Today, the citizens of Yaojing spent the whole day in extreme shock.

Big news came one after another, making them numb.

Consultant Lin, who was parachuted down, went on a killing spree under the witness of a large number of journalists, killing all the spies of the Papal State lurking in Yaojing.

And these spies happen to be the people they hate the most.

With unspeakable joy, they stood in front of the TV and watched the live broadcast of Consultant Lin, who was like a god descending from the earth, killing all directions.

It's a pity that there is no barrage, no audience interaction, and no live broadcast rewards.

Lin Wen didn't need those either. With a rage that could not be reincarnated, he relentlessly killed all those black guys who had long disliked him.

The government hall in Yaojing was in chaos, and Chang Sheng's office was bombarded by countless phone calls.

When Chang Sheng was still devastated by the deaths of many nobles from the empire, he was shocked to hear so many bad news, and only then did he realize how big a basket Lin Wen had made.

He hastily ordered Lin Wen to stop.

But Lin Wen ignored it, refused to answer the phone, and asked all the guards to turn off the phone on the grounds that the Papal State might hack into the phone and eavesdrop on the secrets remotely.

Although the guards really want to complain that you brought so many journalists to the live broadcast, are you afraid of leaking the secret?

But Consultant Lin's prestige has been initially established, and everyone still turned off their mobile phones.

Therefore, Lin Wen continued to lead people on a rampage, and every time he went to a place, he would inevitably find a lot of spies, traitors and spies.

These spies, traitors and spies must have resisted stubbornly, shouting various slogans and attacking Lin Wen, and then they were shot dead by Lin Wen.

At the end of the day, Yao Jing was turned upside down by Lin Wen.

Chang Sheng was under tremendous pressure, and even Elder Ye called to inquire.

Chang Sheng could only admit that, as Lin Wen said, a large number of spies from the Papal State and bribed spies were found in Yaojing.

At the same time, they officially announced to the outside world that they were indeed carrying out a clean-up operation, and attributed all the reasons for the turmoil in Yaojing to the sabotage of the Papal State's secret agents.

The matter has come to this point, it is logical, there is no other way.

Chang Sheng could only bite the bullet and walk down this road.

He instructed his confidants to do their best to deal with the aftermath, fully dig out the black information of the slain, find tangible evidence, and nail the dead to the death row of personality and law.

In layman's terms, it is a complete discredit.

The confidantes were originally ashamed, feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

But as soon as they investigated, they suddenly discovered that there was a lot of black information about all the people who were killed, and what they did was sensational.

They don't have to smear at all.

They are darker than anything.

What is even more surprising is that many of them have transferred a large number of assets abroad.

Are they really spies of the Papal State? Accepting bribes from the enemy, intentionally causing sabotage in Yaojing and causing the empire's economy to collapse?

The confidantes didn't believe it at first, but suddenly they believed it a little bit.

It turns out... It turns out that it's not that we are too incompetent, but that the enemy is too cunning!

The more the confidants think about it, the more they feel this way, and the more they think about it, the more suspicious behaviors can be found in their daily life.

"Hey, this old Xu gave us a gift..."

"Hush! That's because he wants to corrupt us and drag us into the water!"

"That's right, think about it, this old Xu is always smiling, and he's never seen that bad, how did he do such a crazy thing?"


"It must have been bribed by the Papal State! Think about it carefully, how beautiful are the wives and daughters of those migrant workers? With so much money, would it be better for him to call two girls from nightclubs at random? He insisted on ruining others and deliberately intensifying conflicts. What is this not a spy?"


"Also, some migrant workers who are dying of illness can't get enough oil. He insists on taking away the last bag of oranges. Is he short of that bag of oranges?"

"That's right, no wonder the last time I met him, he didn't dare to look me in the eye, he must have a guilty conscience."

The more they talked, the more certain they became, and the more they said, the more they felt that it was true.

Afterwards, when public announcements were made and interviews were made, these key members of Yaojing firmly insisted that these people were all bought by the Pope, and they were all scum corrupted by the Pope.

Seeing that Yaojing is about to take off and become a powerful economic pillar of the empire, the Pope did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to bribe imperial bureaucrats, bribe emperor traitors, destroy Yaojing, and try to interrupt the revival of the empire's economy.

Their behavior is really frenzied and indignant, beyond description.

This is the biggest news the Empire has seen in decades.

The journalists were caught in an incomparable carnival.

Soon, this big news spread throughout the empire, including the pope's country.

Someone in the Pope's country found a good opportunity, took this matter to himself, and took the opportunity to report to Mo Zhai, the chief priest of the Pope's country, saying that although the final result failed, it still caused Yaojing to suffer heavy losses.

Although Mo Zhai didn't really believe it, but considering that the battle would end and give the soldiers a little confidence, he submitted a part of the funds for approval.

Then he ordered his subordinates to process and create this incident, highlighting the achievements of the warriors of the Papal State in destroying Yaojing, and the unyielding spirit of the heroic struggle when they were finally arrested, and publicized it among domestic and front-line soldiers.

To be honest, not many people believed this incident, and the whole process seemed too unreal and ridiculous.

Anyone with a brain will feel that it is full of inexplicable doubts.

However, with the official certification of the Papal State, things are different.

All observers of the empire were startled off their glasses.

But Chang Sheng was overjoyed, and immediately stepped up to turn this matter into a death case, and the Metropolitan Government Hall unified the caliber, and they must thoroughly confirm their traitorous behavior of the emperor.

Even if there are many of their relatives, friends and relatives.

But now Chang Sheng only hated getting too close to them on weekdays, and it was very troublesome to cut them off.


Yaojing was in turmoil.

Imperial grain prices.

These are two things that the Supreme Council attaches great importance to at present.

Everything that happened in Yaojing was soon reported to the Supreme Council.

The dignitaries, bureaucrats, and bosses who died or were injured in Yaojing all had backgrounds.

On the day when the incident happened, Li Hongpei, Chief of the Imperial Civil Affairs Department, Kong Xiangxi, Chief Auditor of the Empire, Yang Guozhong, a representative of the Congress, and dozens of high-ranking officials of the Empire gathered in the Elder's Courtyard, accusing Lin Wen of trampling on the dignity of the Empire and massacring Imperial bureaucrats without authorization.

But the Great Elder's response to this was very indifferent.

Great Elder Ping Yuan asked: "Then tell me, who caused the turmoil in Yaojing?"


Lords, you look at me and I look at you, speechless.

Of course they thought in their hearts that Chang Sheng was incompetent and messed up Yao Jing.

But if Chang Sheng is used as a target, Elder Ye will definitely be offended.

Before the enemy is defeated, offend an elder first, and the people present have become officials to this extent, who would be stupid enough to do such a stupid thing?

Grand Elder Ping Yuan asked again: "Which of you can take over Yaojing and ensure its continued stable operation and rapid development?"

The princes were even more speechless. When Yaojing was in turmoil, they offered advice a lot.

But it turns out that their bad plan might as well not be used.

Although Lin Wen's strategy is useful, who would dare to use it?

Offended a large number of people on the spot, forged countless vendettas, so what if Yao Jing recovers?

Will this official be able to continue in the future? Still get promoted?

Wouldn't the future be ruined?

Once Yaojing is back on track, it will be good if you don't let go of the grind and kill the donkey. Do you still want to go up?

Offending so many powerful imperial dignitaries, not to mention the title of official, I am afraid that they will lose their lives in the future.

Which smart person here would do such a stupid thing?

But Li Hongpei was still not reconciled, and said: "However, he despised the laws of the empire, trampled on the dignity of the empire, and made public the contradictions within the empire. This is not in line with our rules..."

Great Elder Ping Yuan glanced at her and said coldly: "Who said this is a conflict within the empire?"

The dukes felt a chill in their hearts, this is murder.

If this is treated as a spy, then there will be nothing, the honor of the empire, pensions, various funeral expenses, and compensation to the family members...

Not only that, but he died unjustly, and was nailed to the pillar of shame of the empire.

You must know that the empire has always prided itself on being the center of the world and looked down on the Pope at all.

Being a spy for the Papal State is the shame of disgrace, even the untouchables are entitled to spit before leaving.

They shouted together: "Grand Elder, they are definitely not traitors..."

The elder didn't pay any attention to them.

The guardian of the empire handed over the dossiers, reports, evidence, and the propaganda of the Papal State sent by Yaojing.

"Go back and take a good look."

The faces of the princes were gloomy, so they could only take the materials and bid farewell to the Great Elder.

But they were really unwilling to do so. This was a heavy loss, and no one could accept it.

At this time, Yang Guozhong made a suggestion: "We might as well go to Elder Ren Zhengqing."

In this Yaojing incident, the most powerful person in the empire that Lin Wen offended was Elder Ren Zhengqing.

His youngest son was shot to death by Lin Wen with a heavy machine gun in the government hall of Yaojing, and he couldn't even put his body together.

If the eight elders were to be ranked, Elder Ren Zhengqing would definitely be number one. His opinion, the Supreme Council always attaches great importance to it.

So, they went to Elder Ren together, wanted to push Elder Ren to be the leader, and jointly sued the Supreme Council.

However, Elder Ren was not in Shenjing. He did not know when he went to the northern battlefield to investigate, and only sent one of his subordinates to handle the matter.

Everyone had no choice but to turn back to Luo Nuo, Elder Lin Yabo and others, trying to form an anti-Changshan County alliance.

Elder's compound.

The guardian envoy of the empire made a final conclusion: "...According to the detailed materials jointly submitted by the four elders and the guardian envoy of Yaojing, the possibility that they are spies of the Papal State is extremely low. They think that this is Lin Wen's use of the problem to get rid of political opponents and label him indiscriminately. They hope to abolish Lin Wen's Jiedu power and take him down immediately to rectify the law of the empire."

"Elder Ye Nantian objected to this matter. He believed that although Lin Wen acted too aggressively, he was out of a heart for the empire, so he should not be severely punished."

There was a long silence in the courtyard.

Suddenly, Great Elder Xing Ling said: "North Heaven King Li Lie."


When Lin Wen's deeds spread, there were not a few people in the empire who felt the same way.

The former Southern Heavenly King Sheng Huaixuan and Northern Heavenly King Li Lie could be called the Demon King of the Empire.

They were so powerful back then that most Imperials thought they would be a catalyst for change in the Empire.

But later, when Li Lie defeated the Papal State and returned, he was not treated with honor. Instead, he suffered a series of attacks, and finally died in the prison of the council.

Nantian Wang Sheng Huaixuan also put away his edge and became vulgar. He lived in the East Qinzhou and no longer dominated the situation.

The empire was back to its lifeless old self.


Lin Wen appeared.

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