[Ride the clouds and ride the fog] With Lin Wen's current cultivation base, he can only fly 365 kilometers.

Lin Wen had to use two [Riding the Clouds and Riding the Mist], but still landed in the deep mountains in the west of Changshan County.

For the last part of the journey, Lin Wen bumped a random rock, stepped on it and flew back.

It's a bit of a disadvantage to use [Imperial Art] like this, all the weight needs to be borne by spells.

The biggest advantage of the helicopter is that it can avoid its own weight, and as long as the tilt angle is appropriate, it can not only avoid its own weight, but also provide a certain amount of thrust.

In the non-"fairy flower dew" state, the consumption of [Imperial Art] is quite high.

Lin Wen just flew more than 100 kilometers with Yushi, and he used up 13% of his Yuanshen.

And the two [Tengyun rides the fog], flew more than 700 kilometers, and only used up 20%.

Moreover, [Riding the Clouds and Riding the Mist] is a person wrapped in a white cloud, so there is nothing unusual about it.

But the flight of Yushi is too eye-catching, and it is easy to cause unnecessary troubles.

Although Lin Wen didn't care much about it, it was always bad if there were too many troubles.

Therefore, we still have to restrain ourselves a little, and everything should be reasonable.

I want to be a reasonable Sheriff Lin, a scientific Sheriff Lin.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

"Wow! People are flying in the sky!" A childlike voice shouted from below.

Lin Wen looked down, and it turned out that he passed a small town in the middle of the country, and was seen by a playful child.

Lin Wen smiled.

"The banished immortal passed by, there is a destiny."

He took out the marrow washing pill he used to deceive people from his arms, and carefully threw it in front of the child.


The flying stone accelerated and disappeared in an instant.

"Goodbye, Brother Immortal!"

The child waved to Lin Wen with a snot in his nose, picked up the candy box on the ground, took out a jelly bean, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Wow, it's so sweet, I want to be a fairy when I grow up!"


Lin Wenfei went to the large freight center at the entrance of the Qichuan Mountain Highway, found a car here, and told the driver to drive to a deep mountain in the north.

"Okay, you can go back."

The driver persuaded: "Sheriff Lin, this wilderness is not safe. I heard that the county is not peaceful recently. You should be careful."

Lin Wen nodded and said, "Go back quickly, there will be danger here in a while."

The driver immediately thought of the popular story "The Secret Adventure of Sheriff Lin and the Beautiful Agent of the Dragon Team" that he had been reading recently serialized in an underground magazine.

Before leaving, he did not forget to shout: "Jun Zhang Lin, come on! Don't let Xiao Wu die!"

Lin Wen scratched his head, wondering what kind of poison the driver had been poisoned with, turned around and walked into the deep mountains.

Soon, [Body Without Color Phoenix] called the police.

Sure enough, here.

This is the answer that consumes 30% of the soul.

Lin Wen sneered, and activated the [Spirit of the Civet Cat]. The enhanced [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix] had already reminded him of the location of the threat.

Although there are not many Yuanshen left, it should be enough.

【Body without colorful phoenix】Suddenly called the police rapidly, with a stabbing pain in his chest and abdomen, Lin Wen turned sideways suddenly, two powerful bullets hit behind him, splashing mud more than one meter high.

It's a 20mm Colossus pistol.

It really is you.

New hatred and old hatred surged up together, Lin Wen kicked a stone away, leaped forward, and stepped on the flying stone, when the [Imperial Object Technique] was activated, the stone seemed to be pulled violently by something, and even Lin Wen, who was possessed by a civet cat, almost fell off.

Within three seconds, Lin Wen came through the air, and in an instant saw the giant team hidden behind the mountain.

There are seven giants in total, two of whom appear to be commanding humans.

Lin Wen really came too fast, before they had time to turn their necks, they only expressed their shock with the movement of their eyeballs.

With a flick of Lin Wen's wrist, a box of steel needles scattered out.

He has already passed the trump card air combat, and he has mastered the application of [Imperial Object Art], and he can control all the steel needles in an instant.

Thousands of messy steel needles, fixed in the air, like a guard of honor, all turned their heads at once, and aimed the needles at them.

In the next instant, thousands of flashes of light shot out.

The two humans died suddenly, and the steel needle pierced their hearts.

The seven giants were seriously injured. Steel needles pierced their eyes, cheeks and throats, but could not penetrate their bones, and the special body armor they wore on their bodies.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there is a weakness, it doesn't matter, Lin Wen opened the second box of steel needles.

In the next instant, all the weak spots on the heads of the seven giants were filled with steel needles.

Although they were biochemical weapons, they were not yet out of the category of living beings. They lost their lives after rolling and struggling on the ground for a while.

Eliminate rape and eliminate evil, good karma +12.

Giants themselves have no good karma, and they are considered a weapon rather than a sentient being.

Only by killing a life with enlightened intelligence will there be good and evil karma.

It's a pity.

But the important thing is that the evil factors in Changshan County have finally been eliminated.

Lin Wen jumped off the rock, walked up to them, and opened the iron box.

Like a magnet, countless steel needles flew up from the corpse, dried the blood automatically, and returned to the iron box.

"Finally looks like a fairy."

Lin Wen smiled.

This is a trick he only realized after he used a steel needle to pierce the fighter jet.

Lin Wen named it "Ten Thousand Needles Guizong".

It has many advantages.

First of all, the consumption is low. In this round of attack, Lin Wen only used 5% of his primordial spirit.

Then the steel needle is easy to carry, strong concealment, quick shot, small forward swing, powerful and easy to recycle.

There are unexpected effects.

The most important thing is that there is a sense of ritual of cultivating immortals, which can purify the soul and purify the Taoist heart.

Also, physically speaking, it's the best fit.

The thrust of [Royal Art] is constant, according to Newton's three laws, under the same thrust, the lower the mass, the faster the acceleration.

The range of influence of [Imperial Object Art] is ten meters, that is to say, the steel needle has an acceleration time of ten meters, which is equivalent to a ten-meter-long gun barrel.

The steel needle is small and sharp, fully conforms to aerodynamics, and has very little wind resistance. When fired, the speed can reach 1100 m/s, which is faster than ordinary bullets.

This box of steel needles is sprinkled down, and there are hundreds of bullets.

Even Gatlin is not as fast as him.

Well, this is the power of science.

Lin Wen sneered, glanced at the corpses on the ground, turned around and called Qin Luoshuang, asking her to send someone over to clean up the battlefield.

The equipment on these giants is all good stuff. The main firepower of the First Army of Changshan County is all equipped by giants.

After Lin Wen finished speaking, Qin Luoshuang became very depressed.

"Lin Wen, the security department... you can take care of it, me, I have no ability to protect Changshan County..."

Of course not.

Lin Wen knew that he was just cheating, if only talking about the ability of special operations, Qin Luoshuang would beat him by a million dollars.

But Qin Luoshuang didn't know.

In her eyes, the attackers caused huge damage to Changshan County, the defenders were killed and injured, and the murderer was at large.

As soon as Lin Wen came back, he wiped out the enemy within a few hours.

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