Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 342 Hidden Underwater Fleet

Due to this failure, the governor of Shizhou fell into a very embarrassing situation. Almost everyone who bet on him called or sent letters to ask the reason for the failure.

Just like the general manager was questioned by shareholders about the reason for the investment failure.

Gu Xuanli tried his best to cast himself as a wise and brave person, half of which collapsed. In the past few days, he has focused on repairing his image and relieving the pressure caused by failure.

The Iron Army led by Lu Yuerong and others did not actually shake their roots, and they still maintained a high combat effectiveness after the repair.

But the governor no longer trusted them, and transferred the Iron Army back to the rear, preparing to send another army.

But what he never expected was that Changshan County actually ransacked Jiangkou City.

Not only did they rob things, they even killed people.

This is more than stabbing a hornet's nest. Although Jiangkou City is not big, it is the city with the most developed trade in Shizhou. Many princes in the empire have interests in it.

All of a sudden, calls to Changshan County overwhelmed the official lines of Changshan County.

Telegrams were sent to the Jangsan County Government Office like snowflakes, but they all fell into the sea.

The caller was even angrier, and the operator in Changshan County kept talking back and forth.

"Hi, it's a pleasure to serve you."

"Hello, I already know your question, please wait patiently."

"Hello, I wish you a happy life, goodbye!"

Happy you fucking hammer!

What's even more exasperating is that they have to rate the attitude of the service.

"Hello, please give your valuable evaluation of our service."

"Press 1 if you are very satisfied, press 2 if you are very satisfied, press 3 if you are quite satisfied, and press 4 if you are very satisfied."

Satisfied with your hammer!

The caller almost smashed the phone, how could there be such a cheap reply?

The road in Changshan County was impassable, so they ran to Shizhou Governor's Mansion to question Governor Gu Xuanli.

Governor Gu has always been slick, so it is naturally impossible to reject these people like Lin Wen.

Thus, the disaster happened like this.

Although Gu Xuanli tried his best to explain, they still blamed the atrocities in Changshan County on the inaction of Shizhou Governor's Mansion.

The reason is also very simple, don't you brag about how righteous you are and how evil Changshan County is?

What is there to say to the bandits, Lao Tzu's property is on your territory, and you should be responsible for protecting it.

You can't protect it, let the bandits rob Lao Tzu's property, and let the bandits kill Lao Tzu's agent, that's naturally your fault.

Gu Xuanli had no choice but to hastily mobilize his descendant Gu Dacheng's army to attack Jiangkou City.

However, Gu Dacheng's army was one of the main forces in encircling and suppressing the rebel army. Once Gu Dacheng's army left, the pressure on the rebel army was greatly reduced. Xu Jieying immediately saw the opportunity and led the troops to attack everywhere, causing huge pressure on Shizhou.

Gu Xuanli was in a state of desperation, so he had no choice but to ask Yu Bozheng to wait for several army leaders to fight against the rebels.

Although the rift between the two sides has increased after the failure of the campaign against Changshan County, at least they will not rebel against the rebel camp.

As a result, the Changshan County Army won another few days, and Qin Luoshuang and others took the opportunity to speed up the delivery of supplies and the cleanup of Jiangkou City.

The work of the Forbidden Curse Mage Group went smoothly. Under the leadership of Yun Qingshui, they arrested a large number of people, adding another force to the material security of Changshan County.

Cargo ships full of cargo returned from Tianjiang to Changshan County, and from Changshan County to Jiangkou City Wharf.

In addition to the goods, a large number of people were also transported to Changshan County.

There are more than 500,000 people in Jiangkou City, 80% of them live in slums, and nearly half of these 80% are willing to go to Changshan County.

It doesn't matter if the rest don't want to go. The Changshan County troops burned their debt evidence and stubs. If they are lucky enough, some people should be able to get rid of their debt troubles.

In addition, the screening of the cargo ships stranded on the dock has also been completed, and the cargo ships that have nothing to do with Shizhou have been released, and the cargo ships belonging to Shizhou or the Qin Group will be confiscated even with the cargo.

The Imperial Shipping Administration has marked the port of Jiangkou City in red, reminding that there is a risk of war there, and it will not be responsible for any accidents.

Qin Luoshuang emptied the entire slums of Jiangkou City and transformed them into combat areas. Unless the opponent used heavy firepower to destroy the slums, the defenders in street fighting would have a huge advantage.

The Great Sword King was very excited at noon. He started out as a street fighter and was best at destroying enemies in narrow and complicated terrains. Therefore, he specially requested to defend the most difficult area in the middle of the slums.

The other generals were gearing up too, not to be outdone. Fu Yixiu's army only fought for one battle, and it became the form of a public security army. Several generals sneaked over to persuade the commander to stay in Changshan County.

Qin Luoshuang confirmed that Gu Dacheng's army would take at least one more day to arrive based on the information he received from Lin Wen.

While ordering the troops of Changshan County to stand by, she stepped up to move supplies.

Once the materials are moved, the cargo ship can become a troop carrier, which is their retreat just in case.

Shizhou only has this port, but they don't have a navy.

And Changshan County has it.


When Lin Wen was about to return to Jiangkou City, Qin Luoshuang called.

"Lin Wen..."

On the phone, her voice hesitated.

"Why do you provoke the council? Although we can't cooperate with bloody executioners, we don't need to deliberately provoke conflicts, right? At least we have to wait until we finish the battle..."

Lin Wendao: "The council is poor and poor, and it dares to talk about cooperation. It is an insult to my personality. Of course, I will kill the person who insults my personality."


The sound of forehead slapping.

"I knew it... All right, but I won't seek the support of the council, it's an unscrupulous department."

Lin Wen pondered for a while: " don't take the initiative to contact, but if the council finds you, don't refuse, hang them..."

Qin Luoshuang refused: "I don't want to deal with these people. Although my father has done a lot of evil, he can only be called a ruthless ruler who will do anything for power and interests. The council is not human at all, it is a group of disgusting biochemical monsters wriggling like maggots."

"Ah? How can I do all kinds of evil..."

"you shut up!"

Lin Wen scratched the back of his head, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and smiled: "Qin Luoshuang, just treat him as a fish in your fish pond. Your current strategy is to raise more fish, the better. The council is indeed disgusting, but anyway, it's just a fish in the fish pond. Just kick him away after you ascend the throne."

Qin Luoshuang soon understood that the fish ponds and fish farming that Lin Wen mentioned meant the same thing as Xia Chang said about shepherding and sheep pens.

Although the metaphor is very apt, she doesn't like it very much, and even less like Lin Wen's way of arranging the funeral.

"lets change a topic."

She skirted the subject.

"I just got the news that some forces offended by us in Jiangkou City plan to hire some river looters to hijack our cargo ship, and the council has already planned to intervene. They said they would teach us a lesson that we will never forget as the price for our rudeness."

"Didn't you say that the Changshan County Navy still has a hidden underwater fleet? Hurry up and send it to protect our cargo ship."

Lin Wen smiled.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Don't worry, under my protection, no cargo ship will be hijacked."


hang up the phone.

Lin Wen glanced at his nearly overflowing primordial spirit, and showed a happy smile.

Underwater is his main battlefield.

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