Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 385 Confession (third)

Lin Wen picked up the phone and glanced at it, only then remembered that it was the phone that Li Yongsheng, the national pillar of the country, had stuffed into him.

There is only one number on it, which belongs to the first princess.

As for the one Qin Luoshuang gave him, the default number was also her own, and Lin Wen was used to taking it out and dialing it directly.

Unexpectedly, I took it by mistake and dialed it to the princess.

Lin Wen and Li Linyue only met once, heard many rumors about her, and often used her as a shield, but this was the first time they heard her voice, the first time they spoke to her.

The princess's voice was soft and sweet, even after being transcribed electromagnetically, but Lin Wen didn't care to pay attention to it, and directly opened Qiqiao Linglongxin.

Xin: "Your Highness, this subordinate has to be unwilling, but it is really impossible."


Before closing Qiqiao Linglongxin, the last sentence Lin Wen heard was: "Remember it, if there is a next time, I will definitely punish you."

"It's heavy."

Then the phone hung up.

Heart, what are you doing?

Qiqiao Linglongxin silently did not answer, because Lin Wen had already turned it off.



This time it was finally Qin Luoshuang's voice.

"Hey, your father has already been blown away by me."

"...Can you speak well?"

"The Qin Group was defeated, and Tiancangjing Plain has been taken down by me."

"Great." The person on the phone let out a deep breath, "I'm actually ready for your defeat... I didn't expect that you really didn't disappoint me. How did you win?"

"Well... the members of the dragon group returned from the Black Sea. They drove the latest weapon of the empire, the Gundam F91, to support the battle and won the battle. In fact, they were already about to lose. Yu Bozheng and others are not the opponents of the Qin Group at all."

"...can you explain what a Gundam F91 is?"

"It's just a big fireball that can continuously erupt small fireballs."


Qin Luoshuang obviously couldn't imagine the image that Lin Wen described.

"Lin Wen, how many cards do you have? Can you tell me? I can coordinate our strength and formulate a war plan."

Lin Wen scratched his head, not because he didn't want to say it, but because his combat power fluctuated quite a lot, it all depended on how much soul he had left and whether he had good luck.

It also depends on the situation present and the spells used to determine what kind of weapons the Empire has invented.

It is impossible to fabricate the new weapons of the empire before the battle, otherwise there will be a group of enemies here today, Qin Luoshuang said: "Oh, I am in a bit of trouble, you can use Dongfeng-41 to blow them up."

Or: "Quickly drive the Gundam to stop the enemy on the western front, victory is at hand."

And Lin Wen happened to have no soul at that time, no luck, or couldn't separate himself, wouldn't that be a waste of opportunity?

Therefore, Lin Wen is basically compiled on the spot, and never said in advance.

But what excuses are there now?

While Lin Wen was thinking, Qin Luoshuang spoke on the phone.

"...Forget it, I didn't expect you to still not trust me now."

Her voice was a little low, and there was some deep disappointment.

not good.

Lin Wen was keenly aware that he and Feng Chu had a crisis of trust.

But he really didn't know how to explain it.

If he tells the whole story, although he doesn't really care, it will greatly affect her way of thinking as the second generation.

After all, this is still a physical world, and only he can cultivate immortals.

Fairy Qin is just a good name.

Lin Wen is not sure whether the relationship between good and evil will cross the boundary, but he knows that if he resigns as the county chief, it will take at least a year to break away from the relationship.

That is to say, if he doesn't want to trace back the bad fate, he must at least guarantee that Changshan County will be safe and sound within one year after his reincarnation.

Qin Luoshuang cannot be polluted by him.

Lin Wen must be a pioneer of science, and all his methods are scientific methods.

Science is the primary productive force, this is the creed of Changshan County, and absolutely nothing should be done.

So, now we have to think of a way.

The seven-orifice exquisite heart is not good, Qin Luoshuang is already immune to it, opening it rashly will only add to the disgust.

Then... I can only ask 【Immortal Guidance】.

Lin Wen glanced at his few souls left, and decided to use [Lin Wen's special sentence pattern] to ask questions to reduce consumption.

【If I say, 'I'll show you my face too', will the crisis of trust between me and Feng Chu be resolved? 】

Consumption: 5% (actual consumption after halving)




try again.

[If I say, 'Let's formally apply for the father-daughter certificate and household registration', will the crisis of trust between me and Fengchu be resolved? 】

Consumption: 5%



What the hell, can I get a refund?

[If I say 'I'll hand over the dragon team to your command', will it relieve the crisis of trust between me and Fengchu? 】

Consumption: 5%

Shit, if you say no, I will kick all the eggs of the guy who invented this spell in the past.


Lin Wen smiled, and sure enough, what the emperor said still carries weight.

Before the topic expired, Lin Wen immediately said: "I'll hand over all the dragon groups to you when I go back."

Qin Luoshuang sounded very surprised, Lin Wen almost delegated all his real power, and the dragon group was the last armed force he held.

If the dragon group is also handed over, then he will become a bare commander.

"Lin Wen, don't have to be like this, I just hope you can be a little more frank, every time you talk about those reasons, it sounds very fake, you know? It's like perfunctory me..."

"Needless to say."

Lin Wen said solemnly: "I said I will leave it to you. No one in the whole world trusts you more than me. No matter what you do in the future, you must remember that there is someone behind you who trusts you unconditionally."

Qin Luoshuang was slightly moved in his heart, and said softly: "Lin Wen, I, I actually..."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "The relationship between father and daughter is actually very positive..."

I knew it!

Qin Luoshuang was furious.

But she really couldn't learn Lin Wen's routine, so she could only express her anger by hanging up the phone.

Lin Wen didn't care, as long as there was no barrier between them.

After opening the Tiancangjing Plain, you can continue to move forward.

Next, they will enter Chuanluo County, quickly complete the sweep of demons, clean up all the remnants of Shizhou, and attack the enemies in Chuanluo County together with the rebel army.

Until he met the regular army of the Qin Group again, he had nothing to do with him.

After visiting Shizhou for so long, Lin Wen decided to go back, count the harvest, prepare for the next step, and inspect the preparations for the Nasdaq Grain Exchange.

There are only two days left for this week's settlement, and I will make a surprise rearrangement of the internal affairs to see if there is any improvement.

Lin Wen was very unhappy that the good fortune last week was a little less.


Qin Group.

The large conference room was silent, all the generals, confidantes, and experts gathered together, and the projection on the wall was showing the picture of the big fireball raging across the battlefield.

Even though this is the fifth time it has been played, everyone is still watching intently.

Until finally the fireball broke into the position, destroying one-third of the cannon, and then turned into countless bursts of fire, disappearing in the screen.

Due to precision problems, they couldn't see a thin humanoid shadow left behind after the fireball disappeared.

The projector went dark, leaving only a blank screen.

Prince Jun asked: "Mr. Fei, tell me, what kind of new weapon is this?"

Fermi frowned: "It's a bit like ball lightning, but its behavior is too regular, especially it can resist shelling head-on. It's hard for me to understand that an object in the form of pure energy can do this."

Another expert asked: "If the flame is only its external appearance, is there still substance inside?"

Fermi shook his head slightly: "That's even more difficult to understand, unless it has a brand new material, which is very hard and has a very high melting point, and it also needs to control nuclear fusion technology to supply energy."

"Nuclear fusion?" Someone asked: "Is it related to our nuclear weapons?"

"We are fission," replied an expert.

"Is there a difference? Who is more powerful?"

Cao Dayan, who used a communicator to show his presence, shouted: "It must be our power, the power of splitting is so powerful, and it is not very powerful when we gather together."

Fermi shook his head: "The power of fusion should be much greater, but it will take at least fifty years before we can control the energy produced by this method."

Qin Gang knocked on the table: "We will discuss technical issues later, we only need to know two things now, first, where did it come from? Second, how to deal with it?"

"I can answer the second question."

Fermi, the chief military weapon expert, stood up as expected.

He turned the projector back and fixed the picture at the moment when the big fireball was captured for the first time.

"It's actually very simple. Normal people can see that its main energy is fire, and all its attack methods are also fire. It has high resistance to strong physical attacks and is not very afraid of explosions. But we can attack it with missiles that crash into liquid nitrogen or dry ice. Its speed is not fast and its temperature is extremely high. It is very easy to use infrared guidance. Once it hits, its energy will be greatly reduced."

Fermi paused, then continued: "Actually, I suggest that the 'Empire Patriot' interceptor missile can do the same, remove the expensive combat part, use cheap liquid nitrogen and dry ice instead, and use heat source guidance for all guidance. After special adjustments, Dongfeng-31 can be intercepted, and the cost can also be greatly reduced."

Qin Gang nodded: "How long will it take to refit?"

Fermi said, "Three days."

"Avoid the battle within those three days. Three days later, gather all the servants and start a war with Changshan County."

"Yes." All the generals answered in unison.

Qin Gang asked again: "Zijun, can you guess its source? I don't think it's something that the Huangpai can have."

Prince Jun was silent for a while, and said: "There are too many strange weapons in Lin Wen's hands, and the technology possessed by Changshan County is unbelievable. I suggest that we hand over all the information we have collected to the Supreme Council, and let the Supreme Council investigate."

There was a sound of air-conditioning in the venue.

"The Chief of Staff is amazing."

"This is to alienate the relationship between the Supreme Council and the Imperial Faction."

The prince stopped the meaningless flattery: "It's not sure, it's hard to guess what the Great Elder thinks, and I'm not sure."

Qin Gang nodded: "That's it."


"Also, our nuclear weapons are about to be tested for the first time. Has the location been chosen yet?"

Everyone turned serious and looked at Fermi.

Fermi hesitated for a moment, and said, "There are a few alternative locations, but we haven't decided yet."

"As soon as possible, otherwise our plans will be out of line."


"Tang Guodao, how is the highest military department now?"

A balding middle-aged man bowed and said, "Return to Commander, the military thinks we are still separating uranium."

"What about the Supreme Council?"

"Our information to the Great Elder is that we are still experimenting with the structure of the bomb. The people of the Supreme Council are blinded by our large weapons factory and do not know our real progress."

"Very well, as soon as possible."

Qin Gang stood up from his seat, and the fiery red sunset shone in through the window, reflecting his stern face and straight military uniform as if they were on fire.

"When the new Qin Empire was established, you were all founding fathers."

"Yes, Commander!"

Only Cao Daman in the communicator shouted: "Yes, Your Majesty!"


Shizhou Governor's Mansion.

Since Zhang Shuangcheng rejected the United Group's request, he has actually been emptied out, and now it is Song Ziyuan who actually performs the governor's duties.

However, Zhang Shuangcheng also has another power - the command of the local army.

Since he was an army commander in his early years, he had great prestige in the Shizhou local army.

For the sake of political stability, those people did not dare to take down his command for the time being.

Even though this command has been basically divided between Li Xueyou from the southwest region and his subordinates.

Zhang Shuangcheng was very depressed. He knew that when the real governor of Shizhou was decided, he would never have a place in Shizhou again.

Maybe it's time to go back home.

Ignore this dirty and complicated political affairs, choose a quiet land, no one disturbs, and live a peaceful and indifferent life with my wife, children and children every day, facing the rising sun and watching the setting sun set.

Maybe, not bad.

Until he received a communication from the First Princess.


After struggling for a long time, Zhang Shuangcheng gritted his teeth and agreed.

Even though it was dangerous, even if it was a complete gamble, he decided to do it.

This is for Shizhou, for himself, and for everyone.


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