Li Linyue said coldly: "I see, you go down."

After the guards retreated, Liu You hesitated for a while, and asked softly, "Should we turn around and bet on Changshan County?"

Li Linyue finally closed the imperial newspaper in front of her, and stared directly at her valet with lacquered eyes.

Liu You couldn't help lowering his head, not daring to face up to the princess's beautiful face.

"Is the Yuntai event ready?"

Liu You became excited.

"Of course, Your Royal Highness, the Senate has already approved the date, and the date is chosen on the day of the victory of the empire. Since it is the first Yuntai grand event after you became an adult, the Imperial Union Savings Association approved a budget of 3 billion. This is the highest budget for the Yuntai grand event over the years. You are a veritable number one princess. From ancient times to the present, all princesses in the empire are inferior to you."

Hearing Liu You's praise, Li Linyue's expression did not change.

"I remember that kid from Changshan County has a cloud platform token, right?"

Liu You's face collapsed in an instant.

"Yes, I was blind, and I actually gave him one too. That white-eyed wolf is really nothing, and it failed the princess' good intentions."

Li Linyue said lightly: "Give him the default candidate for the Yuntai event."

Liu You's expression froze, his eyes were wide open, and the eyeballs seemed to jump out of their sockets.

"Princess...His Royal Highness, why is this? You are only twenty-two years old. Why did you choose Zhang... a man? With your status and the power of His Majesty, you must at least express your intention to choose a relative on the third Yuntai..."

"No, no, even more than that. Today's emperor is very talented, wise and powerful, and has the talents of heaven and earth. He turned around in adversity and took advantage of the opportunity to control the situation in the temple again. Above the court, the elders, dignitaries, and lords all bowed their heads and obeyed their ears. Given time, it is not impossible to restore the ancient system of the great emperor."

"At that time, not to mention the three Yuntai, the thirty Yuntai will still shine in the world, the men of the whole empire, who do you want to choose, as many as you want..."

But the princess only said one word, and made him shut up.

"That's what my father meant."


The production process of the cannonball body is very simple. The scrap steel is melted, poured into the mold, condensed and heated again, and then the shape of the projectile is pressed out with a mold drill, and then the details are processed, and then it can be inspected and shipped.

In the whole process, only the detail processing requires some skills.

Other steps are so simple that you can learn them with just a few glances.

As for the step of detail processing, it is nothing more than pinching the button of the stopwatch to switch the machine tool.

As soon as Lin Wen entered the workshop, the heat rushed to his face.

In the huge factory building, countless workers work on the production line. They pushed the lever, poured molten steel into the mold, picked up the red steel block with a meter-long iron tongs, and put it under the molding machine.

Pull down the control lever, the molding machine will press the steel block into a projectile shape, then take it out and put it on the machine tool, engrave the thread, and the whole process is basically completed.

After the projectile body is cooled and tested, it can be sent to the factory for assembly.

The labor of the workers is tense and orderly, and the scene is full of heat. There are more than a dozen blowers on the top of the factory building, which can't blow away the anxious atmosphere in the factory.

A factory building is 300 meters wide and 700 meters long, and can accommodate 15,000 workers.

In the entire factory area, there are a total of fifty such factories.

Outside the factory building, there are more than half a million people responsible for the logistics and transportation of the entire factory area, and a human production line composed of millions of people is responsible for the assembly of shells.

Just by hearing this number, one can know how complicated and terrifying the organizational work is.

From what Lin Wen saw, factories with one or two thousand people often went bankrupt due to poor management, and it was unheard of for millions of workers to organize mass production.

Suddenly, Lin Wen realized an opportunity, and thought to himself: "This is an unprecedented opportunity. If I don't take this opportunity to make a fortune, I'm really sorry for the powerful county chief."

He immediately asked: "Shaohu, what is the daily budget for the entire factory area, excluding production?"

Yang Shaohu looked serious.

"Sheriff Lin, the daily budget is two million, including maintenance, labor insurance, necessary safety measures, and welfare."

Lin Wen asked, "How much is the benefit?"

Yang Shaohu replied: "One person's budget is 30 cents. The main reason is that the factory is too hot. We provide soft drinks. Sometimes there are mosquito bites on the mountain, and we provide mosquito repellent water. Due to the lack of transport vehicles, many vehicles are transported by manpower. We also provide some subsidies for this part."

Lin Wen sneered and said, "Shaohu, I found that there seems to be some bad luck caused by you."

Yang Shaohu: "?"

"Such a low subsidy, are you kidding me? They work so hard for me, not only do they not get paid, they don't even give benefits. It's even more terrifying than a sweatshop. If Kang sees it, he has to bow down. Huang Shiren will praise Master Lin when he sees it. I'm going to learn from you."

Yang Shaohu's face turned red. Although he didn't quite understand Lin Wen's words, the meaning of mocking them for oppressing people couldn't be more obvious.

This is also true. When the refugees were accepted, due to various reasons, the condition for accepting refugees became "working for Changshan County for free for three months".

Originally, this was only the work of refugee self-government.

After all, with so many refugees, it is impossible for Changshan County to do all the work.

Changshan County is only responsible for providing food at the standard of 12 yuan per day, and security supplies at the standard of 8 yuan per day, such as clothes and living utensils.

Most other affairs are completed under the management of the Refugee Management Committee.

But after settling down for a period of time, the affairs of the refugee camp decreased sharply, and so many people were no longer needed.

Therefore, when Lin Wen took over the mission of the empire, their first thought was to use these people to work.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with it, and the refugees have no opinion. In their view, Changshan County is just an agreement to be fulfilled.

These days, it is extremely rare for a government that can faithfully fulfill its agreements and promises.

Although the living environment provided by Jangsan County is crowded, it is not bad at all. If you can adapt to collective life, you can feel warm and safe.

The food is not rich, but it is definitely not shabby, even better than some people usually eat, and it is never cheap, and it is not as crude as pig food.

The chef in each living area is selected by himself. He also eats what the chef makes, and he eats the last portion after everyone else has finished eating.

This method is extremely effective in ensuring the level of cooking and saving a lot of administrative resources.

This quality management approach has always been pursued by the Refugee Management Committee.

And the security supplies distributed by Changshan County are extremely punctual, with cold clothes and cold quilts, without delay at all, and more careful than my mother.

Working for such a boss, everyone has no objection.

Except Lin Wen.

"Shaohu, your mentality is unacceptable. Don't regard oppression as normal, and don't use a superior mentality to give alms. This is what laborers deserve. You have to imagine yourself as one of them, not a slave owner who forces them to work."

Yang Shaohu was a little confused: "But we have made great efforts, I..."

Lin Wendao: "That means that they didn't work hard enough. You have to look at them from their standpoint. Assuming they are not desperate, can they accept this treatment?"

Yang Shaohu said blankly, "I don't know..."

Lin Wen grabbed a passing worker: "Are you satisfied with the current treatment?"


"Are you happy?"


Lin Wen turned his head: "Look, they are very dissatisfied and unhappy. If this continues, you will be hanged by the street lamp sooner or later."

Yang Shaohu put out a question mark in confusion: "?"

"So, we have to increase benefits. Look at the hot factory, how can one bottle of water a day be enough? I'm going to die if I work here for 12 hours, at least one bottle in the morning and one in the afternoon."

"Look at them facing the molten steel. In this high-temperature environment, protective measures must be taken."

"Also, they use people to pull such a heavy load, and their shoulders are bleeding. At least they need a shoulder pad."

Lin Lin always said a lot, and Lin Wen finally concluded:

"So, everyone's daily welfare should be increased to 10 yuan, and a monthly subsidy of 100 yuan will be given as compensation for their hard work. And the heavy work is so tiring, this month is equivalent to three months of white labor. From next month, they will get their wages."

Yang Shaohu suddenly woke up from his confusion.

"Sheriff Lin!"

He yelled: "The finance department is out of money! There are millions of workers in the new factory area, and your monthly expenditure will be at least two billion more!"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Don't worry, Shizhou will give it to you."

"We don't have enough food!"

"Don't worry, Shizhou will give it to you."

Yang Shaohu felt unbelievable: "What if Shizhou doesn't give it?"


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