Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 415 Disaster for all living beings

Thirteenth day.

Nado Grain Exchange announced that the total amount of grain futures sold in Changsan County increased by 50% every day.

The types of deeds are 30,000 one-day deeds, 50,000 three-day deeds, and 300,000 seven-day deeds.

The contracts range from one to ten tons, totaling three million tons.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Changshan County fell into a sea of ​​joy.

Imperial food prices fell in response.

Closing price: 5513 yuan / ton.

This is the first time that the Nadao Grain Exchange has truly had the power to influence grain prices.

On the top floor of Mingguang Exchange, the Grain Group held an emergency meeting.

Elder Rono made four suggestions.

1. The group went out in person, tried its best to prop up the price of food, and comprehensively attacked those who shorted the price of food.

Second, step up the transfer of grain from Shizhou to Xinyang Prefecture to reduce losses.

3. Promoting the Customized Advertising Law as soon as possible and prohibiting vulgar advertisements.

4. Purchase a large amount of grain throughout the empire.

Elder Moxili said coldly: "Elder Luo, are you sure you can do it? Everyone's money didn't come from the wind. We invested in this business just to make some money. Isn't it too much investment?"

Luo Nuo replied: "There is not much grain left in Shizhou. If Changshan County can't get more grain, his exchange will go bankrupt. I estimate that we can complete the blow to Changshan County by investing another 50 billion or so."

Elder Lin asked with a gloomy face: "Do you think this is the meaning of the Supreme Council? Our complaint fell into the sea and there was no response. This is unusual."

Luo Nuo shook his head: "Impossible, the elder is just using that kid. Our weight can completely control the balance of the empire, and the elder will never use such reckless means to attack such a large power group."

"so be it."

Moxili's fat body squeezed out from the chair, "I will leave everything to you, Elder Luo, I also want to see my children, oh, they have grown their ninth pair of compound eyes today, they are so cute."

Luo Nuo's eyes were half cold and half disgusted, but he still said politely: "Elder Mo, walk slowly, I wish your life ladder plan an early success."

fourteenth day.

There are more than 300,000 account holders at Nadao Grain Exchange.

Xiao Xiao decided to plan ahead and started selling two-week grain deeds.

The longer the cycle, the higher the required credit level, because investors will worry about default and risk, which will cause the contract in hand to become waste paper.

He was very cautious at first, and only sold a total of 500,000 tons of grain deeds, which were still sold out.

Xiao Xiao and his team knew right away that investors had more trust in Nadao than they had imagined, and there was almost no suspicion.

Sheriff Lin's one-day futures strategy officially declared a success!

Nadau's credibility has been established.

They have taken a solid step towards the final victory.

Next, they can sell two-week deeds on a large scale.

fifteenth day.

Xiao Xiao increased the proportion of two-week contracts to 70%, and they were still sold out.

The two-week contract is different from the short-term contract, and it initially has the value of financial speculation.

These contracts began to circulate among various merchants, and were sold from one to another, and the final price was always stable at about 90% of the current grain price.

Xiao Xiao keenly noticed that the weather vane had appeared.

The two-week contract has had a direct impact on food prices.

This is an opportunity to completely defeat high food prices.

Very good! Xiao Xiao suppressed her excitement and prepared for the next move.

On this day, the price of grain in the empire fell sharply at the close, falling to 5113 yuan per ton.

sixteenth day.

Nadao Grain Exchange ushered in another huge growth. On this day, the number of people arriving in Changshan County exceeded 100,000.

Huai Town after Zhao Gongming's transformation finally fully demonstrated its heritage, complete infrastructure, a very advanced layout, a large number of real estate houses just built, and a large number of excellent staff, which fully withstood the impact of 100,000 people.

Throughout Huai Town, there were crowds of people everywhere, one after another, but order was always maintained, there was no chaos, let alone a stampede.

However, the price of grain in the empire bucked the trend and rose, rushing back to the 6,000 yuan mark.

Xiao Xiao knew that this was between institutions, and it was a real fight.

He was trembling with excitement, every hair on his vellus trembled.

Finally came the moment to prove myself.

Xiao Xiao's economics is invincible in the world!

the twentieth day.

Xiao Xiao skipped the middle link and boldly decided to start selling contracts for one month.

A one-month contract already has full financial value.

The major house raids, investment banks, and institutions in the empire believe that Changshan County has accumulated so much wealth that even if the grain cannot be delivered, they can buy back the contract at the market price, which is equivalent to closing the position.

Therefore, the probability of risk in the contract is extremely low.

The standard for measuring financial value, first, risk, and second, reputation.

Nado Exchange already has a relatively good reputation, and Changshan County's strong capital ensures that its default risk is very low.

So, this is a great opportunity to make money!

Thus, on the twentieth day after Nadao's opening, all major raiders, investment banks, and institutions in the empire officially joined the feast.

This food drama has finally reached its climax.

One side is the empire's giant grain joint group, and the other side is the emerging Changshan County with a hint of mystery.

This is a challenge from the new forces to the old forces, in order to compete for the power to eat meat.

In this war, the next-level copycat investment banks can drink a little soup in relative safety.

Retail investors at the next level, eat a little mince.

Individual civilians at the last level can also smell a little.

This is a gluttonous feast, and everyone benefits.

Xiao Xiao, on the other hand, undoubtedly has thoroughly grasped the mentality under this rule.

twenty-third day.

Xiao Xiao asked the Long Association Department to publicize the 600,000 hectares of farmland in Changshan County on a large scale, calling it an agricultural miracle in the history of the empire.

And this miracle is about to have a good harvest.

Against this background, Xiao Xiao took the most crucial step.

He issued a three-month contract.

Three months, that's a quarter.

For bloodthirsty finance, this is a reincarnation.

In three months, everyone has doubts about whether Changshan County has the ability to redeem the contract.

It's risky, increased.

Its reputation is not enough to be its guarantee for the time being.

However, the institutions hesitated, and the hungry retail investors did not hesitate at all.

Their favorite is this kind of family heirloom.

In their eyes, Nadao's food deed was no different from the money of the empire.

The 200,000 three-month contracts released by Xiao Xiao were quickly snapped up.

There are a lot of voices in the market, demanding that Changshan County sell more and longer contracts.

At the same time, the Mingguang Exchange saw the largest transaction in history, and grain prices rose almost crazily.

The grain group headed by Beichen Group fully supported the price of grain and began to purchase a large amount of grain on the market.

At the same time, a lot of unfavorable news about Changshan County began to circulate in the market.

The Ministry of Long-term Association resolutely fought back.

The direct confrontation in the field of public opinion has also begun.

twenty-fourth day.

The Ministry of Commerce of the Empire promulgated the new Empire Advertising Law, which clearly stipulates that vulgar and indecent advertisements are not allowed.

Many old advertisements in Jangsan County were banned. Although the Jangsan Association responded quickly and replaced them with new ones, it still caused some adverse effects.

At the same time, a fire broke out in Xiyan Prefecture, the second largest granary in the empire. It is said that tens of millions of grains were burned.

Food prices are still rising.

twenty-fifth day.

Xiao Xiao urgently called Lin Wen, saying that the grain cargo ship in Shizhou had transported less than 500,000 tons of grain for three days, and the grain in stock was running out.

Lin Wen asked strangely: "Didn't you always issue three-month contracts? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Xiao Xiao anxiously said: "After all, we have only been established for a short time and our reputation is not stable. If I cut off the short-term contract rashly, the market will suspect that we ran away with money."

"That's right." Red Nose interjected from the side: "Long-term contracts must be preceded by short-term contracts. Three million tons a day, at least one million tons is less than a week."

"Sheriff Lin, we must not stop our food supply. If we stop this breath, all the previous investment will be ruined."

"Oh." Lin Wen asked, "How much is the price of food now?"

"8101 yuan/ton."


Lin Wen just spit out all the water he drank.

"What did you say? You have been smashing for so long? The more you smash, the higher?"

"Sheriff Lin, listen to my explanation, this is..."

"I won't listen to your explanation." Lin Wen said angrily. He finally found the source of the disappearance of the crisis. Fortunately, he was exhausted and worked hard for a long time.

Those capitalist financial vampires probably laughed their big teeth off and treated him as a pure paratrooper bragging, and the threat naturally disappeared.

Where is the face of the Great Emperor?

When Lin Wen thought that the enemy was actually laughing at him behind his back and passing his rhetoric as a fart, his heart felt like it would burst.

"From now on, Changshan County will produce five million tons every day! You must drop the price of grain for me! I want to hear the wail of the enemy, not your wail!"

Xiao Xiao wailed: "Sheriff Lin! Food, what to do with food!"

Lin Wen said angrily: "After selling so many contracts, don't you have money? Go buy food and come in! Hold on for a while, and I'll find a way right away."

twenty-sixth day.

Nadao Exchange once again announced a super double, selling 5 million tons of grain contracts every day.

Everyone is clamoring for this hard-won opportunity.

During this period of time, due to the skyrocketing number of monks and the shortage of monks, not everyone can grab the contract at will.

No one questioned where Changshan County got so much food.

Neither do institutions and investment banks, because they know that capital is the most generous and kind before it occupies the market.

On the top floor of Mingguang Exchange, everyone was silent, shrouded in the terrifying shadow of Changshan County.

Li Zairong had already returned from Changshan County, and he asked in a trembling voice, "Well, is there His Majesty and the Great Elder behind Lin Wen?"

No one answered his stupid question.

This is the most obvious signal for Changshan County to declare war. The more the empire's food price rises, the more they sell. The price of two thousand yuan has not changed from the beginning to the end, as if they are indifferent to the market price that is more than four times it.

They purchased grain in the empire, and Changshan County also purchased grain in the empire.

Don't give in an inch, and confront the wheat awns.

There is no doubt that the more Changshan County sells, the more it loses.

He's already paid for it.

Faced with such a powerful offensive, the food group's budget has been exhausted.

Luo Nuo had to grit his teeth and propose a new budget, which caused many voices of dissatisfaction within the food group. Their profits were rapidly decreasing, and their risks were constantly increasing.

However, there is still a glimmer of hope for them. The remaining bulk grains on the market have basically been sold out, and some areas still maintain the ban on the sale of grains in Changshan County.

And the two-week contract in Changshan County is about to expire.

According to their calculations, the food shortage in Changshan County is at least five million tons.

As long as the contract cannot be delivered, once Nadao breaches the contract, all the reputation that Changshan County has worked so hard to build will collapse as quickly as a castle on the beach.

twenty-seventh day.

Xiao Xiao bought back more than 4 million tons of grain from the market at a price of 8171 yuan per ton to meet the grain delivery in the past few days.

But the real gate of hell is still ahead.


Qin Luoshuang repeatedly urged that there should be no more wars. Their actions were already provoking the bottom line of the empire, and if they acted rashly again, it was very likely that the Supreme Council would be completely angered.

However, based on Quzuo Town, the Qin Group transferred a large amount of grain from Shizhou to Xinyang Prefecture, its headquarters.

Lin Wen's food intake decreased, which was related to this.

There are not many remaining grain warehouses in Shizhou, and most of the stored grain has been transported back to Changshan County or distributed to the local people.

The other part is in the hands of the Qin Group.

And Lin Wen never thought of scraping the food of the poor.

Whoever has food will scrape it.

At noon on the twenty-seventh day since the opening of Nadao, Lin Wen led the main force, the leaders of the four major armies, the human security force, and the joint rebel army, ignoring repeated warnings from all parties, and brazenly launched an attack on the Qin Group.

[Body without a colorful phoenix] issued the highest warning to him unprecedentedly.

But Lin Wen is still going forward.

This is not suicide.

[Luan Zhaoshui] once a day, clearly told him the answer.

Not suicide!

Not suicide! !

Not suicide! ! !

This is the result every day, which is so pleasing to the eye.

Lin Wen suppressed his excitement in his heart.

Be angry, Supreme Council, be angry, Grain Group, be angry, Qin Luoshuang's fake father.

Let the world feel the pain.

Emperor Lin Wen is coming soon.

Dig hahaha.

The total number of troops stationed by the Qin Group in Quzuo Town was no more than 50,000. Lin Wen's combined army only took half a day to completely defeat them.

The defeated general fled back to Xinyang Prefecture, the headquarters of the group, in a panic.

Lin Wen intercepted all the grain transportation teams and occupied the large grain depot in Quzuo Town.

This is an important traffic town, and there are trains, so it is very convenient to transport food.

Lin Wen smiled until his mouth was crooked.

At this moment, an unprecedented huge black figure blocked his vision.

Disaster to all living beings, bad karma +3021.

What? ?

Seeing that terrifying number, Lin Wen's primordial spirit almost exploded.

What crime have I committed?

Are the soldiers of the Qin Group all reincarnated saints?

Or is it that if I destroy the stronghold, it will trigger some unforeseen consequences?

Lin Wen's blood was about to spurt out.

With so many bad karmic relationships, even if he uses "the disintegration of the heavenly demon" to eliminate them, it will cost more than 30,000 good karmas.

I've been doing this for so long, and a total of more than 60,000 good fortunes have been recorded.

I lost half of it all at once, so how can I make a fuss?

No, we must find out why.

Lin Wen directly asked the [Immortal Guidance] question.

[Where did the evil fate come from? 】

Consumption: 5%

The answer is only eight words.

【Yaojing is in turmoil, bringing disaster to all beings】

Thank you for your small tickets, thank you for your rewards, thank you to the leader of Yeshawu, I feel your support, Ah Shan bows to you here m(__)m

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