Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 407: The Gods Come Down to Earth

Lin Wen was in the center of the metal monster's body, sharing his vision with it.

In his eyes, everyone is like ants, and tanks and armored vehicles are just bigger beetles.

And he stands upright, like a god descending.

A surge of pride rushed into his chest, Lin Wen's blood boiled, and he ignored the 120% primordial spirit, and shouted: "Little ones, follow me."

As soon as the metal monster waved his hand, his primordial spirit dropped by 3%.

But with this one action, the morale of Changshan County exploded.

"That's our ally!"

"It's our technological product!"

"Alien! That's an alien mech!"

"Win, hahaha, win! Hurry up, brothers!"

Not only on the battlefield, but also in the entire staff department. Qin Luoshuang excitedly gave orders to the troops to fight. This huge robot completely broke the limit of her imagination. It was the first time she saw a giant combat weapon that could only appear in science fiction movies.

Xia Xiaoxiang stood on the high wall outside the headquarters, watching the behemoths appearing on the battlefield, tears streaming down her face.

She didn't need to ask her to know that it must belong to Lin Wen.

"Hmph, Qin is a badass, I will never get along with her again." She wiped her tears and said, "Xiao Linlin is my best friend, and I want to find him a best husband."

"Hmm... is there a better husband than Qin in this world?"

She suddenly fell into a tangle.

The huge artillery fire and lightning on the battlefield did not wake her up, because in her subconscious mind, Lin Wen had already won.

on the battlefield.

Lin Wen was so excited, he suddenly realized that [Golden God Art] is the most suitable five-element magic art for the battlefield.

He gathered metal ore from the ground and formed a giant metal monster that broke through the ground. The feeling of shocking the audience was indescribable.

As soon as this doomsday machine-like giant mech appeared on the field, it gave the enemy a huge sense of oppression. For a while, all the guns and missiles were aimed at him.

Different from [Vulcan Art], the big fireball will consume the primordial spirit when it is hit by a shell, but this metal giant will not. The shell hit this huge lump of metal ore polymer, and the explosion caused is like tickling.

Yuanshen is firmly descending at 0.5% per second without any acceleration, but...

Lin Wen raised his foot and took a step forward. With a bang, it was as if a magnitude 7 earthquake had occurred on the ground, and Yuanshen directly collapsed by 5%.

I wipe.

This is crazy, Yuanshen is about to fall below 100%.

Once the spell is exhausted and the spell ends, won't this big guy fall apart?

Countless cannonballs hit my body, and Lin Wen fell into deep thought. I can't move now...

A wave of the hand is 3% of the soul, and a step is 5% of the soul. If I move two more times, the soul will bottom out directly, and the spell will not last.

So, I'm going to be a target like this?

Lin Wen looked at the Changshan County soldiers rushing past him, and the guns that were already in close contact with the enemy but still aimed at him.

Suddenly came to my senses, it’s fine if I’m just a T, right?

Lin Wen also played World of Warcraft back then, and he was a guild MT for a while, but he had to fight ten times to fight a boss, and the equipment broke down too quickly and it would be too expensive to repair. He didn't want to play anymore.

However, he still understands the principle of MT, pulling hatred, attracting firepower, and protecting teammates from outputting from the side.

Isn't it the same now?


I am such a genius.

Lin Wen looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, the metal monster also let out a huge roar, and the enemy's firepower became more fierce.

Yuanshen did not accelerate the descent...

Lin Wen's eyes lit up, and he made a roar, so he didn't need Yuanshen.

That's not exactly right.

So Lin Wen laughed wildly, and the metal monster roared wildly, as if it was about to go berserk.

The gunners of Cao Damang's army fired at it frantically, turning a blind eye to the enemies who were close at hand.

The whole body of the metal giant was covered by the flames of the explosion. Almost all the heavy firepower was concentrated on it, and half of the light firepower was on it. The army of Changshan County had already rushed to the front of the position, and only encountered sparse counterattacks.

Wang Zijun woke up immediately, and shouted into the communicator: "Idiot! Ignore it! It's not a threat, it's just a target!"

Cao Daman came to his senses immediately, and hurriedly ordered to turn the artillery fire to attack the enemies rushing towards them.

Lin Wen soon discovered that the artillery fire on him had decreased, and the laughter and strange noises alone were not enough to support the hatred.

No, it's time for OT!

Even taunting doesn't hurt.

But, I can't move...

what to do?

Lin Wen was very anxious, desperately rummaging through the system.

But now he doesn't have much to save, and he used up his underpants in the previous battles...

No, Lin Wen soon discovered that he still had a useless luck.

"Linglong Dice".

This luck will randomly get a point to reduce the consumption of the soul of the next spell. Back then, Lin Wen relied on it to lead the 88th Route Army on a rampage behind the enemy.

"Linglong Dice" is the last one left now, and it was specially reserved by him before.

Just came in handy.

However, is it useful for spells that continue to consume Yuanshen?

With the mentality of giving it a try, Lin Wen threw out the last "Linglong Dice".

The white jade dice spun crazily in his sea of ​​consciousness, and soon stopped, and the upward side was densely packed with red dots.

100 points!


Lin Wen smiled. He had never rolled a score below 50 with this dice.

However, with the points, what will happen to the spell?

Lin Wen turned his gaze back, Yuanshen could no longer stand still, and the number 97.5 was dropping below.

A burst of surprise came up, it turned out to be calculated in this way, wouldn't that be equivalent to 100 points of primordial spirit for me?

Lin Wen was overjoyed, and immediately raised his arm, making a mighty gesture.

Points dropped by 10%.

Uh, it doesn't work that way.

Lin Wen was embarrassed halfway through the posture, which was too exhausting.

However, what he didn't expect was that this action achieved very good results. It broke the rumor that "it is the target and will not move again" that Cao Dayan used to appease the soldiers to a certain extent.

A large amount of firepower was concentrated again, and some positions that were close to each other even fled.

But Lin Wen was very dissatisfied.

Right now it's in a ridiculous position, like a bodybuilder getting stuck trying to do a standard move.

This kind of image will not only damage his reputation as the Immortal Emperor, but its deterrent power will also drop significantly after a long time.

No, I'm going to do it another way.

Lin Wen immediately immersed himself in the study of [Golden God Art], looking for other moves.

The detailed description of the spell is a very, very long document, including all information such as the evolution of the spell in the past and present. Lin Wen quickly browsed it, and soon found a line of text: Yang thunder belongs to wood, and Yin thunder belongs to metal.

His thoughts were touched all of a sudden, and Lin Wen's thinking started running at high speed.

[Wood God Art] can control electricity, Lin Wen uses it to connect ultra-high voltage electricity.

Judging from this passage, [Gold God Art] is the same as [Wood God Art], and can also control electricity?

Reminiscent of the nature of metals, "Yang Lei" and "Yin Thunder" are easy to understand. Strictly speaking, lightning in nature belongs to "Yin Thunder", and all folk electricity is also "Yin Thunder".

No wonder it was so difficult for me to control high-voltage electricity with [Wood God Technique].

Lin Wenwei had a clear understanding. I thought it was because the voltage was too high. It turned out that I was going the wrong way. [Wood God Art] is going the way of the sun.

So, I can trigger the lightning now?

With a thought, Lin Wen felt the ubiquitous Lei Yin in the world, trying to attract them.

Suddenly, a huge electric light climbed up from the metal monster's feet, and at the same time, there was a faint electric arc falling in the sky.

"God, it's getting dark!"

Someone shouted from below, and countless soldiers raised their heads. The originally bright sky quickly dimmed, and dark clouds from unknown sources shrouded the battlefield, and a small amount of icy rain fell in the air.

And in the middle of this cold and dark battlefield, there is a huge, extremely bright and dazzling light, which is the metal monster.

At this moment, the blue thunder light has covered its huge metal body, countless electric snakes are coiled around its body, and the dazzling electric light keeps falling from the sky.

That flickering seemed to be an arc connected to the sky, making everyone shudder.

Lin Wen knew that this was due to the generation of a large amount of electric charges in the air, which caused a large amount of water vapor to condense and form dark clouds.

And the metal troll is an excellent lightning rod.

This flickering electric light is the image of unformed lightning discharge in advance.

A large amount of electric charges gathered on the metal monster, and Lin Wen controlled it a little, and the electric light gathered at the fingertips of the monster, and a naturally formed "point discharge" came out.

There was only a crackling sound, which was the sound of the air being pierced. A huge electric light went straight to the enemy's tank in the distance, and there was another explosion. Countless electric lights exploded, and flames and thick smoke ignited on the tank.

Lin Wen is very satisfied. This skill is very effective and full of taunting ability.

The point is, there is a feeling of manipulating wind, rain, thunder and lightning, as if he has become an immortal who can control the mighty power of nature.

Lin Wen was extremely excited, and started to attract lightning to gather electricity again. Soon, a second, bigger lightning shot destroyed an artillery position.

He had thought that this would immediately lead to strong revenge from the enemy, but unexpectedly, he only saw them fleeing.

Everyone was running desperately, all the armored vehicles and tanks turned around and started to flee, and the tiny black spots on the ground swarmed backward like a large nest of ants that had suffered a disaster.

The army of Changshan County chased after them amidst huge cheers.

Lin Wenwei was in a daze, so he ran away? I haven't tried yet.

But soon, his eyes were hurt by the number of Yuanshen who was on the verge of exhaustion.


Isn't that right, I just hit two lightning strikes and used up my soul? What the fuck?

Lin Wen woke up from the illusion of controlling the world, and his rationality made him aware of the subsequent troubles.

It's not okay to patronize Shuang, you have to bear the responsibility.

The huge metal monster began to sink to the ground, and the soil once again submerged these metal objects that belonged to the ground.

The charge in the air gradually regained its balance, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the first ray of sunlight broke out from the sky and shone on this rough big guy.

This monster, made up of countless metal chunks, seems to have become kind at this moment. It looks like an old soldier, with the rough surface and the potholes left by the gunfire as its scars.

But the war was over, and it slowly sank into the ground under the eyes of countless people, as if it had been sleeping there, only to be awakened briefly.

Many people in the headquarters covered their mouths and cried, feeling sad for this short-lived magnificence. Even the always strong Qin Luoshuang's eyes were clouded with mist, and Xia Xiaoxiang burst into tears from outside the door and threw herself into her arms.

"Qin, save it quickly, it is going to sink! I don't want to see it sink!"

Qin Luoshuang caressed her hair, and said softly, "Don't worry, it will wake up one day."

Xia didn't answer, she buried her head in Qin Wenruan's arms, as if she was just listening to this word of comfort.

Qin Luoshuang showed a slight smile.

Xia is like a child in many cases, as if she will never grow up, even her behavior of Neptune seems to be just a child's fun.

She really didn't understand how much a girl who cared about a boy, coaxed him, teased him, comforted him when he suffered setbacks, could affect their hearts.

Qin Luoshuang knew that the boy's heart was actually very fragile, and Xia Xiaoxiang's elegant and casual comfort was like a sharp sword piercing through them from a weak point. When she pulled out the sword and walked away, the boy's heart was left with a hole that would never heal.


Qin Luoshuang looked at the soldiers sinking into the ground under the sun.

Lin Wen doesn't seem to be one of them. His heart seems to be as firm as a rock, and he is almost never affected. Whether he is faced with rational desperation or emotional harm, he is indifferent, and sometimes he is even ecstatic.

Why is this?

Qin Luoshuang fell into deep thought again, all the psychological theories she had learned seemed to be inapplicable to Lin Wen.

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