The food war has entered a stage of complete intensification.

Public opinion on both sides is frantically releasing their own good news and the other's negative news.

The long-term association department is devoted to real work, changing advertisements almost every day to target the other party's slander and boasting.

Cao Yuan and the other four are already working overtime at full capacity, and they are even better in terms of advertising content and targeting.

But on the scale of advertising, they are much less.

To put it simply, the other party's voice is louder than theirs.

Although it is said that the media does not allow the regime to intervene, and the Imperial Political Supervisory Council firmly monitors this area, the major official media and the free media of major groups will not be affected.

They are many times stronger than the third-rate tabloids and local media employed by Changshan County.

Therefore, in the battle of public opinion, Changshan County is slightly inferior.

However, this is not necessarily the case in an economic war. The means available to the bulls (the bullish side) are to raise prices, buy surplus grain, and intensify the demand for grain.

And the bears (the bearish side) have too many means at their disposal.

When Nadao's reputation was established, Xiao Xiao had already used these methods to the fullest, and even directly shorted the stock index futures on the Mingguang Exchange.

But these are not the most important.

The most important thing is the medium and long-term grain contract issued by Nadao entrusted by Changshan County.

Since the redemption period is several months later, Changshan County has no food burden and can distribute it indefinitely.

This part of the contract does not produce food, and they have no way to buy it.

The only way is to blow up the reputation and make the contract become waste paper.

However, Nadao's daily grain release has reached 3 million tons, and there is an endless stream of grain transport ships from Shizhou. No one believes that Changshan County will run out of grain.

Investors only believe that seeing is believing.

All the investors went to inspect the 600,000 mu of fertile land.

The soil quality is unbelievably good, the farmland layout is reasonable, and the water conservancy facilities are complete. Vegetables, sweet potatoes and corn are already being harvested, and wheat will be harvested as soon as the winter is over.

Coupled with the constant rumors of Changshan County's winning streak in Shizhou.

This is obviously a major benefit, it is a fool to have money and not make money!

Even the rules of secret warfare, which only the upper echelons of the empire know, are being sung by the common people at the bottom, and they say it vividly.

All kinds of rumors about Lin Wen, the governor of Changshan County, circulated very widely.

It is said that County Chief Lin worshiped under the sect of the immortals who lived in seclusion in Changshan since he was a child.

One day, the gods saw that the emperor's star was dim, and ordered Lin Wen to go out as an official and kill corrupt officials in the empire.

Seeing Shizhou's brutality and inhumanity, he ordered his teachers to punish him.

The Governor of Shizhou was the reincarnation of the Yin Corpse of Mercury, and summoned millions of corpses with his hand, but was killed by the Chief Lin, who induced thunder and fire from the sky, and killed all of them. The Governor of Shizhou was killed on the spot.

Changshan County occupied Shizhou, distributed half of the harvested grain to the common people, and shipped half back to sell at a low price.

This is called acting on behalf of the heavens, accumulating good deeds and gaining fate.

The common people were all smiling, shouting every day to get out of the way, I'm here to accumulate good fortune for County Chief Lin.

Me too, mine is more than yours!

I am the reincarnation of a benevolent man, who dares to compare with me!

With such a shout, the inside and outside of Nadona's hall, which is different from other places, is filled with a happy atmosphere.

Against this background, Xiao Xiao brazenly issued Wang Zha in advance—a half-year grain contract.

On the first day, it accounted for 40%, and it was sold out in an instant.

On the second day, Xiao Xiao directly increased the proportion to 90% unprecedentedly, and it was still sold out.

It's done!

The contract for half a year means that the delivery will be made half a year later, and Changshan County will issue as much as it wants.

With such a weapon, the market's confidence built up abnormally due to hype will soon collapse.

that night.

Xiao Xiao held a celebration banquet with his seniors, and everyone got drunk.

After Elder Luo Nuo received the news, his expression was no different from that of the old shit pit that has been used for a hundred years.

The food group's situation is already very dangerous. Their use of funds far exceeds the original budget, but the victory is getting further and further away.

Due to the huge consumption and the long-term benefits, the voices of opposition within the food group are one after another, and the temporary group is about to fall apart.

Luo Nuo tried all means, but it still didn't work.

In the early morning of the next day, when the bright sunshine and the crisp calls of thrushes appeared outside the window, Luo Nuo finally realized the possibility of their imminent failure.

Luo Nuo made his last effort. He sent a telegram with the most serious wording, enumerating the top ten crimes in Changshan County, threatening that Changshan County would not be destroyed, and the empire would fall.

And personally sent this telegram into the compound of the elders.

Still nothing.

For the first time, the price of food, which they have been pushing hard for, showed signs of instability.

Luo Nuo knew that something was wrong, and urged Qin Gang to destroy Changshan County as soon as possible to prevent them from delivering food.

On the one hand, encourage confidence, and ask everyone in the group, large and small, to work together to tide over the difficulties. And he, the elder of the empire, Luo Nuo, will take the lead in the charge. If the price of food falls, he will be crushed to death first.

At the same time, he quickly ordered his subordinates to disperse and sell the stored grain covertly.

Half a day later, Luo Nuo passed the information to the other top executives of the Grain Group, Elder Lin Yabo, Elder Morrissey, and Elder Cheng Wei.

But it was not passed on to the Qin Group.

In his view, Qin Gang's inaction allowed Changshan County to obtain a large amount of food, which was the chief culprit for their failure.

As a result, Luo Nuo made a speech tour in the group, insisting that the grain price will rise forever, and hinted in many ways that they still have the ultimate secret weapon, which can secure the victory in one fell swoop.

On the one hand, there is an urgent sell-off of grain.

on the third day.

Due to too much grain stored, the market could no longer hold it, so they began to borrow vests to sell grain to Changshan County.

At this time, Changshan County's accumulated funds have exceeded 100 billion. As an entity group, this amount of funds can already be called rich and powerful.

In one day, Changshan County purchased more than three million tons of grain.

Xiao Xiao immediately sensed something was wrong. In the past, the domestic market was banned in Changshan County, but there suddenly appeared so many "smugglers", "adventurers", and "selfless people who seek profit for the common people"?

He was keenly aware that some people couldn't bear it and wanted to sell grain to cash out.

Xiao Xiao will immediately notify the grain procurement department, requiring the grain sellers to transport the grain to Changshan County before buying it, and lower the price by half.

On the fourth day, after fierce bargaining, Changshan County purchased grain at a price one-third lower than the market price, but only received 3 million tons per day.

At this time, the group's funds have been exhausted, and no one has any more money to fill this bottomless pit.

When Changshan County publicized the grain they bought, the price of grain plummeted rapidly.

Franchisees big and small in the group were terrified, but the top management represented by Luo Nuo insisted that this was just a market fluctuation, that grain prices were just doing push-ups, and that the drop was only temporary, and that this was the best opportunity for full warehouse stud.

Get rich overnight right now!

Affected by this news, grain prices rose slightly for a short time. Investors believed it was true and bought all their positions one after another.

However, the general trend of the market is irreversible.

On the fifth day, food prices began to plunge again, and the magnitude of the plunge was so fast, so strong, and so determined that no amount of publicity could bring it back.

Grain hoarders in the market cried out, speculators who hoarded grain rushed to sell grain and looked for buyers everywhere.

But even if they cut it in half, the food that was once comparable to gold would not be able to be sold.

The wharf in Changshan County was full of grain ships, and a large group of people knelt at the purchase point, begging them to purchase grain.

Countless people waved banknotes, only to ask the managers to raise their hands and put their food in.

But the officials who bought the grain were indifferent, and waved their hands to indicate that today's grain share has been bought enough.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't want money, but the KGB agents and the judges of the Forbidden Curse Mage Group are sitting behind him, and he wouldn't dare to give him a hundred more guts.

On the sixth day, Xiao Xiao directly announced that the price of grain purchased by Changshan County would be changed to 2,000 yuan per ton.

This news is the last needle to burst the bubble, and the price of food directly penetrates the bottom line.

The price of grain futures on the Mingguang Exchange fell by 500% in one day, and all speculators in grain futures were liquidated, and the more greedy they became, the more they exploded.

Those who borrowed usury and used leverage fainted on the spot.

What's worse is the grain hoarders. The grain they hoarded with all their heart can't be sold at one-tenth of the price now.

Even the top of the fastest-running group still has a lot of food in their hands.

Food prices are falling at a dizzying speed, and the meter will update a number almost every second.

At this moment, the Emperor of the Empire and the Supreme Council took action at the same time, announcing that the Empire would repurchase grain in unlimited quantities at a low guaranteed price of 1,200.

Although this price is only one-ninth of the price when the grain price was at its peak, it is still a little higher than the current price of less than 900 yuan.

The speculators could only tearfully sell the grain to the Imperial Purchasing Department.

Xiao Xiao also knew that the price of grain should not be too low, it was enough to smash it into the basement.

If it hits the center of the earth, it will be bad for the entire empire, and the interests of farmers will also be greatly affected.

So he also announced that Changshan County would buy unlimited grain at a price of 1,200 yuan.

There was also wailing in front of Nadao's exchange, but they only lost from two thousand to one thousand and two. As long as they weren't borrowing leverage, playing usury, or taking orders, they basically wouldn't lose too badly.

The half-year grain contract is still sold at 2,000 yuan, and it has been changed to unlimited, but no one buys it.

But this is temporary, after that, it will play a role in raising food prices.

Changshan County also made a fortune because of this.

Xiao Xiaowei is fortunate that Sheriff Lin no longer has to use his last trick of reneging on his debt.

This has allowed Narrows to retain its credibility and to continue to operate as a truly modern futures business.

Financial futures that do not require delivery are the mainstream of modern society.

Of course, physical futures must still be retained, which is an important cornerstone of a stable market.

After such a long period of melee, the grain frenzy has faded, and the market has finally returned to normal. The only change is that Nadao has suddenly emerged and has become a stubborn rock standing in the ocean of grain futures.

However, the groups aiming to speculate on food directly avalanche, large and small ransacked their homes and vomited blood and lost money, and the anger of their grievances even Elder Luo Nuo had to come out and issue an apology statement, admitting that it was his mistake and that he miscalculated the general situation.

However, he also claimed that this was caused by the destruction of Changshan County, and it was their endless smashing that caused the avalanche of food prices.

This managed to divert some hate, but not their loss.

Luo Nuo's Beichen Group has lost more than 90 billion yuan, which is their total profit for three years. Li Zairong was pushed out as a scapegoat.

The group that Lin Yabo belonged to also had a loss of 30 billion, while Mo Xili and Cheng Wei also had a loss of 10 billion.

Changshan County and the Empire are the biggest winners. Among them, the Empire is completely reaping the benefits of the fisherman, and has obtained a large amount of food with almost no effort.

The big and small bureaucrats, imperial dignitaries, international home raids, and speculators who followed the group were the biggest losers.

They generally borrowed leverage, and the losses made them bankrupt and even carried huge debts.

After this wave, almost all speculators in the empire were wiped out.

The empire's trading power group was hit hard.

But Lin Wen became the number one devil in their eyes, and gained countless hatred.

However, Lin Wen was even angrier than them.

When he emptied the grain depot, the Qin Group still did not respond.

When food prices crashed, giants lost money, and speculators and vampires were wiped out, the Qin Group still did not respond.

When Lin Wenxin wanted to continue to go deep into Xinyang Prefecture, [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix] had a reaction.

Before Lin Wen was happy, [Luan Zhaoshui] took a photo.


Lin Wen's only feeling now is: Who am I? where am I? Who is hitting me?

He really couldn't understand what was going on, and he didn't respond for a while, and then he committed suicide again.

Go ask what is going on with 【Immortal Guidance】.

A huge number as high as 150% floated out, leaving Lin Wen speechless.

Forget it.

Go away, or it will be suicide in a while.

Lin Wen sadly withdrew his troops back to Shizhou.

However, the Qin Group troops who came in an emergency were blown away.

Seeing the mess left behind by Changshan County's retreat, the generals who rushed over felt as if they were finished with prostitution, and the prostitutes patted their asses and left.

Not only did they not give any money, but they also took away their jewelry and money.

How does this not make people extremely angry?

They hurried, but before they had time, they watched Changshan County's army run out of bounds.

The furious general almost rushed into Shizhou to pursue him, but fortunately he was persuaded to come back.

The Qin Group is a very powerful military-political complex, and the consequences of their crossing the border are completely different from those of ordinary people.

The news was sent back to the Commander's Mansion.

Qin Gang got very angry and smashed the bone china teacup.

Many confidants and generals also had gloomy faces, and the whole mansion was covered with dark clouds.

At this moment, Wang Zijun took the initiative to stand up and said, "I'm sorry, Commander, it's all my fault. I didn't find out earlier..."


Qin Gang waved his hand.

"It has nothing to do with you, I just didn't expect this kid to be so insidious and cunning."

In fact, the sooner the news of Yaojing came back, the sooner Qin Gang could judge the true attitude of the Supreme Council.

However, no one connected Yao Jing and Lin Wen, and the people who appeared in Yao Jing's big news were all "Consultant Lin".

Who would have thought that Sheriff Lin was actually Consultant Lin!

You are a good sheriff, but you still play cross-border? Why didn't the empire ask you to be emperor?

Yaojing has little to do with the Qin Group, and its intelligence priority is very low. Although there is a martial arts blockbuster directed by Lin Wen in the intelligence, the low-level intelligence personnel don't know what Lin Wen looks like.

Therefore, this information has never reached the highest level.

It wasn't until recently that Qin Gang found out this information when he thought that the Supreme Council's reaction was too outrageous and Changshan County must have something to rely on.

Until this time, Qin just understood why.

Lin Wen healed Yaojing and relieved the empire of a major worry, proving his indispensable ability. At the same time, he was also fighting another major worry of the empire: food prices.

This is not only the son of the Supreme Council, but also the father.

Of course the Supreme Council will tolerate him.

Such a good chess piece, charging forward for them, is not in vain, just to clean up these restless thorns in the empire.

And Changshan County took advantage of Qin Gang's psychology, wantonly took advantage of them, and frantically removed grain from the Qin Group's territory until the price of grain collapsed.

Kill two birds with one stone.

And how could the Supreme Council punish Changshan County, which has made such great achievements?

Knowing that Lin Wen had slapped him hard, Qin Gang immediately sent troops to intercept the Changshan County army.

But Lin Wen seemed to have known his plan a long time ago, so he withdrew his troops early and ran away.

Qin Gang has never suffered such a big loss since he was born.

This young county chief had such a thorough understanding of such a complicated political situation in the empire, and was able to avoid the waves and ride the wind, allowing the small boat of Changshan County to sail safely on the violent sea and reap the greatest benefits that could not be imagined.

But he didn't touch the really dangerous restricted area.

Many years old captain does not have this ability and courage.

But his anger doesn't stop there.

Such a complicated and risky strategy is obviously not Xiaoxiao's style, and if the actual ruler of Changshan County has such real talents, then what is Xiaoxiao's status there?


Like-minded people?


Thinking of this, Qin Gang felt uncontrollable anger.

This is far more than the anger of his own cabbage being raped by a pig, but also the anger of his overall plan being disrupted.

Different from other useless children, Xiao Xiao is the only person in the family who has the qualifications to be in power.

From the beginning to the end, all her little actions were actually in Qin Gang's eyes. The Sky Song she founded was destroyed, her marriage with an idiot, her defection from home, and her capture by mercenaries were all directed by him.

Including the rebellion of mercenaries.

But since the mercenaries were all wiped out and the nail he buried in the mercenaries died, everything was out of control.

When she returned to Qin Gang's sight again, she was already the number two person in Changshan County.

When Qin Gang wanted to teach her another profound lesson, letting her understand that softness and kindness are the biggest weakness of those in power, Chang Shanjun jumped up and gave him a few big mouths.

If it's his daughter, forget it.

But it was a strange man, a strange man who abducted his daughter.

Qin Gang's anger almost reached the point of losing his mind.

At this time, Mr. Li, who successfully squeezed out Fermi, delivered one of his reports.

"The first nuclear bomb has been successfully assembled and is waiting for the test explosion."

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