The population in the northeast corner of Shizhou is relatively small, but there are tens of millions. The accumulated work is extremely huge and complicated.

Yun Qingshui threw herself on it, wishing she could work twenty-four hours a day.

These tasks are not only complicated, but also require excellent patience and the keenness to accurately find the thread ends, so that they can unravel this group of messy things like cocoons.

This requires a very large number of qualified members.

In the Democratic Party, only some people meet this standard.

Others, in Yun Qingshui's view, only have good intentions and enthusiasm, but their level is not very high, and they only know how to do things recklessly.

County Chief Lin emphasized to her over and over again that cutting must not be done indiscriminately, as it is an incompetent method.

Lin Wen suffered from this problem before. Due to too much work, there are good fortunes everywhere, which is equivalent to kicking open the door of the treasury, but he can't finish the gold in the treasury.

The feeling of being scratched by thousands of ants is like seeing the peerless beauty wearing black silk dancer tied to the chair by old Serpi.

In a hurry, Lin Wen asked these military leaders to assist him in his movements.

On the same day, it rose by 351 points of bad luck.

Lin Wen almost died on the spot.

In the end, the offender had to be dealt with, and the aftermath was done in person, so that the matter would settle down.

But the increased bad karma cannot escape.

In the future, I can only use "The Disintegration of Heavenly Demon" to strengthen [The Space of Fate] to eliminate the evil fate.

Fortunately, Yun Qingshui quickly recruited most of the Democratic Party members she considered qualified, which relieved a little pressure.

The work was quickly on the right track, and various affairs were being carried out in an orderly manner thanks to the efforts of everyone. Changshan County had a very large harvest this time. It is estimated that about 4 million tons of grain were seized, and various valuables such as cash, jewelry, antiques, gold and silver were worth more than 8 billion.

This is just a part, and more are being estimated.

The Finance Department of Changshan County fell into a frenzied rush again, and Lao Xie smiled until his face was blooming, wishing he could settle accounts while dancing.

Lei Tiantong strictly supervised the collection and realization of all property, carefully checked the accounts, and checked for errors and omissions.

Tian Jiajia, who has been promoted to the deputy chief of the audit department, took on the main calculation work. Her natural sensitivity to numbers and proficiency in computers made her a duck in water in the department, and she was very qualified for her position.

I even have time to go to Qi Mu's place to be a model of "Sword" and occasionally make guest appearances in numerical planning.

In short, in Lin Wen's view, everything is very beautiful.

However, in the eyes of the military observers represented by various forces, it was extremely horrifying.

As soon as County Chief Lin won the victory, he looted, killed people and set fire to them, destroyed the grain warehouses, and transported away the grain they had hoarded so hard.

Even in order to move away the food as soon as possible, he did not hesitate to give half of it to Muduizi.

With such a generous reward, the mudlegs were of course rejoiced and worked harder to deliver.

Watching them happily taking their own food from the warehouse, the members of the observation group felt that their hearts were bleeding.

This is their share!

This is something that high-level people want to make a lot of money, so why should it be distributed to untouchables who can't read?

The anxious observation team immediately sent back the situation here.

Now, food is a very prosperous business among the major groups and high-ranking officials in the empire, and countless people point to it to eat a lot of money.

Shizhou is the largest grain production base, and naturally it is also the largest grain storage point.

Lin Wen's behavior is undoubtedly stealing money, but there is no special rule in the secret war that does not allow it.

Under normal circumstances, both parties are very restrained, at most they will only plunder the other party's property, and do not involve a third party, so as to avoid the expansion of hatred.

Unexpectedly, Sheriff Lin was not afraid of the expansion of hatred at all, and they even had a feeling that he seemed to be deliberately spreading hatred.

What was even more unexpected was that Changshan County could be beaten like this.

Originally, in their view, this was the Supreme Council's tacit approval of Shizhou's revenge.

Revenge can be repaid like this, it can no longer be called revenge at all, it should be called repaying gratitude.

Major groups issued warnings or condemnations one after another, but Changshan County ignored them.

They asked the members of the observation team to come to Lin Wen in person. They tried hard and soft, threatened and lured them.

"I reject."

"I like."

"I want to."

"Come and hit me."

Not only was there no tact and tact, but it even added fuel to the fire.

This not only angered the dignitaries who had lost their interests, but even some people who supported Lin Wen tried to persuade him not to be too tough.

Zhao Chaoyang, governor of Yunzhou, told him through Lao Xie that the port temporarily leased to Changshan County in Yunzhou is the port of Longmei Group.

Tongchen Group also brought news that the behind-the-scenes boss of the enterprise that purchased the upstream parts also had a grain share in Shizhou.

Zhongzhou also called, but it was just to remind him to be careful, the situation is not very good.

Even Li Longxing called him specifically, asking him to restrain himself and not to steal the limelight too much.

Lin Wendu used Qiqiao Linglong's heart to get over it.

Of course he won't change.

He will not change even if he is killed.

Everything that is happening in Shizhou now is what he dreamed of.

A lot of good luck, a lot of offending people, the rain of golden light almost never stops in front of my eyes. This kind of life is like being in heaven.

Happiness and hope.

But Lin Wen still felt that it wasn't enough. With such a good time, he had to make enough money no matter if it was good luck or bad luck.

As soon as the various affairs in the occupied area were on the right track, Lin Wen immediately led his troops to expand outward.

It was still the same dragon and tiger army as before. Everywhere they went, they first killed bullies, and then opened warehouses to release food.

What is different from before is that now with more logistical support, there are more things that can be done.

Every time Lin Wen laid down a place, members of Yun Qingshui's Democratic Party and Qin Luoshuang's Forbidden Curse Mage Group arrived next.

With the spread of Lin Wen's reputation, the bullies on the land of Shizhou fled, and the poor peasants looked forward to the arrival of the first dragon and tiger army in Changshan County.

At the same time, Shizhou finally gathered the defeated soldiers and reorganized the team.

After counting the number of people, it was found that only the main force had lost a division, and the miscellaneous army and slave army had almost no losses because they ran too fast.

Logically speaking, it is completely capable of fighting, and even has an advantage.

But the soldiers only cared about fleeing for their lives and disregarded the honor of the soldiers, so they suffered such a huge defeat, which is simply a shame.

The root cause of the rout was that the headquarters was taken away, the army lost its brains, had no command, and fell into chaos.

After being rushed by the defeated soldiers, the morale was gone, and the whole army fled.

If the headquarters is still there, it will definitely not be marked like this.

This is all because of the betrayal of Yu Bozheng and the other three.

Gu Xuanli was so angry that he gritted his teeth, tore the letter Yu Bozheng sent to pieces, and the heavy gift Yu Bozheng sent...forget it.

In short, all failures stem from the betrayal of Yu Bozheng and the other three.

Faced with doubts from allies and supporters, Gu Xuanli put all the blame on them, and believed that as long as the troops were regrouped, Changshan County could be defeated head-on.

Therefore, all the dignitaries who were offended by Lin Wen supported Gu Xuanli one after another, asking for people to pay for people, asking for money to pay for money, and asking for things to pay for things.

Gu Xuanli became complacent again. From his point of view, even if he accidentally loses a game, it will be supported by all sides.

"It's all due to my charisma. My appeal in the empire is far beyond my imagination."

"As for the forest bandits in Changshan County, they are mean, ungrateful, cruel and ruthless. They betray their relatives, and no one cares about them."

"With the support of the people, I will win."

This is the last paragraph he wrote in today's diary.

Soon, Shizhou gathered the defeated soldiers, supplemented the troops, recruited some mercenaries, recruited some strong men, and the team exceeded 500,000 people.

But this is not safe enough, Gu Xuanli came up with another way, he asked the Qin Group for help.

Of course, the Qin Group cannot directly intervene in this war.

However, they can help him deal with some enemies outside Changshan County.

Qin Gang agreed to his request, and in the name of suppressing bandits, sent an army to station in Quzuo Town to resist the rebels.

Three more divisions were sent to help him guard Chuanluo County and Panwa County.

Therefore, Gu Xuanli could withdraw both the Xing Army guarding Quzuo Town and the Shizhou Army guarding Chuanluo County.

The troops quickly exceeded 800,000 people, nearly twice that of Changshan County.

Gu Xuanli re-appointed Madman Qiao and Xing Laji as the leaders of the campaign, and promoted a large number of middle-level officers as the backbone of the army to make up for the loss of most of the generals who were arrested due to the termination of the headquarters.

In this way, a large army pulled up again.

After all preparations were completed, the army set off again to the occupied area of ​​​​Changshan County.

Gu Xuanli looked at the troops going away, and everything seemed to be back to before the last expedition, the feeling of being full of confidence and belief in victory.

He finally dared to pat his chest to the Qin Group, Xiang Changchang, and all the interest groups that supported him, that he would not lose this time.


At the meeting before the battle, the four of them gathered together.

Qiao Kuangren's face was flushed and he was in high spirits. He became the leader of the Huaiyan Army, and this step was very beneficial to his life plan.

"Everyone, this is a great opportunity. As long as we win this war, we can soar into the sky."

Everyone is full of excitement.

Only Xing Laji had a gloomy face and said nothing.

Madman Qiao didn't care, and continued, "My agents have found out that the chief of Changshan County personally led 12,000 elite soldiers and just captured Huichang."

He points to the map.

"From the map, he will definitely attack Fenghe County next step. You see, this line is the place he must pass through. Isn't the valley on both sides an excellent ambush location?"

He smiled smugly, satisfied with his cleverness.

"We only need to bury 50,000 elite soldiers here. Wouldn't this little bastard jumping around be captured without a fight?"

"The head of Changshan County has been arrested. Can this battle continue? This is on the negotiating table, so we can handle it? We will tell him to spit out as many times as he eats."

"At that time, we will be the great heroes of this battle, and we will surely rise to the top."

All three were smiling, only Xing Laji raised objections.

"Looking at the battle situation, Changshan County is rarely ambushed, and almost all of them are ambushing or sneak attacking others. I'm afraid it's not accidental, and it's better to be careful."

Madman Qiao was furious: "If you don't go, don't go. Don't disturb the morale of the army here. Aren't you just worried that we won the battle, took the lead, and squeezed your position? You are just jealous."

Xing Laji's entire face turned red, but Madman Qiao is the Governor's confidant, and has always been known for his tolerance and viciousness.

If you offend him, you will have a hard time in the future.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Madman Qiao waved his hand and said, "Tomorrow, the three of us will personally lead 50,000 elite soldiers to ambush, and you will lead another 30,000 people to support them in the rear, just in case."

Xing Laji agreed dully.

The next day, Madman Qiao and the other three led their troops to ambush, and Xing Laji led 30,000 people to squat in the forest at the rear to prevent the troops from Changshan County from fleeing.

In order to avoid arousing vigilance, large troops were deployed on the northern line, pretending to attack Pingyan City.

In the valley, Madman Qiao looked at the soldiers ambushing closely on both sides, and said with a smile, "Look, our soldiers are so elite."

Not far away, dust rose, and an army from Changshan County was walking towards them without knowing it.

Madman Qiao laughed and said, "Look, our enemy has arrived as promised."

"We'll have a drink and talk in a minute."


In the cage transported to Jiangkou City, a soldier saw that they were very thirsty, so he handed them a bottle of wine.

"The water is gone, just drink it."

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