Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 414 I Don't Believe

tenth day.

The number of people coming to Jangsan County has exploded.

In one day, more than 30,000 grain merchants flooded into Changshan County.

This large group of people has greatly promoted the prosperity of all walks of life in Huai Town. The business of the bosses of the major shops is very good, their income has doubled, and they are smiling from ear to ear.

A large number of unemployed people in Huai Town have found jobs. With economic income, they have spending power, which in turn stimulates the prosperity of Huai Town's business.

This is a typical head effect, a grain exchange revitalizes an economy.

The most important thing is to break the misunderstanding of Changshan County from the outside world for a long time, and to wash away the distortion and slander of Changshan County by hostile forces, so that a large number of businessmen dare to come to Changshan County and are willing to come to Changshan County.

The Planning Bureau finally ushered in a busy schedule.

It tries its best to maintain the order of the market, and cracks down on all unscrupulous businessmen who destroy the atmosphere, order, and the image of Changshan County.

However, Xiao Xiao, aiming at the current situation that the stock exchange is crowded to explode, has greatly expanded the hall of the grain exchange by means of large sheds and simple assembled prefabricated houses to accommodate more and more people.

Looking at the busy scene in the exchange, Li Zairong felt very uncomfortable when he thought of how deserted it was a few days ago.

What's even more unpleasant is that because of beating someone, his guard was jointly enforced by Changshan County Public Security Guards and Supervisors, and was imprisoned on the charge of disturbing order and picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Li Zairong was extremely resentful.

Isn't it just beating a few untouchables who crowded around?

Changshan County actually targeted him so precisely.

Little bastard, I have written down this grudge.

When you collapse, I will get it back with interest.

On this day, the agency sold the pallet, and the price of food in the empire rose to the 6,000 mark.

But it has no effect on Changshan County.

What the Nadao Exchange sells is actually a primitive futures, which is different from modern financial futures.

When futures first appeared, there were such contracts.

It is agreed that the goods can be delivered after the specified date only with the contract.

The deed is equivalent to the future goods.

Merchants are profit-seeking, and some merchants think that the price of commodities will drop soon, so they sell the contracts in advance to avoid losses.

The delivery of goods recognizes the contract, not the person, so this is feasible.

And some businessmen think that the price will rise soon, so they buy it.

This is risk hedging.

Therefore, according to the fluctuation of market conditions, the contract was repeatedly resold.

This is the original hype futures.

In modern times, financial futures no longer have entities, but are just a financial number, which is more convenient for speculation.

Jang San-gun uses an old method, but it works.

With the delivery of grain, the credibility of Nadao Grain Exchange has been initially established.

The number of people who opened an account here soon exceeded 100,000, and it is still growing rapidly.

On this day, grain delivery is still normal.

But soon, the three-day futures of Changshan County will expire.

Tomorrow is your day of death.

Li Zairong watched the exchange close with a sneer, closed the door, turned and left.

Countless people scattered out, planning to go to Changshan County for a stroll. I heard that there is a scenic spot called Youhuan Cuilitian Demon Pit.

eleventh day.

Li Zairong led a large number of reporters to block in front of the grain depot in Changshan County, ready to expose their hypocritical masks.

After 3:00 p.m., trading ends and delivery begins.

What shocked and puzzled him was that there was still grain in Changshan County. The staff of the grain depot went back and forth, and countless forklifts transported bags of grain out of the grain depot.

Looking at the joyful faces of countless retail investors who had received food, he felt a huge chill rising from his heart.

The reporters jumped up and down excitedly, taking pictures of this lively scene.

They were just invited to make big news, and they didn't care what big news it was.

"No, it's impossible."

Li Zairong suddenly realized a possibility, and immediately called Elder Luo.

"I think Changshan County has blatantly violated the order of the Supreme Council and is still looting food in Shizhou."

Luo Nuo instantly realized that this was an excellent opportunity to defeat Changshan County. He immediately contacted the top management of all food groups and asked everyone to report Changshan County to the Supreme Council.

Except for the Qin Group who did not respond, everyone submitted a report letter to the Supreme Council.

In the compound of the elders.

The Imperial Guardian envoy read more than a dozen letters in a row, all attacking Changshan County's blatant disobedience and intention to rebel against the Empire.


Great Elder Ping Yuan stopped the Imperial Guard Envoy: "All the letters about reporting Changshan County's disobedience and rebellion, you should summarize it and report it to me in one sentence."

The imperial guardian replied: "A total of twenty-seven letters, four of which are elders, six are governors, and eleven are imperial officials above the second rank."

Grand Elder Xing Ling asked: "Where is the Qin Group?"

The imperial guardian shook his head: "There are no letters or telegrams from them."

The Great Elder was silent for a while, and said, "Qin Gang hasn't changed, it's really tricky."

They did not bring up the subject again.

Changshan County disobeyed orders, and the Great Elder knew about it the next day.

At that time, the special envoy reported the situation in detail as soon as he came back, and presented a video of the whole process.

The elder looked at it for a while, then suddenly asked: "Who is this woman? What is her name?"

"Qin Luoshuang is the No. 2 or No. 3 person in Changshan County. Her official position is the deputy county chief, the head of the Security Department of the County Hall, the director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, and the chief of staff of the Changshan County Command. In fact, she may be in charge of all the secret service organizations in Changshan County, but I think she is just a puppet. In fact, Lin Wen himself is in control."

"No." Great Elder Ping Yuan stared at the woman's face, recalling something carefully, "Call out Qin Gang's detailed file."

The imperial guardian quickly moved out all the files.

The Great Elder dug out all the photos of Qin Gang's immediate family members, picked up a photo of an eleven or twelve-year-old girl who looked arrogant and smelly, and placed it under Qin Luoshuang's image.

Great Elder Xing Ling was silent for a moment: "It must be one person."

The Great Elder Ping Yuan pointed to the girl's name: "You mean, she is Qin Xiao, the eldest daughter of the Qin family?"


"What does it mean that the eldest daughter of the Qin family entered Changshan County under a pseudonym and served as the backbone of its high-ranking officials, and in turn attacked her father's family?"

"A bitter trick? No, it's impossible."

"Is it possible for the Qin Group to unite with Li Longxing?"

"It's even more impossible. The conflict of interests between the two is fundamental, and Li Longxing has already agreed to marry the first princess, and the man is Lin Wen. Even if Qin Gang wants to marry, he can't win over Li Linyue."

"What about the two getting married together?" The imperial guardian interjected in a rare way.

The Great Elder glanced at him: "Is this the thinking of young people? It seems impossible to us. Who is Li Linyue? Her things will not be shared with anyone."

Discussions reached an impasse.

The Great Elder reorganized the actions of Changshan County and found a characteristic:

Since Lin Wen took office in Changshan County, he has either offended people or is on the way to offend people.

The Council is a sworn enemy, and so is the Qin Group. Half of the eight elders have feuds with Changshan County.

The elder said: "Changshan County is determined to be a lonely minister."

"Then what happened to Qin Xiao?"

"There is civil strife in the family, and enemies turn against each other."

The elder was silent for a while, and agreed with this statement.

"It seems that Sheriff Lin is quite ambitious."

"And it's hidden very deep, maybe he thinks Elder Lin should change someone."

"Impossible, unless the economy of Changshan County surpasses that of Longjing."

Grand Elder Xing Ling asked: "What should we do now?"

"Press for a while."

"Shizhou can no longer be destroyed."

"Changshan County is suppressing grain prices."

"I don't think so, I think he's taking advantage of it."

"Give him a moment."

"Ten days."

the eleventh day.

"Food prices fell by less than 2%. He completely ignored our ban in Shizhou. I think this pawn should be destroyed."

"Then destroy it."

Great Elder Ping Yuan took the Chess pieces from Changshan County off the chessboard and threw them into the trash can.

At this moment, twenty-seven impeachment letters from the Food Group reached the Supreme Council.

After listening, they didn't talk about it again.

The Great Elder Ping Yuan silently picked up the Chess pieces of Changshan County from the trash can and put them on the chessboard.

Twelfth day.

The combined naval fleet of Changshan County arrived at the newly built pier and brought back 18 million tons of grain.

There are still 6 million tons in Shizhou.

The harvest in Changshan County was very rich this time, and Lin Wen impatiently looked through one by one, and directly used [Ask Yu Tian] to find the largest grain storage points.

They are located in the southern plain of Shizhou, close to the territory of the Qin Group, with convenient transportation.

The army marched directly into the southern plain, ignoring the screams of demons and ghosts, the warnings that flew like pieces of paper, and the almost declaring war warnings from the Qin Group, and drove away the few remaining local troops on the southern plain, occupying the most fertile granary.

Looking at the countless granaries, Lin Wen laughed until his bones almost broke.

In the past twelve days, he has obtained more than 60,000 good fortunes from Shizhou.

He made a lot of profits by distributing land and property to civilians, rebuilding fair production relations, killing bullies with bloody hands, and establishing a peaceful social environment.

During this period of time, Changshan County's weekly good fortune has grown wildly, and all items have improved significantly.

Only democracy is still zero, which makes Lin Wen very unhappy.

During this period of time, whenever something happened to him, he held a meeting to vote.

It also specially asked Zhao Minggong, Yang Shaohu and others to create a theme spirit of Changshan County.

He also asked Xia Xiaoxiang to mention the principle of majority in the Ministry of Officials.

Originally thought that it could break through the curse of democracy and the negative bonus of Jieduquan.

The result is still zero.

Lin Wen found it hard to understand.

He made up his mind that when this matter is over, he must completely get the king of the people of Changshan County up, and he doesn't believe that this one can't be done.

At that time, whoever dares to say that Emperor Lin Wen is not democratic, he will shoot them down with one shot.

But overall, Lin Wen is still very happy. He has already saved 60,000 good fortunes.

Lin Wen used to draw singles every time before, his luck was not very good, and he drew a lot of useless luck.

That pile of "fairy clothes" is his super black history.

And that useless "forgetfulness water".

These are single-draw disasters.

So Lin Wen decided to wait until ten luck paths were saved and open them together.

I don't know if luck will be better, if there is such a thing as ten consecutive guarantees.

Of course, during this period of time, what Lin Wen was looking forward to the most was [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix] vaguely calling the police.

It was a constant, very deep chill.

Although minimal, it seems to imply great danger.

Lin Wen was very excited, he used [Luan Zhaoshui] many times to check his future.

Every time is a perfect reincarnation, not a suicide death.

This proves that he is on the right path.

As a result, Lin Wen became more and more crazily galloping on Shizhou.

Whoever warns hard will go to the grain depot, and whoever screams more happily will go to his place.

Unsurprisingly, the sense of danger is growing.

However, just today, the sense of danger suddenly disappeared.

Lin Wen was very disappointed, thinking that maybe he didn't hit hard enough.

He immediately called Xiao Xiao and demanded that the daily grain sales quota be increased to three million tons, and the speculators and vampires must be smashed to death.

I don't believe it, how long can you pretend to be a turtle?

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