan Mountains."

This is the answer that [Immortal Guidance] told him, but it took him a lot of soul.

Fang Dashan brought a map, and everyone gathered around the table to find the location marked with Erlong Valley.

From the point of view of the terrain, the Erlong Valley is located in the middle and front of the Qichuan Mountains, only more than 20 kilometers away from the Great Gobi outside the mountains.

Putting a military camp here is like guarding the gate of Changshan County.

Qin Luoshuang took out another military map, which was a detailed map she had sent to investigate and draw before the war.

This place is full of war fighters, and a detailed map is a treasure to them. When they saw the map with even the tactical markings on it, their eyes glowed green.

Fang Dashan couldn't help but want to touch the map, but Qin Luoshuang held the map firmly.

"This is mine, you are only allowed to see it here."

Obviously, she also has this bad habit of treating the map as a treasure.

Lin Wen pushed her hand away impatiently: "What's yours, it's everyone's."

Everyone was smiling and came together to watch.

I saw that the Erlong Valley happened to be on the largest main road in the Qichuan Mountains. It was flat and wide, with both water sources and sight lines extending in all directions.

If it is used as a military base, it is indeed a very good choice.

If the troops of Changshan County were stationed here, they would have the courage to guard the mountain gate.

Moreover, if some military facilities such as bunkers and towers can be built in the Qichuan Mountains, it is absolutely possible to block the enemy on the Gobi by relying on the terrain.

In this way, Changshan County has a great strategic advantage. If the two sides do not want to suffer huge losses, they can only look at each other from a distance and confront each other.

The secret war will not last long, and the final result will be a peaceful ending.

This is undoubtedly a better ending for Changshan County.

Qin Luoshuang gradually came to her senses, she glanced at Lin Wen with a complicated expression, and had to admit that as a strategist, her vision was not as far-sighted as Lin Wen's.

"Okay, let's quickly plan the construction plan."

Once his thoughts changed, Qin Luoshuang's thoughts started to run again at high speed.

As long as there is a road, the establishment of a military camp is actually very simple. You only need to level the ground, clear the space, move some simple barracks there, and build the necessary buildings, and a military camp is established.

In the future, various military facilities will be added one after another. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can build a military base without any problem.

Moreover, the establishment of permanent military defense facilities such as bunkers is a compulsory course in the military academy, and Qin Luoshuang is very accomplished in this course.

She is best at making bunkers.

All of a sudden, the dark clouds in my heart were lifted, and the bright sunshine shone in.

"I shouldn't have doubted him."

Qin Luoshuang thought to herself, gritted her teeth, walked to his side, and said softly, "Lin Wen, I..."

Lin Wen turned his head and saw her snow-like face, willow leaf-like eyebrows, small Qiong nose, and thin red lips. He frowned slightly and said:

"Why are you so close? As I said, my first kiss was Jiutianxuan..."


"go to hell!"


The construction of Qichuan Mountain Barracks was much faster than expected, because within a few days, the road leading directly to Erlong Valley had been built.

To be precise, dirt roads.

Because the ground is not paved with any cement or concrete, it is the original dirt road.

But still, it's an astounding and unimaginable miracle highway.

Because it starts from the starting point in the east and goes to the Erlong Valley, which is a straight line, even straighter than that drawn with a measuring ruler.

Facing the steep terrain, complex and changeable terrain, and the majestic power of nature's majestic creations in the western mountainous area of ​​Changshan County, it pierced through all the mountains and reached the end without any compromise.

Not even the height has changed.

This miracle road has a total length of 346 kilometers, 300 kilometers of which are in tunnels or simply underground.

After inspecting the entire highway, Chief Engineer Yang, the chief engineer of road construction in Changshan County, couldn't help sighing: "The chemical formula used by the Java engineering team to dissolve stones is worth at least 10 billion. If we want to use conventional methods to penetrate these 300 kilometers of tunnels, it will take a year at least, and the consumption is simply astronomical."

With such a flat road, vehicles can drive even without asphalt concrete.

As a result, trucks loaded with military supplies and materials for simple barracks drove to Erlong Valley one after another.

With the joint efforts of nearly 100,000 soldiers and laborers, a simple barracks soon took shape.

After the oil depots, military supply warehouses, command organs, camps, training grounds, military communication facilities, pipelines, and power transmission lines are built later, this military camp will become a military base nailed to the west by Changshan County, which has very important strategic significance.

Qin Luoshuang's planning is very comprehensive. There are many people who fought in Changshan County, but she is the only one who can build this kind of professional building.

Lin Wen found an excuse to touch her for 159 seconds, and passed a piece of [Yang Zhi Ganlu] over, so as not to accidentally overuse it and damage it.

That would be too late to regret.

In Qin Luoshuang's plan, if possible in the later stage, various military projects and support facilities will be built in this base.

Including military caverns, military airports, testing grounds, communication reconnaissance stations and navigation observation stations, military highways and railway dedicated lines, etc.

When all this is done, a fully formed military base is built.

Changshan County is no longer a local army like a pheasant, but a regular army with a modern military base.

Of course, the dream is still far away, and it is still at the level of expanding the barracks and building bunkers on the mountains.

But at least there is a direction to work hard.

And this miraculous highway was named Qichuan Mountain Highway. Mr. Yang, a road engineering expert, asked Mr. Zhao Minggong for 50,000 laborers, and set up a project with the county government office, planning to completely complete this highway without affecting transportation.

And Lin Wen, who completed such a grand project by himself, really lost a drop.

The primordial spirit was completely squeezed out, and the "Xuannv Yuxiang" was sucked up for the last time, and there were even a few meters in the end [fossils turned into soil] only half melted.

It was Lin Wen who dug it up himself, but he was exhausted.

What's more tormenting is that he still has to see men during the day.

The black rate this time was very low, with more than 70,000 people, only a few hundred people were completely black or half black.

The Human Security Army suddenly joined more than 70,000 people, expanding to 86,000 people, more than twice the regular army.

The governor's army had to expand to 3,000 people, and due to the large number of people, the calculation of military merit was complicated, so a special military merit department had to be established to calculate their military merit.

The Human Security Army has also expanded from seven regiments to eleven regiments, and each regiment has nearly 8,000 people, which is also unprecedented.

Although the human security forces do not have military pay, Lin Wen does not intend to treat them differently. The supplies of materials and ammunition are the same as those of the regular army.

The consumption of more than 80,000 soldiers is very high, and with the addition of more than 40,000 regular troops, the economy of Changshan County, which has just been rich for a short time, has become stretched again.

Lao Xie started to pull his hairless bald head again.

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