
Elder's compound.

An imperial guard envoy respectfully presented the telegram.

"Wang Yao of the western region proposed that the three major regions of the eastern, southern, and central regions second the proposal, requesting an end to the secret war between Shizhou and Changshan County."

The Great Elder was noncommittal, and the Imperial Guardian respectfully placed the telegram on the table.

A moment later, another telegram came up.

"Qin Gang proposed in the southwestern region, and in the northern region, Field Marshal Fu Wenyu seconded the proposal, requesting to punish the defectors Guan Jurang, Yu Bozheng, Xie Qizhen, Fu Yixiu, Xu Chaogong, Shi Shuangyu and other 21 people, so as to correct the military style of the empire and the glory of soldiers."

The Great Elder still did not respond, and the second telegram was also placed on the table, just above the first telegram.

A few moments later, the third telegram came.

"It was suggested by the five elders including Lin Yabo, Moxili, Luo Nuo, Cheng Wei, and Ren Zhengqing to continue the secret war in Shizhou, so as to achieve the effect of training the empire, training the generals, and testing the weapons."

A fourth telegram followed.

"The telegram from Gu Xuanli, the governor of Shizhou, stated that everything was as he expected. After this battle, Shizhou's internal forces were tempered, those who were not firm were eliminated, the soldiers were tempered, and their will was strengthened. The 200 million athletes in Shizhou were all rejoicing and united. Once Changshan County is defeated, they will rush to the front line like a rainbow and serve the empire's war."

The great elder asked the guard to put down the telegram with a blank face.

But the guardian envoy took out the fifth telegram, which was still from the governor of Shizhou.

The first half of the telegram is about how powerful Changshan County's new missiles are.

The second half accuses Changshan County of possessing such advanced weapons, not dedicating them to the empire, not going to the front line to fight enemy planes, but using them to beat up teammates in the civil war, it is really despicable, indecent and cunning, with low morals, no glory of the empire, and unworthy of being a high-ranking official of the empire.

The Great Elder, who had already mastered the iron-faced martial arts, couldn't help but frowned.

After the guardian envoy left, a great elder said, "What do you think?"

"Stupid acting, poor clown."

"Governor of Shizhou?"

"No, everyone."

A great elder suddenly asked: "What about Changshan County? Why didn't Changshan County send a telegram?"

Invite the Imperial Guardian.

The imperial guardian shook his head, indicating that he had not received any telegrams.

"Put through the phone call from the Chief of Changshan County."

The guard was terrified and shook his head to show that he didn't have his contact information.

A great elder glanced at him, he should be a newcomer, and said flatly: "Go and tell your captain, he knows how to do it."

A moment later, Lin Wen, who was expanding wildly, received a call from the highest point of the empire.


"This is the Supreme Council, and I am Great Elder Ping Yuan."


It was awkward for a while.

Lin Wen suddenly remembered that he was going to open his exquisite heart, and at this moment, he was speaking.

"Do you want to end this war?"

"In no mood."

Click, the phone hangs up.

That was the end of Lin Wen's first private call with the supreme ruler of the empire.

In the Elder's compound.

Great Elder Ping Yuan put down the phone and said expressionlessly: "He is not Li Longxing's secret son."


"Not like."



"Is it over? The war has caused great damage to Shizhou, and the Qin Group has also suffered a lot. Our goal has been achieved."

"Not over."

"Why? Shizhou has always been a place where rebels gather. If there is too much damage, it may cause internal instability."

"Neither side has the will to end it."

"Oh, he really isn't Li Longxing's pawn."

"What about the rebels? If Xu Jieying gets out of trouble, then he will join the party and Chang Shouren will turn into a dragon."

Bang, the sound of wood hitting.

"The Qin Group guards the southwest, and the Mingren Party's home is in Guizhou. Qin Gang will not allow threats to appear under his nose. The Mingren Party cannot tolerate a heinous usury and human trafficker group staring at them."


"Very good. The council is not the opponent of the Qin Group and needs assistance."


"Li Long is flourishing, and the Imperial Political Supervisory Council is so powerful that it has squeezed the authority of the council. Do you need to limit it?"

"No need, get rid of the evils, improve the economy, and punish corrupt officials. The Imperial Political Supervisory Council has too many enemies, and it won't last long."

"The Princess faction is too active. Some officers in the Central District have mutinied. Li Linyue has inserted his hand into the imperial army. Do you need to manage it?"

"No, Li Linyue is good at calculation and good at party affairs. Gathering people as a princess, with narrow vision and small structure, will definitely not make things happen."


"Sheng Huaixuan directly controls more than 500,000 troops, and the policy implemented by East Qin Prefecture is very similar to militarized management."

The elders were silent for a moment.

"Let neighboring states take note."

Bang, it's a little softer this time.

"Wang Wengong is rapidly approaching the imperial faction, and many reform proposals were put forward by him or supported by him."

"Strike hard against the reformers."

"Lin Yabo proposed the Slave Act and Nobility Act again, which received wider support."

"On hold."

"Chengwei calls for strengthening patent protection and cracking down on plagiarists, especially online plagiarists."

"Strengthen network supervision, set up Wang Police, accelerate the construction of the Imperial Inspection Bureau, and establish the order of the online world as soon as possible."

"The economy in Yaojing Lingdu has slowed down, and there have been many strikes, marches, and protests."

"Let Du Changsheng find a way to reverse the situation as soon as possible, and the eastern region must not be affected."

"Li Longxing's influence has expanded to the National Assembly and the State Council, and the voice of the Great Emperor is gradually rising."

"The empire has started a new round of propaganda, criticizing the old empire."

"Fermi and Haidamer have completed the calculation of the Jangsan County missile, and believe that it is an epoch-making new type of missile."

"Let Changshan County disclose the technology and give him all patents."

"If you don't want to?"

"If you don't want to, sell it to us at a suitable price."


"Your Majesty wants to lead the army to conquer."

In the courtyard, there was silence for a very long time.


"For the empire, it's a good thing."

The four Great Elders got up and walked towards the Emperor Tower.

In the empty yard, a low wooden table stands alone under a tree.

A miniature map of the empire is engraved on the wooden table.

On the map, there are countless wooden chess pieces, which criss-cross each other, or squeeze, or fall, or confront each other.

Under the chessboard, there are two sentences engraved.

"The stability of an empire lies in the stability of its structure, and the stability of its structure lies in the balance of power."

"The absolute power of the Supreme Council is the cornerstone of everything."



During this period of time, Lin Wen was so excited.

Shizhou was defeated that day, and the army scattered and fled in all directions.

Lin Wen chased them all the way, but he couldn't see their taillights.

In the end, they simply conquered the city.

Qin Luoshuang briefly reorganized the troops, and then joined the operation.

Changshan County now has a total strength of more than 400,000 troops, and its morale is high. Wherever it passes, it is like a broken bamboo.

In less than a few days, all the towns and villages in the east of Shizhou were occupied, and the total area occupied exceeded one-fifth of Shizhou.

Lin Wen stopped and began to clean up the black gentry in the occupied area.

Soon, a large number of people were killed, a large amount of property was seized, a large number of food storage points were found, and every day the transportation vehicles were piled up in Jiangkou City.

This time the harvest was great, but Qin Luoshuang and the four army commanders began to worry.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Luoshuang finally has an ally now, and the four new army commanders all approve of this young and beautiful chief of staff.

After the first few days of working together, they quickly dismissed the idea of ​​"sheriff's mistress", "mistress" and "puppet".

This is a genius-level character. She has a very deep understanding of the overall situation and the military, and is very good at intelligence and spy work.

They naturally regarded the chief of staff as Sheriff Lin's virtuous helper, so when they found out that Sheriff Lin's behavior was very dangerous, they immediately ran to find her, hoping that she could persuade Sheriff Lin.

"This... Qin, this lady, we have obtained enough, and taking these... is not stable."

"Sheriff Lin's methods are too violent. We can unite those people. When the time comes, ask them to join forces in the Manmin Book. If we fight harder, maybe the administrative division will be changed."

"Yes, it is not impossible for Governor Lin and Changshan Prefecture by then."

"Everyone carry the flowery sedan chair."

"Kill them all, who will carry the sedan chair for us?"

"There are also those stored grains, which are not Shizhou's grains, and many big figures are involved behind them, we'd better not move!"

If it was Qin Luoshuang from before, his opinion would not be much different from theirs.

But now, although she is worried, she has some different ideas.

Perhaps, this is not a bad thing.

Qin Luoshuang smiled unnoticed, and comforted them with words they could understand.

This is what Qin Luoshuang is more confident about. Lin Wen is always dry and hard to death, listening to him comforting others makes him so angry that he bleeds internally.

After some reassurance, the four army commanders calmed down temporarily. They had already bet all their treasures on Sheriff Lin, and there was no turning back.

Now that Changshan County is in the stage of skyrocketing, they are relatively at ease, but hope that County Chief Lin can be a little more stable, and don't play too much and capsize the boat.

But Lin Wen didn't have such an idea.

In his opinion, this place is simply a paradise of good fortune, and his good fortune is skyrocketing every day. In addition to another weekly settlement not long ago, he has obtained three more "lucky paths".

In addition to the previous "Tianmo Disintegration", "Fairy Clothes", and "Linglong Dice", there are a total of six luck paths left.

But it's a pity that the three fortunes obtained later can only be described as "there is no worst, only worse".

"Fairy Hairpin": Insert a fairy hairpin to increase the charm, brighten the mood, attract the opposite sex more, and increase the efficiency of double cultivation by 100%

"Fairy Blush": Apply fairy blush to become more charming and charming, and has the effect of being completely immune to toxins, which lasts for a day.

"Fairy socks": Wear fairy socks (long) to become more enchanting and charming, and double the defense ability of the legs, which lasts for one day.

Seeing this kind of "luck", Lin Wen almost wanted to kill the dog.

But fortunately, he will have the seventh supernatural power soon, and he will soon reach 250% Yuanshen, which makes him not so depressed.

Good luck!

Quickly engage in good fortune!

This is the only thing Lin Wen thinks about.

In this land, there are too many good karma that can be obtained.

He is too busy.

It happened that Yun Qingshui was also in Jiangkou City, so Lin Wen found her immediately.


Yun Qingshui was a little uneasy.

"But I've only seen it, not done it."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "If you don't do it, you will always just watch it."

Yun Qingshui obviously also understands the principle of practicing the truth, so she agreed.

Lin Wen transferred a lot of go-getters to him and asked them to assist her in completing the changes in this land.

Lin Wen set three rules for them:

"Anyone who kills must come to me."

"Livestock and furniture are divided equally according to the population. However, in order to prevent future retaliation, all things are mine in name, and I just lend them for use."

Yun Qingshui also agreed.

Lin Wen finally told her: "Everything is a means, and the ultimate goal is for more production and a better life. If it can't change their lives in the short term or predictably, then don't do it."

The educated Yun Qingshui soon proved that she was not as stupid as she thought.

She is like a fish in water in actual work, and she understands the thoughts, worries and concerns of farmers very well. She can always do a good job of solidarity quickly, do a good job of distribution work fairly, deal with local bullies objectively, and at the same time find out the thugs hidden among the people.

Due to the direct elimination of all the forces in Shizhou, all the tax police, supervisory guards, public security guards, and corrupt officials who colluded with bullying and landlords disappeared.

Due to their mature experience, civilians replaced them very smoothly, and the self-organized peasant associations operated very smoothly.

In this way, on one-fifth of the land in the eastern corner of Shizhou, the old forces are being wiped out, the dirty crimes are being liquidated, and a new and flourishing force is rising.

The biggest feeling of many farmers about this is——

Its daybreak.

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