Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 341 Special Envoy of the Council

After defeating the Shizhou army, Lin Wen immediately began to harvest the spoils.

With the efforts of 240,000 soldiers, countless trophies were loaded onto cargo ships bound for Changshan County.

This large amount of income can just help Changshan County tide over the difficulties, and it can be regarded as taking from the people and using it for the people.

In addition to many valuable trophies, there are also a lot of supplies.

Most of them were piled up in warehouses near the pier, usually all kinds of grain, cloth, commodities, etc. Lin Wen also unceremoniously loaded them onto his cargo ship.

Lao Xie's results this time were beyond Lin Wen's expectations. He rented 25 cargo ships and a port in a short period of time, plus seven cargo ships from Changshan County itself, making a total of 32 ships, fully satisfying the transportation of materials.

For the follow-up work, Lin Wen handed over to Changshan County Forbidden Curse Mage Group.

They wore the forbidden curse mage clothes provided by Lin Wen, held the phoenix feather wand provided by Lin Wen, and cast the "Critical Heart Scraping Bone" spell on the selected ones.

Well, a mage who casts the forbidden Unforgivable Curse is called a Forbidden Curse Mage.

Very reasonable.

The laws laid down by Changshan County will govern the world.

I said.

Which of you is against it?


two days later.

Eliminate rape and eliminate evil, good fate +1501.

The voice of hope, good fate +1024.


In addition to the previous ones, the total income of good karma has reached 4012, and bad karma is only 12 points, which is completely acceptable.

What's more, he made a lot of money, and this money can maintain Changshan County for a long time.

Changshan County will also continue to bring him a lot of good luck.

It is equivalent to a young swallowing gold beast, as long as Lin Wen can feed it, it will continue to bring good luck to Lin Wen.

When it matures, it can swallow gold by itself, and Lin Wen doesn't have to be so tired.

After that, Lin Wen asked He Shangsheng to recruit people. Anyone who is willing to go to Changshan County can apply, and all will be treated favorably.

As soon as the announcement came out, applicants rushed in. They had almost no assets in Jiangkou City, and they were all debts, either owed rent to Master Chang, or owed usury to Master He.

For them, where is it not to ask for a meal?

Since Changshan County is reliable, why not go there?

The registration point was almost overcrowded, and Changshan County accepted all the orders, and let them return to Changshan County by cargo ship together with the cargo to start their new life.

Lin Wen has already contacted Chen Xingtai and asked him to accept these people and arrange them well.

Chen Xingtai has three jobs: farming, logging and hunting. They can live well if they choose any one.

After Yun Qingshui heard about it, she volunteered to come and practice it, and Lin Wen also agreed, and repeatedly told her to be careful, unless the evidence was convincing and the crime was serious, she would hand it over to him for final handling.

Originally, Lin Wen planned to stay here and continue working, but something important happened in Changshan County that he had to deal with personally.

Qin Luoshuang also asked him to go in person, if he didn't go, then she would go.

If Qin Luoshuang left, the work of the 240,000 people would all fall to him.

After weighing it up, Lin Wen decided to go back.

Before leaving, Lin Wen predicted the enemy's actions for the last time, handed over the final battle plan to Qin Luoshuang, and told her to keep in touch at any time.


From Jiangkou City back to Changshan County is downstream, and the speed is very fast.

Before dark, Lin Wen arrived at the dock in Changshan County.

Then I went back to the county hall and met the key person of this trip - the special envoy of the council.

It was a skinny guy with a sallow complexion who looked like he had eaten a hundred pounds of shit.

As soon as he saw Lin Wen, he showed a shit-like smile, and stretched out chicken feet that seemed to have been soaked in shit for a hundred years: "Sheriff Lin, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Lin Wen had no intention of holding shit, nor did he open his exquisite heart, afraid that Xin would say something like shit with this shit-like guy.

"What's the matter?" Lin Wen said coldly.

The special envoy seemed to have expected this indifferent attitude a long time ago. He maintained this shit-like smile, and said with a shit smile:

"County Lin, contradictions, disputes, and struggles are just footnotes of interests. In the past, our interests conflicted, and there were many conflicts. You should understand."

This kind of low-end argument of profit-only theory, Lin Wen's ears have long heard the cocoon.

He was too lazy to talk and watched his performance quietly.

Teshi continued: "But it's different now. We have a basis for cooperation and a direction to achieve mutual benefits..."

He paused, seeing that Lin Wen didn't intend to answer, so he had no choice but to continue talking.

"Shizhou and the Qin Group are also enemies of the Council. When we have a common enemy, we have common interests."

He stretched out his hand again, and once again showed a shit-like smile:

"How about it? Changshan County can cooperate with the council to deal with Shizhou together. You will win this losing battle, and we will fight against the arrogance of the Qin Group. This is called mutual benefit and win-win."

Lin Wen glanced at him: "Is there any benefit?"

"Winning the war, and being favored by the council, isn't that the greatest benefit?"

Lin Wen showed a serious look: "Is it good for me to ask one last time?"

Teshi was silent for a while, and said: "We can help you with some giants. This is already the greatest sincerity of the council."

Before he could answer, [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] directly warned him that this would lead to bad luck.

Damn it, I knew that a giant, such a conscience-stricken thing, couldn't be touched.

What a waste of time.

"Go away, I'm not interested."

The envoy smiled slightly, as if he had expected this situation long ago.

"Sheriff Lin, don't be too emotional. Interests are cold. A mature politician thinks about issues with interests rather than feelings."

"You have to know that an enemy's enemy is a friend. At least until you reconcile with Shizhou, we all have a basis for cooperation."

"Use each other, each takes what it needs, why not?"

Lin Wen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and only said one word: "Get lost."

The envoy's smile became sinister.

"Young people like to use their emotions, and young heroes like Sheriff Lin are no exception. You are still young, and you may not know that it is extremely dangerous to refuse the kindness of the council."

Lin Wen sneered, "What kind of dangerous method?"

"County Lin," the special envoy said casually, "You may not know that the council has shown goodwill towards Changshan County a long time ago, you think you can survive until now?"


The special envoy said with a smile: "County Lin, you have played so big, and you want to use millions of refugees as your way to advance, so you shouldn't offend the Council. Changshan County is not isolated from this world, and you need to rely on the outside world too much..."

He snapped his fingers and said, "You need coal, otherwise your main source of funds comes from the Changshan Iron and Steel Plant and you won't be able to operate."

"You need copyright, otherwise Painful Baba will always be just a plagiarism and piracy company."

"You need public opinion on environmental protection, otherwise your indiscriminate fishing in Tianjiang will soon be stopped, and your indiscriminate deforestation in Taixu Mountains will also be punished."

"Your electricity is still stolen. The Imperial China Electricity Director has long since discovered that something is wrong. It was East Qinzhou that stopped you from unplugging it... and so on. If the council attacks you regardless of the cost, you will soon collapse."

A smug smile could not help but appear on the envoy's face.

"How? Do you want to reconsider our suggestion?"

Lin Wendao: "If you call me one billion eight hundred million now, I can think about it."

The envoy maintained a superior smile.

"It seems that you haven't thought it through yet. You will think it through."

He bowed gracefully, trying to project the superiority of the Council.

But he didn't expect that he also showed the back of his head at the same time.


Lin Wen finally found the pistol in the meeting room, and shot the back of his head.

The special envoy fell to the ground with an expression of disbelief, blood gushing from the back of his head.

bang bang!

The security agents who were guarding outside heard the gunfire and rushed in, but only saw the special envoy lying on the ground and the muzzle of the gun in Lin Wen's hand.

Yun Zhixing, who was in charge of the protection task, let out a long sigh of relief.

Before Sheriff Lai Lin came, they had searched the special envoy a hundred times from head to toe.

There was no way he could have hidden a weapon.

And the moment he heard the gunshot, Yun Zhixing's heart almost burst, thinking that he was negligent in his work and let the assassins from the council sneak in.

Sheriff Lin is the third person in his life, second only to the master and the eldest lady.

In case he was assassinated by the council right under his nose, without the help of the master or the eldest lady, he would like to have his own skin peeled off.

But seeing the corpses on the ground gave me a headache. Yun Zhixing is now the No. 2 person in the Foreign Affairs Bureau, and he is basically doing the work of foreign relations.

"Sheriff Lin... why did you kill him, this is just a special envoy... Even if you don't agree, there is no need..."

Lin Wen sneered, "No one can pretend to be X in front of me."

A golden letter floated in front of my eyes.

Eliminate rape and eliminate evil, good fortune +7


It can be considered as a gift, not completely in vain.

When Yun Zhixing heard this answer, his five sense organs were all tangled up, and he wailed: "Sheriff Lin! How can I say this? I promised not to kill the envoy. This is the rule of the empire. You... If you do this, people will not want to deal with us if it is spread, and they will think that we have no credibility."

Lin Wen came over, forced the gun into his arms, and said casually, "Who said I killed him, he committed suicide."

Yun Zhixing glanced at the wound on the back of the special envoy's head.

"It's a bit difficult to commit suicide..."

Lin Wen said casually: "Isn't it? You are worthy of being the special envoy of the council, with extraordinary talents, even suicide is so different."

Yun Zhixing's whole body was about to crack, he said with a mournful face: "Sheriff Lin, if I do this, the eldest lady will dislike me for being incompetent, and the master will abandon me."

Lin Wen said casually: "When did you have the illusion that you are owned?"


Yun Zhixing felt that his brain was split by lightning, and his whole body was not well.

He suddenly burst into tears: "You liar! Sheriff Lin, you are a liar! I don't believe it, the master clearly told me to work hard, and she also helped me keep my salary card and save money..."

"I, I'm going to find the master..." I turned around and ran away in tears.

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