Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 389 The Fairy Descends to Earth

The Supreme Council regards combating Changshan County as the top priority, not only driven by hatred, but also driven by interests.

Due to the hostile relationship with the Qin Group, they did not get a share of the grain feast, and Changshan County just came back from plundering a large amount of grain from Shizhou.

If these grains can be obtained, it will be a huge sum of money.

Coupled with the wealth that Changshan County looted from Shizhou, it is even more unimaginable.

Getting so much money so easily has already made countless people in the council jealous.

What's more, there are Changshan Iron and Steel Works and Tongli Baba Company, two cash cows that can continuously earn huge profits. The monthly income is close to 4 billion, which makes people crazy to the point of psychological imbalance.


How can you, a small county like yours, make money faster than our big council.

There are only so many officials in Changshan County, and everyone must be full of food.

Thinking of their hard work and finally climbing to such a high position, they are busy from morning to night, and they will prick their fingers if they accidentally encounter a few thorns.

And the people in Changshan County are more moist than they live just by lying down, and these people's hearts are filled with endless hatred.

Therefore, as soon as the chief officer turned the bow of the boat, countless hungry wolves swarmed up, eager to tear a large piece of meat from Chang Shanjun.

The Gray Clothes Sect is the fastest among them.

Through layers of connections, they successfully transferred their main force to Guizhou, and then crossed the Taixu Mountains to attack the hinterland of Changshan County.

The dean De Luo has promised that as long as they knock down Changshan County, they will be granted all the benefits of the Feijian workshop in Changshan Iron and Steel Plant.

This is a huge income of nearly 3 billion per month.

The envoys in gray were very excited.

They stood on a mountain peak and looked down.

Under the clear moonlight, a large number of numb-faced gray-clothed men were silently rushing through the mountains.

The man in gray is a reduced version of the giant. If the price of human resources is not counted, the cost of a man in gray is only 100,000 yuan, and the requirements for the quality of the human body are very low.

The council once used the pretext of experimenting with new medical technology and free cancer treatment to deceive a large number of cancer patients, and with a success rate of about 30%, transformed them all into gray-clothed men.

Cancer cells cannot grow in the internal environment of gray-clothed people, so they are the best human source materials.

It was announced to the outside world that the patient died of technical failure.

Although it caused many doubts and attacks, but because the agreement was signed in black and white, in the end it was only fined with half a glass of wine and passed safely.

At that time, the council directly obtained as many as 18,000 gray-clothed men, and the total cost was only 1.8 billion, which means that the cost of each gray-clothed man was only 100,000 yuan.

It can be said to be quite cheap.

The man in gray has a numb mind, only listens to orders, and is not afraid of pain, life or death. After training, his fighting ability is very good, and the skin surface has the same structure as stratum corneum and chitin.

Coupled with a special body armor, it is simply a super soldier.

Moreover, the gray-clothed people have a high tolerance to the "angel" potion, and they can take a large amount of this unconventional enhancer, which will double their combat effectiveness several times.

The reason why such a powerful and cheap army is not mass-produced is because the empire has strengthened its control over the population. The emperor of the empire introduced a bill specifically stipulating that the process of recruiting volunteers for medical clinical experiments must be standardized and supervised.

This directly leads to a substantial increase in human resource costs.

Once the cost is high, the people in gray are basically worthless, so it is better to produce giants.

The Gray Clothes Order's budget dwindled, and soon became the poorest department in the council.

Therefore, this time the attack on Changshan County, the Huiyi Cult ran faster than anyone else.

They mobilized a main force of as many as 12,000 people, preparing to penetrate directly into Changshan County from the hinterland, kill their people, destroy their order, and destroy all their construction achievements.

In this way, the foundation of that little bastard's rule can be shaken, causing a humanitarian disaster.

Then, the Council will have a way to overthrow Changshan County and carve up this large piece of fat.

The gray-clothed envoys are full of ambition and confidence, and are not afraid of the super special warfare bodies that may exist in Changshan County.

Because Patriarch Dro has analyzed all his abilities, dug deep into all his tactics, and worked out a perfect way to kill him.


The gray-clothed envoys smiled triumphantly.

As long as you dare to come out, you will become the most dazzling medal among our achievements.

We will eventually become the mainstay in the council.


Changshan County.

new town.

Changle District.

The interior of a humble hut.

Lin Wen froze in place.

In front of his eyes, on the list of spells filled with fairy spirit, new spells pricked his eyes like needles.

[Fairy descending to earth]: No grade spell, summoning a fairy descending to earth, consumes 81000% of the soul, the higher the charm, the lower the consumption, and lasts ten minutes in this world time.

Lin Wen stood there in a daze, almost unable to believe his eyes, until he looked at it a hundred times before confirming that he was not dazzled.

Really, really can summon fairies!

Wow ha ha ha ha--

The great ecstasy overwhelmed him like a tsunami.

I can summon fairies now!

Doesn't that mean that crap like "Fairy's Clothes" is useful?

I frankly use all my luck, and then double cultivate with the fairy, will my cultivation explode immediately?

Don't talk about ancestors, at least give me a golden pill.

Then you bunch of scum, will you be wiped out without waving my hand?

Wow ha ha ha ha!

Lin Wen smiled so much that his face almost blossomed.

It's just that the 81000% Yuanshen is like a greedy mother-in-law's bride price, an obstacle between him and the fairy.

But it doesn't matter, the spell description clearly states that the higher the charm, the lower the consumption.

I have hundreds of "lucky paths" with added charm, if you don't believe me, you won't be able to come down.

In ecstasy, Lin Wen immediately used the "Fairy Clothes".

In the next instant, the white clothes were like snow, the plain wrapping was like silver, and the skirt was like flowers. Lin Wenting stood up and became a master of women's clothing.

It doesn't matter.

Because the consumption of [Fairy Down to Earth] was directly reduced by half, to 40500%.

As long as you can cultivate both fairies and fairies, big men in women's clothing can also accept it.

In the next moment, "fairy hairpin", "fairy blush" and "fairy socks", these long-standing fortunes were all revealed by him.

Each time one is used, the cost is halved.

After the last "Fairy Ribbon" is used up, the mana consumption has dropped to 632%.

Adding [Edge of Space], only 316% is needed.

I can afford it!

Lin Wen directly used up all the remaining spiritual energy, and then used all the remaining primordial spirits, and finally used the spell.

At that moment, the whole hut was full of splendor, with golden lotuses gushing from the ground, white stars falling from the sky, and immortal energy overflowing. Lin Wen opened his hands and stood in the house dressed up, just waiting for a younger sister Lin to fall from the sky and throw herself into his arms.

However, the vision disappeared, the golden lotus flew away, Bai Xing disappeared, and his fairy sister was still missing.


I have used the spell.

The aura and primordial spirit are all exhausted, so there is no chance of failure, right?

Lin Wen habitually touched the back of his head, but felt a slippery hand.

Pulling it to the front of my eyes, I can see that the black hair in one hand is smooth and smooth.

As soon as he let go, the blue silk slid down the hand, without a trace of forks and knots.

A question mark floated slowly above Lin Wen's head.

He felt something was wrong, and a bad premonition hit him.

Walking to the mirror in two steps, when the person in the mirror appeared, Lin Wen stood there dumbfounded like a lightning strike.

In the mirror, a peerless fairy stands gracefully. Her skin is as white as mutton fat and pure jade;

She was wearing a long snow-white dress, and the ribbons behind her rose up without any wind, dancing around her, with a faint sense of immortality around her.

She is magnificent and has a supernatural temperament, as if she will turn into a fairy at any time and go away.

Lin Wen looked stupidly at the person in the mirror.

She is so beautiful that it is unreal, she is clearly in front of her eyes, in a simple room, but she seems to be in a fairy world, like a Yao Palace.

After a while, Lin Wen recovered from the dream, and his whole body was about to explode with anger.

I want Miss Fairy to go down to earth and double cultivation with me, not to become Miss Fairy myself.

Then how about double cultivation?


Is this spell some kind of pitfall?

I agreed to summon a fairy to descend to earth, and I got all dressed up, so I descended to earth like this?

Lin Wen gritted his teeth, wishing to tear the system out and blow it up, while the beauty in the mirror frowned slightly, biting his white teeth lightly, slightly angry, making people feel extremely distressed and sympathetic.

It also made Lin Wenli even more angry.

What could be more depressing than the fact that the beauty he has long admired is himself?


Lin Wen soon discovered that his whole body had a majestic aura, and when his thoughts flowed, his huge spiritual consciousness expanded, and the world was like a transparent mirror. The chirping of insects, birds, and frog clams could not be hidden from his perception.

As soon as the thought moved, he was already outside the wilderness in an instant.

The bright moon hangs high, and there is no one around.

Standing pretty in the night sky in a white dress, the moonlight is like fog, and the beauty is like a dream.

Lin Wenru is a paratrooper.

I wiped the system and his ancestors!

This is a real fairy!

Fairy with boundless magic power!

If I can double cultivate, I'm afraid that the golden core and the gods will be broken together on the spot!

What's even more annoying is that this is a sword fairy, all spells are sword skills, and he can't do a few spells for nothing while he wants to take advantage of this time.

Can only play with swords.

As soon as Lin Wen thought about it, the sword energy flew across the sky, and the cold light penetrated the world.

Even though the distance was tens of feet away, a huge sword mark hundreds of feet long was still plowed out on the ground.

It is very powerful.

But, what the hell, it'll be gone in ten minutes.

No, it's only seven minutes.

It's too late for me to go and slaughter the Qin Group now.

I'm so...

Just when Lin Wenwu was frightened, the phone in his arms rang.

Lin Wen took out his phone and pressed the answer button.

If anyone could see this scene, they would definitely be insane. A female sword fairy full of immortality, with a long white dress like snow, and a streamer of immortality like fog, stood quietly in the midair under the moonlight, like a dream.

As a result, she reached out and took out a satellite phone that looked like a big phone, and put it to her ear.

"Lin Wen!"

It was Qin Luoshuang's voice, with a very anxious tone.

"My patrolling agents in the Southern Mountain Range have discovered a large number of enemy troops. They are crossing the mountains and rushing towards the hinterland of Changshan County. This is the gray army of the council, at least ten thousand people. They are a group of biochemical monsters. They are here to destroy Changshan County and force you to step down. You must find a way to hold them back. I will immediately gather all the agents in the county..."

Lin Wen smiled.


"Why... who are you?"

But Lin Wen had already hung up the phone.

As soon as the divine mind moved, the perception immediately filled the world, and the feeling that everything was like a mirror came again.

Turning his eyes slightly, he saw the large army moving in the mountains at a glance. They were expressionless, numb, and dressed in gray clothes, like a zombie army.

There are a few living people on the mountain, with ugly faces, greedy expressions, overflowing with desire, making people sick.

One of them yelled: "Bring on the tactical eyepiece, the enemy has a flash!"

"All weapons, change to armor-piercing bullets! Ordinary bullets can't pierce enemy armor."

"Bring a sound wave detector to prevent the enemy from using smoke bombs. The strange fog can't block the sound."

"The reconnaissance system is ready! Avoid sneak attacks!"

"Scatter, scatter!"

"Double dose, take the medicine!"

One waved his hands and ordered: "Attack! Attack! Destroy everything in sight!"


court death.

The majestic spiritual energy circulated crazily, and the beautiful figure turned into a sharp sword, piercing the sky.

In less than a minute, the fifty-six kilometers were covered.

In the mountains where the moonlight can't see through, gray-clothed men poured down from all over the mountains and plains like a tide. Their eyes were blood red and their veins were exposed, like a large group of demons.

Not far in front of them was Shangxi Town, which was sleeping in peace.


A clear and beautiful voice resounded through the entire mountain range.

The gray-clothed envoys raised their heads at the same time, and saw a white-clothed man standing in the air, behind him was a full moon, and under his feet was a large expanse of sword light like snow.

Standing between the moonlight and the snow, she is the third stunning color.


Thousands of sword lights fell like rain, and a huge sword energy traversed the mountain peak.

All the tactics turned into nothing, all the means turned into a joke, the dream that the gray-clothed emissaries had had for a long time was shattered in an instant.

The incomprehensible sword light swept across all the men in gray, freeing these poor souls from their numb cages.

Their characteristic bulletproof vests, their proud chitin skin, were cut off and ruptured one after another.

Their counterattack wasn't even a joke, it was just the swaying of dust and the struggle of ants.

A gray-clothed envoy had his arm cut off by Jian Guang, his communicator fell to the ground, and his colleagues were already decapitated.

He fell to the ground, watched their hard work fall like wheat, and their ideals shattered like bubbles, and shouted with grief and indignation: "Why? Why is this?"

Under the rain of swords, a beautiful fairy descended from the sky, accompanied by a huge sword light that pierced into his chest, splitting him in half, and the sword light penetrated deeply into the rocks of the mountain wall.

"Because you met me."

An otherworldly voice said lightly.

Thousands of brilliance scattered, and the atomized moonlight evaporated.

Accompanied by the mist and mist, the beautiful fairy left this world.

Only one young man remained.

Lin Wen.

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