Jiuling Mountain is located in the south of the western mountainous area of ​​Changshan County, more than 60 kilometers away from the Changshan Iron and Steel Plant in the middle, and only about ten kilometers away from the plain area.

The location is okay, at least the transportation problem is not too big.

Lin Wen inspected the surrounding area for a while, and based on the exploration report provided by [Ask in the Sky], he selected the best entry point, one [Turn Soil into Mud], and a tunnel three meters square and 400 meters deep was cut obliquely from the surface at an angle of 45 degrees.

One [Turn soil into mud] can turn about 5,000 square meters of soil into muddy water. The soil here is relatively hard, so it only melts more than 3,800 square meters.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a matter of using a few more rounds.

A [Turn Soil into Mud] actually consumes 75 aura, and he still has 2514 aura left, which is completely enough.

When the seventh [Turn Soil into Mud] was cast, the feedback from the spell told him that the passage had reached above the coal seam, and the green light of the spell was greatly hindered in the coal seam——

It cannot turn coal into muddy water.

"Do you want to be so scientific?"

Lin Wen grunted.

Now, in front of him was an unremarkable puddle of mud, like the ones that can be seen everywhere on a rainy day.

But anyone who steps into it will know that it is actually three kilometers long.

The reason why there was an extra kilometer was because Lin Wen didn't want to use a shaft, and the passage was cut diagonally.

In this way, it can be used only by laying the rails, and no additional lifters are required.

At that time, the miners will slide down directly on the mine cart, which is both safe and exciting. After tiring work, they can also enjoy the fun of the three-kilometer roller coaster downhill, which is not perfect.

Coal mining and recreation coexist, and work and leisure fly together, which is Lin Wen's philosophy.

Of course, if an expert sees Lin Wen's plan, they will immediately explode their minds on the spot due to the conflict of ideas and ideas.

However, this plan has only just completed the passage in and out.

Lin Wen picked up the shovel, and then used one of [Nine Bulls and Two Tigers' Power], one of [Fish and Water], and one of [Eyeless and Bright], turned around and jumped into the muddy puddle until it sank to the bottom.

Lin Wen identified the direction, picked up the shovel, and began to dig fiercely.

Geological prospecting told him that there is a very deep cave outside the coal seam.

He wants to connect the channel with the cave and let the muddy water flow down.

The reason why [Turn Soil to Mud] is no longer used directly is because this spell is too expensive, and it is used to build a channel for safety.

The rest, of course, is cost-effective to do it yourself.

The curse is gone, a [Nine Bulls and Two Tigers' Power] only uses 8% of the primordial spirit, and lasts for 16 hours.

After 16 hours of hard work, Lin Wen definitely dug more than 3,000 square meters of soil.

And there is another advantage of this, the mine is very dangerous, Lin Wen does not want any coal mine accident, if a large number of people die, his bad luck will skyrocket.

Let's explore the way first.

If there is any danger of accident, come to me.

However, it's a pity that he has [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] and many spells around him.

Ordinary accidents pose no threat to him, even if the entire mine collapses, there is a high probability that he will not die.

Tsk, too strong is not good.

Three hours later, Lin Wen went down with a shovel, and the soil layer behind suddenly collapsed, and a large amount of muddy water rushed in with the soil dug out by Lin Wen.

Lin Wen fell into a large deep pit with the current, and thrust a shovel into the rock wall with his backhand.

At a glance, the pit is more than 900 meters deep and less than 200 meters wide. It lies so deep in the ground that it seems to reach the opening of the abyss.

Looking up, the muddy water gushes out from a small hole in the middle of the big pit, and the pure yellow sticky muddy water flows down like the yellowest urine that can first wake up the dreamer.

It took a long time for the yellowest urine of more than 28,000 square meters to finish.

Lin Wen turned up and continued working.

He intends to dig up all the soil above the coal seam and break the coal seam into pieces.

In this way, the effect of "open-pit coal mining" at a depth of 2109 meters can be achieved, which can greatly reduce coal mine operating costs and safety hazards.

Lin Wen worked furiously all the way, digging up all the shovels, and ran back to carry a large bundle of shovels from the warehouse.

Since Lin Wen had always driven the [Spiritual Movement] to go high and high, he rushed over at a speed of 200 yards, picked up the shovel and turned at a sharp angle before leaving. The speed was too fast, and the camera only saw a blurry swipe past. As a result, Kuguan was checked twice by the KGB and the Forbidden Curse Mage Group.

But no clues were found, so it had to be characterized as a bizarre theft case, and the case was handed over to the Criminal Supervisory Office.

The Supervision Office also launched a series of investigations, but unfortunately, apart from digging out some thieves, the real thief was nowhere to be seen.

Of course, Lin Wen didn't notice that his actions had caused trouble to his family. His spell time was limited, and every minute and every second was important, so he didn't have time to speak.

Besides, it's all my own stuff. How can it be called stealing because of Sheriff Lin's business?

In this way, Lin Wen has been digging underground for 16 hours. During this period, he encountered three landslides, three gas leaks, one flood accident, and two sand collapse accidents, all of which were easily resolved by Lin Wen.

Due to time constraints, after Lin Wen finished the first spell, he directly activated the second [Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers], and continued to work hard.

However, due to the expansion of the excavation area and frequent landslide accidents, Lin Wen was forced to suspend the excavation.

Although Lin Wen was not afraid, it seriously affected his speed.

Because the amount of soil in the landslide was large, it not only affected the geological structure, but also the excavated soil had to be transported to the cave to be dumped, which was very troublesome.

Lin Wen went to the steel factory and carried hundreds of tons of steel columns. He broke the steel columns into the shape of a door, inserted them into the mine tunnel, and then put the roof on them. The stress generated by the excavation was supported, and it was much better immediately. There was no collapse again.

It has to be said that machines are really a step backwards for human beings. If people train their strength to be as strong as him, the engineering speed will be at least ten times higher.

Lin Wen thought while breaking the steel pillar.

Just as Lin Wen was doing it, the senior officials of the council were blown out of their lungs.

Yi Wang Xinweiman thought that he had hit Changshan County's Achilles' heel this time, and even if he didn't agree immediately, he would at least come to negotiate with them.

However, in the face of their deadly threat, Changshan County only returned two photos full of mutilated limbs and arms. Judging from the background, it should be a photo of the massacre of the Huiyi Cult.

There is another sentence attached to the photo: "If you don't pay 100 billion ransom within three days, their fate will be your fate."

This sentence completely angered the council. They were the only ones who blackmailed others, and no one else blackmailed them. Changshan County obviously didn't take them seriously.

Just when they wanted to fight back, they were hit by a powerful attack.

The governor of Zhongzhou, Wang Bo'an, finally wiped out the enemy troops entrenched on the land with the support of a large number of shells from Changshan County, completely recovered the entire territory, and restored normal order.

Not only that, during the battle that lasted for more than a month, he used his authority as a full-fledged governor and his superb organization and mobilization ability to fight more and more troops, and the more they fought, the stronger they became.

By the end of the war, the number of troops had exceeded 500,000, and they were initially capable of combat.

The army pressed directly to the border of Zezhou and confronted the rebel governor Wu Jingtang in Xindebao, which greatly restricted the direction of the enemy's attack, protected the safety of the empire's flanks, and made the war tilt towards the victory of the empire.

On the eve of the emperor's expedition, the empire desperately needs a victory propaganda to boost morale and unite people's hearts.

However, the previous battles were really difficult to get close to victory, after many searches, only Zhongzhou's victory was a suitable target for publicity.

Therefore, the Great Elder ordered Wang Bo'an to bring the main generals to Beijing for an audience.

The Supreme Council made great efforts for this publicity. They set up a grand welcome scene at the Arc de Triomphe of the Imperial Capital, mobilized a guard of honor of nearly 100,000 people, and allowed hundreds of thousands of people to watch.

A few months ago, Wang Bo'an was a street mouse, as if all the defeats of the empire were caused by his corruption and incompetence.

After a spring breeze, Wang Bo'an suddenly became the symbol of the empire's invincibility, an ever-victorious general shining with golden light all over his body.

Every little thing about him has been bragged about, every action and every word proves his incomparably noble character. There are 120 TV stations in the empire, no matter how many channels you change, there is an illusion of "I haven't changed channels".

And at the welcome ceremony held at the Arc de Triomphe, the Emperor of the Empire will personally wear the medal of the Star of the Empire for Wang Bo'an, and the First Princess will personally wear the medal of War Hero for all the generals.

However, in this highly anticipated event, Wang Boan did not perform according to the established procedures.

On that day, wearing the military uniform of the governor, under the focus of countless cameras, he stepped on the red carpet, stepped on the golden staircase, and above the Arc de Triomphe, publicly accused the emperor, the Supreme Council, and the Great Elder of all the crimes committed by the Supreme Council during the war.

Crimes of dereliction of duty, crimes of reselling arms, crimes of stealing supplies, crimes of defacement and aid, crimes of capitalizing on the enemy, and crimes of treason.

And attached a lot of detailed evidence.

Wang Bo'an's voice resounded throughout the audience, while his personal guards distributed copies of all the evidence below.

Not only the officials who came to participate in the celebration, but also a large number of people, have received these sensational evidence of crimes.

Among these evidences, apart from what Wang Bo'an had preserved long ago, there was also a large amount of gossip from the Council specially collected by Qin Luoshuang.

Every action of the council was not seamless, and even because of the previous council's contempt for Changshan County, many of its actions were very rough, leaving a lot of evidence.

Qin Luoshuang knew that it was not the right time, so he just collected and preserved these evidences. It was not until Wang Boan called Changshan County before he entered Beijing that Qin Luoshuang tried to find out and handed over all the evidences to him.

From these evidences, we can clearly see how many insane things the Council has done.

It intercepted the empire's military supplies under various pretexts and resold them to the Papal State.

The aid materials distributed to Zhongzhou and Changshan County were replaced with rotten and damaged ones.

It planted spies in the territory of Zhongzhou, and sold the news of the battle in Zhongzhou to the Papal State Mountain Cavalry Regiment fighting in Zhongzhou.

It delivered supplies, ammunition, shells, etc. to the strongholds of the Papal States.

Maliciously intercepting refugees, forcing refugees to flock to Zhongzhou, trying to drag Zhongzhou down.

Maliciously attacked the stronghold of Changshan County to prevent Changshan County from taking in refugees from Zhongzhou.

There are also many secret transactions with the Papal State, and it is suspected that a large number of special warfare bodies have been sold to finance the battle of the Papal State.

In addition, there are too many "little things" such as poisoning, sabotage, assault, assassination, etc.

Wang Bo'an launched an attack on the spot in front of hundreds of thousands of people, turning the welcome ceremony into an accusation ceremony, and turning the Arc de Triomphe into a grand court.

The scene was chaotic, and the empire's ministries were caught off guard. Many news media and TV stations forgot to turn off the signal, which led to this unprecedented drama being grandly staged on the empire's screens.


The furious Supreme Council took Wang Bo'an directly, arrested all the accompanying generals and cronies, and detained them all in the famous Yanshan Prison in the imperial capital.

Yu Zhongxian was forced to go to the Supreme Council for interrogation.

The imperial capital is under martial law, and the Central Army and the Guards have all entered a state of battle.

The Supreme Council publicly announced that whoever dares to change is a provocation to the empire.

In the empire, the atmosphere that had just eased suddenly became tense.

But the aftermath of things is far from that.

Wang Bo'an's self-destructive attack caused a great shock to the council, and the evidence provided by Changshan County played a key role in it.

This also made them understand that Changshan County was no longer the weak one in their eyes who could be bullied at will.

This is an equal enemy, and they must take it seriously, just like the governors, major interest groups, and high-ranking officials of the empire they dealt with before.

On the second day of the questioning, although Yu Zhongxian had not yet returned, the elder Lin Yabo, a close ally of the council, sent his cronies to tell them that the chief executive had passed the customs.

He promised to send all the power of the council to the battlefield, and handed over all the review rights of wartime supplies, as well as the natural judicial immunity of the council.

Right now, the chief executive is dealing with some troublesome issues at the Supreme Council. Before he comes back, it is the window period for the final action of the council. At this time, they must concentrate all their strength to defeat Changshan County.

Wang Xinwei quickly reached an agreement with core members such as Dean De Luo, the chairpersons, the chief inspector, and the presiding judge.

Launch a full-scale attack on Changshan County.

Temporarily unite with the Qin Group, mobilize giant troops, and jointly attack Changshan County.

Be sure to beat it down.

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