Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 409 Call Sheriff Lin

When Lin Wen woke up again, it was already the next morning.

After a round of meditation + sleeping, the primordial spirit recovered to 25%, which is considered to have a little bit of confidence.

When he walked out of Qin Luoshuang's bedroom, he happened to run into Xia Xiaoxiang who was looking for her girlfriend.

When the girl opened the door, she didn't see her good sisters, best friends, husband, wife, parents, and children, but she saw Lin Wen coming out of it.

That face instantly became worse than that of Ochumelov. Lin Wen learned from her incoherent words that Cao Daman's army was besieged by Changshan County and the rebels in Lianshan Town. More than 40,000 people were killed and wounded, and 150,000 people were captured.

The entire territory of Chuanluo County and Panwa County was occupied, and Yun Qingshui rushed towards Chuanluo County with the brothers of the Democratic Party and the Forbidden Curse Mages, vowing to bring to justice all the evil gentry and bullies who escaped from the occupied areas.

The main force of Changshan County and the rebel army successfully joined forces, and the two sides stationed together in Lianshan Town to discuss the next move.

Zhang Shuangcheng, the acting governor of Shizhou, launched a mutiny, drove away the commander of the Qin Group, led troops to attack Song Ziyuan and others in Hailin City, and imprisoned all opponents.

As for her, the people who came to defect to her were crazy, but most of them were petty officials in Shizhou who had a rift with Zhang Shuangcheng.

The quality of these people varies from good to bad, and they all came here just to keep Changshan County's position as a camp switcher.

She came here to ask Qin how to deal with these people.

"Oh, just like before, you just scam them out of their money and throw it into the council."

Lin Wen replied casually, and walked out.

Xia Xiaoxiang turned around and rushed into the bedroom, turned around inside, but found no trace of Qin, hugged the sheets and quilts and smelled it all over, but found nothing unusual, rummaged through the trash for a long time, but found no toilet paper.

He hurried out again and grabbed Lin Wen who was about to go out.

"Uh..." She didn't know what to say.

But Lin Wen remembered something and asked, "How much money did you cheat?"

"It's more than a billion..."

"Very good, pay them all to the public. I will call Lao Xie to collect them later."

Xia Xiaoxiang forgot all the things she wanted to ask, and said angrily: "Hey, are you going too far? The money I cheated so hard is hard work without credit, right? You won't pay any money for your hard work?"

"Oh." Lin Wen groped from his bosom, found a change of ten yuan, and stuffed it into her hand: "There's no need to look for it."

Xia Xiaoxiang couldn't believe her eyes.

She picked up the ten dollar bill and looked it up to the light, trying to find some hidden number behind the zero.

But it's a pity that this is just a ten-yuan bill, and there are still dirt, sweat, blood and some unknown dirt on it.

Xia Xiaoxiang's chest was about to explode.

I have earned more than one billion, and you just give me ten yuan in dividends, it is better not to give it.

This stinginess is ten million times worse than my father.

But Lin Wen didn't think he was black.

Because of excellent work, rewarding subordinates with ten times their salary is not bad.

He found Qin Luoshuang, who was dealing with a mountain of affairs in the staff department.

Well, your work is also good, and I will reward you with ten times the salary.

Countless golden lights flashed across the eyes.

Lin Wen was very happy.

After tossing and tossing for so long, a good fate finally came again.

Moreover, there will be even greater good karma soon.

Ha ha.

My fairy road is close at hand.


The news that Changshan County wiped out Cao Daman's army and won another big victory quickly spread throughout the upper echelons of the empire.

In the elders' courtyard, the elder took a minute to understand what happened.

"Why do people always betray at critical moments?" A great elder asked casually.

The guardian of the empire replied: "It's the first princess."

The elders frowned slightly.

"Maybe Princess Pie is better than we thought."

"The uncertainty of this chess piece is too great, and her influence is really hard to estimate. Put pressure on Li Longxing to marry her as soon as possible."


"The princess's wedding standard is raised to the highest level. Let's take a step back in matters of the expedition and allow him to promote generals."

The guardian of the empire continued: "Qin Group, Beichen Group, Yong'an Group, Quanye Group... have successively sent battlefield information, claiming that there are incomprehensibly powerful weapons hidden in Changshan County..."

But the elders didn't care. Hai Damo, the chief military expert of the empire, got the battlefield video earlier, and he quickly analyzed that this metal giant was a superficial thing.

"The principle is actually very simple. It is a core that can generate a large amount of magnetic force, which absorbs and aggregates these metal ores. Its magnetic energy is so strong that it can ionize the air and cause thunderstorms."

"Although I don't know how to do some details, it can only be used to bluff people. Such a large amount of energy has created a target. It might as well be used to charge my grandma's electric toothbrush."

These are Hai Damer's original words.

This report was sent to the Supreme Council immediately.

The judgment in the report was almost the same as Qin Luoshuang's. He didn't care much about the metal giant, and praised the strategy of using it.

"That's it, don't report the matter of Changshan County."

A great elder stopped the words of the imperial guardian.

"Submit the matters related to the empire's food price first."


Elder Luo Nuo's confidant, Li Zairong, the vice chairman of Beichen Group, led his team and stepped into Changshan County openly.

Even if he knew that Jangsan-gun had won, it couldn't change his confident appearance.

Because capital is the real king, the blood of life, and the ultimate interpretation of power.

Capital brings power, and power brings capital. The two are like twins, one with two sides, and the other is indispensable.

And Li Zairong is the man who has mastered the rules of capital operation.

He got out of the luxury car, surrounded by a group of people, and walked into this very simple exchange in his eyes.

He sneered slightly as he stepped into the deserted hall in his expensive white alligator boots.

Li Zairong took a seat at a trading position, and took out a Turing pocket watch worth 300,000 yuan from his pocket.

His motto is engraved in artistic lettering on the cover of the exquisite pocket watch:

When money speaks, truth must be silent.

"There are still thirty minutes to open."

His subordinates surrounded him, and some reporters kept taking pictures all around, jotting down something quickly with a shorthand pen.

But when they wanted to leave the vicinity, they would be politely stopped by the agents and told them: Changshan County only opened Nadao Grain Exchange to outside interviews.

The rest of the area is still closed to visit.

A reporter snorted dissatisfiedly, but he didn't dare to say more in view of Changshan County's vicious reputation.

Just added a sentence under the shorthand pen.

“We were strictly guarded, our hands and feet were in shackles, and each reporter was guarded by ten burly men. They pointed guns at my back mercilessly, and I was not allowed to look around, as if they were hiding some ulterior secret…”

Jangsan County Government Office.

Planning Bureau.

Red Nose said: "Brother, our propaganda has no effect. Except for the hostile organization, no one came."

The freckled girl was also a little anxious: "Junior Brother, what should I do?"

Xiao Xiao didn't expect things to turn out like this either, this is already something outside the economic field.

For all economists, futures with only one day lose the value of repeated resale, and are actually delivered goods, which no longer have the attributes of futures speculation.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a smash.

But it actually hit people's confidence in the grain market and people's suspicion of distrust of the new exchange.

The aspiration of the people is the place where capital gathers and the core place where futures prices rise and fall.

People who speculate in stocks should understand this best, and institutions understand this even more, otherwise how would they cut leeks?

However, even if the news cannot be released, where will the people's aspirations come from?

Xiao Xiao found it hard to understand: "Didn't I spend a huge amount of advertising expenses? I also asked people from the long-term association department to promote it for me. Why is it like this?"

A guy who was still fanning his fan in winter said in a deep voice: "They covered our advertisements, and they drowned our advertisements with a lot of similar news. Now it seems that they have done a very good job."

"They also publicized the past deeds of Changshan County, saying that we killed investors, killed rich people, and demonized our image. The few retail investors who knew about it did not dare to come."

The red nose said urgently: "Brother, shall we still sell it?"

Xiao Xiao said in a deep voice, "Sell."

"But, isn't all our food cut off by the agency? Give them money for nothing?"

Xiao Xiao shook her head: "The transaction has a history to follow, if we break our promise on the first day, where will the credibility come from?"

nine in the morning.

Nadao Grain Exchange officially opened.

In addition to the staff, the only witnesses are organizations and journalists with malicious intentions.

The meter on the electronic trading screen displayed the only commodity on the exchange: grain.

Its price is the real-time price of the empire, 6123 yuan / ton.

The exchange itself does not sell grain, it is just a platform, and Changshan County sells grain.

Soon, the first batch of grain futures listed for sale in Changshan County appeared on the large display screen in the hall of the exchange.

Changshan County, sells physical grain futures contracts. The contract period is one day, the quantity is 10 tons, and the price is 20,000 imperial yuan. The delivery method: Changshan County Grain Depot, which can be stored in custody or shipped out by itself.

There's just this single line on the display.

No one else trades here, even with fees as low as one millionth.

Li Zairong showed a cold smile, and ordered: "Buy them all."

An entourage immediately issued a buy order to the staff of the exchange.

The staff immediately completed the instruction and purchased the futures contract sold by Changshan County through the other party's account.

On the large display screen in the hall of the exchange, there was another line, Beichen Group, buy, five thousand.

Changshan County sells 100,000 copies every day, and Xiao Xiao divides it into 20 shares, which are evenly distributed in each time period.

Because it is a physical futures, there is a big gap between the trading method and the non-physical futures. With the transaction certificate in the account, the customer can directly ask the exchange for a paper contract, that is, a grain contract.

After the futures expire, you can go to the Changshan County Grain Depot to collect grain with the contract.

If it cannot be picked up, it will be automatically converted to managed inventory and the storage fee will be calculated.

Li Zairong's subordinates took back the 5,000 deeds, and immediately sent them back after taking pictures.

half an hour later.

In front of the crowded big screen in the magnificent Mingguang Exchange, a physical delivery contract for grain from Changshan County suddenly appeared.

Price: 200,000.

A group of speculators counted the price carefully: "200,000? An average of 20,000 yuan per ton? The market price is only over 6,000. Will this idiot buy it?"

But soon, the deed was bought by an unknown buyer.


"Is this hype?"

"Is there such a fool?"

This strangeness immediately attracted everyone.

Soon, countless contracts appeared on the screen, and the big screen couldn't see them. They could only look at the terminal screen, and found that each contract had been purchased by a different customer.

In futures trading, physical delivery only accounts for a small part, but this small part plays an important role in maintaining prices.


"This is physical delivery."

"Delivery in one day?"

"The direction of the wind has changed?"

"Do you want to chase the rise?"

"No, this is too strange, how could it rise so much..."

But soon, a lot of news about food appeared in major financial newspapers and information platforms:

Shizhou was destroyed by the war, grain warehouses were destroyed, and the empire was in short supply of food, etc. A series of good news about food prices.

Not many people believed it at first, but as a large number of deeds continued to be sold and these indistinguishable news appeared repeatedly, people's confidence was gradually shaken.

By the end of the first day.

Imperial food price: 6155 yuan / ton.

It was 32 yuan higher than when it opened, which surprised many bearish economic experts, futures masters, and financial gods.

On the top floor of the Mingguang Exchange, the cheers of the institutions were not stopped even by the soundproof wall.

These beasts at the top of the food chain, looking down at the group of sheep who are happy to make a small profit, come out of the exchange, grinning like a carnivore.

Nador Exchange.

It was deserted at the close. After Li Zairong left with his team and reporters, there were no outsiders here.

Xiao Xiao and his team looked at the real-time food prices in the empire, shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere.

Soon, Brother Dongshan, who was in charge of collecting information, found out the reason.

"They took our contract and sold it on their exchange!"

Brother Dongshan yelled and threw away the fan that he never left his hand.

"Ten times the price!"

"Fuck me!"

Even Xiao Xiao was temporarily infected by rage.

After finally calming down, he began to browse information about grain on the Internet, and he found a lot of information that was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

As an emerging business, the Internet has increasingly shown its power in financial transactions.

However, due to security issues, online payment has not yet appeared, and futures prices can only be browsed on the Internet. The actual operation needs to be present in person, or entrusted by calling a trader.

However, the power of Internet information has begun to show its strength, and many advertisers have begun to advertise on the Internet, and Changshan County is no exception.

But Xiao Xiao didn't find a piece of information about the Nadao Grain Exchange in Changshan County at the bottom of the network until she turned her eyes.

"Fast news, the Nadao Grain Exchange in Changshan County opened today. This is an exchange that combines safety, speed, and convenience..."

Xiao Xiao didn't even want to read what happened next.

This kind of spam advertisement makes people have no desire to click on it.

The freckled girl cried and said, "Junior Brother, what should I do?"

Xiao Xiao was silent for a long time.

"Call Sheriff Lin."

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