Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 424 Rich experience

Lin Wen returned to Shizhou dejectedly, feeling that the situation in the empire was too complicated for him to control.

It's better to fight and kill in the world of cultivating immortals... This is not my specialty. It is equivalent to playing Red Police to command the army, playing World of Warcraft to fight and masturbate, and playing Interstellar to play pesticides.

It's crossing the border!

I can't show my strength!

I should find a virtuous wife who can understand the situation to assist me, otherwise just a question would cost hundreds of yuanshen, and I can't afford it...

The only person Lin Wen could think of was Qin Luoshuang.

But when he made this request, Qin Luoshuang resolutely refused.

She has seen through Lin Wen thoroughly.

"You just want to show off your poor sense of superiority in front of me." Qin Luoshuang said very unhappy.

She has been fooled several times. This guy usually looks normal, but inside he is a super narcissistic guy.

Show off your sense of superiority in front of her every day, and change various postures.

Annoying as hell.

"I know you are very good and powerful. You are invincible in the world. You managed Yaojing well without saying a word. You gained the trust of the Supreme Council. You took advantage of the information gap to plunder the Qin Group. You calculated the time accurately and came back."

"What a perfect calculation. I am stupid and stupid as the chief of staff. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if I get notified or not. Anyway, I am far behind you."

Qin Luoshuang clasped his hands in front of his chest, looking like a frosty, high-cold goddess.

"Please, I already know that you are very powerful, I admit that I am a fool, I am a surrender deserter, please stop pretending, okay?"

Lin Wen scratched the back of his head, not knowing what was going on.

However, Lin Wen quickly judged from his rich experience that she should be angry.

Then comfort yourself.

"No, no, although I am indeed countless times stronger than you, but you are not... Uh, where are you going?"

"Hehe, you're so smart, can't you figure it out?"

Lin Wen reluctantly spent Yuanshen to ask [Immortal Guidance], suddenly suddenly realized, and shouted.

"Go and pull..."


A whole book fell on Lin Wen's face.



Evolution sect.

A once prestigious sect.

A sect that gave birth to countless biological geniuses.

Leary, the first great teacher who deconstructed reproductive isolation and is known as the father of modern biology.

Al, the great teacher who discovered the mystery of active proteins.

Will, the inventor of the complete gene compilation method.

As well as Dr. Li, the world-famous proposer of the New Human Project, Dr. Ken, who is known as the king of iron worms, etc., all come from it.

Twenty years ago, it was declared a cult by the empire because it created the Man with Thousand Faces and Thousand Hands that shocked the world, and it once disappeared under the attack of the empire.

But, like the motto of the sect:

"The era of free and fallen human beings will eventually end, and the banner of evolution will finally rise."

The Evolution Cult soon rose again from the ashes, stronger than ever.

Day two of food price collapse.

The current leader of the Evolution Sect, Moxili, the elder of the empire, came to his beloved home.

His loyal old housekeeper, Dr. Ma, greeted him at the gate, and walked with him into this huge biochemical base hidden in the inaccessible Yunxiao Mountains.

"How is Ellie?"

Walking in the long corridor, Moxili asked casually.

His obese body does not affect his movements at all, and his steps are even lighter than the thin Dr. Ma.

"Not so good." Dr. Ma replied in a deep voice: "The translation of prions has become uncontrollable pathogenicity again. A large amount of brain tissue has grown on her third pair of sickles. We have decided to destroy her."

"No, don't do that, dear horse."

After returning home, Moxili became very relaxed. He said in a brisk tone: "You need to change this habit. Once you find that it is uncontrollable, your first reaction is to destroy. Don't you want to see the miracles that nature bestows on her? The possibility of biological variation is infinite. Maybe we can catch a rare inspiration from it."

"Yes." Dr. Ma bowed slightly, "I will obey the Lord's order."

"Where's the alienation group?" Moxili asked.

"Destroyed by the irreversible death of nerve cells."

Mossili rubbed his ten-storey chin: "I remember that there seems to be an isolated case of nerve cells dying and stopping in Changshan County."

Dr. Ma replied: "Their dean disclosed the case, and I didn't find any valuable information from it, as if that person suddenly possessed this special function at a certain moment."

The light in front of his eyes became brighter, and the space instantly opened up.

Moxili showed a warm smile, and he came to the nursery, where his children were conceived.

Under the bright and spacious space, all the staff bowed to him: "Welcome home, my lord."

Moxili's eyes quickly flicked across them, as if they were just a group of boring wooden figures, and his eyes quickly fixed on a row of thick glass containers more than three meters high.

A glass container is filled with a green solution in which some gigantic egg embryos are soaked.

There was joy in Moshili's eyes, and he walked quickly to the container to observe every detail of it carefully, just like a father observing a baby in swaddling.

He observed them one by one, the eggs in the glass container developed more and more maturely, they gradually grew mouth organs, chitin, tentacles, sickles, and human-like legs or hands...


After reading it, Moxili gave a satisfied compliment.

"There is nothing wrong with the raising of the children this time, and you have passed the test."

The staff members in white coats all breathed a sigh of relief, bowed together and said: "The glory of the Lord, my life."

Dr. Ma said: "The main reason is that we have made new breakthroughs in the structure-activity relationship and expression mechanism of proteins, and have the means to control mutated active proteins."

Moxili smiled and said, "The Sun Staircase and the Pure One are not far away from us."

The two walked into the next room.

Moxili's smile became more obvious. This is the nurturing room, where his children thrive.

"Their gene expression was more human-biased during this period, which contributed to their intellectual growth," Dr Ma said.

"Very good." Morrissey said with a smile: "Before proceeding with the final project, let me take a look at the new species incubation project."

Dr. Ma's face became a little darker: "Lord, none of them are very successful..."

"It doesn't matter, just look at it, life itself is born after countless failures."

Moxili continued to walk forward with fat and light steps.

They turned a few turns, and the color of the base became dim and old, with rust and dirty water stains appearing in some corners of the walls, which was in stark contrast to the advanced, bright and clean place before.

Crazy laughter, or noise, or strange clanging sounds seemed to echo in the empty base. Huge and old pipelines are scattered in every room.

The first two rooms were empty.

Mosely walked into the third room, which appeared to be a huge prison cell, behind which a monstrous creature was kept.

As soon as it saw Moxili, it screamed and yelled frantically: "Pig, pig, pig! Here you come, here you come, ha ha ha!"

Moxili said with a gentle smile, "Xu Ziqi, how are you?"

The creature stood up all of a sudden, like a huge snake with a human head attached to its tail, ugly and grotesque, with an abnormal number of wrinkles on its face.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine! I'm great!"

The strange man laughed loudly and said, "I'm locked in this dark dungeon, I can't go there, and I'm with these lunatics every day, it couldn't be better."

Moxili smiled softly: "Ziqi, I know you are very dissatisfied, but your body is already rotten, and only this can save you."

The weirdo smiled sarcastically: "Thank you so much, my old friend." It flicked its tail back and forth frantically, knocking on the prison door.

"You'll be out soon, after my research is successful."

Moshili lit a big cigarette and took a deep breath.

"Also, don't you think this is very interesting? The combination of human and lizard has the advantages of both, but there is a little accident..."

"Ha, accident?" The weirdo jumped up: "You lost the lizard's body and grafted me on the tail. What a big accident."

Moshili laughed: "But isn't this a miracle? The art of life is to break the isolation..."

"Interesting? Miracle? Art?" The weirdo smiled, showing his fangs. "Oh, yes, I think of a more interesting, lizard's advantage...I want to show you, show you..."

Dr. Ma suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

But it was too late, only a soft bang sound was heard, the lizard's tail broke off from the man's head, and it jumped wildly on the spot, while the man's head rolled out of the cell door, rolled to Moxili's feet, face up, and smiled horribly at him.

Moxili sighed: "It's a pity, I have no money. I could have given him a better tail and a human head, so that he won't be lonely..."

Bang, he stomped on the head.

"Forget it, I'm not interested, let's finish the main project."

Dr. Ma called the staff to clean up the residual limbs and cells, and then came to the core of the entire base - the stepped laboratory.

This is a very tall and wide room, a side of extremely thick glass cuts across the center of the room, blocking the green solution that looks like an ocean.

Below the glass wall is a row of tiny terminal operating desks, where countless staff members are busy working.


Morrissey stood at the console and gave the order.

A glass container containing mature larvae was dropped into the green broth.

A syringe robotic arm protruded through the hole behind the glass box and stuck into its leg artery, and the golden solution flowed along the catheter.

Dr. Ma said: "This is the third version of the optimized sun solution. I delayed its effectiveness to the slowest. The mitochondria should be able to withstand it."

Morrissey's expression became serious: "Mitochondria used to be the source of life energy, but now its efficiency is less than one percent of what it used to be. Our improvement is very risky..."

Dr. Ma said: "But if this is not the case, the biological evolution route cannot be compared with the weapon route. Tanks, airplanes, cannons, and missiles can all destroy the biological army at will. The instant elimination of the Gray Army in Changshan County is the best proof."

There was a glimmer of cloudiness in Morrissey's expression.

The demise of the Gray Corps is still a mystery. They don't know what kind of weapon Changshan County used to wipe out a biochemical army of 12,000 in an instant.

Today's theoretically most powerful cloud bomb can't do it either.

According to their subsequent investigation, the site of the incident was full of huge cracks, as if it had been scratched by countless fragments.

The provocative photos sent by Changshan County also prove this point, all the corpses are full of lacerations.

But that just makes things harder to understand.

They could only think that Changshan County possessed a powerful fragmentation bomb, and they threw hundreds of such bombs on the heads of the Gray Corps in an instant.

The men in gray have been remodeled. The chitin carapace on their skin is very hard, and ordinary bombs will not cause fatal injuries.

Such an army was wiped out in an instant, proving that the Weapons faction once again gained the upper hand.

The failure of the giant army in Shizhou also proved this point.

Therefore, they urgently need some more powerful biochemical special warfare bodies.

Mossili's "Purity Project" and "Sun Ladder Project" were greatly accelerated, and the final project that was supposed to be carried out next month was brought forward.

But the bad news didn't stop there. The food program didn't make a penny, but lost a penny. Morrissey and his research fell into an economic crisis and had to drastically reduce the budget.

Dr. Ma sighed slightly, and continued: "Now we have the strength of our body and the fighting instinct. We have sacrificed a little bit of intelligence, but the intelligence of a six-year-old human child is enough. My research has proved that the more active intelligence, the less instinctive intelligence."

Mossili nodded: "I once saw an old woman who didn't understand anything, but could calculate calculations within 30 digits in an instant, faster than a computer. But when I taught her mathematics, she couldn't do it."

Dr. Ma: "That's exactly the case. The biochemical special warfare body does not need more intelligence, as long as it has the ability to fight instinctively."

"So Yu Zhongxian's direction can only be a compromise plan." Moxili said: "The best weapon for a creature is always itself, not something outside."

"But it lacks energy." Dr. Ma said: "Without energy, living things can never be compared with those mechanical gunpowder creations."

"The only way is to modify the mitochondria." Moxili said the original words of the great mentor Leary, which is also the direction of their life's efforts.

Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration in most organisms, and its change means the change of the power core.

Moshili has failed many times, and this time was no exception.

Thirty minutes after the solar solution was injected, the larva suddenly struggled, and blood spurted out from all parts of its body.

Soon, it was motionless.


Moshili said blankly that although the failure was expected, he was still unstoppably disappointed.

The glass container was taken away by the robotic arm with the corpse.

After a while, the inspection report came out, and the conclusion was written at the top of the long string of text.

"The strength of life cannot be supported, the function collapses, the mitochondria are destroyed by the solar solution, and the purpose of transformation has not been achieved."


But one failure after another, Moxili gradually became irritable.

Dr. Ma said: "Lord, we need a stronger mother body to produce stronger embryos. I have cultivated the worm body to the strongest level, but humans do not."


Moxili gritted his teeth and said, "There is no more money."

At this moment, a staff member rushed up and handed over the phone.

"Lord, it is Elder Lin Yabo."

Moxili answered the phone and said impatiently, "Tell me if you have anything to say."

Lin Yabo's cold voice came from the phone: "Elder Mo, has the pure body succeeded?"

"No, I'm short of money."

"Destroy Changshan County, and we will have money."

Moxili suddenly became furious, and roared: "Then go destroy it! Don't you have a lot of means? Aren't you the ruler of the empire? Why can a small county chief jump on us? Hundreds of billions of plans were smashed by him like this! Aren't you going to kill him?"

"Elder Mo, don't be angry, that kid has the power to control the economy, the economy, and the military. Therefore, although Changshan County is a county, it is a special zone."

"He has just made great contributions to the Supreme Council, and it is rumored that he is related to the First Princess. It is difficult to bring him down."

After Lin Yabo finished speaking, he added: "Actually, except for the Supreme Council and the emperor, no one can defeat him politically."

"Then physically destroy him!"

"Elder Mo, he is a military and political entity group, which is equivalent to the smaller Qin Group. His army and his secret agents have infinitely increased the cost of our doing so."

Moxili said impatiently: "Elder Lin, don't play around with me anymore, my patience is limited."

"Alright, Elder Mo, I just wanted to tell you."

Lin Yabo's voice on the other side of the phone became friendly, obviously not wanting to anger Elder Mo.

"I still have some things at the bottom of the box to support you, but you have to make sure that the first task created by the pure body is to kill that little beast."

Moshili's fat face wrinkled: "What?"

"Three thousand healthy adults, four hundred healthy babies."

Moxili dissatisfied: "This is less than before."

"Elder Mo is enough, now is the perfect time."


After hanging up the phone, Moxili continued the experiment, but all failed.

According to the inspection report, most of the larvae couldn't bear their lives, and a few survived the first stage, but died of the withering of nerve cells during the second stage of metamorphosis.

Moxili fell into long-term thinking.

After a while, he ordered: "Dilute the sun solution to one-tenth, and slow down the injection speed to one-third."

Dr. Ma said: "This way the mitochondria are not stimulated enough, and the strength of our adult bodies will drop a lot."

"Success one first." Moxili replied simply.

But even that only kills most of the hatchlings in the second stage.

It was not until late at night that a larva finally successfully completed the metamorphosis process and transformed into an adult.

Mosely stared obsessively at the glass container.

The mature body floating in the green solution is smooth and beautiful. It has two pairs of huge scalds and a mouthpart full of sharp teeth.

It was dissatisfied with being confined in a small space, easily shattered the container, and broke the glass wall that tanks and heavy artillery could not break.

Green solution scrambled out of it.

The newly born Pure One broke through its cage and jumped out.

All the staff in the laboratory ran away screaming, only Moxili did not move.

The pure man walked up to Moxili lightly, raised his scythes, and knelt down to the fat body.

Mosely smiled.

The instinct of training still lingers in its mind.

The Purifiers project was a success.

Although this is just a weak body.

A true perfect body needs a strong life, nerve cells that will not wither, and money.

Moxili looked in the direction of Changshan County and gave an order.

"Kill that little bastard."


late at night.

Qin Luoshuang took a hot bath and felt better.

She came out wearing a bath towel, and when she was about to continue to deal with some affairs, the bath towel was suddenly pulled off, exposing her pure white jade-like body to the air.

Qin Luoshuang knew who it was without thinking about it.

"Xia, stop making trouble, I'm very busy."


"It's enough!"

"Come on, just for a while."

Qin Luoshuang turned around and pushed her away: "Go away, go away, don't bother me, I'll be annoyed when I see you."

"Hee hee, what annoys me when you see me? I told you to drink more milk and eat more papaya, you must..."

"Hehe, isn't it great to be big? When you have a husband, he will just try to show you off."

"I don't want a husband, I just want sister Qin to be my husband."

"Go away!"

While fighting, the phone rang.

"Okay, stop messing around."

Qin Luoshuang put on the bath towel, pushed away the pouting Xia, sat back at the table, and answered the phone.

"Xiao Xiao."

Upon hearing this voice, Qin Luoshuang's blood froze.

"How are you?"

The chapter name is wrong, it should be 427

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