Live and work in peace +6910

Prosperity +500

Fair people +101

Freedom +103

Happy +213

Free people +110

Technological Civilization +90

Total: 8027


【Good fate: 97902】【Bad fate: 101】【Primary spirit: 229.10%】

[Tao Ruoyouqing] 5367/10000, Xinyun Dao "Goddess Tanabata Water".

Lin Wen was very happy. During his absence, the growth of Changshan County was gratifying.

Coupled with his hard work on the rebel side, this week can be described as a bumper harvest.

What pleased him most was that the growth of Yuanshen had increased significantly again.

Sure enough, new talents are the driving force behind the growth of the primordial spirit. The new line of karma will greatly increase the primordial spirit, while the old line of karma will grow very slowly.

Still need to make new friends.

But before he was happy, he saw a huge black number.

The wall collapses and the house collapses, bad karma +266.

【Bad Karma: 367】

Lin Wen's face turned dark all of a sudden.

It's not that he can't eliminate bad karma, but [Yuan Kong]'s ability to purify bad karma has a limit, it can only purify 1 point of bad karma a day, and one point of good karma is needed.

If one can find the fate of "the disintegration of the demon", it will indeed greatly improve the ability of [Fate and Space] to purify evil karma.

But the consumption is 10 times, that is, 1 point of bad karma needs 10 points of good karma to be purified.

If it is not purified, it is a disaster.

The effect of bad karma is [reduce luck and chance], and the effect of good karma is [increase luck and chance by a small amount].

This small amount is one percent.

That is to say, he needs 100 points of good karma to offset the luck reduced by 1 point of bad karma.

Although evil karma also increases other attributes, as we all know, there are countless ways to increase aptitude in the world of cultivating immortals, but it is even more difficult to plunder luck and chance.

367 points of bad karma are basically equivalent to 36,700 points of good karma.

This is one-third of his total good fortune.

Therefore, Lin Wen cannot tolerate a large number of bad karma beyond the limit.

He can only accept bad karma within the control range, which can be purified with a 1:1 efficiency.

266 points, already beyond his tolerance.

What's more, this is a bad relationship in the weekly settlement, that is to say, it is not a bad relationship caused by his direct evil, but an indirect bad relationship.

If there are 266 points of bad karma every week, even if it is purified according to the efficiency of 1:10, it is equivalent to losing 2660 good karmas.

Lin Wen immediately called Yang Shaohu and asked who built the house and crushed the person to death, and he wanted to come to send warmth.

Yang Shaohu felt very strange.

"No, there is no news of any buildings collapsing."

"And our buildings are all built by ourselves. The engineers, designers, and laborers are all our own people, and the person in charge is Mr. Zhao."

Lin Wen slapped his head.

With Wolong in charge, this kind of thing cannot happen.

Lin Wen asked again: "Is there a serious production accident? For example, the construction site collapsed?"

"No." Yang Shaohu replied: "Only one unlucky ghost here didn't load and unload the cartridge according to the rules and procedures, ignited the gunpowder and burned several workers."

Lin Wen frowned and said, "Is it serious?"

"Not serious, mild burns, has been discharged."

This is clearly not the case.

It's really strange.

Lin Wen was silent for a while, staring at the evil fate.

Suddenly, he understood what "the wall fell and the house collapsed" meant.

This is the meaning of describing the disaster in Changshan County, and it is the joint responsibility of his dereliction of duty as the county chief.

"Shaohu, did any serious incidents happen in Changshan County last week?"

"Well... I heard that Shangxi Town was attacked, but I don't know the specifics. Ms. Qin's agents control all the news."

It must be this one.

Lin Wen immediately hung up the phone, called Qin Luoshuang again, and asked directly.

"What's going on in the county?"

The voice on the other side of the phone was slightly surprised: "You know?"


"It was a group of unknown thugs who successively attacked Shangxi Town, New Town, and several other small towns."

"They are very elite and have extremely strong tactical literacy. I think it is most likely the giant squad of the council. The attack caused more than 900 casualties, 121 security guards, 107 surveillance guards, and 80 KGB agents were killed."

"why did not you tell me?"

"Aren't you and your dragon team assisting the rebels? Shizhou has mobilized a large number of troops to encircle and suppress you. I don't want to distract you."

Lin Wen knew that she couldn't be blamed for this, even if Qin Luoshuang told him immediately, he couldn't fly back.

"The rebel army is safe." Lin Wen said, "I'll be right back to deal with these monsters."

Qin Luoshuang asked in surprise: "Are you safe? Shizhou's actions are so big that we can feel them from the outside. How are you safe?"

Lin Wen briefly described the current situation of the rebel army.

Qin Luoshuang pondered: "You just entered Qianning County like this? Is the Shizhou side demented? Now they don't have two or three months, and it is impossible to effectively attack the rebels."

"Well." Lin Wen said: "You have to quickly find a way to deal with the Shizhou army leader at the door, and grab things from Shizhou as soon as possible."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Wen hung up the phone and found Xu Jieying, who was discussing with a group of people in charge about land reclamation.

"...We can grow some winter vegetables. I have already checked. Although the land is not as good as a fertile field, it is even better than an ordinary field. I think it is good to grow potatoes and winter cabbage..."

When everyone saw Lin Wen coming, they greeted him warmly.

"Brother Lin, come and take a look at our newly plowed fields..."

"Brother Lin, I tidied up a room, and I must sleep in the room today..."

After exchanging pleasantries with Qiqiao Linglong, Lin Wen bid farewell to them.

Everyone seemed very reluctant, but they also knew that he was the sheriff of Changshan County after all, and something happened in his own jurisdiction, so how could he not look at it?

Xu Jieying held his hand and said, "Brother Lin, if you need help, please ask."

Lin Wen nodded.

"I will."

Cheng Gang pushed forward: "Brother Lin, you don't know the way here, let me take you out..."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm an officer after all, and I'm personally armed."

Han Dong took out a package from his arms and said, "Brother Lin, I've heard from many sources that you like money very much... Ahem, who in this world doesn't love money? Although our rebel family is poor, there are still a lot of yellow and white things. Please don't be disgusted and accept them. Your help to us is far beyond comparison."

Lin Wen's hand sank, knowing that there were a lot of things in this bag.

But [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] told him with a slight chill and a sense of danger that if he accepted it, it would be evil fate.

Bad karma may produce good karma, and it may also produce bad karma.

Lin Wen tried to refuse, but also reminded that there was a bad relationship.

When it comes to issues related to cultivating immortals, Lin Wen's mind is always turning quickly.

He knew right away that he needed to reject it the right way.

To be honest, Lin Wen really doesn't like this kind of human interaction and receiving people and things, and he is not good at it.

But in order to cultivate immortality, you have to be good at it if you are not good at it, and you have to like it if you don't like it.

Lin Wen took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Brother Han is too polite. It is true that I love money, but gentlemen love money and get it in a proper way. Am I helping you all for money?"

"It's for goodness... for ideals."

"Don't use money to measure the relationship between us. You need money more than I do. These hundreds of thousands of soldiers, this poor country, where is there not to spend money?"

"Although you will encounter many difficulties, I firmly believe that you will eventually create your brilliance."

"I hope that one day, when Changshan County is in trouble, you can also help it."

Lin Wen stuffed the bundle into Han Dong's arms. He was already in tears, and he was so moved.

Lin Wenyi cupped his hands: "Everyone, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. There will be a period later."

Turn around and leave.

A tidy voice came from behind.

"Brother Lin! There will be a period later!"

Lin Wen turned around the valley, and a [Teng Yun Riding Mist] flew away.

After a while.

Liu Sisi suddenly came back to his senses: "Isn't the back of the mountain a dead end?"

Cheng Gang tugged at her: "Can't I go there in a hurry?"

Liu Sisi said angrily: "You fart, I'm going to tell Brother Lin the right way."

Breaking away from Cheng Gang's tugging, he rushed over, "Brother Lin, suck...there can't be... er, where are people?"

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