The handover was numerous and cumbersome, and the common people were very disturbed by the withdrawal of Changshan County and the comeback of Shizhou.

People everywhere took to the streets, shouting and petitioning Changsan County not to evacuate.

In this context, Yun Qingshui took the opportunity to launch a propaganda, telling everyone that from today onwards, only the peasant association can be relied on.

Everyone should unite closely with the local peasant associations to defend the hard-won achievements.

Zhang Shuangcheng also personally held talks with representatives of the peasant associations, and made three chapters with them.

1. As long as the peasant association does not owe taxes, Shizhou will not interfere with the operation of the peasant association.

2. The tax standard is 300 kilograms of grain per mu of land per year, and the drought and flood will not change, and there will be no additional taxation.

3. The peasant association is registered in Shizhou Governor's Mansion, and the two parties agree to act as an agent for administration. Where the peasant association manages, all responsibilities shall be borne by it.

It is equivalent to the Governor's Office outsourcing administrative power. There is no such precedent in the empire, but the Supreme Council will soon agree to set this precedent.

The agreement was signed under the witness of Yang Jiehua and submitted to the empire for record to ensure the legal procedures allowed.

After the signing of this agreement, for the peasant association, they can finally develop with peace of mind.

Knowing that the current system will not change, the farmers cheered one after another. Every family beat gongs, every village beat drums, and the roar shook the sky.

Later, the people on this land agreed on this day as a gong and drum festival, implying the departure of the plague god and their new life.

But the nascent peasant association is also facing severe challenges, and many administrative affairs are on it.

They are responsible for maintaining order, formulating laws and regulations, assisting in the treatment of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and water sources, and resolving conflicts and disputes.

It is not uncommon for villages to develop large-scale fighting for a water source.

Such things are of course prohibited.

At the same time, they also bear the burden of 300 kilograms of grain per mu.

The fixed tax has an advantage, which can greatly stimulate the motivation of farmers, because the harvest of more than 300 kilograms is their own.

Two crops of rice can be planted on one mu of land in one year. Generally, three to four hundred kilograms of early rice can be harvested, and 500 kilograms of late rice is not a problem.

In this way, one mu of land can earn 400 kilograms of grain in one year, which is much better than the previous 70% tax.

If you can put in more effort, it is not difficult to weigh five or six hundred kilograms per mu.

And now they are all self-employed farmers, there are no tenants, as long as they are not lazy, there is basically no problem with food and clothing.

And this is also a good thing for Shizhou.

In the past, the cost of tax collection was very high, and it was not uncommon for a tax police brigade to enter the village to suppress, vandalize, loot and burn, and then develop into large-scale riots and armed fights.

By this year, the tax police couldn't hold back anymore, and the military and secret service organizations entered the scene to massacre, which caused incalculable losses to Shizhou's economy.

Now, all the work is in the charge of the peasant associations, and they don't need to take care of the administration, and they don't need to take care of the taxes. Although the taxes collected are less, the taxes collected are more anyway.

Zhang Shuangcheng directly disbanded the tax police force, dismissed a series of spy organizations such as the special supervision team, cleaned up a large number of redundant officials, and dismissed nearly half of the officials in Shizhou.

As a result, the expenditure budget of the Governor's Mansion has been reduced by more than half, the decree has become popular, and the red tape has been reduced.

During this period of time, Zhang Shuangcheng specially studied the family history of Sheriff Lin, determined to learn from him, and his style of work was vigorous and resolute, which quickly brought about a new situation in Shizhou.

However, his foundation is far shallower than that of the previous governor, and he lacks practical experience in governing. He has no backing in the empire, which also makes him plant a very big hidden danger.

Fortunately, his old brothers in the army are still supporting him.

This is also his only reliance.

Lin Wen withdrew the large army back to Changshan County, returned the occupied Dadun Fort, Pingpan City, and Jiangkou City one by one, and transported the leftover materials back to Changshan County one by one.

I bid farewell to Yu Bozheng and other army commanders, and let them go back to their original territory with the representatives of the western region.

The Human Security Army was disbanded, and all military achievements were honored. Half of the people chose to ask for money, and half of them chose to upgrade.

Due to the large number of people, one [Yang Zhi Ganlu] only lasts 159 seconds, and it takes about 3 seconds to get a good effect.

Lin Wen touched men in the barracks for three days, and there were still many men waiting for him to touch.

Lin Wen couldn't take it anymore, and Yuanshen couldn't bear such consumption, so he had to announce that the pill of washing marrow was limited, and those who wanted to use military skills to upgrade had to wait in line.

They can stay in Changshan County and wait for their number to be called.

If there are people who are unwilling to wait, you can also choose to refund the money.

Most of the people chose to wait. Most of them suffered from some hidden diseases during their years of military service. They hoped that their injuries could be cured with Sheriff Lin's miraculous Xisui Pill.

But Lin Wen wiped off all the old mud on his body, and his skin turned red, so he couldn't satisfy their needs.

It's not that he maliciously wanted to trick others, Lin Wen wanted to use jelly beans, but they didn't buy it.

Xu Chaogong, the head of the first person to eat crabs, has already explained clearly what it tastes like to eat this magical pill——

Bitter, astringent, with the smell of sand bouncing on the tongue, with the salty taste of sweat, when swallowed into the stomach, it instantly turns into a burst of hot air rushing left and right, making the body extremely comfortable, as if soaked in hot water.

This description has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people along with Xu Chaogong's physical changes.

Countless people feel this taste in their dreams every day, and use it as a motivation to motivate them to fight.

Xu Chaogong also often recounted the wonderful process when morale was low, and showed his strong body and strong physical ability from time to time.

Even the slogans they shouted when they charged in battle were:

"For the marrow washing pill!"

"For the bitter and salty!"

Under such circumstances, they had incomparably beautiful fantasies, and when they finally reached the finish line to get the treasure of their dreams, they found that it was sweet.

No one could accept the collapse of their dreams. They all agreed that Sheriff Lin had lied to them with fake medicines, which almost led to a mutiny.

Lin Wen had no choice but to use soil to make marrow washing pills for him.

But it is not the old mud rubbed off from the body, has no salty taste, and is not considered authentic.

"We want the original flavor!" This is the shout of tens of thousands of security forces.

Lin Wen couldn't take it anymore, so he could only announce the postponement.

Wait until later to see what new spells or new fortunes come out, and then come back to solve this problem.

About one-third of the human security forces want to continue living in Changshan County.

However, the income standard of the city management department is also very strict, and only about one tenth of the people enter it.

The rest of the people had no choice but to work part-time in Changshan County while waiting for the queuing number of Xisui Dan.

When the main force of Changshan County returned to the Qichuan Mountains Barracks, Fang Dashan, Wang Zhengwu and other commanders arranged a memorial ceremony.

During the Battle of Shizhou, more than 6,000 soldiers were buried underground forever.

Under Lin Wen's proposal, the headquarters erected a large monument in the Qichuan Mountains, and the letter was proposed by Lin Wen: "Those who die for the people will live forever."

Behind the monument are the names and teams of all the victims.

After the mourning ceremony was completed, a grand celebration party was held under the auspices of Xia Xiaoxiang.

Xia Xiaoxiang is a natural logistics organizer and literary youth, and he has a good grasp of the atmosphere and emotions.

At the opening of the party, she gave a speech on stage: "The dead are dead, the dead are like this, the living should be strong, remember the past, and move forward with heavy burdens."

This concise speech that fit the mood of the soldiers ushered in a burst of endless applause.

Then, the balloons that had been prepared burst in the sky. In the red light that illuminated the sky and thousands of colorful flowers fluttered and scattered, a loud military song sounded, and 40,000 people sang in unison, washing away the sorrow and inspiring the fighting spirit.

When the military song fell, everyone was filled with unspeakable passion for the future.

Then, the grand welcome party began.

The whistle sounded for a long time in the first program, and Qin Luoshuang and Xia Xiaoxiang in full costumes came to the stage to sing "Night in the Suburbs of Changshan County" edited by Lin Wen.

The second program was the classic stage play "Beauty and the Beast" edited by Lin Wen performed by He Shangsheng, Fang Dashan and Yun Qingshui, which also won a lot of applause.

It's just a pity that Yunqing's Shui Xiba is too heavy, and the stage play has become a bit like "Beauty and Her Pet Dog".

The third program is also "Selling Abductees" carried by Lin Wen.

The classic cross talk drama is very performance-oriented, and what makes the mountains echo is the laughter of soldiers.

The fourth program is the magic performed by Lin Wen himself on stage, including flying with swords, transforming people into living beings, and rubbing fireballs with hands.

The visual effect is very shocking, and no flaws can be seen, which makes people amazed and feasts their eyes.


At the end of the show, all the fighters participated, they sang loudly, ate meat, and drank in large bowls, and the atmosphere of a banquet was lingering in the air.

As long as you smell it, it's like drinking ten bowls of fine wine and getting drunk.

After the party, everything was back on track.

Under the auspices of Qin Luoshuang, Fang Dashan and Wang Zhengwu commended those who made meritorious deeds, and awarded titles and promotions to those who made major contributions.

Lin Wen has the military power in his hands, and military ranks below the school level can be awarded directly, and it is enough to report to the highest military department for review.

Afterwards, Fang Dashan and Wang Zhengwu began to review the entire battle, took inventory of the shortcomings of the troops and improved them, and at the same time began to reorganize the troops to more rationalize and optimize the structure of the troops.

This process will continue for a long time.

After that, the army of Changshan County will become stronger.

Yun Qingshui returned to Shangxi Town. She has an official status and is not suitable to stay in Shizhou.

However, the Democratic Party still kept many people there to help the peasant association get on the right track as soon as possible.

Three days later, everything was over and the dust settled.

Lin Wen finally returned to the finance department and began to take stock of the gains from the campaign.

After repeated calculations by Lao Xie, excluding food, after paying all war expenses, pensions, and severance pay, the total income is more than 27 billion, and about half of the valuables have not been sold in time.

[Transverse Eternal] Auction is still in preparation.

Food is not so easy to calculate because it involves food wars.

The more you earn, the more you spend.

At the height of the battle, Changshan County bought a large amount of high-priced grain from the outside world, and sold it at one-fourth of the reserve price.

Every day is at the level of millions of tons, and direct losses are calculated in billions.

But the food wars were won.

Nadao's deeds were sold at a price of 2,000 yuan per ton. Later, the price of grain dropped to 1,200 yuan, and Changshan County bought a large amount of grain.

This time, I made a net profit of 800 yuan.

Xiao Xiao currently has about 36 million tons of medium and long-term grain contracts that have not been delivered, and the net profit of this part alone exceeds 20 billion.

The most important thing is that all the food in Changshan County was robbed, which can almost be said to be nothing but pure profit.

The current total capital of Nadao has exceeded 110 billion, which can be regarded as the cash flow of a giant group.

This is the oil and water that Lin Wen scraped from countless imperial groups.

Such a large benefit caused the various groups to suffer huge losses, and caused a large number of financial vampires and speculators in the empire to die.

It caused a governor to fall and crushed countless monkey grandchildren.

However, in Lin Wen's view, it was not enough.

In the original world, if you draw a circle on Chaoxian, the real estate value in it is more than this amount.

If Lin Wen wants to overthrow the old and new mountains and provide housing for nearly tens of millions of refugees, he must use the funds carefully.

If there is a slight mistake, it is just a waste of time.

No matter how fast the water floats, no matter how far it is, what if it hits the other side?

It was just that I had crossed the sea of ​​suffering and reached the other shore.

Lin Wen wants to raise the river bed, drain the bitter water, turn the sea into mulberry fields, make the natural moat smoother, and let everyone walk over it.

In this way, countless blessings can be obtained.

Only then can he bring enough good karma to reincarnate perfectly.

Only then can the big sister be rescued from Huang Mao's men.

Only then can the wives and daughters of those guys who framed him not worry.

Only then can he sweep away all the immortals and break through the king of gods and ghosts.


With the end of the Dark War, calm has returned to the greatest conflict in the Empire.

The three major mainstream newspapers in the empire published an article "Changshan County, the Rising Sun of the Empire".

This article introduces the achievements of Changshan County throughout, saving the lives of countless refugees, sheltering suffering civilians, and punishing greedy bureaucrats. It is the area with the best atmosphere and the most peaceful life in the empire.

He also praised Lin Wen, as the county chief, how wise and powerful he is, tall and handsome, perceptive and virtuous.

What kind of arbitrariness of Qiankun saved the situation with his own efforts.

It is the pillars of white jade that reach the sky, the beams of purple gold that frame the sea, and the immortal figures that appear once in a million years.


Qin Gang threw the newspaper on the ground and stepped on Lin Wen's big head portrait.

The prince said in a low voice: "Commander, this is the pamphlet of the imperial faction to promote the great emperor. The whole article seems to be touting Lin Wen, but in fact it is touting the benefits of the great emperor's system. It is almost clear that the world belongs to one person. This should be written by the first princess."

When Qin Gang heard these words, he couldn't suppress his anger even more.


"The test site for the first nuclear bomb was chosen in Changshan County."

The prince was surprised: "Commander, aren't we going too far? The reaction of the empire is unpredictable!"

Qin Gang said indifferently: "Zijun, with the ultimate weapon in hand, what are we afraid of? This is a deterrent and a warning. When we have proved its power with actual combat results, we will only use the remaining nuclear bombs on the launcher, and the empire will not dare to act rashly."

Cold sweat flowed from Prince Jun's forehead to his neck, and it was the first time he felt a bone-chilling chill.

"But, Commander, we can choose the air blast, its power can also be displayed..."

Qin Gang shook his head slightly: "Zijun, your shortcoming is still that you don't understand people's hearts. People just don't turn back when they hit the south wall, and don't cry when they don't see the coffin. You choose to explode in the air. Although they will be afraid, they always have a little chance. Only when you shock them with actual achievements, will they lose their illusions."

Lei Xiangwen also said: "That's right, as the first cannon to break with the empire, I think it is most appropriate to be in Changshan County. This is the end of offending us."

Cao Daman, the army commander who was redeemed from Changshan County at a great price, even shouted loudly: "I swear to support the new king of the Qin family, anyone who dares not listen, I will chop anyone up with a knife!"

Qin Gang showed a icy smile.

"The birth of a king requires blood, so let Changshan County be the first sacrifice under the throne."

All the confidant generals cheered in unison.

"Long live the new king!"


Supreme will.

The Great Elder looked at the chessboard of the empire and remained silent.

After a long time, a new order was issued.

"Release Yu Zhongxian."

"Release Wang Bo'an."

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