Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 390: The First Step

Prosperity is washed away.

A woman with a dream breaks with you.

Lin Wen almost broke, without these gray-clothed monsters to relieve him.

After the spell ended, all the red makeup dissipated, as if taken away by a fairy.

Lin Wen let out a deep breath, and decided to regard this incident as his biggest dark history, and it was sealed into the dust of history along with that fraudulent spell.

Never let me see this spell again.

Although it's really powerful.

Looking back, the blood flowed into rivers in the mountains, the ground was covered with stumps, and countless sword marks were engraved on the ground, filled with blood, like the wounds of mountain giants.

This bloody scene did not impact Lin Wen. He knew that this was the garbage left after the demons were eliminated.

These deaths bring a touch of color to the world.

When Lin Wen was about to turn around and leave, suddenly, 【Body Without Colorful Phoenix】 touched him again with a light and lively feeling.

Lin Wen, who had experienced it once, immediately knew that this was [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] reminding him that he had spiritual energy to absorb!

There is such a good thing?

Surprised, Lin Wen immediately sat down to meditate.

Reiki can be seen in the state of meditation. They are like fireflies flying in the night sky, emitting a hazy halo.

Now, countless halos surround Lin Wenshen, just like the beautiful pictures under the montage camera.

Moreover, there are more halos emerging from him.


Isn't this exactly the same as last time?

The rest of the curse also collapsed?

How long has it been? Another early collapse?

Lin Wen had some doubts in his heart, but the first thing to do now was to absorb the aura.

Gather your mind, concentrate your mind, and enter the state of meditation. Thousands of halos will gather at him immediately. The picture is not to mention how beautiful it is.

After a while, the last trace of spiritual energy dissipated in the air, and Lin Wen's spiritual energy was also fully absorbed.

The upper limit of aura is ten times that of Yuanshen. Lin Wenyuanshen has just increased to 305%, and the upper limit of aura has also changed to 3050 accordingly.

This full absorption is equivalent to three times more spells that the multi-gods can cast.

Well, this harvest is not bad.

I glanced at the system, and sure enough, there was no trace of the cursed shadow, and the attack spells no longer cost double.

I'm finally free!

This disgusting, necrotic curse is finally gone.

How much trouble it has caused me after being entangled for so long... It finally dissipated completely today!

Lin Wen's mood suddenly improved, and the cloud of being trapped dissipated a lot.

Speaking of it, it was a blessing in disguise, without this curse, I wouldn't be able to activate the aura.


I didn't expect [Fairy Descends to Earth] to have this kind of benefit. It's probably because the fairy's powerful spiritual power impacted the curse, which made the curse disintegrate faster.


It's not in vain that I sacrificed so much. I used up the seven luck paths, all the primordial spirits and auras, and some moral integrity that I had stored for so long in exchange for it.

Hmph, this is the integrity of the emperor.

Lin Wen smiled happily.

Barely no loss.

The mountain breeze came slowly, blowing away a bit of the bloody smell. Looking into the distance, most of Changshan County was dark, but Lin Wen knew that it was a peaceful and peaceful sleep.

People are in a sweet sleep, working hard for tomorrow's work, life, and a hopeful and happy future.

This is true of all mortals.

The same is true for immortals.

There is no essential difference, just different fields.

Stepping on the bloody water, Lin Wen went down the mountain step by step. Behind him was the mountain full of stumped limbs flowing with the bloody water. It was like a Shura field.

And he is like the god of war returning from the Shura field.

But Lin Wen didn't realize it, took out his phone, and called Qin Luoshuang again.


"Lin Wen, do you know what happened?"

"already solved."


"Send someone over to deal with the corpses, there are many."


"Can you find evidence to bite back?"

"Probably not. The council and the cult can be disconnected at any time, unless I can find tangible evidence of the connection."

"You said that I will fly over now...what's the idea of ​​sending the dragon team over to take over the lair of the council?"

"It's not very good. The council's lair is at the zero ring road of the Shenjing imperial capital. The guards are very tight. In addition to fighting the secret forces of the council, you also have to face the encirclement and suppression of the imperial guards, the royal guards, and the Shenjing guards. Among them, the imperial guards and the royal guards are very powerful reformers. Unless hundreds of thousands of troops attack directly, they will not be afraid of anyone."

"Then what if I send hundreds of thousands of puppets... an army to attack?"

"Then you will face a total of three million Central Army and Royal Guards. They are much stronger than the regular army of the Qin Group that you defeated in Tiancangjing Plain."

"Shit, why don't I have spells like invisibility curse, death control and soul control... Uh, technology."

"Lin Wen."


"Are you really going to hand over the dragon group to me?"

"Yeah, when have I ever lied to someone?"

"Then your...doesn't that have any objections?"

"Which one?"

"Just answered the phone."

For some reason, Lin Wen felt that the phone was a little cold, so he moved it away a little.



"Well, if I say no, I won't."

"Is she also in the dragon group?"

"Well... yes."

"Then can I command her... order her?"

"Uh, her appearance fee is too expensive, so don't look for her."


There was a silence.

"By the way, how is the front line now?"

"Cao Daman's troops retreated to several towns and strongholds in the south. Li Xueyou reorganized all the Shizhou troops, a total of 370,000 people, and prepared to enter the mountains from the west. We have already occupied half of Chuanluo County, confiscated about 1.3 billion in property, about 4 million tons of grain, wiped out a total of 5,123 bandits and evil gentry, and 10,000 people were escorted back to Jiangkou City to wait for trial."

"Not bad." Lin Wen was very happy, and said: "If you want to fight the regular army, please notify me immediately."


Just as Lin Wen was about to hang up the phone, she suddenly heard her casually asking, "What's your relationship?"

Thinking of this, Lin Wen felt very depressed, and replied casually, "It's just a subordinate."

"Really? But the tone of your speech is very similar, and you are as decisive as you even hang up the phone."

"Haha..." Lin Wen laughed dryly. At that time, he was in a hurry to slay demons, but Qin Luoshuang hung up before finishing his sentence. Maybe he was a little angry?

"I'll reprimand her for that."

"How to reprimand?"

Lin Wen casually replied, "Hundreds of whips?"

"You... Forget it, you always refuse to talk properly."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, the greater the ability, the greater the temper. The dragon group is full of such thorns. It's normal to poke the boss's mouth."

"There is a problem with your organization!" The voice on the other side of the phone was obviously a little angry. "I have never seen such a free and loose spy organization. If you do this, you will have trouble sooner or later. You have to give me all the management rights, and I will rectify it."


Anyway, it's just a few puppets, you can do whatever you want.

Hearing this answer, the voice on the phone finally softened.

"Okay, don't worry... I will use the most advanced secret service organization management method to make the dragon group change its free and chaotic style and become more powerful."


"You don't need to worry too much here in Shizhou. The Tiancangjing battle shocked the staff. I asked the four commanders to send back the detailed battle process on the front line and report back to the headquarters in person. From this battle, they clearly saw that without your special help, the 200,000 mob troops would be vulnerable to the 50,000 regular troops. Now they have adjusted their position and are rethinking their previous aggressive strategy."

Qin Luoshuang didn't say a word, and finally no one murmured behind her back that she was a capitulator.


"Yunqingshui's organizational work is also very good. We have gained a lot of support from the people. This is not only beneficial to our operations, but also has a very important effect on us. I have sent people to collect such information to prove our justice and correctness."


Qin Luoshuang talked a lot, and the content involved politics, the military, and economics. Lin Wen just listened and occasionally answered.

In this way, the two kept chatting, and Lin Wen didn't even know when she hung up the phone.

When he came back to his senses, he had already fallen asleep on the bed with the expectation of tomorrow's settlement.


It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night that De Luo confirmed that the Gray Army was wiped out, and Changshan County was unscathed.

This result caused a huge shock in the church. If the Gray Army was wiped out by the regular army, that's fine.

But the deep-sea spies in Changshan County reported that there was no sign of any army mobilization. When a large number of people gathered in Changshan County, the Gray Army had already been destroyed.

They are past collectors.

The meaning of this is very clear, the Gray Army was wiped out by special operations units.

However, this time they are the main force dispatched, a total of 12,000 people, what kind of special warfare can win so many people?

Is that still human?

The special combat body in Changshan County is estimated to have the combat power of 700 gray-clothed animals at most.

In the simulated battle, he will definitely lose more than 700 people.

"Do you want to update the data?"

"No, it's impossible. This data is no longer a carbon-based organism. He must have used some special weapon."

Dro reported this information to the top, but was only met with ridicule and contempt.

The gang of conspiratorial people ridiculed the religious order as brainless idiots, and the order of the empire is still there. Even if this kind of suicide attack is successful, it will leave huge sequelae, and it may not be able to bring down Changshan County.

Their way is right.

The newly appointed chairman of the council, Wang Xinwei, said triumphantly: "We have stopped the giant ship of Changshan County buying coal from abroad. Their steel plants will soon run out of coal. The collapse of Changshan County's pillar industries will definitely have a series of huge impacts on them."

"This is our first step in defeating Changshan County."

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