After the curse is completely dissipated, only 5% of the primordial spirit will be used for a shot of [Flame Art].

After a round of fireball, only 75% of Yuanshen is used.

After Lin Wen finished two rounds of fireballs, he used up all the remaining primordial spirit and aura.

But Lin Wen was not worried, and directly sipped the "Xuannv Lingering Fragrance".

"Xuannv Yuxiang" can be inhaled three times, one inhalation each time, and restore 500% of the soul.

For Lin Wen, it is directly refilling.

310% of the primordial spirit is instantly recharged, and a total of 62 rounds of [Flame Jue] can be shot.

Lin Wen used it all in one go, just to show an attitude - no matter how many planes come, I will shoot them down for you!

Those who have not seen real wars, few people really understand the pain of air supremacy being occupied.

That man is like a lamb that walks on the ground, and a fish that is brought to the table.

Let the enemy handle, reconnaissance, attack, and massacre, without the power to resist.

In the past, how many heroes fell under the bombing of planes and died in foreign countries, and how many warriors fought against the torrent of steel with their flesh and blood.

It was almost impossible to breathe.

But it's different now.

Since I, Lin Wen, are here, I can't bear this anger.

If you want to suppress me with technology, I will use magic to defeat you.

See if it is the speed of your technology or the sharpness of my magic.

Until the end, my technology will also catch up with you.

Lin Wen stood on the mountain peak, looking down at the battlefield below.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers came out of their positions and bunkers, cheering deafeningly.

They shouted the slogan: "Mr. Lin must win! Changshan County must win!", spreading all the joy.

Regardless of whether it was Cao Dayan, Fermi, or Wang Zijun, they all fell into a long silence.

Air Force General Fan der Biao did not receive instructions for a long time, so he could only call and ask: "Chief of Staff, whether to continue the next round of air strikes, please instruct."

The prince was silent for a long time, and finally ordered: "Pause the bombing and wait for the arrival of the missile vehicle loaded with interceptor missiles. The bomb load of the plane is too small."

Fan der Biao let out a long sigh of relief. The dense fireball array put him under tremendous psychological pressure. He was afraid that his boys would encounter that kind of attack again. It was so distressing that so many advanced fighters would not be able to return.

Cao Da humiliated: "It's fine if you don't have air superiority, and you will be crushed like a torrent of steel."

But the facts were worse than he thought. The Changshan County side also belonged to the air force. At first, Yunzhou supported ten armed helicopters, and then Lin Wen seized more than twenty more from the captain of the transportation team.

When Qin Luoshuang knew that the enemy had lost the air supremacy, he immediately dispatched more than 30 armed helicopters to support the front line.

Because he thought in advance that he would occupy the air supremacy, Cao Daman's troops were not equipped with anti-aircraft firepower, and the firepower divisions were all ground-to-ground missiles and rockets.

The air supremacy was taken by someone else, and Cao Da was so angry that he scolded his mother, but there was no turning back when he opened the bow, so he had to bite the bullet.

At the beginning of the war, the two sides were still in a stalemate. Under the cover of armed helicopters and Lin Wen's precise shelling, the two sides fought back and forth.

But when the enemy's tank division entered the battlefield, the situation instantly turned one-sided. The miscellaneous army of the three army leaders was quickly penetrated, and a large number of routs attacked the main force's position, leaving the main force isolated and helpless.

For the sake of safety, Wang Zhengwu took the initiative to withdraw from the position.

Cao Dawan watched the retreating enemy army, sneered and said: "Sure enough, they are mobs, and the real swords and guns will show their prototype."

Order: "Pursue with all your strength, kill them all, not one left!"

The messenger was about to leave when he suddenly exclaimed: "Commander! Fireball! Fireball is coming again!"

Cao Daman raised his eyes and saw the same huge fireball floating down from mid-air as last time, erupting countless small fireballs, blocking their pursuit.

He sneered: "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Order the special forces to implement the special combat plan immediately."

Soon, dozens of missiles filled with liquid nitrogen were launched from the rear of the position, and the pure heat-seeking guidance system led the missiles to fly towards Lin Wen.

Lin Wen immediately raised a dense flame protection shield.

However, when the missile hit it, an extremely large amount of cold fog erupted.

The brightness of the fireball dropped rapidly, and Lin Wen found that his primordial spirit was being consumed at an accelerated rate, which was much faster than that of ordinary missiles.

He immediately understood that this was a special missile developed for it, and almost laughed out loud.

In addition to Vulcan, I also have Earth God, Wood God, Metal God, and Water God.

Vulcan is only used because it is more destructive directly.

At a glance, there were more than a dozen missiles flying towards him, and Lin Wen directly canceled the spell.

The huge fireball was extinguished instantly, Lin Wen fell from mid-air, thought for a few seconds, and decided to use the earth magic.

[Earth God Art]: Gradeless spell, consumes 100% of the soul, summons the land god to possess, obtains the ability of the land god, and consumes 1% of the soul every second during the duration.

In the early days of using the spell, Lin Wen didn't change much. The smoke from the explosion obscured his vision, and no one noticed that someone fell from the fireball.

Cao Dayan and others were still immersed in the joy of the dream: the big fireball was so vulnerable that it was wiped out with a single missile.

While announcing the good news to the headquarters, he commanded the steel troops to chase forward.

And when Lin Wen fell to the ground, a strange feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, as if his mind was connected with the earth.

He could feel the soldier's footsteps on it, he could feel the steel tracks rolling over dirt and gravel, he could feel the rubber tires galloping over it.

A wave of anger rose freely.


A sharp pillar of soil pierced through the rubber tire.

An off-road vehicle lost its balance, turned its head sideways, and stopped sideways.

The driver of the car jumped down and said, "What a pity, the tire is punctured."


Another soil pillar mixed with earth and rock pierced out and inserted into the steel track, and the stone mixed in the mud stuck the track.

With a sharp steel moan, the tank was forced to stop.

The driver opened the hatch and poked his head out in doubt, wondering why the tank couldn't move.

And such incidents continued to happen, and one steel chariot after another was forced to stop.

But Lin Wen had already sunk into the ground, his mind was connected with the whole land and resonated.

He can control every ounce of dirt, can make them protrude, sink, tear, and can easily create countless obstacles on the surface.

As long as he is willing, he can even tear the surface of the earth, shake the earth, change the color of the mountains and rivers, and make the sea change.

But like Vulcanism, the bigger his movements, the faster his primordial spirit will be consumed.

If he had a million-dollar god, it would not be difficult to raise a Mount Everest on the spot.

It is not difficult to install an earthen elevator on Mount Everest.

It is also possible to turn the Xinghuo Plain into the Mariana Trench, allowing seawater thousands of miles away to pour in.

However, he is still just a trash fish who can't even compare to the little yellow hair in the Qi refining period, and his soul is only 310%.

And this is already the second round of "Xuannv Yuxiang". His primordial spirit is only 90% left, and it only lasts for 180 seconds to maintain his existence.

The last shot of "Xuannv Yuxiang" is reserved for the giant army, and the hole card is essential at all times.

Therefore, Lin Wen could only use the most basic ability without additional consumption, squeeze a small lump of soil into sharp thorns and arch it up, hindering the pursuit of those torrents of steel and covering the withdrawal of large troops.

Soon, under the attack of a large number of ground thorns, tanks, armored vehicles, and off-road vehicles stopped one after another.

Ren Cao was furious behind him, and he had no choice but to watch the enemy's large troops retreat.

This time the results were far less than expected. The motley army on the opposite side ran too fast and suffered little loss. The main force retreated in a timely manner with almost no damage.

However, due to the precise bombardment of our own side, the suppression of the firepower of the armed helicopters, and the fighter planes that were shot down by the fireball, the actual loss was far greater than that of the opponent.

In the Changshan County Command, everyone was forced to accept the fact that the motley army is completely incapable of fighting tough battles.

But the main force only has more than 40,000 people, and it is still hard work to fight one. It is absolutely impossible to fight four. The opponent has as many as 170,000 troops, and it is impossible to win with only one main force.

To make matters worse, Li Xueyou's 300,000 reorganized army bypassed Dadunbao and went straight to the front line, intending to pinch the main force of Changshan County from the rear.

The situation took a turn for the worse in an instant. Once Li Xueyou's army completed the encirclement, Cao Daman's army attacked from the front, and Changshan County was attacked from the front and back, and the large army was in danger of being wiped out.

The imbalance of all these strategic balances was caused by the annihilation of Fu Yixiu's army by the giant army, which created a military vacuum in Panwa County.

The headquarters had to transfer the front-line human security forces to fill the vacancy in Panwa County to prevent the enemy from attacking from the middle.

The original idea of ​​the headquarters was that, in view of the previous victory, they hoped that the 180,000 troops on the Xinghuo Plain could resist the opponent's 170,000 troops.

To be on the safe side, Qin Luoshuang also specially asked Lin Wen to support the front line, and sent armed helicopters to assist in the battle.

Originally thought, even if it may not be able to hold, it is a slow retreat situation.

Unexpectedly, the miscellaneous army collapsed thousands of miles away, completely exposing the position of the main force.

If Lin Wen hadn't stopped the opponent's pursuit in time, Changshan County would have suffered heavy losses.

But now, with the joining of Li Xueyou's army, Changshan County is still at stake.

If the situation cannot be changed in time, then the once-famous Changshan County will be destroyed.

Right in front of you.

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