Pingpan City is located in the west of Jiangkou City, and it is an important traffic town in Shizhou.

If you take down Pingpan City and follow the Shanhai Railway, you can directly march into the capital of Shizhou.

There is no doubt that Pingpan City is an important place in Shizhou, far more important than Jiangkou City. Taking down Pingpan City is undoubtedly stabbing a hornet's nest.

But Lin Wen just wanted to poke a hornet's nest, not just one, he wanted to poke a hundred.

It would be best if all the wasps from a hundred hornet's nests came to bite him, and then Qin Luoshuang led the people in Changshan County to take the opportunity to pick up the nests.


Everyone agreed with Lin Wen's opinion, except Qin Luoshuang.

Along the way, this girl was all gray.

After thinking about it, Lin Wen decided to go over to comfort her.

After all, this is the future heir.

"Hi! Little Shuangshuang!"

Lin Wen walked over and said that after setting the tone, he immediately opened the Qiqiao Linglong Heart.

This is also a common practice.

However, this time, the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart did not have any effect, although it showed all its wits, poems and sweet words.

But Qin Luoshuang didn't pay much attention.

Uh, this is actually completely immune.

Sure enough, the heart has reached its limit, and it is useless to Qin Luoshuang, and I still have to rely on my love sage to do it myself.

Lin Wen closed the Qiqiao Linglong Heart, coughed, and said, "Qin Luoshuang, you used to be a wealthy lady. Judging from the state of the empire I have seen so far, you can live a life of extravagance and do whatever you want. Why did you choose such a difficult road of betraying your family?"

Qin Luoshuang glanced at him, as if confirming that he had changed his state.

"Because it's ugly."

she replied.

"Unimaginably ugly, disgusting."

"I've seen the place where the family kept the slaves. It was a swamp formed by filth, and the slaves that the family considered the lowest level were held. They were skinny, dying, and died in pieces like flies."

"That nightmarish scene kept me from sleeping well for a month. When I realized that all my exquisite beauty came from these ugliness, I couldn't enjoy it with peace of mind."

Qin Luoshuang sighed softly.

"And you?"

Lin Wen directly quoted a passage: "If I want this sky, it can no longer cover my eyes. If I want this land, it can no longer hide my heart. I want all the Buddhas to disappear in thin air."

"You..." Qin Luoshuang hesitated, "Are you a supporter of the great emperor system?"

Lin Wen smiled and said: "No, I respect the principle of the minority obeying the majority the most, and everyone can discuss things."

Qin Luoshuang looked at him speechlessly: "Why didn't I see it?"

"Because you don't understand."

Qin Luoshuang said unhappily: "I have read a lot of books. I not only understand the empire, but also understand many other countries."

Lin Wen shook his finger: "No, you don't understand."

Point to yourself.

"I am the representative of principles."

Pointing at Qin Luoshuang's small and delicate nose.

"You are the destroyer of principles. You always oppose my correct suggestions, causing me to have zero good fortune for many days."

Qin Luoshuang almost exploded with anger.

"Is there a limit to your nonsense? Where did you come from? Do you know how dangerous it will be for us if you rush to attack the important town of Shizhou like this?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Has the controversy started? Alright, then let me teach you a lesson."

Qin Luoshuang looked at him angrily.

Lin Wen said: "Changshan County has only 10 million people, how is life like? We know very well that only the people in Huai Town can only be said to be reluctant."

"If refugees are included, it's not even barely enough. Every bed requires shifts. The bedroom is in a big cave, filled with seven-story beds that go straight to the top of the cave. The per capita area is only 0.33 square meters. I'll live here for you, would you like it?"

Qin Luoshuang remained silent.

Lin Wen continued: "Not only that, all the villages and towns in the west of Changshan County have no water or electricity, and 10% of the area in the east has no water or electricity. According to the poverty standard, more than 90% of the people in Changshan County are poor."

"If I want Changshan County to have electricity, water, cars, and houses."

"If I still have a little ambition and want to make Changshan County better and more developed, guess how much I will spend?"

Qin Luoshuang felt dizzy for a while, before she could count, her instinct had already told her that this was an astronomical figure.

Lin Wen's expression gradually became severe.

"Do you understand it?"

Qin Luoshuang lowered his head and lowered his voice: "But, but we can develop... We can build factories step by step, invest, compete for the interests that can be contested in the empire, and protect our due interests. We can take our time..."

Lin Wen shook his head and said, "Changshan County can take its time. What about people outside Changshan County? You have seen the tragedy in the refugee camp. Every time we take a step back, how many people will suffer in hell for so long, and how many tragic things will happen?"

Qin Luoshuang fell silent, and it took a long time before she said, "I...was really wrong?"

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Qin Luoshuang, remember, truth is always relative."

"In a certain realm, you are correct. But when you reach a higher realm, you are not correct, and I am correct. If someone reaches a higher realm in the future, then I am wrong again. Just like the development of a theory, there is no truth that is always correct."

"And you, you should work hard to learn from people of higher realms, work hard to become stronger, and improve your realm as soon as possible."

"However, don't blindly imitate me. Going beyond your own realm and leapfrogging to do what you can't do is a risk. The consequences it leads to are disastrous."

"Learn from my experience of the higher realms, but don't imitate what is beyond your ability, is what I want to say."

Qin Luoshuang already fully understood what Lin Wen meant.

Although she was very unconvinced, she had to admit that Lin Wen's strategy and tactics had reached the level of magic.

With her knowledge reserve, she can't even understand it, but the result is always correct.

"I see." Qin Luoshuang exhaled, "I will learn."

Lin Wen smiled, if Feng Chu could really learn the strategy of the immortal, wouldn't he have made a lot of money?

Suddenly something came to mind, and he said, "Also, some people have become a little hot-headed recently, thinking that they are invincible, and their suggestions are even more exaggerated than mine. This is a typical dizziness. Remember to cool them down, and don't let them get lost in the victory brought about by my extraordinary intelligence."

Qin Luoshuang snorted: "You are too narcissistic, I will surpass you."

Her breath brightened up.

Lin Wen saw it in his eyes, comforted him in his heart, and said with a smile: "Seeking truth from facts is my basic virtue."

Qin Luoshuang snorted: "I've seen it for a long time. You are narcissistic about everything that involves yourself. The most beautiful man in the world is not as beautiful as you."

Lin Wen opened his arms and made a gesture of praising the sun.

"How can someone who doesn't even love himself love the world?"

It happened that Fang Dashan got in the car to report the military situation.

"Huh? Sheriff Lin, what kind of action is this?"

He imitated it.

"It's a bit touching, is this our new military salute?"

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