Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 420 Don't You Feel It?

"What the hell?"

The threat of [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] disappeared again.

Hope is gone again.

Lin Wen was very depressed.

What the hell is going wrong here?

Could it be that I didn't do it hard enough and the empire didn't feel it?

Damn, I don't believe it.

Lin Wen was completely angry.

If you pull out the 40-meter stick of labor and capital, you won't feel it.

"Hey! Xiao Xiao, double it for me, 10 million tons a day! Smash those bastards to death."

Ignoring Xiao Xiao's howling on the phone: "Food, food..."

hang up the phone.

He also called Fang Dashan and others.

"Fang Dashan, lead me into the hinterland of Xinyang Prefecture and move all the grain from the granaries!"

"No, that's not right, not only food, but all property belonging to the government will be taken away by labor and capital!"

But Lin Wen was still angry, and when he was about to personally lead his troops into the center of the Qin Group, Chang Sheng called again.

"Sheriff Lin! Where are you going! There's a riot here! They're rioting!"

Lin Wen said angrily, "Who did you say rioted?"

"The powerful groups from Shenjing, Longjing, and Wujing say that doing this is sucking their blood. They don't recognize the contract signed by the Democratic Association..."

court death!


Lin Wen hung up the phone, and flew back to Yaojing with a [Teng Yun Riding Mist], and immediately found Chang Sheng: "You let them come."

Chang Sheng asked: "Sheriff Lin, what are you going to do?"

Lin Wen smiled kindly: "Talk about the truth with them, and talk about life."

Chang Sheng felt relieved a little, nodded and said: "Okay, I hope you can convince them, after all, Yaojing is well, and everyone can get more benefits."

Lin Wen turned and went out, gathered all the security guards, supervisory guards, and military guards in the capital hall, and set up a banquet in the lobby on the first floor, waiting for them.

After a while, a large group of cowhide coaxing guys squeezed in.

The leader was a big fat man wearing sunglasses, wearing Huashan, smoking a big cigarette, and there was a huge jade seal on each finger.

He glanced at the guards around him, and said with a sneer, "This is the scene, and you want to scare your grandpa?"

Lin Wen looked at him coldly: "You don't know me?"

The fat man took off his sunglasses, and his triangular eyes glanced at Lin Wen's face contemptuously: "Who the hell are you? Do you know who I am?"

He took down the cigarette and pressed it on Lin Wen's head: "Listen well, I am the son of Elder Luo..."

His actions completely detonated Lin Wen's anger.


An 11.43mm round smashed his head into a rotten watermelon.

Lin Wen threw away the pistol, carried the heavy machine gun that had been prepared, and fired wildly at the crowd.

The crazy flames reflected his face, the terrifying roar resounded through the government hall of Yaojing, and all the monitoring guards turned pale. They had never seen this scene in their entire lives.

After one bullet was fired, Lin Wen threw away the hot heavy machine gun,

All that was left on the scene was the remains of the body.

Vomit... Someone vomited out on the spot.

A captain of the monitoring guard cried out: "Lin, Consultant Lin, what, what should I do?"

Lin Wen sneered and said, "You didn't kill it, why are you crying? Call the chief judge of your court."

The captain of the monitoring guard ran away in tears.

A moment later, a thin guy with a tuft of yellow hair ran in, and when he entered the door, he saw the broken corpses all over the floor and vomited out wildly on the spot.

After vomiting for a full ten minutes, two monitoring guards dragged him by the arms and pulled him to Lin Wen.

Lin Wen glanced at it, and saw that it was not too dark, and there was still hope.

"what's your name?"

"I, I..." Huang Mao was extremely weak, and wowed again without saying a few words.

Lin Wen was a little irritable, so he poured him a glass of boiling water and poured it down.

"Hi... Thank you, Consultant Lin, my name is Chang Ying, and I am Chang Duchang's little nephew."


Lin Wen remembered that he had seen him when cleaning up the trial court before.

He was the vice president of the court at the time, and the chief judge was so black that his mother didn't even know him, so he was shot dead by Lin Wenyi.

At that time, seeing that he was doing well, and he was the vice president of the court, he was brought up, but he was unexpectedly a related household of Chang Sheng.

No wonder everyone else was still going through the process, waiting for a promotion, and this guy became a regular right away.

Yaojing doesn't have the right to control, so it is very inconvenient to do things.

Although he is not affected by his collapse, it is very troublesome to promote people or to implement any policies.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Lin Wen retracted his thoughts, stared into his eyes and said, "Do you know these people?"

Chang Ying glanced at it and saw a hand full of Xiyu soaked in blood. He trembled all over and almost vomited again. He whispered, "Yes, yes, he is Ren... Jin."

"Do you know what crime he committed?"

Chang Ying's eyes were full of confusion: "What crime? Lin, Consultant Lin, I don't understand anything..."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Wen said: "Listen to me, you just need to understand it with common sense."

Chang Ying nodded weakly.

"Yaojing is related to the imperial economy."

Chang Ying nodded, Yaojing real estate has accumulated excess currency issued by the empire, if Yaojing collapses, the empire's economy will be greatly affected, he knows this.

"The chaos in Yaojing will lead to a sharp decline in the empire's economy."

Chang Ying nodded.

"The decline in the empire's economy will affect foreign wars and increase the possibility of defeat."

Chang Ying nodded.

"If the empire is defeated, the livestock of the Papal State will attack and massacre, and hundreds of millions of people will die."

Chang Ying nodded, feeling like he had become a nodding machine.

Lin Wen asked again: "After I came, has Yaojing recovered from the turmoil? Have my policies proved to be effective?"

Chang Ying nodded, this is obvious to all, the legendary Sheriff Lin is like a god descending into the world, and eliminated all the turmoil in Yaojing.

It seems not difficult, but this involves a dispute of fundamental interests, and no one dares to touch it.

Except for this person in front of him.

"They." Lin Wen pointed to the dead body on the ground, "openly opposing my policies and trying to get me to change them is the same as wanting to mess up Yaojing, destroy the empire, and kill hundreds of millions of people?"

Chang Ying's head was stuck like a gear in the sand, and after a while, he nodded slowly and jerky.

Lin Wen even heard a click in his mind.


Lin Wen stared at him, and said sharply, "What crime are they doing?"

Chang Ying looked a little dazed, but also a little touched.

He lowered his head and said softly, "Treason...treason."


Chang Ying looked at him in bewilderment, unable to understand what crime there was.

Lin Wen sternly said, "What kind of crime is trying to murder hundreds of millions of people?"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed across Chang Ying's chaotic mind, and he shouted, "Crimes against humanity!"

Lin Wen finally smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Not bad young man, you are very qualified, your bones are clear, and you are a good piece of material for a trial. I have a phone number here, and I will give it to you."

There was a strange light in Chang Ying's eyes, and his body was shaking, as if something was about to burst out of his chest.

Lin Wen wrote down the number and gave it to him: "As long as you contact him, you can get the scriptures, and you are fully qualified to be the presiding judge of Yaojing, shocking all the people in the family who look down on you."

Chang Ying took the number tremblingly, wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

Lin Wen smiled: "Come on."

Invite the director of the Supervision Department and the chief of the army and security, and ask them to keep the evidence at the scene before dealing with the scene.

There was also a strange light in the eyes of the two of them. Lin Wen's behavior made them feel as if they had really killed a group of traitorous spies.

As they bowed and agreed, they quickly sent someone to report the matter to the higher authorities.

After Lin Wen left the Metropolitan Government Office, he led a large number of guards and summoned a large number of Yaojing reporters in the Yaojing Auditorium.

It was publicly declared that the turmoil in Yaojing was caused by the spies of the Papal State, and their purpose was to bring down the empire and prepare for the invasion of the Papal State.

And he, the famous detective Lin Wen, has already seen through the enemy's plot and found all the enemy agents who sneaked into Yaojing.

This explosive news made all the reporters crazy, and the news spread like lightning in an instant.

The reporters who hadn't been there were so anxious that they rushed to the press conference with all their might.

But what drove all the reporters even more crazy was:

The legendary Sheriff Lin and Consultant Lin didn't throw out some names and some plausible evidence and that's it.

Instead, he announced that he would take everyone to arrest the enemy agents on the spot.

When this unprecedented news spread and the reporters who were still on the road realized that they might miss a big news that was hard to find through the ages, their anxiety was indescribable.

Lin Wen didn't have the habit of waiting for them, and set off directly with a large group of people.

Numerous reporters followed behind with large and small guns and short cannons, jumping around like monkeys looking for shooting angles.

In this scene, 10,000 popular little fresh meats were not treated like this.

When Lin Wen swaggered through the market, the citizens didn't understand which big star came to Yaojing and had such a powerful influence.

In fact, Lin Wen didn't plan to make such a big deal.

Originally, he just wanted to restore Yao Jing quickly, so he patted his butt and went back.

As a result, the empire was so ignorant that it didn't respond to his powerful impact.

This made Lin Wen furious.

You didn't respond, did you?

I'll play a little bigger, I don't believe you can survive.

Lin Wen first rushed into the Yaojing Labor Management Department, which was closest to them.

This is an almost completely black department, which is rotten from top to bottom. It is called the king of hell and drinks the blood of migrant workers every day.

"Catch them all!"

The wolf-like guards rushed in, arrested all the bewildered bureaucrats, and escorted them out.

At that moment, countless flashing lights were turned on, and these bureaucrats thought they were going to be on the podium...

But the hand on the shoulder shattered the illusion.

In front of everyone, Lin Wen came to the Minister of Labor in Yaojing, motioned the guards to let him go, and punched him right in front of the door, hitting him so brightly, dizzy, tearful, yelling.

Then he asked, "Are you a spy of the Papal State?"

Turn on [Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission], set the sound transmission point in his mouth, and shout: "How about I am a spy? Long live the Pope! The Great Elder eats shit!"

boom! There was a booming sound from the crowd, and it was the first time they heard such an exciting word.

The labor minister of Yaojing woke up with a start and shouted: "I don't, I'm not, I..."

"Still trying to argue?" Lin Wen grabbed his collar, and he instinctively squeezed Lin Wen's hand, and Lin Wen took the opportunity to stuff a dagger into his hand.

Yaojing Labor Minister subconsciously wanted to shake it off, but found that there was a strong glue on the dagger, so he couldn't shake it off because his hand was stuck.

But Lin Wen dodged it with a big jump, and exclaimed: "You are so skilled, you are so strong!"

[Imperial Art] As soon as he moved, the dagger dragged people towards Lin Wen.

Lin Wen dodged sideways, and the two sides began to dance awkwardly.

Lin Wen used all the tricks he learned from TV dramas, and exclaimed, "Oh, what a fast sword!"

"Go, go!"

It was mixed with the frightened screams of the Minister of Labor of Yaojing, which seemed neither fish nor fowl.

But Lin Wen's martial arts instruction is really bad, the two of them are like a turn-based fight dance.

The only thing to watch is that the bloated Minister Yao Jing staggered like he was drunk, and he was able to complete the moves, which simply violated the common sense of mechanics.

In the end, Lin Wen also felt that his eyes were too hot, so he let the dagger drag the guy to a flying fairy and stab him.

Lin Wen took out a pistol from his pocket: "Times have changed, my lord."


Yaojing Labor Minister passed away suddenly.

Surprisingly, there was a burst of cheers from all around, all kinds of flashing lights flashed frantically, and the reporters frantically took photos and wrote down the scene of the fierce fighting with shorthand pens frantically.

The whole scene was hilarious.

But the matter was not over yet, Lin Wen randomly selected an old man who came to see the excitement: "Come on, tell me what he did?"

If there was such a thing in the past, the civilians would have already run away.

But Lin Wen's fireside chat left a very cordial impression on the civilians in Yaojing. The policies he implemented were also on the side of the disadvantaged, so he won a lot of goodwill and trust.

Anyway, the minister was also dead, and the old man revealed his old self when he opened his mouth: "Hey, who doesn't know about Hades?"

"Pick up your skin and down your trousers, sell a migrant worker's certificate, and if you don't buy a certificate, illegal people can't work. Sanitation fees, environmental fees, and noise fees are collected in turn. If you don't have money, you can use things to pay for it. It's even worse for those with wives and children... That migrant worker finally committed suicide on the construction site. It's gone."

The old man was eloquent, and the reporters were shocked. They even forgot to turn on the flashlight, and it seemed that the camera was still pointing at him, silently recording all this.

The other officials on the stage thought that they had been reported by others, and cursed one after another: "You fart!"

"Minister Xu is clean, upright and upright, please stop splashing dirty water!"

"Consultant Lin, don't be fooled. Let me tell you, we have a relationship with Mr. Chang."

Lin Wen waved his hand: "Let them go."

The old man suddenly shut up, and the bureaucrats all laughed: "Consultant Lin, it's a misunderstanding..."

They suddenly felt as if their clothes had been pulled violently, and rushed towards Lin Wen one after another.

And the person in front of him raised his pistol at them, and exclaimed, "How dare you resist?"

Bang bang bang!

Lin Wen emptied two magazines, and the scene was littered with corpses.

The air was quiet for two seconds, and suddenly countless flashes lit up.

Lin Wen shouted loudly: "Everyone saw it! It was they who made the first move!"

The captain of the guard felt chills in his heart, and asked tremblingly, "Lin, Consultant Lin, this, this is making a big fuss."

Lin Wen glanced at him: "I just want to make trouble."

Behind him, the director of the Supervision Bureau yanked the captain of the guard, pulled him over, and cursed in a low voice: "Idiot, don't make trouble, do you want to be kind?"

The captain of the guard was shaking all over his body, and his teeth were chattering: "Then, what should we do?"

"Hurry up and send someone to report. What was the process of arresting people before, and what is the process now."

"Also." The chief eunuch of the Supervision Office also said: "This involves the issue of traitors. Hurry up and report to the guarding troops. It would be best if the guarding envoys come to the scene in person."

While they were still discussing, Lin Wen had already led the large troops to the next place.

Today, Yaojing will usher in the biggest change in its history.

There was a strange light in Lin Wen's eyes.

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