Lin Wen was sitting on Yunzhixing's off-road vehicle, the strong wind blowing away his hair on his forehead.

Although the road was uneven, Yun Zhixing had good driving skills and was very stable, which gave him a sense of security that he would not overturn.

Just good for his thinking.

The electricity problem in Jangsan County has been solved.

Although you have to pay electricity bills normally in the future, it is not as enjoyable as stealing electricity for free, but it has a sense of security and stability, and it also saves a lot of manpower.

The next step is to fully build the power supply facilities in Changshan County, as well as the water supply facilities.

Basic hydropower has not been rolled out, what kind of society is this?

In addition, there are a lot of content, many of which he asked through spells, but the main part was completed by himself.

Even under the condition of reducing consumption, the consumption of this problem is very high, it is better for him to directly carry the experience of the previous life.

It has been proven by practice. Each of them has condensed the wisdom and hard work of countless top figures, and has been tested by billions of people. Its value is more than hundreds of millions?

Asking with spells, even if he is a true immortal, it is not enough.


All the development and reform plans he chose according to his own situation are all gold-swallowing behemoths.

Its first small step will pay the wages of nearly six million people.

As for the medical care, education, and housing in the back, once the knife is started, it will be tens of billions, and it really won't work.

But if it is really done well, he has a hunch that his good fortune will be doubled at least.


The key is money.

Because of this, he is ready to start his high-tech industry plan again, and the Internet money making industry.

This is the reason why Painful Baba set up a high-quality word-of-mouth stand-alone machine to whitewash it.

But this is not enough, Sheng Huaixuan is right, he also needs an industrial chain that can accommodate a population close to tens of millions.

Changshan Iron and Steel Works, Tianjiang Fishery Company, Changshan Food Factory, and the farmlands, lumberyards, and hunters in Shangxi Town can only accommodate a million people.

Therefore, Lin Wen now needs money first, people second, and top talents third, and it is best to have a pair of crouching dragons and phoenix chicks.

People, Lin Wen is not particularly worried, as long as his reputation of generosity, honesty and trustworthiness comparable to Huang Shu's, and his reputation for protecting living beings and not killing indiscriminately spread, there will definitely be crouching dragons and phoenixes who will take the initiative to vote.

Money is the biggest problem.

He must first earn a huge sum of money to support his high-tech industrial chain and Internet empire.

If possible, build another entertainment empire and build a modern industrial system with all industrial categories.

Of course, first of all, a huge amount of money is needed.

Originally, Lin Wen was still a little worried, worried that the money from Shizhou would not be enough, but Governor Sheng told him that there were still many giant food storage spots like Jiangkou City in Shizhou.

One site has one million tons, Shizhou is so big, there must be one hundred sites, right?

Isn't that 100 million tons?

The total value of the trophies for taking down Jiangkou City exceeded 900 million.

One point is 900 million, so what about 100 points, isn't it 90 billion?

With the addition of 100 million tons of grain, wouldn't he be able to take off on the spot?

Governor Sheng is really a good person, he kindly reminded me that although I didn’t give me 10 billion, and even 1 billion, I, Lin Wen, am not a grudge. After copying, I will give him 1000 catties of food.

Moreover, after copying so many points, I must have offended a large number of people. By then, wouldn't my chances of reincarnation increase?

Wa hahaha!

I really am a genius.

After waiting for so long, I finally saw the dawn of cultivating immortals again.

Lin Wen's blood was boiling with excitement, he was about to explode with excitement, he wished he could go to the front line immediately and fight with Qin Luoshuang.



Governor's Palace.

The governor's office was already crowded with people.

The Changshan County army swept away everything of value like evil spirits.

In addition to their property, the food hoarded in Jiangkou City is not the property of one person, but the common property of many people.

There are many people among them whom Gu Xuanli does not want to offend. Changshan County's frenzied move of transporting grain is too big to be hidden from others.

Seeing the sight of their ants moving mountains, these dignitaries felt as if their hearts had been hollowed out bit by bit.

They frantically protested to Changshan County, but Changshan County's annoying "Hello, I am very happy to serve you.", and even more annoying "I am very satisfied, please press 1."

It is simply an insult to their noble status.

But apart from the official phone number of Changshan County, no one knew the private phone number of the county chief, and he couldn't find someone to send a message.

Changshan County is like a meteorite floating in the sky, not within the complex and cumbersome network of relationships in the empire.

Someone tried to find Sheng Huaixuan, but Sheng Huaixuan replied coldly that Changshan County had already left East Qinzhou and was not his subordinate.

Someone tried to find Chang Sheng from Yaojing, but Chang Duchang replied that due to the imperial ban, he had no business relationship with Changshan County for a long time.

Looking further up, they suddenly found that only the emperor of the empire seemed to have something to do with Changshan County.

But the rumors are not reliable. After all, this is the head of state in name of the empire, and he has been extremely strong recently.

Moreover, the Supreme Council strictly prohibits hoarding. Isn't this hitting the muzzle of the gun?

Changshan County couldn't do anything, so they had no choice but to come to Gu Xuanli.

Gu Xuanli's current power is all deeply rooted in the empire's network, otherwise his body would have been dried on the gallows eight hundred years ago based on what he did.

He can't afford to offend so many dignitaries, so he can only ask the guards to help him carry the gun.

These luxuriously dressed and potbellied dignitaries are not something a few guards dare to touch, they can only be pushed, insulted and beaten by them.

The governor hid in his office and called Gu Dacheng who was fighting on the front line.

Gu Dacheng had just finished a fierce battle, and his troops were seriously injured. He really didn't expect that it was just a siege battle, and he was able to ambush more than a dozen times in a row, either hiding in the house or hiding in the sewer, and ran away after taking advantage, which was extremely troublesome.

To make matters worse, the inner city walls of Jiangkou City are very strong.

This was originally built to show the tall and powerful old men.

Unexpectedly, it has now become the biggest barrier hindering their attack. The thick bluestone city wall cannot even be pierced by tank guns.

Soldiers were blocked in the outer city and fought tunnel mines every day, causing great damage.

The key is to burst the mind.

Soldiers often accidentally stepped on landmines while walking. Many times, there were no landmines here yesterday, but there were suddenly ones today.

No matter how strict their defenses are, after one night, there will always be a lot of landmines in various unexpected places the next day.

This kind of thing has a great blow to morale. The soldiers now walk on tiptoe like crazy thieves, startled.

Not only that, a bunch of enemies would often jump out of the sewer for no reason, and instantly wipe out a team that was retreating and was repairing.

Then it rushed back to the sewer with a roar, making the reinforcements who arrived stare blankly.

If you enter the sewer to pursue, 99% of them will never return.

It's useless to blow up the sewers, the opponent can always dig through quickly, and the attack quickly resumes.

You don't necessarily want to blow up the sewers of the whole city, do you? Not enough dynamite.

Gu Dacheng finally thought of a way to seal all the sewer covers with cement.

But before it was quiet for a while, the toilet started to explode again.

There are dozens of toilet bombings in the whole city every day, and the soldiers dare not even poop in the city.

Worse, instead of going through the sewer covers, they're popping up all over the city.

It used to be safe to stay away from the sewer cover, but now it is useless to stay away.

Suddenly, a large piece of the good ground fell with a crash, and then a large group of people jumped out angrily, killed them, and then jumped back.

It was a nightmare.

The soldiers were overwhelmed, exhausted, and their morale was low. When Gu Dacheng was about to retreat to rest, he received a call from the governor with harsh words, urging him to attack the city immediately.

"Governor Gu, we really need to repair now..."

Gu Dacheng tried to explain, but Gu Xuanli didn't give him the slightest leeway.

"I don't care, you have to fight! Fight down at all costs!"

The governor was very tough, no matter how he explained it was useless, and in the end he even said that he would dismiss me if I didn't call.

In desperation, Gu Dacheng could only be forced to gather troops and attack the city again.


Standing on the broad bluestone city wall, Lin Wen was about to use [Immortal Guidance] again to inquire about the tactics of the next step, when he saw the dejected soldiers gathered in the streets and alleys of the lower city.

Fang Dashan and Wang Zhengwu on the side immediately beamed with joy, and hurriedly asked: "Sheriff Lin, what should we do next?"

Lin Wen glanced at his few souls left, and decided not to use [Immortal Guidance].

Since he went to the front line, he has used this spell the most.

Its consumption is low, backed by a wealth of detailed intelligence. It is only a further step to find a weak point suitable for assault, which is equivalent to deepening the intelligence one layer further.

After getting the answer, the commando will be in the right place, at the right time, in the right way, and then evacuate in the right way.

It fully embodies the sixteen principles of the enemy advancing and retreating, the enemy stationing and we harassing, the enemy tired and attacking, and the enemy retreating and pursuing.

The well-trained tunnel warfare, mine warfare, and mobile warfare of the Changshan County Army are brought into full play.

This was the happiest battle Fang Dashan and Wang Zhengwu had ever fought. They came and went like the wind, advanced and retreated freely, and exhausted the main force of Shizhou, which was much stronger than them.

Jiangkou City's well-developed sewer system has completely become their main battlefield.

Raid, reconnaissance, harassment, retreat, planting mines in the dead of night, every operation is handy.

Even if the passage is blown down and the exit is blocked, Lin Wen will still use [Fossil to Earth] and [Turn Earth into Mud] to clear the pipeline, build side branches, or dig the ground.

Of course, you have to be careful when digging the ground. Many times, Lin Wen only digs half and leaves the other half.

When they needed a surprise attack, they shoveled it with an engineer shovel, and the whole ground fell down.

In this way, in less than a week, Gu Dacheng's army has been messed up.

However, Changshan County lost very little, and almost all of them came from the battle of defending the city.

But this time, Lin Wen didn't plan to use spells, and saved some primordial spirit for backup.

Moreover, the scene in front of you does not need to use spells.

So, he said: "In the past few days, you have seen my peerless strategy that is comparable to Brother Pig, and you should have learned a little bit. Now, it is time to test your learning results."

Both Fang Dashan and Wang Zhengwu were extremely happy, their hearts were already itchy.

The staff members were thinking hard and eager to express themselves, only Qin Luoshuang wanted to beat him.

This guy has never been willing to talk properly.

But she patiently arranged the battle plan with the commander and staff.

In fact, it is also very simple. It is nothing more than a reenactment of the previous battle. The front is defended and the rear is attacked.

But unexpectedly, the effect this time was surprisingly good.

The enemy army was in chaos under their attack from both sides. Wang Zhengwu noticed that the enemy's defense was full of loopholes and the attack was extremely soft. He decisively led an elite commando to attack from behind and directly penetrated in.

Qin Luoshuang reacted quickly, and immediately asked He Shangsheng to open the city gate and lead the army to attack.

Wang Zhengwu had a broadsword in one hand and a short blunderbuss in the other, blood flowed in rivers in the alleyway.

He Shangsheng is also a black knife and two guns, charging forward.

Both of them are top masters who have experienced battles for a long time. When they fought back and forth, Gu Dacheng's army suddenly blew thousands of miles away.

Fang Dashan and Yan Xi then led the army to advance. Gu Dacheng's army was beaten to the ground and fled. They were defeated after a big loss, unable to resist, and could only flee in a hurry.

Qin Luoshuang was very happy. After this big victory, it was very difficult for Shizhou to attack them again in a short time.

They had plenty of time to move everything before evacuating by boat.

After the negotiations are finished, the secret war will be over, and Changshan County will usher in a long period of stable development.

After this battle, Changshan County will become a force that no one dares to ignore in the empire. They will be eligible to sit on the big table of benefit distribution, and they will be eligible to form alliances and get a piece of the cake.

If someone wants to move them again, they have to consider the consequences.

Once in that situation, Qin Luoshuang is very confident that with her understanding of the empire's forces and her top-notch level of integration, Changshan County will definitely be able to firmly occupy a place, and Lin Wen's ridiculous idea of ​​​​sacrificing will never happen.

Changshan County can really become a country they once dreamed of.

Those blood, hatred, hatred, and twisted ugly things will all go away from them, just like the Yuyao River Taoye Village where they once lived in seclusion.

Full of hope for a better future, Qin Luoshuang found Lin Wen, but before he could speak, he heard Lin Wen say loudly:

"You came at the right time, give the order, the whole army is going to attack Pingpan City!"

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