Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 383: The Dongfeng Night Blossoms Thousands of Trees (Part 1)

The four army commanders who took refuge in the army, and their direct troops together amounted to 200,000 people.

On the other hand, there are only 50,000 people, and there is no terrain advantage on the Tiancangjing Plain. With a cross-section of 30 kilometers, the troops can be deployed, and no one thinks that they will fail.

In order to ensure victory, Lin Wen specially chose a high place when the battle started, and moved more than 500 shells to it.

Double power, one cat, one open, plus [eyes of clairvoyance], within five kilometers, whoever hits whoever.

Lin Wen specially selected those machine gun tank positions to bomb. The more powerful the firepower, the first to be bombed.

An average of four rounds per minute, terribly stable, throwing more than two hundred rounds to the enemy's position in an hour.

However, the decline of Yu Bozheng and others is still irreversible.

Even in the face of the charge of four times as many troops and Lin Wen's fixed-point bombing, the enemy was still standing still, and the powerful firepower still suppressed Yu Bozheng and others' army.

Perfect preparation and reasonable shelling are not available in these local armies. Well-trained soldiers know how to avoid shelling damage.

The three-dimensional firepower network composed of light and heavy machine guns, rifles, sniper rifles, and artillery cannot be broken by these miscellaneous troops at all.

This army is well versed in the characteristics of modern warfare. The positions are very deep and have anti-shelling bunkers. Even if Lin Wen destroys a position, they can quickly form a new position.

They knew how to avoid the damage of shelling. Lin Wen killed more than 500 soldiers in one hour, which was insignificant damage to the troops of more than 50,000 people.

But it still caused them a lot of trouble.

The commander of the troops is Cao Dayan, who knew from the beginning of the war that he would win.

This is a group of rabble, even if the opponent has four times the strength, he doesn't pay attention to it, because there is a generational difference in weapons, firepower, and soldiers' quality between the two sides.

In modern warfare, if there is no effective organization, it is difficult to win with simple crowd tactics.

In his eyes, the 200,000 people on the opposite side were such an invalid crowd, without any threat.

But after fighting, he found that the situation was not as smooth as he thought, and the loss was far greater than expected.

Soon observers reported:

"Commander! Our position has been frequently shelled!"

Cao Dawan frowned, and he also discovered that whenever a position entered the best state before spraying, a shell would fall from the sky, interrupting the spellcasting.

This kind of thing happens not once or twice, but often.

As we all know, the reason why cannons have not been replaced by missiles is that cannons are cheap enough. Although the accuracy is low, as long as they bloom on enemy positions, there will always be gains.

Although after many improvements, modern fire control guns have relatively high accuracy, but there are still uncontrollable errors of hundreds of meters.

Cannons that can specifically and accurately hit a single position are simply unheard of.

Cao Daman knows that this is the incomprehensible thing that often occurs in the battle with Changshan County repeatedly mentioned by the General Staff.

"Maybe it's some kind of cannon with special technology. There shouldn't be many of them."

He observed for a while, and roughly determined that there were four accurate shells per minute, and the rest were random artillery fire.

"According to common sense, there should be four such guns."

He immediately issued an order to the observers:

"Immediately find out the enemy's precise artillery position and suppress it with firepower."

However, an hour later, more than 200 shells have been fired on the position, but no position has been found yet.

Cao Daman cursed from behind: "Idiots! Do you still use me to teach you? Look for the muzzle flames! When the fire flashes, the position will be blown up. It must be the precision artillery position!"

The observer said aggrievedly: "Commander, we have seen it hundreds of times, but we haven't found a single one that meets the standard. The captain thinks that the other party has installed a flame arrester on the muzzle of the cannon."

Cao Dafeng said angrily: "Put your grandfather's stinky farts on, you can put a test on the mouth of the cannon..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly became dumb.

If the opponent has achieved precise shooting, why can't the cannon be equipped with a flame arrester?

He was silent for a while, and said: "Calculate the trajectory and angle, and reverse the opponent's position."

But all the data of the other party is unknown, which is actually hopeless.

After thinking about it for a long time, Cao Dawan still called the General Staff.

"Hey, brother..."

"Commander Cao." Wang Zijun said coldly, "During battle, he is called a post."

"Okay, okay, Chief of Staff Wang, I have encountered a trouble here."

Cao Daman told the story before and after.

The prince was silent for a while, and said: "Bombard the nearby high ground with good observation conditions. If the firepower is interrupted, it will be here."

Cao Daman slapped his head abruptly: "Oh! I'm still reliable! The opponent can change their targets so frequently, it must be on a high ground where they can directly observe and see most of our positions."

After hanging up the phone, Cao Daman immediately issued an order.

"Bombard all observable high ground nearby."

After a while, the observer reported back: "Mr. Cao, the opponent's high ground in the direction of 172.12 has been covered by artillery fire! All precision shelling has been interrupted."

Cao Dawan laughed and said: "It's so close, the opponent's range is only four to five kilometers, it seems that this technology is not very high-end."

But after a while, the precise bombardment resumed, and the position was blasted to pieces again.

Cao Da concealed his anger: "Also, keep bombing me!"

After a while, the observer came back to report: "Mr. Cao, the opponent is on a high ground in the direction of 57.49. We directly hit the position, and all precision shelling was interrupted."

Cao Da concealed a smile and said, "This must be gone."

But after a while, the precision bombardment came again.

Cao Daman, who had just prepared a tactical counterattack, was furious: "Is this going to end? Are you reporting false news to me?"

The observer was extremely aggrieved: "Commander, we don't have... They should have moved, or they have backup artillery."

Cao Daman also realized that the opponent should have the ability to maneuver. Thinking about the weirdness of the bombardment, he thought: "The opponent must have a Liman-level super special combat body, right? Move around against the cannon."

He recalled that the group had intelligence a long time ago that Changshan County was suspected to have a super-strong special combat unit, and the group also specially conducted military exercises to deal with this individual, and made the data public.


Cao Daman immediately ordered: "Apply to the group for satellite support, activate the fully automated anti-individual fire control system, activate the battlefield surveillance system, and monitor all suspicious targets."

"Yes!" The messenger immediately took the order and left.

A moment later, Lin Wen, who was on the way to shift positions for the sixteenth time, suddenly felt a huge needle prick coming from his back, and before he had time to react, he jumped suddenly and flew down from the mountainside.

Three seconds later, a rocket precisely hit the spot where he had just stood.

Due to haste, Lin Wen's shells were not taken away, and the rockets detonated the shells, causing a martyrdom explosion, and the huge explosion even caused a landslide.

As soon as Lin Wen just landed, [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix] called the police again.

This time it was an alert from three directions.

Lin Wen immediately activated the [Spiritual Movement Technique], pointing his toes, and his figure instantly exceeded a hundred yards.


Three rockets exploded behind him, and Lin Wen could even feel the scorching heat rushing to his cheeks from behind his ears.

A little later, it will definitely be affected by the explosion.

With such a powerful attack, he has no magic defense.

Fortunately, before the battle, [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] was strengthened.

Lin Wen knew that he should have been spotted by this time, so he kept on stepping, increasing his speed to two hundred yards, jumping flexibly among the steep mountain peaks, constantly changing directions.

At the same time, he scanned the battlefield from the corner of his eye.

In the distance, on the Tiancangjing Great Plains, due to the loss of his fixed-point artillery cover, the troops of Yu Bozheng and others were pushed back again, making the already disadvantaged situation even worse.

"The situation is not good."

Lin Wen knew that if this situation continued, he would be defeated, so he had to find a way.

At this time, three more rockets dived from high altitude.

Lin Wen drifted in the air, dodged the rockets, turned around and turned into a gun with one hand, pointing directly at the helicopter in the air.

【Flame Judgment】

As long as the target is locked, there will be no missed shots within 300 kilometers.


The fireball shot out from Lin Wen's hand, dragging a long trail of flames towards the helicopter at constant speed.

However, the helicopter did not flee in panic. It hovered motionless in the air. When the fireball was less than two kilometers away from the helicopter, an interceptor missile on the ground suddenly struck the fireball.


A splendid explosion appeared in mid-air.

At this moment, no matter whether it was Cao Daman on the scene, everyone in the Southwest Staff Headquarters, or Mr. Fei in the secret laboratory, they couldn't help but squeeze their fists.


Ever since Lin Wen destroyed twenty-five fourth-generation fighters of the Qin Group with twenty-five rounds of the [Fire Jue] in Jiangkou City, the nightmare that surrounded them was finally lifted.

Ever since Fermi returned to the Southwest Region, he has been devoting himself to research without sleep or food, just to target this strange missile.

After research, they soon discovered that the Dongfeng-31 missile, which they learned the name from Changshan County at a great cost, had a very big weakness——

Its initial speed is very slow, reaching several times the speed of sound is the result of continuous acceleration.

And as the acceleration proceeds, its energy response is also weakening.

Inferred from this, its range limit is about 300 kilometers.

This is an incredibly long range for a ground-to-air homing missile.

Therefore, it must be intercepted before it accelerates to the speed of sound.

In this regard, Fermi made a special trip to modify the "Imperial Patriot" missile, and aimed at Dongfeng-31's extremely high heat source response, and strengthened the infrared tracking mechanism.

Today, a small test with a sledgehammer is really effective.

In front of the big screen, there was cheers in the laboratory, and the weapons experts burst into tears. The Qin Group's fighter jets could be sold again.

Qin Gang was also here, but there was no joy on his face.

He looked at the big screen, the satellite once again captured the super special combat body, and the battlefield monitoring system locked on the target. He ran and jumped at a speed of more than 200 yards in the mountains, his movements were flexible and smooth, and he was very natural and harmonious.

The rocket exploded behind him, as if it was fireworks for him, and it couldn't reach a piece of his clothes.

Suddenly, he turned in mid-air, and a strong interference came, the picture was distorted, and the experts in white rushed to the long stage with thousands of buttons to operate frantically.

After tens of seconds, the picture on the big screen was restored.

Same as last time, the Dongfeng-31 was released from nowhere. This time, a total of seven were fired. They dragged a long tail flame and flew like meteors towards the armed helicopters, drones, and battlefield surveillance systems hovering in the air.

Another seven "Emperor Patriot" missiles stopped all the Chunfeng-31 missiles with perfect and graceful curves.

The lobby is in a sea of ​​joy.

However, the picture is distorted again.

When it resumed, another seven promised Dongfeng-31 appeared on the screen.

Seeing their tail flames across the sky, the people in the laboratory stopped still.

They are out of missiles.

The "Imperial Patriot" missile cost one million yuan, and after modification, an additional three hundred thousand yuan was added, so they carried a total of eight missiles.


There is no sound in the picture, but there is sound in everyone's mind.

Gunships, battlefield monitors, and drones were all shot down.

Everyone was depressed, and when they were silent, Qin Gang smiled.

"Mr. Fei," he said.

Fermi responded dully.

"He's telling you."

Qin Gang spoke lightly.

"Weapons have to talk about cost. The cost of Dongfeng-31 is lower than that of 'Emperor Patriot'."

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