Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 396 The greatest happiness in this life

Yanshan Prison.

Yu Zhongxian was escorted into a separate cell by two imperial guards.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared that the uproar in the prison gradually subsided.

Yu Zhongxian was thin and not tall. He took off the official uniform of the Supreme Council Speaker and put on a prison uniform, but the invisible majesty did not leave him.

His expression was indifferent, his eyes were cold, and he was indifferent to those guys shouting behind him, even though a large part of them were sent in by him.


The imperial guard closed the cell door and left immediately.

The prison has returned to tranquility, and the bright light makes it a little dazzling.

"Oh, the former ruler of the Supreme Council has also entered the prison." A voice said mockingly.

Yu Zhongxian looked sideways, and it was Wang Bo'an with gray hair. He was sitting on a simple bed, his huge body was like a tiger, staring at Yu Zhongxian like his prey.

"Wang Bo'an." Yu Zhongxian had no joy or anger in his eyes, as if he was just looking at a piece of wood, "Your behavior today, apart from stupidity, has no evaluation value."

"Oh?" Wang Bo'an mocked him, "Didn't you come in too? Your Excellency."

Yu Zhongxian said lightly: "I will go back soon, but for you, the best ending is to rot here."

Wang Bo'an sneered, "You've done so many insane things, and you still want to go out?"

"Wang Bo'an."

Yu Zhongxian's expression remained unchanged.

"You can say this kind of thing, it proves that you still haven't understood that the empire doesn't talk about right and wrong, there is no good and evil, and it doesn't look at black and white."

He took a step forward and came to the edge of the cage. Although Wang Boan was taller than him when sitting, he still seemed to be looking down on him.

"Empire, only interests come first."


Wang Bo'an got up suddenly, hit the cage like a thunderbolt, and grabbed Yu Zhongxian with his big hand, "I want you to die now..."

The bluish-white electric snake instantly lit up, and Wang Boan froze.


Before he could finish a word, his burly body slowly fell to the ground.

Yu Zhongxian stood where he was all the time, unscathed.

Two imperial guards fell from the top of their heads, and the cold light on their wrists had not been extinguished.

"Go down." Yu Zhongxian said coldly.

The two imperial guards nodded, turned left and right and left.


Emperor Tower.

Large conference room.

The fierce quarrel continued.

Around Wang Bo'an and Yu Zhongxian's handling methods, the elders, the governor, the head of the headquarters, the senior officials of the State Council, the representatives of the Congress, the nobles of the Senate, the highest military department, the senior officials of the imperial center, and almost all the imperial dignitaries are quarreling.

The group headed by Elder Lin Yabo and Elder Moxili strongly advocated a lighter sentence for Yu Zhongxian and a heavier sentence for Wang Boan.

Lin Yabo said: "Although Yu Zhongxian is also at fault, the council is an important part of the empire. It has been conscientiously performing its functions, guiding, coordinating, supervising, and inspecting the work of the courts, the Supervision Office, the Ministry of Public Security, and judicial administrative agencies to maintain the dignity of the imperial law and restrain corrupt officials who violate the rules of the empire. Such a large department cannot require everyone in it to be clean and pure. There are always some black sheep. I think that since the council has been punished accordingly, Yu Zhong Xian should not ask for a heavy sentence."

Moxili agreed: "On the contrary, Wang Bo'an's uncontrolled behavior has caused the empire's control to be questioned and damaged the empire's reputation. He can point out the mistakes of the council in a more peaceful way. I believe Yu Zhongxian will accept it with humility. The empire is about to end. He is so disregarding the overall situation and should be severely punished!"

Cheng Wei also stood on Yu Zhongxian's side uncharacteristically: "Even if the council is really wrong, he shouldn't announce it in public. How can those untouchables know about the internal affairs of the empire?"

Moxili shook the fat on his face, showing a disgusting smile: "That's right, grown-ups, family ugliness should not be publicized, Wang Bo'an's behavior is too much, and now the matter has spread abroad, even the Pope is watching us as a joke."

Congress representative Yang Guozhong said loudly: "Second, and Changshan County who provided perjury should also be regarded as the same crime."

However, the faction dominated by Li Yongsheng, the pillar of the Three Kingdoms of the Senate, is completely opposite. They advocate heavy punishment for Zhongxian and light punishment for Wang Bo'an.

Li Yongsheng said: "I don't know how your heads grow. Let's look at the actions of the Council. Which one is not a capital crime? Li Tong, being an enemy, and rebelling, which one did not cause huge damage to the empire? Who would have dared to do such a thing thirty years ago? His ashes have already been floating on the Jinshui River!"

Wang Xingjun, the popular actress of the Princess Faction and the new Prime Minister of the State, was even more indignant, and said loudly, "Look! The numerous crimes committed by the council are simply insane. The empire's wars did not go well before, all because of the council's troubles behind its back. I surmise with the greatest malice that Yu Zhongxian has betrayed the empire and defected to the Papal State. Maybe the territory of the Papal State is ready for him!"

Lin Yabo shouted angrily: "Wang Xingjun, be careful! How can you speculate and slander casually about such things?"

Wang Xingjun sneered: "Is it true, just check it out."

Lin Yabo glanced at him contemptuously: "I report you for treason with my real name, and request the Supreme Council to suspend you for a thorough investigation."

Wang Xingjun pointed at Lin Yabo's face angrily: "Do you have evidence?"

Lin Yabo threw a stack of newspapers in front of him.

"These are photos of you shaking hands with Mo Zhai during your visit to the Papal State. The most recent one was just a week before the war broke out. Why did you invade the Papal State just after visiting the Papal State? Are you colluding? Have you betrayed the country?"

Wang Xingjun's entire face was flushed red, and he said angrily, "You are spitting blood!"

Lin Yabo said coldly: "Then who knows that you are spitting blood?"



The Great Elder stopped their meaningless quarrel and appointed Yang Jiehua, the Chief of Staff: "You sum it up."

Yang Jiehua, the most famous of the centrists, stood up and bowed around.

"Everyone, this incident is a misfortune for the empire. The reason is that the council has not been supervised and has acted arbitrarily for a long time. It is the ultimate supervisor of the judiciary, but no one supervises it. Over time, the law has become a tool for them to attack dissidents and win over allies. It is inevitable for the council to hand over the power of review and judicial immunity. But it still holds the core judicial power. Therefore, I think it should be supervised by another department to form power constraints."

The Great Elder was noncommittal, and asked He Lin, the senior political supervisor representing the Imperial Political Supervisory Council: "What do you think?"

He Lin bowed and said, "I agree with Director Yang's words."

The great elder didn't answer, and then asked elders Ye Nantian, Xu Chengguo and the others: "Do you think so too?"

Ye Nantian and the others bowed and replied, "Yes, Your Excellency the Great Elder."

The Great Elder cast his eyes on the representative of the Military Joint Committee: "What about you?"

The Military Coalition Committee divided into two batches. Fu Wenyu said: "Since the council agreed to send troops, and the treason case cannot be confirmed, I think it can be given a light sentence. In addition, isn't the council supervised by the Supreme Council? Who can have more power than the Supreme Council? Therefore, adding a supervisory department is really cumbersome, adding cumbersomeness and reducing efficiency."

However, Shang Lianshan insisted on a heavy sentence: "Yu Zhongxian can get away with this kind of behavior. Where is the dignity of the empire's laws? From now on, who cares about the face of the empire? If everyone follows suit, won't the world be in chaos immediately?"

The Great Elder finally asked Elder Ren Zhengqing, "What's your opinion?"

Ren Zhengqing stood up and made a final summary:

"The war is imminent, and the empire needs stability. The key to stability lies in the balance of power. The accusations against the Council may be true or false, and I cannot be completely convinced. I think it is not appropriate to increase the punishment. Yu Zhongxian can wait for the crime and return to his post to see the effect. Although Wang Bo'an is impulsive, it is also excusable, and a small punishment is enough."

Li Longxing sighed slightly on the throne of the Great Elder, the emperor of the empire, knowing that the matter had come to this point, and he could not go any further.

The relevant power of Yu Zhongxian and the council is too great. If this area is empty, there will be a power earthquake in the empire, and powerful entities like the Qin Group will be even more unscrupulous.

Relatively speaking, the Qin Group's threat to the empire is far greater than that of the council. The council is a vine attached to the big tree of the empire. It has a lot of power relying on the empire, so the elder does not believe that Yu Zhongxian will treason.

He is only seeking his own gain, like a vine sucking its sap from a tree.

The Qin Group is another tree.

At the foot of the big tree of the empire, there are countless small trees. The empire wants to win over and borrow their power, but also prevent them from replacing it.

The Council is such an extremely useful tool, and the Great Elder will not abandon it easily.

However, just as the elder was about to pronounce the verdict, the seat representing Changshan County was lit up.

A young man stood up and asked to speak.

This meeting is a top-end enlarged meeting. All the dignitaries who have a place in the empire have participated. If I am too late to arrive, I also sent representatives to arrive.

Originally, with the qualifications of Changshan County, it would not be possible to sit here, but the special envoy of Changshan County sat here as a "special evidence provider" after successive visits to the first princess and the pillar of the Three Kingdoms Li Yongsheng.

When the young man stood up, everyone's eyes lit up. He had sword eyebrows and starry eyes, thin lips and a straight nose, a body like a pine tree, a face like a crown jade, with a gentle and elegant temperament, and a restrained look. He was a standard gentleman in troubled times.

Li Longxing allowed him to speak at the speed of light, which is also his privilege as the first elder - he can make people who cannot speak at all speak.

And the prerogative of the Great Elder is to prevent those who can speak from speaking.

Of course, most of the time, the Great Elder would not openly refute the opinions of the emperor, and Li Longxing used this power cautiously.

The young man bowed politely around.

"Hello, my lords. I am Yun Zhixing, the representative of Changshan County. I just want to convey a message."

"Changshan County once again defeated the main force of the Qin Group on the Xinghuo Plain. The Qin Group was forced to retreat 30 miles to avoid the sharp edge of our army."

"My speech is over."

Yun Zhixing sat back in his seat, every movement of his was elegant and impeccable, which not only fully complied with imperial etiquette, but also fully demonstrated his noble temperament.

There are already quite a few outsiders thinking: "Maybe we can recruit a son-in-law and get married."

After the representative of Changshan County sat down, the large conference room became quiet, and no one spoke.

Suddenly, the Great Elder's mind has quietly changed.


Half a day ago.

Shizhou Front.

Big pier fort.

The headquarters of Changshan County fell into a sea of ​​jubilation, and white paper was scattered everywhere, like colorful flowers sprinkled by a celebration.

Qin Luoshuang, who hadn't rested for a few days, returned to her private room. She couldn't stand the greasy body, and immediately got into the bathroom, letting the comfortable hot water flow from her hair to every inch of her skin, to wash away the fatigue of the past few days.

In the middle of washing, Xia forced her way in, insisting on washing with her, but Qin Luoshuang couldn't hold back her, just like Lin Wen, so he had to let her in.

As soon as he came in, this guy was really the same as before, super restless, Qin Luoshuang couldn't help pushing her for a while, but he didn't expect that the girl stepped on the soap and broke her hand.

Qin Luoshuang looked at her teary face and felt distressed. After helping her connect her arm, he took a small bench behind her to help her wipe her back.

Halfway through the rubbing, the girl got into her old ways again, and said with a smile, "Qin, why don't we take a group photo and send it to Lin Wen."

Pa, Qin Luoshuang threw the entire towel on her face.

"If you want to send it, you can send it yourself, don't take me along. I haven't finished paying for you for tearing my clothes last time."

"You can talk about me, but I didn't let you talk about it."

Xia Xiaoxiang pulled off the bath towel from her face, and looked at Qin Luoshuang with a giggle. Her baby-like skin, which could be broken by blows, looked even more alluring and charming under the reflection of the water.

"Sit down for me."

Qin Luoshuang pulled the towel off, forcefully turned her head back, and continued to rub her back.

"Oh, Qin, your strength is too great."

"My skin is about to break."

"My waist is about to break!"

The two quarreled for a while before they stopped. Qin Luoshuang was about to get up when Xia Xiaoxiang suddenly asked, "Qin, is Wang Bo'an's behavior your idea?"

The major event that happened in Shenjing has long been known to the world. Qin Luoshuang has always paid attention to the political situation of the empire, so he has already known about it.

Qin Luoshuang was silent for a while.


"What did you say then?"

"I handed him the evidence and told him to put it in gifts and send it to all the dignitaries on the Arc de Triomphe. I'll wait for the next day."

"But he didn't listen to you."

Qin Luoshuang nodded lightly: "His sister Wang Cuihua told me that when Wang Bo'an saw the evidence I provided, his lungs exploded with anger. Maybe he was planning to completely overthrow the council with a thunderbolt at that time."

"Do you think it's possible?"

Qin Luoshuang shook his head: "Impossible."


Qin Luoshuang put a piece of soap between them, "Look."

Xia Xiaoxiang turned around: "What? You want to pick up soap with me."

Although Qin Luoshuang didn't understand what it meant, but he also knew that it was not a good word, and knocked her on the head: "Don't make trouble, let's assume that this is an empire. It is on this smooth ground, and if it wants to be stable, it needs a balanced support."

I took a few toothpicks, inserted them into the soap, and put them down gently. The soap stood firmly on the water flowing from the tiles.

"Yu Zhongxian is one of these toothpicks. If it is broken, the situation in the empire will be out of balance."

Xia Xiaoxiang giggled: "Qin, I don't think it's right, Yu Zhongxian is going to be unlucky this time."

Qin Luoshuang glanced at her, and asked quietly, "Tell me."

Xia Xiaoxiang brought a toothed brush: "This is the Senate. Although the Senate does not hold real power, they are all people who once held real power, not just the royal relatives. Their prestige and their network still play a powerful role."

Qin Luoshuang nodded: "That's right."

Xia Xiaoxiang took a toothbrush and inserted it in the middle: "This is Li Yongsheng, the pillar of the Three Kingdoms. He used to be the marshal of the empire, and he had great prestige in the army. His opinions are very important, and he is also a person who hates evil and hates enemies. He will definitely oppose Zhongxian."

Qin Luoshuang shook his head: "Not enough."

I got up and took a box and put it next to the soap.

"The Congress has the legislative power and the power of recall, and it is the face of the empire. Congress representative Yang Guozhong will defend Yu Zhongxian to the death and attack Wang Boan."

Xia Xiaoxiang took a bottle of sunscreen and put it next to the brush: "The State Council has the administrative power of the empire. The new Prime Minister Wang Xingjun belongs to Li Linyue, and he will support Wang Bo'an."

Qin Luoshuang put the mascara next to the packaging box: "Marshal Fu Wenyu, will support Yu Zhongxian."

Xia Xiaoxiang took a blush brush and put it next to the brush: "Although Yang Jiehua of the highest office is a neutral faction, he has always supported the notarization of the imperial law. He will support Wang Boan."

And just like that, the clutter piled up next to the soap, like a cosmetics stand.

In the end, Qin Luoshuang brought eight facial cleansers and placed them around: "These are eight elders, three of them support Yu Zhongxian, four are neutral, and one has the same thinking as the Great Elder."

Xia Xiaoxiang imagined that the cold and boring elders of the empire turned out to be facial cleansers, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Qin Luoshuang also laughed.

The water mist in the bathroom was steaming, and the two of them just looked at each other through the water mist, and the temperature seemed to rise imperceptibly.

"Qin." Xia Xiaoxiang said softly, "Have you figured it out?"

Qin Luoshuang's eyes were like stars, and she nodded slightly.

Xia Xiaoxiang got up and took out the satellite phone from her scattered clothes.

Qin Luoshuang took it, and Yun Zhixing's number was already on it.

She pressed the dial button.

The signal shot straight into the sky like a light, looking for satellites to respond to it.

During the few seconds of waiting, Qin Luoshuang looked at the beautiful woman in front of her with soft eyes.

And so are the jade men.

After a while, there was a connection sound on the phone.

Qin Luoshuang smiled slightly.

Xia, meeting you is the greatest happiness in my life.

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