When Lin Wen woke up in the morning, he saw Xia Xiaoxiang staring at him with super disgusted eyes.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Xia Xiaoxiang heaved a long sigh.

"I said, I created such a good opportunity for you, and you just slept by the door? Do you have the heart for a girl as good as Qin to stay alone?"

Lin Wen didn't pay much attention to her words, lifted the quilt, sat up from the big chair, felt the soul, recovered to 42%, not bad, said casually: "Why don't you go?"

Xia Xiaoxiang said angrily: "I have to wait for the opportunity to go? I created the opportunity for you to let you go, but you slept outside the door. Do you know what it means to be inferior to a beast?"

Lin Wen checked the good and bad karma, calculated how many attributes would be provided if it passed, and wanted to confirm the average attribute over there, so as to verify my qualifications, he said casually: "I don't understand."

"No, you don't understand this?"

Xia Xiaoxiang pointed at his face in disbelief.

"Ordinary girls have strong self-esteem, and beautiful girls have strong vigilance. This is common sense. Qin is as beautiful as a fairy, so she is naturally more vigilant, because she has been pursued by countless people in various ways all the way since she was a child. There are more tricks than stars in the sky..."

Lin Wen inspected a circle of supernatural powers, looked at the causes of the newly added good and bad karma, and plunged into the spell again. He forgot to cultivate immortals yesterday, so let's make up for it today, and said casually, "For example?"

Xia Xiaoxiang became interested a little and said, "I'll give you an example. About six years ago, there was a son-in-law who took off his clothes and hid in a box to impress Qin, but it was her father and those high-ranking officials who entered the door first. The moment this guy jumped up... Do you know how embarrassing it is? Social death is considered low."

Lin Wen: "Oh."

Xia Xiaoxiang talked for a long time, and finally changed the subject: "You have an opportunity like today, I'm afraid those suitors would have to use knives to fight desperately. Let me tell you, girls are always duplicity. The way to conquer a beautiful woman like Qin is to go back to the basics. Those fancy fists and embroidered legs are useless. You don't care about anything. Just go up and push her to the ground..."


A plastic box hit Xia Xiaoxiang's forehead.

Qin Luoshuang's voice came from the door: "Xia, if you want to talk nonsense again, be careful I won't be polite."

Xia Xiaoxiang stuck out her tongue, not daring to speak.

Lin Wen cleared everything up after sorting out the system. Right now, he wants to earn good luck. The chance of perfect reincarnation will come at any time. He immediately felt refreshed. He stood up from the big chair, waved his hand and said, "Go to work, and you can earn more!"

Xia Xiaoxiang looked at him suspiciously, and said in a low voice: "Do you not like Qin? Do you think her breasts are too small?"

Lin Wen glanced at her.

"The witch! Give me a stick!"


As soon as Xia Xiaoxiang was chased away, the special envoy of the Supreme Council arrived.

This time the battle was very big, there were thirteen people here, and each of them was an imperial guard who could give him a sense of mortal danger.

Yang Jiehua, the head of the Supreme General Office who had failed to return last time, walked out from behind them and came up to shake hands with Lin Wen with a smile on his face, showing full sincerity.

The last negotiation was when Lin Wen and others went to Hailin City. This time they took the initiative to come to the door. The treatment of the two is completely different.

Soon, something even more different is coming.

The two parties were divided into guests and hosts, and after Lin Wen chatted for a while, Qin Luoshuang deliberately changed into a secretary's attire, ignoring the imperial guard who cast angrily at her, walked to Lin Wen, and whispered in his ear.

"700,000 soldiers of the Imperial Army have performed drills in the Ming'an Gobi."

Originally, Qin Luoshuang's behavior was to make it clear that the last time the special envoy was pushed back was because the little devil was difficult to deal with, not because the king of Hades would not allow it.

Lin Wen just nodded his head pretending to be profound, but this guy glanced at her impatiently: "What does the exercise have to do with me?"

The temperature of the scene dropped by two points visible to the naked eye.

Only Yang Jiehua's smile remained unchanged, and he continued: "Let's end it as soon as possible. The turmoil will always hurt the empire, and it will never be a good thing for the common people. County Chief Lin has unparalleled benevolence and justice, and he cares about all the people. He definitely doesn't want to do this evil thing again."

He ended the conversation wisely.

"Governor Zhang Shuangcheng of Shizhou will come to visit in the afternoon. First of all, I wish Chief Lin a prosperous career and every step of the way."

Xia Xiaoxiang immediately went to the field to catch him: "Everyone is exhausted from the journey, we have prepared a nap room for you, please take a rest."

Yang Jiehua nodded with satisfaction, and left with the special envoys.

Qin Luoshuang came out angrily: "Lin Wen, what do you mean? Can't you understand the Supreme Council's threat so clearly? Aren't you strategizing and calculating like a ghost? Or is there someone I don't know who is giving you advice?"

Lin Wen ignored her last sentence and asked, "What threat?"

Qin Luoshuang said airily, "The 700,000 soldiers of the Imperial Army are conducting drills in the Ming'an Gobi! Are you deaf?"

"Oh, drills are drills, isn't it unusual?"

Qin Luoshuang stared at him, feeling that this person had returned to his familiar appearance again.

"Ming'an Gobi is at the bottom of Xiyan Prefecture, across the 60 kilometers of Yunxiao Mountains, it is Changshan County!"

"Oh..." Lin Wen asked absently, "What does this have to do with threats?"

Qin Luoshuang covered his face, and said helplessly: "Are you really stupid or fake? The neighbor is sharpening his knife at your door and telling you to quickly remove the fence in your yard. This is his territory. What will you do?"

Lin Wen sneered and said, "Of course it was to blow his head off..."

Qin Luoshuang punched Lin Wen, and said angrily, "I'll blow your head off, let's see what's inside?"

Lin Wen received a punch on the head. She didn't use much strength, but she woke Lin Wen up.

He tried [Luan Zhaoshui] to refuse the peace talks and continued to fight against the empire.



Lin Wen felt very reconciled, because there were still many good fortunes in Shizhou that he had not found.

But he knew in his heart that there was really nothing he could do, the empire's tolerance for him had reached its limit.

If it goes any further, it becomes an incomprehensible act of madness.

Suicide reduces all attributes by 3, and even 500,000 good fortunes may not be able to withstand it.

Lin Wen sighed slightly and could only make peace.

At this moment, Qin Luoshuang received another message: "The western region is also practicing on the Gobi near Shizhou."

This is already dancing swords in the face.

Qin Luoshuang was surprised, happy and worried at the same time. What surprised him was that the Supreme Council had treated Changshan County as the No. 1 person.

The joy is that this matter that they were supposed to agree to, now that they agree, there are many benefits.

What worries me is that Lin Wen's brain will twitch again...

He had to be convinced, Qin Luoshuang had made up his mind that at worst, he would send Xia out.

But before she could speak, she heard Lin Wen say, "Okay, let's negotiate."

Qin Luoshuang's words choked in his throat, and he looked at him in disbelief, not understanding why he suddenly changed his attitude.

Suddenly, Qin Luoshuang thought of a possibility.

Could it be that someone is actually persuading him?

I remember that the Dragon Group can communicate remotely without a communicator...

Could it be...



It was a quarter past two in the afternoon.

Zhang Shuangcheng and Shizhou officials arrived at Dadunbao, the residence of Changshan County in Shizhou.

Lin Wen also recalled all the cadres.

The two sides began negotiations.

This time the process went very smoothly, and the conditions were the same as last time:

Recognize the legitimacy of Jangsan County's acquisition of spoils.

Not counting all the enmity generated in the war.

The empire also guarantees the legitimacy of those who switch camps.

On this basis, several new ones have been added.

The troops originally belonging to the western region shall be returned to the western region.

The surrenderer army formed by Changshan County will be disbanded.

The compensation for this is to agree to retain Shizhou's peasant association system and to reduce and exempt Changshan County's tax this year.

This is great news.

Changshan County has developed very rapidly this year, and the tax paid to the empire is a large sum.

Saving this amount of money is a great thing.

Regardless of the amount of money in Changshan County, as far as Lin Wen's grand plan is concerned, it is just a matter of hitting the water a few times.

Can save a little is a little.

To everyone's surprise, Lin Wen didn't have any opinion on disbanding the army, as long as the main force didn't move.

He simply handed over the head of the Changshan County Army to the West District, so he won the appreciation of the West District representative.

Guan Jurang, Yu Bozheng, Xie Qizhen and other military leaders also breathed a sigh of relief. It is naturally best to return to their original areas. Changshan County is only a county after all, and for the military leaders, the place to stay is too small.

Only Xu Chaogong and others from the Human Security Army were extremely depressed.

Their backer in Shizhou has fallen, and there is no official establishment. Once this is disbanded, won't all their investment be in vain?

In this regard, Lin Wen also promised that he would exchange all his military achievements. If he wanted to continue to develop, he could apply to join the urban department under the Changshan County Planning Bureau.

It is also free to come and go.

The two sides had a pleasant meeting, and the intentional cooperation quickly reached a consensus, and the rest are some details:

Like the prisoner of war problem.

For example, the administrative system in the occupied area of ​​Changshan County retains specific details.

The issue of prisoners of war has been solved by Lin Wen. The all blacks died of a sudden illness in prison, the half blacks were seriously ill and recuperated in Changshan County, and the rest of the few blacks could return after paying their food expenses.

It's just that their noses were twisted when they saw the bill.

Rice: Each rice has been carefully selected and touched by the top beauties in Changshan County, one hundred yuan a piece.

Water: Every drop of water is a gift from nature, we are just the porters of nature, and the transportation fee: 50 yuan per drop.

Wine: aged for ten thousand years, you can taste the history, Imperial Cellar 3751, one thousand yuan per drop.

and so on.

Lin Wen worked out the size of each person's food intake according to their different degrees of blackness.

So there was a strange thing that fat people ate ten times less than thin people. They even had a fight over this, thinking that Changshan County was extorting money.

But the way has been marked down, and the imperial guardian cherishes this hard-won compromise, and personally comes to persuade.

After a night of ideological education, they all agreed.

Although each of them was heartbroken, at least they finally got out of the magic cave of Changshan County.

As for the order of the occupied areas, the difficulty is very high.

Because this is Shizhou's internal affairs after all, Changshan County can't come and interfere all the time, can it? It is also impossible for the empire to endorse the order left by Changshan County.

Therefore, Yun Qingshui raised the most important point: Shizhou should recognize the peasant association as a legal organization, allow the peasant association to protest, and allow the peasant association to retain its own force.

In this way, the order based on the peasant association can be preserved and the enemy will not counterattack.

This request was too much for Shizhou Governor's Mansion, but Zhang Shuangcheng did not hesitate much, and quickly agreed.

After he rebelled, he fought back to Hailin City and drove Song Ziyuan and other opponents out of power.

Later, during the campaign in Changshan County, he personally inspected the status quo of the peasant associations. He saw that without the management of Shizhou officials, the peasants were self-reliant. Although their lives were not very rich, they were still passable.

Zhang Shuangcheng had long been very disapproving of the former governor's approach, and advised him many times but had no choice but to ignore it.

He has long lost confidence in the Shizhou officials, but he has no confidence in the peasants' ability to stand on their own.

But now, he has.

Zhang Shuangcheng also had no confidence in his own ability. He was able to become the governor because he was the number two man and once again controlled the situation in Shizhou, and he had no direct enmity with Sheriff Lin. He was the most suitable and least troublesome candidate.

That's all.

Therefore, civilians can stand on their own if they can stand on their own, and if there is one less layer of human management, there will be fewer messes.

Therefore, he readily agreed.

The details were also quickly negotiated.

By the evening of the second day, the officers of both sides shook hands and the agreement was reached.

The battle of Shizhou, which lasted for a long time, finally came to an end.

Changshan County has achieved unprecedented huge benefits, which laid the foundation for its next take-off.

Lin Wen has gained an unprecedented amount of good fortune and primordial spirit, as well as the cause of reincarnation brought about by countless hatreds, and his wish of perfect reincarnation with a huge amount of good fortune is one step closer.

At the same time, Changshan County has officially entered the ranks of the imperial powers.

As a county chief, Lin Wen became the most important figure in the empire.

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