As soon as the metal giant sank into the ground, the primordial spirit was exhausted. Before Lin Wen could get out in time, he was tragically stuck in the middle of the metal ore.

Shit, I should have gone out earlier.

Lin Wen was very depressed. Fortunately, there were small cracks in the ore, so he would not be depressed, so he lay down in the stone and slept.

After waking up, the primordial spirit recovered to 13%. This time the recovery effect has been overwhelmed, but it is still not enough for him to use teleportation spells such as [Close to the End of the World].

I had no choice but to activate the [Qi Confinement Divine Power], and dug up the metal ore and soil with my bare hands.

Before breaking through the ground, Lin Wen cleverly changed the direction and dug forward several hundred meters before emerging.

Sure enough, the place where the metal monster sank was under martial law, and a large number of soldiers guarded the plain, not allowing anyone to approach.

Lin Wen patted off the dirt on his body and returned to the headquarters.

The entire headquarters has become very busy, with staff running back and forth, staff officers shouting loudly, and phones ringing one after another.

But even in such a busy situation, everyone did not forget to salute Lin Wen.

"Sheriff Lin is mighty!"

"County Lin is incomparably domineering!"

"Sheriff Lin, I will give you a monkey!"

"Long live Sheriff Lin!"

Amidst the sound of cursing, Lin Wen walked into the staff department. Qin Luoshuang saw him coming in just after making a phone call, and asked, "Where have you been? Why can't Bald Qiang's team of agents be contacted?"

"They don't like to be interrupted while they're on a mission."

He was underground at the time, so of course he couldn't answer the phone.

Lin Wen sensed it, and found that the spell was over, and the talisman paper lost its power and fell into the soil, no one cared about it.

With a thought, Lin Wen recalled the talisman paper, flicked his finger, the talisman paper fell from his sleeve, and inserted it into the lucky bag on Qin Luoshuang's waist following his guidance.

[Youshen Yuqi] Really easy to use.

It's a pity that you can only establish contact with spiritual creatures.

Qin Luoshuang looked at him with sparkling eyes.

But Lin Wen didn't understand her meaning at all: "Why are you looking at me? I know I'm naturally beautiful..."

Qin Luoshuang choked for a moment, ignored his words, and asked, "Aren't you going to explain?"

"Explain what?"

"Apart from what happened on the battlefield, what else is there to explain?"

Lin Wen said casually: "The latest technology of the empire, machine zero."

"...What is machine zero?"

"The prototype machine that was first produced has no plans to put it into actual combat..."

Qin Luoshuang suddenly realized: "So it can only be used as a target in place?"

"...That's right."

"Isn't the lightning strike function complete? It stopped after only two bursts of electricity. It's not durable."

"...Well, you're right."

"Then why did it sink into the ground?"

"Because you can't litter."

Qin Luoshuang thought for a moment, then patted his forehead and said, "I see, Unit 0 actually only has a small core, right? The geography of Dadunbao records that there is a copper-iron mine under the plain. You use this core to gather the ore together to attract the enemy's firepower, right?"

"...Yes, yes, you are right."

Qin Luoshuang revealed a slightly smug smile.

She is different from other girls. She has liked weapons since she was a child, and she has a deep understanding of weapons.

Although this big guy shocked her at first, after she calmed down and thought about it, she quickly deduced the truth.

Hmph, Lin Wen, my intelligence is not lower than yours.

However, although the principle is simple, the tactics designed are very delicate, which perfectly demonstrates what it means to "develop strengths and avoid weaknesses".

Qin Luoshuang felt sincere admiration when he thought that Lin Wen could use such a simple thing to create such a strong effect, destroying the morale of the enemy in one fell swoop and turning the tide of the battle.

Sure enough, although this guy is sometimes out of tune, he is still reliable at critical moments.

Qin Luoshuang thought to herself.

This case can be used as a classic war teaching case in the future, so that later boys can learn from it.

But now the most important thing is to pursue and occupy.

Qin Luoshuang knew that this was an excellent opportunity, if he could severely wound Cao Damanjun in one go, then the victory would be secured.

At worst, they will be expelled from the Central Mountain.

But if the opponent is given a chance to recuperate, then everything will be difficult to say.

Thinking of this, Qin Luoshuang couldn't help asking: "Lin Wen, is there any way you can catch up with the enemy?"

Although Lin Wen had this idea, he had already lost a drop.

"I'm gone, I can only rely on you."

"……All right."

Lin Wen walked back: "Where's your bed? Sleep on it for me, that stone is really deadly, I feel like I can recover a little bit more."

"Wait, don't..."

But Lin Wen had already found it. He fell directly on the bed and began to meditate. He was too busy these days, and he missed a lot of fate and stars.

Qin Luoshuang rushed over, but Lin Wen was already lying on the bed. In just a few seconds, he seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Forget it... you go to sleep."

Qin Luoshuang sighed softly, helped him take off his shoes, covered him with a quilt, and tied the corners of the quilt under the bed. It's deep winter, it's very cold, it's not good to catch a cold.

Then I went back to my desk and thought about what to do next.

Chuanluo County.

Wang Zhengwu and Fang Dashan are leading the main force to pursue them fiercely, the miscellaneous army has lost touch, and only a part of the human security forces can keep up.

But the opposite side retreated too fast.

They have been chasing for so long, but the distance is getting farther and farther.

"What should I do?" Fang Dashan asked Wang Zhengwu.

Wang Zhengwu was silent for a while and replied: "It's very difficult, unless someone in front can stop me."

"There is no one in front of us, so what should we do? Do we want to withdraw?"

Wang Zhengwu shook his head: "No, keep chasing, even if you can't catch up, you can't give them a chance to recuperate, at least drive them out of the two areas of the central mountain."


at the same time.

North of Xiji County.

The rebel army led by Xu Jieying finally broke through the Qin Group's blockade and was rushing towards Chuanluo County.

Xu Jieying felt very guilty. She had made an agreement with Sheriff Lin to attack back and forth, but in the end, the two divisions of the Qin Group were blocked in front of the mountain pass.

"It's been so long, I don't know what's going on at the frontline?"

During the hurried march, Han Dong looked slightly worried.

Cheng Gang immediately pierced his small thoughts: "You are just worried that Sheriff Lin has lost, so you went up to deliver the food."

Han Dong said angrily, "You fart!"

Lu Zhengxin complained, "Why don't you ask Sheriff Lin for a contact information?"

Xu Jieying said sullenly: "We have telegrams and satellite phones, but Liu Sisi lost them some time ago."

Cheng Gang spat: "Don't give her shame, what do you mean lost it? The transmitter was burned by her, and the satellite phone was dropped in the cesspit by her. I couldn't find it after swimming in the shit for three hours. What a prodigal bitch."

"Say it in front of her if you have the guts." Han Dong gave him a disdainful glance: "What's the point of running behind the scenes and speaking ill of people?"

Cheng Gang said angrily: "If I want to beat her, why would I say it behind my back?"

"Stop talking."

Xu Jieying interrupted them.

"Old Lu, you and I will divide our troops into two groups and storm Lianshan Town from the east and west. It is an important place for transportation. As long as we attack it, it will be very useful whether it is cutting off the enemy's support or disrupting their logistics. It will definitely help County Chief Lin."

Lu Zheng said: "Okay, Old Xu, then see you in Lianshan Town."

Lianshan Town.

"One Whip" Wen Bo is leading the agents of the Dragon Team to beat up the defenders here.

After "Quick Gunner" He Li harassed him for the thirtieth time, the unbearable defenders sent a brigade to bite him tightly, determined to kill the fly.

Once entering the mountain, "a whip", "big mac" and "little iron stick" all jumped out.

The "quick gunner" turned around and shot wildly in an instant. In less than a minute, a large group was wiped out.

"Good fit, guys."

Wen Bo and the three of them clapped their hands and cleared the battlefield.

"Go again?" Big Mac asked.

"How much energy does the reactor have?"

The quick shooter glanced at the colony on his arm: "There are still 41%."

"Enough." Wen Bo said, "Three more strikes, whether they send people to pursue or not, we will return to Dadunbao and complete the mission."


"Then you go this time, little iron sign."

A giant man said angrily, "Don't call me by that name!"

Big Mac took a lot of effort to hold back his laughter: "We are now members of the dragon group, so we have to follow the dragon group system!"

"Fart! Fuck you, your code name sounds good, but mine doesn't sound good. I'm lucky he can figure out what kind of small iron sign."

Quick Gunner said: "I kind of feel that Sheriff Lin seems to be making something up, and he doesn't seem to care about the dragon group."

"That's right." The little iron sign called; "Then Pleasant Goat, Big Big Wolf, it's so funny, it's like a child's name."

Wen Bo shook his head: "Maybe there is some special reason. There is no doubt about the strength of this organization. What we see now is just a glimpse of the surface of the water. We don't know what the real dragon group is like."

Big Mac nodded: "I heard them mention the Black Sea Repair Factory, which obviously shows that they are also the same transformation people as us, but they don't know what the level of the equipment is, and whether they are accompanied by biochemical mutations."

The fast gunner still finds it unbelievable: "Isn't the technology of colonization and transformation only owned by the central government? There is only one colonization original body, which is jointly controlled by His Majesty and the Great Elder. How can they obtain a new colonization?"

"I don't know." Wen Bowei said blankly, "Maybe this is our purpose here."

Jumbo's eyes flashed: "That is to say, Sheriff Lin is an enemy?"

"No." Wen Bo denied his statement: "If I have to use a metaphor, it is the relationship between a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law. His Majesty is obviously ready to marry a certain princess to him. Otherwise, we would never be here."

"Is it the little princess? But the little princess is not yet of age."

Wen Bo shook his head and stopped discussing this topic.

"Execute the mission, little iron sign."

Xiao Tiezhu left with a gloomy face, but he came back immediately: "New situation, two unknown armies are attacking Lianshan Town."


The four of them ran out of the mountain immediately, and at a glance, on the vast plain, two armies were storming Lianshan Town.

Wen Bo activated his prosthetic eyes and quickly recognized the two armies: "It's the rebel army!"

Big Mac asked, "Why are they here?"

The little iron sign is concerned about a bigger issue: "Changshan County and the rebels have joined forces? Does Changshan County have the idea of ​​rebellion?"

"No, it's impossible." Wen Bo immediately denied his words, "County Chief Lin's future is unpredictable, and he may rise to a high position in the future. They can only join forces temporarily to deal with the Qin Group."

"Then shall we help them?"

The rebel army seemed to be in a bad situation. Lianshan Town was heavily guarded, equipped with weapons, and the terrain was very good, so they only harassed and lured the enemy out to fight.

"Help." Wen Bo replied without hesitation.

"How to help?"

"The arc cannon is at its maximum power, destroying the main gate fortress and artillery positions."

"Captain, then we don't have much energy."

Wenbo didn't talk nonsense: "Hit!"

No one objected anymore, the four of them stood at an angle and aimed at the target.

The two aimed at the fort tacitly, and the two aimed at the rear artillery position.

Cold light shone from their bodies, quickly drowning everything.

One minute later, after the energy storage was completed, four high-power arc cannons were fired quickly, two arc cannons hit the fortress, and two arc cannons flew into the artillery position.

A huge cold light burst out instantly flooding the battlefield.

When the cold light fell, only ruins remained on the fortress and artillery positions.

As soon as the biggest threat was eliminated, the rebel army immediately entered the city, and the battle ended an hour later.

Wen Bo said: "Let's retreat and report the situation to the female officer."

At this time, a large number of enemy troops appeared in the distance.

"Returning aid?" Wen Bo was startled, but soon realized that it was impossible, "It's a defeat, they are the defeated army!"

"This is a good opportunity." Little Iron Sign shouted.

But in Lianshan Town, the rebels were already preparing to retreat.

They evidently believed that they had achieved their tactical objective by drawing back the main force of the enemy.

"No, no!" Wen Bo ordered immediately: "Hurry up and communicate with the headquarters, I'll go down and convince them."

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