Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 333 Her Majesty the Princess

The Human Security Army is like a "poison" that quenches thirst by drinking poison. Although it does not need to pay military salaries, as the war progresses, the first batch of military exploits will begin to be honored.

If more people choose to exchange cash, it will put a lot of pressure on finances.

Moreover, except for their military pay, their treatment is the same as that of the regular army.

There are 60,000 more people, and another huge expenditure.

Lin Wen really didn't understand why Shizhou's army always surrendered as soon as they were attacked, and when they surrendered, tens of thousands of organized troops rushed over.

The rebel army has also won many battles, why didn't such a good thing happen?

Every time they fought until the end, they surrendered some remnants.

"We have to find a way to control the number of security forces."

Lin Wen thought to himself.

"Anyway, I have the right to interpret the law and order regulations. I can stipulate that exchanging military merits for money is considered a discharge."

"Well, this is a good idea. The soldiers won't complain after taking the money, redeeming their military merits, and regaining their freedom."

"I've also gained benefits, and I don't need to maintain a huge army. The few who want to upgrade should let them upgrade. Anyway, fifty people have one spell, and I should be able to support it."

Having made up his mind, Lin Wen went to the last area of ​​his trip - the new factory area, the shell factory.

It has been more than a week since the completion of the factory area, and the shell factory should start operating.

For this work, Changshan County has gone to great lengths to build factories, pull production lines, steal electricity, buy raw materials from multiple sources, organize refugees, and select managers.

After working for so long, the result should be there.

Lin Wen drove to the factory area, just in time for the rush to get off work.

At first glance, it looked like a sea of ​​people had collapsed, and the one-kilometer-wide road out of the mountain was filled with black crowds. The refugee safety committee I met last time was still maintaining order with a red and yellow horn.

After the crowd was over, the flood flooded back again, and a large number of refugees who went to work poured in.

After the rush, the crowd began to yearn for it again.

Lin Wen understood that shifts were handed over in batches to avoid situations where equipment was idling and no one was in the factory.

The crowds poured in and out, which lasted ten times in total, and it took more than an hour to end.

Lin Wen soon knew that there were three other such roads out of the mountain.

"This organizational strength is okay."

Lin Wen sighed, and it was not in vain that he spent a huge amount of money to select nine leaders from more than 600 candidates.

Walking into the factory area, the 18-square-kilometer factory area stretches as far as the eye can see. Fifty factory buildings are neatly arranged. The ground is as smooth as a mirror. The pure blue marble seems to reflect the sky. There is no gap, but it is not slippery to walk on.

Yang Shaohu happened to be talking with several officials at the intersection, and when he saw Lin Wen coming, he was overjoyed.

"Sheriff Lin! We are very efficient, not only can complete the mission of the empire, but also produce more!"

Lin Wen asked casually, "Can you sell it for money?"

"Of course! The Empire does not lack bullets, but the artillery shells are very short. The highest military department of the empire has long disclosed the prices. The 122mm ones are 1,800 yuan, the 152mm ones are 3,000 yuan, and the rocket shells are 5,000 yuan. We are artillery shells, 300 yuan each...Of course, this price is because we have obtained the supplies provided by the empire at a very favorable price."

Lin Wen was furious when he heard the words, 300 yuan a piece, 30 million pieces, wouldn't it be that he paid him 9 billion yuan for nothing?

"No, no one can prostitute me for free. I will use his production line to make another 30 million pieces and sell them to him."

Lin Wen thought for a while and asked, "How much does one cost?"

Yang Shaohu replied: "The cartridges and gunpowder are provided by the empire, and the electricity is stolen. There is no labor cost, only scrap steel, and the cost of accessories. The cost of one piece is about 95 yuan."

"Okay, you use the report of loss as an excuse to ask the empire for more cartridges and gunpowder, and more whoring... How much can we produce?"

Yang Shaohu proudly replied: "Our production capacity is more than 3 million pieces a day. The main thing that restricts our output is the cartridge casings. There are only so many 50 production lines running to the limit."

"Okay, take me to have a look."

Yang Shaohu said happily: "Okay, County Chief Lin. Let me tell you, the Chief Staff Department really made a great contribution this time. The person in charge they selected is too powerful..."

"This guy named Ma Xinglu is extremely efficient..."

Along the way, they kept talking about how powerful the new head of the Refugee Management Committee was, how many problems he had solved, and how much efficiency he had improved.

Lin Wen didn't pay much attention to it. How could it be possible that the talents he selected from more than 600 candidates with magic were not strong?

Along the way, Lin Wen also saw that everything in the factory was organized, and the workers had an orderly division of labor.

Yang Shaohu divided the entire factory area into 50 sections, one section for each large factory building, and one large factory building corresponds to one production line.

The scale of this production line is very large. It can produce 60,000 missiles a day, and the corresponding logistics transportation is also very large. Trucks or manpower trailers are constantly transporting missiles outside the factory.

The assembly of shells is not in the factory area, but on the mountain.

Yang Shaohu cleaned up the entire mountain range and turned it into a huge but simple assembly factory. The factory area is surrounded by the mountains near the shell factory. There is no factory building, only awnings and warehouses. Everyone sits on the ground and assembles the delivered shell casings and accessories.

This is a simple assembly line that circles around from the east. The first batch of workers installs cartridges in the projectile body, the second batch of workers installs the cartridges and safety, the third batch installs the firing device, the fourth batch installs fuzes and warheads, and the last batch is responsible for inspection, and then sent to the warehouse after passing.

This million-level artificial assembly line is their masterpiece of high efficiency.

There is no machinery, everything is done manually, but with extraordinary efficiency.

It is because of them that three million pieces can be produced a day.

If there are more projectiles, this value can even be greatly exceeded.

This is money.

Lin Wen came to the projectile production line workshop and decided to use the last bit of soul left to solve this problem.



Taiming Palace.

Liu You, the princess' valet, reported respectfully: "Your Highness, Commander Fu Yixiu has reported that he has surrendered."

The first princess Li Linyue is dressed in a military uniform today, but it does not diminish her beautiful appearance, but adds a rare heroic appearance.

Her expression was serious and serious, she was carefully looking at the imperial newspaper in front of her, and she only had a short answer to Liu You's words.

"I see."

Liu You hesitated for a moment, and continued: "Your Highness, why are we helping Changshan County? This involves the grievances between the Qin Group and the commander of the Western Region, Wu Yao. We'd better not get involved."

Li Linyue said coldly: "This is not what you should know."

"Yes..." Liu You bowed his head respectfully.

After a while, another guard trotted in: "Your Highness! The latest news is that the Shizhou Crusade Army has been defeated and has returned to Shizhou."

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