Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 402 Accompanying you to watch the meteor shower (third update)

Cao Daman stood on the hillside, watching the strict formation of troops, the uniform pace, the rumble of tanks and the whine of armored vehicles.

In the further direction, there are private soldiers sent to support them by all the groups involved in the food project. They join in the form of mercenaries, and they have all kinds of ordnance formations and clothing.

Cao Daman was extremely proud. This was the first time he had commanded a combined army composed of so many troops, as well as specialized tank formations and aircraft formations.

This time, I must smash Changshan County's stinky face.

Cao Da thought hard.

At this time, the military satellite phone in his arms rang.

Cao Daman hurriedly answered the phone.

"Commander Cao, immediately launch an attack on the main force of Changshan County stationed in Xinghuo Plain. Li Xueyou will attack from the side."

Cao Dawan was startled: "Why, brother, there are still two joint troops that haven't come over."

He didn't tell him why on the phone.

"Follow orders, Commander Cao."

Click, the phone hangs up.

Cao Dawan twitched his lips: "Really, everything I do is mysterious, as if my old Cao has no intelligence."

"Order the whole army to attack!"

Southwest District.

Supreme Commander's Office.

Prince Jun also issued an order to the Air Force Brigade.

"We must ensure absolute air supremacy, blow up until their supply lines are broken, and blow up until they dare not stand up."

On the big screen, a resolute man saluted and said: "Yes! Chief of Staff. The Air Force Brigade is on standby, and the anti-dongfeng-31 interceptor missiles are ready."

The prince nodded: "Go."

The screen on the big screen changed, and it changed to Li Xueyou who was in the north of Shizhou.

"Commander Li, let's attack! The giant troop of the council has already attacked."

A male officer with a dark complexion asked: "Chief of Staff, Changshan County does not have powerful firepower and a top-notch fire control system like us. It is difficult for them to pose a threat to the giant army. Why don't we wait for them to cause greater losses to the Changshan County army before attacking?"

The prince replied: "This is our war. You have to understand that in situations where force cannot be resorted to, deterrence can play a decisive role. This is why many animals swell their feathers to make themselves look bigger before fighting. Past achievements are our feathers."

Li Xueyou suddenly said: "I understand, I will launch an attack now!"

The picture flashed, and the big screen switched to the live picture provided by the war observer.

The prince looked at the armored vehicles and tanks rolling past above, with complex and gloomy expressions.


Changshan County Command.

When the news of the annihilation of Fu Yixiu's army came, the entire headquarters fell into unbelievable panic.

Logically speaking, Fu Yixiu's army, who was performing defense missions in Panwa County, should be relatively safe.

There are Changshan County troops in front and behind them, and there are mountains on both sides.

Even if the enemy crossed the mountain, there must not be many. How could the Fu Yixiu army of more than 40,000 people be wiped out?

Soon, a detailed telegram came.

The telegram said they had been routed by an army of giants clad in black leather.

The total number of those giants is less than two thousand, but they are very powerful, and they can use their bodies to resist mortars and bombard them directly.

There are also cluster rocket launchers, which can fire dozens of rockets at a time.

When launching a charge, they would strafe at them with 20mm cannons, and the firepower was extremely fierce.

Moreover, they are wearing body armor made of 50 mm thick special steel. Bullets are almost ineffective, and only shelling can cause damage.

Fu Yixiu's army had about 30,000 casualties, while the enemy's losses were minimal.

Fang Dashan immediately remembered after hearing the telegram: "This is the giant army. I fought against them under the leadership of Sheriff Lin. Now the special weapons regiment of the First Army is all the weapons seized from them."

A staff officer asked, "Commander Fang, is that weapon powerful?"

Fang Dashan nodded solemnly: "It's very powerful. The 100mm caliber of the mortar is very powerful. The cluster bazooka is simply a tool for cleaning the ground, but the ammunition is too expensive, and I usually don't use it. And the cannon, we all use it on the ground or on the armored vehicle. The bullets that hit a person can directly cut a person in two."

Another staff officer asked curiously: "Then how did you win?"

Fang Dashan said with a smile: "Sheriff Lin led us to win. We ambushed them and blocked them in the canyon to kill them. No one died."

Under the adoring eyes of all the staff officers, Lin Wen ruthlessly revealed his old background: "There are only 60 giants on the opposite side, and I have spent a huge amount of resources. I even figured out the color of the opponent's commander's underwear."

Fang Dashan smiled awkwardly. He was just a tool man at the time, and all operations were directed by Sheriff Lin himself.

"What should we do now?" Lin Wen asked Qin Luoshuang.

"I have sent seven regiments of the Human Security Forces to reinforce Panwa County." Qin Luoshuang replied: "Now there is a raiding team from Gelu on the river, and I can't send everyone. The giant army is a special combat mode for special forces on the frontal battlefield. It is very difficult to fight without the ability to target. You must be prepared to use your secret weapon at any time."

At this moment, news came from the headquarters that Cao Daman's troops were aggressively attacking, and the reconnaissance troops in the north also heard that Li Xueyou's troops were marching towards Dadunbao.

Everyone in the headquarters looked gloomy.

Qin Luoshuang and his staff began to get busy again, with more than a dozen phones ringing non-stop, and it was like a mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building.

"This is a decisive battle."

Lin Wen thought to himself.

After taking a look, he now only has 66% of his primordial spirit, and there is not much spiritual energy left.

The only reliance is Man's three "Xuan Nu Yu Xiang".

There is also a "Linglong Dice" with only the last one left.

The supernatural power can only strengthen [Body Without Colorful Phoenix], other supernatural powers have nothing to do with frontal combat.

Lin Wen looked at the dozen or so Destiny Stars he had saved, and felt that he must obtain the next supernatural power as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the feeling of not being able to strengthen a combat supernatural power before the battle is too uncomfortable.

Lin Wen studied the battle situation and decided to assist the frontal troops first.

The main force of Changshan County is all on Xinghuo Plain, and they will face Cao Daman's regular army directly.

Lin Wen remembered how powerful they were.

Quadruple troops were almost beaten to death.

In the winning game, the main force joined and besieged with five times as many troops as possible to win.

But this time, Cao Dayun's army strength has reached 150,000, while Changshan County's army strength has been reduced to 170,000, which is really dangerous.

Qin Luoshuang also agreed with him.

A few hours later, Lin Wen arrived at the front line, and the war had actually begun.

Pieces of fighter planes took turns to bomb the ground. The position in Changshan County was bombed to pieces, and the soldiers hid in the bunkers and dared not show their heads.

Changshan County has no anti-aircraft weapons and can only be bombed.

They had been bombed for more than an hour. Fang Dashan and Wang Zhengwu cursed their mothers in anger, while Wu Pei and other army commanders advocated retreating a certain distance.

At this moment, Lin Wen came and laughed when he saw the situation.

Heh, don't you know that my best thing is masturbation?

Immediately called several commanders and army commanders: "Hold on, don't panic, I'll fly!"

Fang Dashan suddenly recalled something, and laughed loudly: "That's right, that's right, I remembered, Sheriff Lin is very good at jerking off planes! That day in Jiangkou City, his anti-aircraft guns shot down twenty-five planes in one go."

Wang Zhengwu confirmed it: "Commander Fang is right, County Chief Lin played fast and accurately."

Several army commanders only heard about this kind of thing, they didn't see it with their own eyes, and they were still half-believing.

At this time, more than a dozen fireballs flew overhead with long trails.

Fang Dashan pointed at the fireball and shouted: "This is this one! That's right! This is it, what's it called?"

Wang Zhengwu said: "Nongfeng-31."

The three army commanders silently wrote down the name, Dongfeng-31.

More than a dozen fireballs flew faster and faster in the sky, flying towards the fighter jets in the distance like meteors. This spectacular scene attracted everyone's attention.

Fang Dashan was trembling with excitement, he was going to witness this historic moment again.

Then, unlike what he had imagined, the fighter jets did not make any evasive maneuvers, they just crossed a semicircle and fired interceptor missiles sideways at the fireball.

More than a dozen missiles flew towards the missiles, dragging long white smoke.


The missile hit the fireball, and a large cloud of white mist burst out, and countless tiny shiny things floated down from high in the sky.

People who are so close can already feel it: "This is ice! Ice is falling from the world!"

The commander and army commanders looked at each other, speechless.

However, the Supreme Commander's Mansion and the secret laboratory in the Southwest Region were full of cheers.

Numerous researchers and experts surrounded Fermi and shouted: "Mr. Fei is invincible!"

Fermi couldn't help showing a little smile too, his "Emperor Patriot" missile-modification was a great success.

The cost of this model has been directly reduced to one-third, and it can be manufactured on a large scale. It is specially used to counter the Dongfeng-31 in Changshan County, and the actual combat effect is very good.

The princes in the command room looked at the image of the white mist falling and the flames extinguishing, and sighed: "Mr. Fei is really amazing. We are really lucky for the group to have a talent like Mr. Fei."

The generals and staff officers also agreed: "Yes, yes!"

"The Chief of Staff is right."

"Mr. Fei is the top genius in the empire, no one can match him except Hai Damer."

But on a hill in the Xinghuo Plain, Lin Wen only showed a sneer: "Heh, play interceptor missiles with me?"

With one finger of the right hand, more than a dozen fireballs flew away.

The jet immediately launched an interceptor missile, hitting the fireball before it could accelerate.

In the cold fog all over the sky, the fireball went out again.

However, more than a dozen fireballs flew out immediately.

Moreover, after more than a dozen fireballs, more than a dozen more fireballs followed, which lasted for five rounds in a row.

Countless fireballs dragged long trails, covering the entire sky.

The people below looked up, and the sky was filled with flying meteors.

The rain curtain formed by the fireball was more shocking than any meteor shower they had ever seen.

The dozen or so fighter planes obviously panicked, and they hastily fired the last few interceptor missiles, but they had little damage to the meteor shower that filled the sky.

The rest of the meteors passed through the icy snow and fog, with a dreamlike brilliance, and hit the fighter plane that was too late to escape.

At this moment, whether it was on the scene or the people in front of the screen, they all felt the suffocating beauty and indescribable splendor.

All spectators fell silent.

The fireballs from behind chased the falling fighter plane, hitting it one after another until it was blown to pieces.

On the top of the mountain, Lin Wen stood facing the wind, watching the fighter planes in the distance being shattered into pieces in the explosion, with no emotion in his eyes except for the cold light.

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