Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 384 Where Did Dad Go? (Second update)

Lin Wen finally got rid of the threat and used up all his primordial spirits.

[Flame Jue] Now it is the stage of double punishment, and one shot consumes 10% of the primordial spirit.

He shot a total of fifteen rounds, spending 150% Yuanshen.

Plus 110% of the previous [Immortal Guidance] consumption, and 45% of the consumption of using spells.

He spent a total of 305% Yuanshen.

Lin Wen's upper limit of Yuanshen is only 265%. Fortunately, there were still 700 spiritual energy left when the curse dissipated last time, otherwise it would be bad.

Just when Lin Wen wanted to go back to get the shells and continue to provide support, the coalition forces of the four army leaders had already collapsed.

They couldn't bear the successive blows, and retreated in a swarm, fully demonstrating their inferior nature of only fighting with the wind.

The enemy's position began to cheer, the horn of victory has been sounded.

Lin Wen hesitated for a moment. He was about to give up, but with sharp eyes, he suddenly saw a group of tyrants and bullies in the distance, and they also shouted for victory.

The expressions of excitement on their faces were clear, and the viciousness in their eyes was almost overflowing.

They yelled left and right, gathered more villains and rogue thugs, and wanted to follow behind the regular army of the Qin Group to pick up bargains.


Lin Wen didn't like the person he disliked the most to show his pride and power on his face.

Don't think you have won.

Lin Wen directly swallowed his long-stored fortune path "Grass Color and Smoke Light".

"Grass color and smoke light": The soul will be greatly restored, and those who are more harmonious with nature will have a longer recovery period.

A number floated out of my mind.

Lin Wen smiled.

My time is: ten minutes.


In the next instant, Yuanshen jumped from 1% to 51%.

Such recovery happens every 20 seconds for the next ten minutes.

But Lin Wen didn't use the spell immediately.

He first chose a colorful star and put it into the [Spirit of the Five Elements].

The magical powers of the five elements need to be strengthened by colorful stars.

The stars flew into the supernatural power, and the [Spirit of the Five Elements] erupted with a strange brilliance, and the five colors representing the five elements circulated and shone within the supernatural power.

The explanatory text of supernatural powers has also become: to master and greatly proficient in the magic of the five elements, and to develop an innate instinct comparable to the five elements elves.

The explanatory text of [Vulcan Art] also changed accordingly.

Gradeless spells that consume 50% of the primordial spirit, summon the Vulcan to possess, and gain the ability of the Vulcan. During the duration, it consumes 0.5% of the primordial spirit per second.

Consumption has been halved!

Combined with [Yuzhikong], it means that only a quarter of the primordial spirit is needed to drive it!

This is a perfectly acceptable consumption!

The same is true for [Earth Divine Art], [Golden Divine Art], [Water Divine Art], and [Wood Divine Art].

Now it is on the battlefield, of course the first choice is the [Vulcan Art] that can control flames.

Lin Wen turned over and kicked on the cliff, half of the cliff was trampled down by him, and his figure rushed towards the army like an arrow from the string.

The person activated the [Vulcan Art] in mid-air

The primordial spirit at 25 evaporated instantly, and an invisible phantom fell from the sky and covered Lin Wen.

Powerful power flowed out from the body, and the soul became restless.

The spirit seems to be burning, and the whole body seems to be steaming with heat.


The flame extended from Lin Wen's body and expanded rapidly.

"Fire Spiritualization".

This is an ability that was not used before.

When the dense flames completely covered Lin Wen, he turned into a big fireball with a diameter of more than three meters.

The fireball began to fall, and Lin Wen could clearly see the soldiers on the ground running away screaming.

The flames did not obstruct his vision at all.

With a thought, a dense fireball spewed out and flew downward.

Boom, almost liquefied flames fell on the ground, and a large amount of black smoke and steam evaporated.

The flames melted into the ground, forming a pool of dazzlingly bright magma.

Yuanshen sank a bit.

Tsk, it seems that using abilities will speed up the consumption of primordial spirit.

But that's okay.

Lin Wen smiled as he looked at his soul, which had reached three digits again.

Today, the emperor opened up!


Dozens of fireballs flew out, falling from the sky like a meteor shower,

Amid the exclamation, the soldiers scattered and fled.

Although the speed of the fireball was not fast and did not hurt the soldiers, everything on the ground was irreversibly damaged. The machine guns melted instantly, the bunkers were eroded, and the tanks that could not even be blasted by shells were burned down in an instant.

Although this is a small position, inconspicuous in the 30-kilometer-long position, the turmoil it caused has caused chaos in the nearby two-kilometer position.

Yu Bozheng and the other four also noticed this obvious abnormality, and a little hope rose in their hearts, and they immediately gathered the defeated soldiers with all their strength, and waited for an opportunity to counterattack.

But Cao Dayan felt that his world view was split, and he stared at the big fireball burning in the sky with a telescope.

Its light is not very dazzling, but the flame is extremely viscous and dense, and there seems to be a human figure in it.

"What the hell is this?"

This question also appeared in the minds of the people in the staff department and the secret laboratory.

Lin Wen was extremely excited, and the flames took him into the air and flew to a new area.

Countless fireballs sprayed out and hit the ground.

After a while, Lin Wen looked down, and saw that the area was almost engulfed in flames, and there were pits and glowing magma everywhere.

It is no longer possible to use it as a position.


The enhanced Vulcan technique is really easy to use.

As long as their defense can be torn apart, it will be a matter of time to penetrate.

A large number of enemy soldiers fell into a state of panic.

For things that cannot be understood, there is no fundamental difference between an ordinary soldier and a well-trained soldier.

They fled in all directions for fear of being burned by the flames.

Cao Dayan discovered the change in the situation, and ordered angrily: "Attack! No matter what it is, shoot it down!"

As a result, when Lin Wen rushed to the third position, he was met with intense firepower, and countless guns fired at him.

But he was not afraid of the god of fire. The bullets melted in the flames, and the shells could not penetrate the dense flames. With the powerful firepower, Lin Wen flew to the sky above the third position.

He urged the power of the flame with all his strength, and countless fireballs erupted, falling from the sky like a shower of stars, and the moment they hit the ground, they were like thousands of blooming flowers.

In just a moment, another position was destroyed.

The line of defense was torn open a big gap.

When Lin Wen jumped to the fourth position, the firepower increased several times. Because of his large size, he was almost a living target.

Under the fierce firepower, Yuanshen was quickly consumed, and Lin Wen had to control the dense flames to form a shield in front of him to resist the bombing.

But this behavior made Cao Dayan see hope, and even the staff sent an order: "That is not a fairy monster, it may be some kind of unknown technological product, the attack is effective against it, strengthen the firepower!"

When Lin Wen destroyed the fourth position, most of the enemy's firepower was concentrated on him.

Sparks splashed from the edge of the fireball, molten iron splashed everywhere, the roar of shells kept ringing around, and a large number of cluster rockets supported the front line, intensively bombing Lin Wen.

Yuanshen began to descend rapidly, and the dense flame shield shattered many times.

At this moment, seven minutes have passed since the use of "Grass-colored Smoke Light". If this continues, it is impossible for him to completely tear the defense line apart in the remaining three minutes.

At this time, three consecutive shells hit the flame shield, and the violent explosion completely shattered the shield and damaged the core of the fireball.

This caused Lin Wen's primordial spirit to drop by 41% at one time.

Only 65% ​​left.

Lin Wen's heart was burning, and he saw the artillery unit in the distance at a glance.

What the hell, you were the ones interfering with me before, it wasn't that the range wasn't enough, so I took you right away.

Lin Wen immediately accelerated and rushed towards the artillery position.

[Spiritual Movement] is still useful in the state of blessing, so Lin Wen simply doesn't use flames to fly, which is slow and consumes Yuanshen.

But before the eyes of the enemy, this huge fireball actually started to run on the ground, and it rampaged in the position. For a while, a large area of ​​the right side was in chaos.

While running, Lin Wen spewed fireballs wildly, smashing everywhere, and the whole position was messed up by him.

No matter how loud Cao Daman yelled, no soldier dared to step forward.

When the artilleryman saw the fireball rushing straight towards them, he was also frightened out of his wits, and ran away in all directions.

Lin Wen rushed into the artillery position at the last minute and began to destroy it crazily. Fireballs flew around, the cannons melted one after another, and the shells on the position exploded one after another.

And Yu Bozheng and others also confirmed that the enemy was in chaos, found a huge fighter, and immediately urged the soldiers to counterattack with all their strength.

The tide-like army came for the second time.

With the loss of artillery and half of the position in chaos, Cao Daman's troops could no longer resist, so they had no choice but to order the entire army to retreat.

Yu Bo's army wanted to take advantage of the situation to pursue, but the order of the opponent was still there, so the pursuit did not take much advantage.

But they soon received Lin Wen's order, asking them to go west immediately and enter the valley.

At this moment, County Chief Lin was already like a god in their hearts, Yu Bozheng and others immediately carried out the order, and sure enough, they found a motley army composed of wealthy gentry in the valley.

They were stalking westward, trying to slip by hidden paths.

This army is much worse, 5,000 people were defeated in one charge, and there are guys kneeling down everywhere begging grandpa to sue grandma.

Yu Bozheng and the others were all smiling, as if they had always won like this.


Although there were too many twists and turns, but no matter what, Tiancangjing was finally laid down.

Lin Wen has already played all the cards, and now there are only a lot of useless "fairy clothes" left in his luck.

There is not much Yuanshen left.

The only five-color destiny star was also used up, which was the rarest color.

Now the only stars left in him are cyan and blue, and he can only strengthen the supernatural powers of consonance and karma.

Except for the only useless casting of [Fate of Kong], Lin Wen has nothing left.

This time the battle with the real professional army of the empire opened Lin Wen's eyes. The miscellaneous army is simply vulnerable in front of them. It is impossible for him to win only as a support.

No wonder the consumption of [Immortal Guidance] is so high, obviously because the opponent is too strong.

"This time I was lucky. The opponent hadn't seen my tactics, so he messed up himself."

At that time, the enemy bombarded their positions frantically, and the damage they caused was much greater than that caused by Lin Wen.

Lin Wen's real destructive effect was to destroy their artillery positions.

"It won't be so good next time. If the opponent responds calmly, it will be difficult for me to reverse the situation alone."

Lin Wen thought silently.

"Probably only the main force can fight them."

The main force of Changshan County has accepted the top military concept of another world, has a complete military system, advanced military weapons, and a strong will to fight.

The combat power will definitely not be weaker than the regular army of the Qin Group.


Lin Wen sneered toward the southwest.

"I won't give it to you."

He immediately called Qin Luoshuang, wanting to tell her the good news.

The phone was connected, but it was an unfamiliar female voice that sounded over there.

"Lin Wen, do you still know how to call me?"

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