Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 418: The Whole Army Attacks (Second Change)

Lin Wen smiled and said, "It seems that I'm also famous."

Everyone's face darkened.

This is a well-known master who kills without batting an eyelid. He killed more than a thousand powerful bosses and their relatives with his own hands.

Normal people do this, and the grass on the grave is ten meters high.

But he is still alive and kicking here.

Lin Wen slapped a piece of paper on the table: "This is the new covenant. As long as you sign this new covenant, Yaojing will continue to flourish, and you will also gain countless wealth, which is countless times more than the few taels of oil you have worked so hard to scrape."

Everyone came together to watch.

The New Testament is densely packed with countless clauses.

Every time they finished reading an article, their faces darkened.

After reading all of them, everyone's face was darker than a bag of black charcoal.

"You are cutting our flesh!" One person jumped up.

Another person also shouted: "You take our meat and feed those untouchables who don't know what to do or to be grateful!"

Someone else yelled, "Which side are you on?"

Lin Wen was too lazy to talk nonsense with them. To educate this group of people, it is better to educate the boars to read "Postpartum Care of Sows".

He said coldly: "Well, let's cast a vote. If you agree with this new covenant, don't raise your hands. If you disagree, raise your hands. I will absolutely abide by the result."

Everyone looked at each other: "Okay! Let's do this!"

"What if you go back on your word?" Lin Wen asked.

"We can sign a guarantee agreement, and whoever goes back on his word will confiscate all his property."

"Okay." Lin Wen smiled: "This is a video camera recording the whole process, everyone should think about it clearly."

"Of course." One shouted, "We've always thought it through."

A moment later, three movie-level high-definition cameras shot at the democratic meeting in the middle from three angles.

"Voting begins!"

Unexpectedly, no hands were raised.

Everyone seemed to be dragged by something, their bodies moved left and right, but they just couldn't raise their hands.

Three seconds later, Lin Wen announced: "Unanimous vote."

Everyone looked pale and looked at each other in disbelief, thinking: "Do we agree in our hearts that we can make more money by doing this?"

Lin Wen slapped the new contract on the table, and said with a smile: "Press your fingerprints, it seems that you are still ignorant of current affairs. I am already so democratic, you will not go back on your word, will you?"

A bald man with a gold ring in his hand glanced at them. Outside the camera, there were countless muzzles aiming at them.

A representative mumbled and asked, "You, can you really make us money?"

Lin Wen smiled and said: "If you lose money, you can come to Changshan County to find me, and I will pay as much as you lose."

The representatives were still hesitant.

Lin Wen knew that he couldn't kill indiscriminately at this time, and he had to convince them to abide by the agreement.

After thinking about it, I thought of a way.

Lin Wen took out the satellite phone, called Li Linyue, and turned on the speakerphone at the same time.

Then, all the capital representatives present heard what they could never hear from the first princess.

"Honey, miss me?"

Qiqiao Linglong's heart quickly connected.

Xin is now in a passionate relationship with the first princess.

The love story sounds extremely nasty to others, but the person concerned is addicted to it.

This phone call lasted only thirty seconds, and there were only nine sentences in total, but it achieved unprecedented results.

Everyone suddenly understood why this lord was able to survive in the empire.

They silently pressed their fingerprints on the contract and left in a hurry, eager to pass this explosive news to everyone.

However, it is a pity that no one believed their words, and instead they were besieged by fans of the first princess.

Later, Lin Wen told the worker representatives that he hoped that they would organize everyone to watch his program at nine o'clock in the evening.

The worker representatives agreed one after another, and they had completely believed in the person in front of them at this time.

Afterwards, Lin Wen returned to the Metropolitan Government Office with miraculous results.

Chang Sheng and the others were completely stunned, and his behavior can no longer be described as vigorous and resolute.

It's almost like a god descending from heaven.

Lin Wen didn't have time to pay attention to their flattery, and asked them to prepare for the decisive battle immediately-television broadcast.

Nine o'clock that night.

Lin Wen imitated Lame Luo and held a fireside chat. He explained all the policies and the changes they would bring about in a cordial and sincere tone and simple and concise language. He hoped that the general public would resume work and restore order.

Most of this conversation was completed with Lin Wen's Qiqiaolinglong heart, and he was surprised to find that the heart is also useful at this time.

It just seems that there are too many people facing it, and its time is consumed quickly, and the entire spell is used up in an hour.

However, the effect is also immediate.

The unrest subsided the next day, all order returned to normal, and people returned to their posts and resumed work.

Yaojing, a huge port city and a huge financial center, has finally regained some vitality.

With the support of the Metropolitan Government Office, all major stores and stores have gradually resumed business.

The major official departments of Yaojing also restarted their operations according to the new regulations.

Several new laws came into operation to limit some clearly illegal acts of violence.

The situation stabilized in an instant.

Lin Wen then began to lead the team to rectify the finances, convincing them that talents are the most important wealth, asking them not to use excessive means, and investing with insight and knowledge of people is the most profitable.

Especially those subprime mortgage companies that accept non-performing assets, don't play elegant and civilized subprime mortgages into bloody and violent usury.

Civilized people use civilized means.

After a day of persuasion and education, they accepted Lin Wen's point of view wholeheartedly.

A few were too stubborn, and their world view was broken and unable to be recast due to fierce ideological conflicts, causing their heads to explode.

This is tragedy.

But it has nothing to do with Lin Wen.

In this way, wealth opened the door to the world again, order was stabilized, and the economy began to prosper again.

Lin Wen pursued the victory and began to deal with business management issues.

This is already a chronic illness in Yaojing. Chang Sheng has dealt with it countless times but failed to fix it. Lin Wen only used one trick to fix it.

Shout: "Who's in the lead?"

One person stood up: "I am the leader."


It's over.

No decree stands in the way.

As for whose brother-in-law and uncle this person is, how many interests and entanglements this person has, Lin Wen didn't bother to care.

Labor and capital are not officials in Yaojing, so you go to Changshan County to find me if you have the guts?

Chang Sheng's eyes lit up, and he suddenly discovered a way to completely rectify order without offending anyone.

Lin Wen was already ready to go back, but Chang stiffly grabbed his thigh and kept him forcibly.

He also made a lot of unnecessary little tricks, like going back to a room full of beauties, after being kicked out by Lin Wen, and then going back to a room full of beautiful men...

This kind of thing happens endlessly.

Lin Wen was very annoyed, so he went to Chang Sheng and said, I can do it for a few more days, and you have to support Changshan County with some supplies.

Chang Sheng understood in no time that he took advantage of Yaojing's port advantages to buy food from abroad, and then loaded it on a train to transport it to Changshan County by land.

Of course, the grain principal was still paid by Lin Wen, and Chang Sheng only provided one channel and included transportation.

This has a very big hidden benefit.

It is the property of Elder Ye.

The council didn't dare to investigate, especially since Yu Zhongxian hadn't been released yet.

The most important point is that the price difference must be paid for when foreign grains are transported to China.

This huge tariff was collected by Yaojing.

Chang Sheng smiled until his eyes opened, and he was more enthusiastic towards Lin Wen than his own father.

But even so, Changshan County is still short of food.

The war between Nasdaq and Mingguang has reached its peak.

Nasdaq shipped 5 million tons a day, and the average daily grain delivery reached 1.5 million tons.

Mingguang's people blocked the wharf in Changshan County, bought them on the spot, and shipped them away on the spot.

Although they can't buy the contract, they can buy the real thing directly.

Changshan County can't manage it, because this is not their food, but the food bought by investors.

For others, the scene was too exciting.

The wasted money was cashed out on the spot.

Retail investors and institutions have gone completely crazy.

Nasdaq’s grain is 2,000 yuan, and Mingguang’s purchase price is 8,000 yuan, which is equivalent to a 400% profit as long as the contract is bought and sold.

400% profit, capital can not only trample on everything in the world, God will also cut it off for you.

In their view.

These two giants are already fighting hand to hand.

Under the flying flesh and blood, there are countless profits.

Countless people who wanted to make money flocked to Changshan County, even with Zhao Minggong's ability, he felt a bit difficult.

Every day at nine o'clock in the morning, when Nasdaq opens, it's like a vicious dog has been released from its cage.

All waving banknotes, just begging the traders at Nasdaq to process their buy orders first.

Xiao Xiao couldn't sleep all night and night, calculating whether the food stock was enough for tomorrow's delivery every day.

The pressure is enormous, but there is also hope.

According to his theory, as long as he survived for another week, he could take the final step——

A half-year deed for sale.

As long as the half-year contract is successfully sold, victory is in sight.

However, the food transported from Yaojing is far from enough to make up for the gap, so it still depends on Shizhou.

However, in the past few days, the grain shipped from Shizhou has decreased again.

Fang Dashan, Wang Zhengwu and others have robbed the grain near Quzuo Town.

But it is a pity that the Qin Group has already shipped more than half of the grain into Xinyang Prefecture.

Fang Dashan and others stood at the border and watched for a long time.

Qin Luoshuang called for the fourth time, warning them not to conflict with the Qin Group, especially not to invade the territory of the Qin Group.

Wang Zhengwu put down the binoculars: "I estimate that there are at least five million tons."

Fang Dashan: "And there are not many defenders."

He Shangsheng: "The chief of staff asked us not to go there."

"But Sheriff Lin's highest instruction is..."

The three said in unison: "At all costs, get more food."

The three looked at each other, smiled and waved together.

"The whole army, attack!"

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