Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 417 You Are Lin Wen (Part 1)

Since Yaojing started to operate, it has become a huge cornucopia.

Countless capital elites flocked here frantically to make money, but they soon discovered two problems.

First, Yaojing actually has a minimum wage.

Second, there is actually someone in Yaojing who disrupts the stage.

Especially the teardown, very disgusting, claiming what bullshit Changshan County has a laborer with 800 yuan a month in a wallet.

They asked employees to work a little overtime and contribute a little labor, but they were unwilling in every possible way, so they were forced to resign and go to the recruitment site in Changshan County.

This makes the rich and powerful men as disgusting as eating flies.

Especially the boss from Shizhou, he was so angry.

Under his matchmaking, these bosses formed a loose guild alliance, named "Residents", referred to as Minhuilian.

The Democratic Association has gathered a lot of gang thugs and local thugs to harass the recruitment sites in Changshan County, set up roadblocks, block the roads and beat people, and prohibit civilians from going there.

The recruitment site in Changshan County was forced to ask the authorities for help.

Chang Sheng sent security guards several times to maintain order.

Every time, the Federation of Democratic Associations made a comeback after being stunned for a few days, and later bribed the grassroots security guards to turn a blind eye to what happened near the recruitment site.

The recruitment site in Changshan County was called Tiantian Ying, and the place was not working, so they had to evacuate sadly.

This is the reason why Lin Wen's number of recruits was later fixed at 530,000.

As soon as the saboteurs left, the boss of Yaojing immediately began to cut wages, extend working hours, and eliminate holidays.

To circumvent the minimum wage, they even charge employees for the company's electricity, water, food, garbage, and more.

At the same time, the Association of Democratic People's Associations was used to form a blacklist, and those with bad records were refused to hire.

Thus, the disaster began.

The disposable wages of low-level staff have been greatly reduced, and all businesses in Yaojing are difficult to do.

Restaurants, beverages, retail, wholesale, accommodation, entertainment, and play spread from low-end to upward, and all industries are gradually heading for depression.

The economy has been in decline since then.

But it will not be seen for a while.

What's really bad is that loans in the financial sector are starting to default.

Yaojing is built on the background of highly open finance. In Yaojing, everyone who has a serious job has a loan on his back.

The major stores that have sprung up like mushrooms also have loans.

When loans began to default, the first thought of financial companies turned out to be to raise the threshold and avoid risks.

The subprime mortgage companies that accept non-performing assets resort to violent debt collection, and quickly come to his door to take away all his property, because if he is too slow, he will be robbed by other companies.

To make matters worse, when Yaojing's powerful bosses saw their profits dwindling, they responded by further oppressing their employees.

And Chang Sheng's response to this is to try his best to maintain the high prices and high grades of Yaojing, maintain Yaojing's face, and maintain Yaojing's huge advertising expenses.

The low-price buffer zone set up by Lin Wen at the beginning was considered as worthless rubbish, and the developer built a new high-end community here after it was completely leveled.

This series of stupid reverse operations turned Yaojing into a pressure cooker.

The crisis is near.

At this time, Chang Sheng made the most wrong decision. When his subordinates reported to him that the violent practices of the subprime mortgage company caused public dissatisfaction, he raised the threshold for large official loans in order to reduce the occurrence of subprime mortgages.

This is the last straw for Yaojing's survival, which is equivalent to tightening money when the financial bubble intensifies.

This extinguishing operation detonated all contradictions.

The general strike and the general resistance began, and sharp conflicts broke out between angry workers and the dissatisfied FDA.

Almost all major construction sites have stopped working, buildings worth as much as gold have not been built, all industries have come to a standstill, and the port is full of ships that cannot unload their cargo.

Chang Sheng exhausted all methods, but did not stop the continuation of the turmoil.

He put all his energy into maintaining housing prices, but the base of the castle in the air has collapsed, and it is impossible to rely on people to support it for a long time.

But it can’t be done without it, Yaojing’s real estate has absorbed a lot of money printed by the empire.

The total value of the three new districts that are still on paper exceeds three trillion yuan.

If this super reservoir explodes, the entire empire's economy will be severely damaged.

For this matter, Chang Sheng has been to the imperial capital twelve times, and the economic experts, scholars, and ministers of the empire have all gathered to advise Yaojing.

But it never got better.

There was even a huge physical conflict involving hundreds of thousands of people at the port.

Thousands fell into the water, hundreds were unaccounted for, and more than 2,000 were seriously injured or killed.

The three armies of the Central Army have already dispatched to Lingzhou. In order to avoid causing panic, they are temporarily stationed in an area 300 kilometers away from Yaojing.

If Yaojing gets out of control, they will implement military control immediately.

At that time, Chang Sheng had grown up and made it to the end.


After listening, Lin Wen had only one feeling.

This world has never tasted the iron fist, and no one understands the power of the people.

In the minds of these rich and powerful bureaucrats, there is always only one way to make money at the top priority, which is to squeeze the workers.

If you are not making enough money, you are not squeezing hard enough.

They are so greedy that they are hardly willing to cede a little bit of profit to the common people.

In their view, that is to cut their own flesh.

The key is:

Most of the content was deduced by Lin Wen, and Chang Sheng's original words showed that he seemed to be in the fog.

I didn’t know why I bumped into a pole wire, I didn’t know how I tripped over a rock, and I didn’t know how I ate shit when I fell.

Chang Sheng looked at Lin Wen hopefully: "Sheriff Lin, do you know the reason?"

Lin Wen wrote a word on the table:


Liu Shengcai didn't care about the reason, and said anxiously: "County Lin, do you have a solution?"

"Of course." Lin Wen replied.

In fact, the solution is not very difficult. So many imperial elites don't know whether they can't think of it, or they dare not think of it, but no one has proposed it.

"what to do?"

Lin Wen asked, "Can you kill people?"

Chang Sheng nodded: "As long as it's not a massacre."

Lin Wen sighed: "I mean, can I kill bureaucrats and powerful bosses?"

Chang Sheng obviously hesitated: "You, what do you want to do?"

"I want to disband the Minsheng League, rebuild the recruitment site in Changshan County, strictly establish the minimum wage standard, and build a large number of low-rent housing. Subprime mortgage companies take their own risks. Violence is not allowed, let alone robbery."

A confidant shouted: "But, this can't solve the problem at hand."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "I would also like to announce that all loans that have been borrowed will be interest-free within three months, all interest that has been incurred will be exempted, and the part that has not been incurred will be recalculated. The current repayment time will be postponed for three months, and all store rents will be calculated as loans, which will be guaranteed by the government and will be repaid after three months."

As soon as the voice fell, the entire conference room was silent.

A confidant's eyes widened: "Then we are at a loss? There is no interest on borrowing money, so what are you borrowing?"

"These untouchables also earn too much, right? It's just that our total loans exceed 900 billion, and the monthly interest alone is more than 20 billion. How much money will we get if we don't have to pay?"

"Without repayment for three months, our treasury has dried up!"

Lin Wen smiled and said nothing.

He knew that Chang Sheng would definitely agree. This was just a magical obstacle. It's not that smart people can't think of it, but they just don't want to think in that direction.

Sure enough, after a while, Chang Sheng agreed.

"Okay, I can appoint you as a special adviser to deal with this matter. If it is effective, I will report your achievements to the Supreme Council."

Lin Wen knew what he was thinking, but he didn't care.

Taking the blame, taking the blame, this kind of thing he is best at.

"Okay. First of all, give me the authority of security guard, surveillance guard, and military guard."

Chang Sheng was also very decisive, and he did not procrastinate when he made up his mind, and immediately handed over the power to him.

Yaojing is a super metropolis with a total population of around 30 million and a total of around 80,000 guards.

Lin Wen directly mobilized all the police forces... instead of suppressing them, they used loudspeakers and banners to read Lin Wen's new policy all over the street.

The most important core of this policy is the sharing of profits.

The most critical point is to increase wages and pay back money late.

The purpose is to reduce the burden and protect the rights and interests of workers.

Not only the police took to the streets to publicize, but all the TVs and radios in Yaojing repeatedly broadcast this news.

At the same time, Lin Wen met with workers' representatives on behalf of Yaojing.

Not only agreed to all their conditions, but also told them that Yaojing allows you to form workers' pickets.

Then, the main event came.

Representatives of the Association of Democratic People's Associations excitedly came to the government hall of Yaojing to ask questions.

Lin Wen asked coldly: "Which of you is the leader?"

A triangular eye stood out: "Your grandpa and I are called Chang Chang, you little brat..."


The bullet pierced his forehead, and blood spattered the faces of the people behind him.

"The spies sent by the Pope to disrupt the empire's economy, take them down and investigate them!"

With a loud bang, countless guards pushed open the door, rushed in and surrounded the group of people tightly.

Several monitoring guards came up and dragged the corpse down.

And this scene was all seen by the worker representatives brought by Lin Wen on a special trip.

The capital representatives were stunned and at a loss.

Lin Wen sneered, "Can you talk properly now?"

At this time, someone suddenly shouted: "Lin, Lin Wen, you are Lin Wen, the lunatic county chief of Changshan County!"

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