Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 433 Nuclear Explosion

in the cabin.

Lin Wenqiang held back the great excitement and indescribable excitement, and used his last remaining soul to ask questions to [Ask Yu Tian].

[Where is the Qin Group's nuclear bomb? 】

Consumption: 5%

so little?

Lin Wen was slightly disappointed, but fortunately, he had no soul left.

As soon as the thought moved, the answer emerged.

[A31 freight train from Xiyanzhou to Changshan County, the seventh carriage]

Heh, it turned out that the nuclear bomb was transported by train, no wonder the consumption is so low.

Lin Wen concentrated, put aside all distracting thoughts, and immersed himself in the crisis.

There are only 5% of the Yuanshen left, and besides the eleven fox fairies, there is only one "Forgetful Water" and one "Phantom of Flowers" left.

These are all useless luck that Lin Wen deliberately ignored.

The only one that might be of any use is "Phantom of Blossoms".

"Phantom of Flowers": For each fairy friend, 15% of the soul will be recovered.

This luck path is useless in the physical world. After Lin Wen obtained it a long time ago, it has been forgotten in a corner.

But now is a critical moment of life and death, and any kind of life-saving straw must be used.

Lin Wen swallowed his luck, and a burst of flower fragrance flew by, and Yuanshen recovered to 20%.

Damn, these luck paths are poisonous. What should be effective is not effective, and what should not be effective is effective.

Lin Wenqiang held back his disappointment, picked up his flying sword, activated the [Spiritual Movement Technique], and rushed towards the Changshan County Railway Station.

Yuanshen remaining: 15%.

The railway station is located in the north of Huai Town, and it is the most important mode of transportation in Changshan County.

A moment later, Lin Wen rushed into the train station, and the A31 freight train stopped quietly at the station.

It has just arrived in Changshan County in less than an hour.

This train is carrying accessories for shells and is expected to leave at noon the next day, so the workers are not in a hurry to unload.

At this moment, there was no one in the train station quietly, the last train had already arrived, and everyone was off work.

Lin Wen quickly found the seventh carriage.

It looked no different from other carriages, but Lin Wen keenly noticed that it was a sealed whole. The exterior was painted with gray paint to look like other carriages, but in fact there was no gap, and it should be cast directly.

Lin Wen pulled out a flying sword made of special materials, and with a slash of the sword, only a small gap was cut.

Very hard steel body, the flying sword material also can't pierce.

Apparently, the nuke is inside, probably in timed mode.

Lin Wen glanced at his watch, and there were less than seven minutes left.

In other words, it is definitely too late to start the train.

It was too late to use [The Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers] to drag the carriage out of Changshan County.

You can't throw the carriage out like a cannonball

The carriage is much heavier than the cannonball. If it exceeds 50 tons, it will be very difficult for him to lift it. If it exceeds 80 tons, he must use skills. If it exceeds 100 tons, he must use levers to lift it.

Moreover, the station is in the middle of Huai Town, unless he can throw it thirty kilometers, it will still cause damage to Huai Town.

Then there is only one way left.

Lin Wen went up and cut off the connection between the front and rear of the carriage with two swords, jumped onto the roof of the carriage, and the low voice when he landed showed that the steel body was at least 50 centimeters thick.

【Imperial Object Art】Activate with full power, drag the carriage up, and fly upwards.

Yuanshen was consumed crazily, 15% was only 1% left in an instant.

At this time, Lin Wen had reached an altitude of about 7,000 meters. For the atomic bomb, this distance should be relatively safe.

The Hiroshima atomic bomb was detonated at an altitude of 548 meters. The central explosion radius was only two kilometers, and the farthest impact radius was six kilometers. It caused the direct deaths of more than 70,000 people, and more than 100,000 people died of various subsequent radiation sickness.

This was the result of the authorities' early evacuation, and it was too late for Huai Town to evacuate. If it exploded on the ground, the death toll would definitely be much higher than this.

Lin Wen waited until the upward momentum of the car was exhausted, and used his last hole card.

Good luck casts spells.

【Thunder Fire Flame Art】

150 points of good fortune left him in an instant, to the current Lin Wen, this is nothing.

Super strong light and heat shot out from the body, and the extremely high temperature instantly melted the thick steel, revealing the big killer lying quietly inside.

It was a dark oval metal object, because it was not an airdrop or a missile, and it had no fins.

The raging flames engulfed it in an instant, and Lin Wen planned to detonate the nuclear bomb at this height.

Although he knew he couldn't escape, Lin Wen still used his last soul to tear himself away from the carriage.

The clothes were instantly torn apart by [Imperial Art], it was no longer considered a part of the body, and was burned to ashes by the flames in the blink of an eye.

In the endless light and heat, Lin Wen looked at the car that was melting and deformed in the flames.

Goodbye, this world.

Good-bye, crouching dragon and phoenix chick, good-bye, tinder and witch, good-bye, old Xie Lei Tiantong, good-bye, all these lovely people.

Although there are still many imperfections, the long-awaited reform has not yet started, and a few disgusting bugs have not yet been blown up, but it does not matter, I have left enough seeds, you will eventually destroy the old world, and build a new one in the ruins, inheriting my science and democracy.

And I'm about to embark on a new journey.


The explosion occurred at high temperature, the metal compartment was blown to pieces, and molten droplets were scattered and splashed.

Three seconds later, the Thunder Fire Flame Technique also ended.

Endless light and heat fell, and the night sky returned to tranquility.

A question mark floated slowly above Lin Wen's head.

He floated freely in the air, falling with the metal fragments.


What about a nuclear explosion?

This is gone?

He was only fifteen meters away from the carriage when the explosion occurred.

What kind of nuclear explosion can't even kill people fifteen meters away?

Lin Wen felt that he was not well.

No, I've already expressed my feelings, it's embarrassing that I haven't died yet!

Could it be that the structure of this nuclear bomb is special?

But... Its external explosives were all detonated by me, no matter how special it is, it can't be against common sense, right?

Maybe it's fake?

Impossible, this is the result of using spells to learn.

Soon, Lin Wen discovered a decisive and fatal factor - [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix] did not call the police from the beginning to the end.

Logically speaking, as long as Qin Gang decided to drop the atomic bomb on Changshan County, [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix] should have a very slight continuous alarm.

It did exist before, but it disappeared after killing the bugman.

Moreover, if the real atomic bomb is transported into Changshan County and a timed explosion is set, [Body Without a Colorful Phoenix] will definitely have a strong mixed alarm, reminding him of the coming of danger and bad luck.

And when he used [Thunder, Fire and Flame] to detonate the atomic bomb in advance, [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] should frantically call the police, warning that a huge danger is coming.

However, [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] has remained silent from beginning to end.

The facts are already evident.

It was a failed nuclear bomb.

Lin Wen, who came to his senses, was heartbroken.

Just for this fake nuclear bomb, he also used the way of luck, the soul, the magic of good fate, and a super embarrassing lyric.

What the hell.

What surface is the strongest, obviously the most rubbish, not as good as a dog, and worthy of being the father of a phoenix chick, go to hell with you.

And those garbage scientists from the Qin Group, are you stupid pigs?

You can't make an atomic bomb that even elementary school students can make.


Lin Wen was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood. This kind of low-level mistake should not have been made.

But when he heard the nuclear bomb, his mind was full of immortals carrying the nuclear bomb and perfect reincarnation, and he didn't realize that there were many unreasonable things in it.

At this moment, [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] suddenly called the police. Lin Wen looked down and realized that he was about to fall to his death.

If it dies, it guarantees a 100% suicide death.

And maybe the death of the stupid, the death of the funny, the death of the clown.

The four deaths merged into one, and turned into an earth-shattering cosmic waste material.


Lin Wen left 1% of Yuanshen unused, and the flying sword was tied to him.

Lin Wen grabbed the flying sword, together with [Imperial Object Technique], it stopped the falling trend instantly.

Holding the sword hilt in his hand, Lin Wen forcibly flew to the County Hall and returned to his office.

After changing his clothes, Lin Wen immediately called Qin Luoshuang.


Her voice was slightly hoarse, Lin Wen wanted to jump into the cracks in the ground and sleep for a hundred years before coming out when Lin Wen thought of what he said before.

But it's not okay to avoid it, he has to deal with the follow-up matters quickly.

"Hey, Qin Luoshuang, that's a dud, the Qin Group didn't make a real nuclear bomb."

Lin Wen explained the matter clearly in one sentence.

There was a long silence on the phone before a hoarse answer came: "Well, that's great."

"Hurry up and send someone to set up a cordon around the area and recover all the scattered nuclear materials. Those things are radioactive. Be careful to wear a full set of protective clothing when collecting them."


"That's it, you go now."


Qin Luoshuang's deep voice came from the phone.

She asked softly, "Lin Wen, have you... always wanted to commit suicide?"

Lin Wen smiled and said: "Qin Luoshuang, let me tell you, from that moment on, I will never commit suicide, but when it comes time to die, I will not back down either. That's why I need you to be my backup. In the future, if you also face this moment, I hope you can smile and embrace death like me, and then pass on this unyielding spirit to your backup."

There was a long silence on the phone before her heavy answer came.

"Okay. I see."


Southwest District.

Supreme Commander's Office.

All the key figures of the Qin Group gathered together to watch the explosion footage provided by the observers.

In the night sky, an extremely bright light burst out first, and then a huge flame surged in.

After a few seconds, the flame disappeared, leaving no trace.

Prince Jun said: "According to expert calculations, the explosion is far from the expected power."

Lei Xiangwen said softly: "Commander, I can assure you that Xiaoxu didn't send back any detailed information, but we have seen the choice of Miss."

"Okay." Qin Gang waved his hand and said disgustedly: "I will ensure Qin Xing's position, you don't have to worry."

Qin Xing was the child of Lei Xiangwen's younger sister. During this period of time, he jumped up and down everywhere, which was annoying.

Cao Da yelled: "Mr. Li, what else do you have to say? Commander, I just said that I would listen to Mr. Fei..."

Li Xueyou retorted: "How do you know that Mr. Fei can do it?"

They quarreled without saying a word.


Qin Gang yelled sharply: "Anyone who quarrels will get out of here!"

Only then did the two stop.

Qin Gang took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Li, can you explain?"

Mr. Li is a thin middle-aged man, with the lines on his face like a knife. When he stood up in a scientist's coat, he really had an extraordinary demeanor.

He walked onto the stage calmly, first bowed slightly to Qin Gang, and then said: "Commander, first of all, we have a doubt. Didn't we transport it in by train? Why did it end up in an air blast?"

He held out a finger.

"This is number one."

"Secondly, we can see from the screen that the intensity of the flash is quite high. Although the explosion range is only 60 meters, it is obviously not something that can be achieved by conventional explosives. Then Mr. Fei's statement that the chain reaction cannot be triggered must be wrong."

"To sum up, I think this test was successful. We successfully proved that the structure is effective, but there may be some details missing, which led to the incomplete nuclear fission chain reaction. Or some unknown method in Changshan County, which slowed down the fission rate."

"However, what we can confirm is that if you follow this path, you will be able to obtain the real final weapon."

"I'm done talking."

Mr. Li walked down calmly and sat back in his original position.

Lei Xiangwen said softly: "Commander, this test explosion did not have any negative impact on us, and nothing about us was exposed."

Cao Da concealed his anger and said, "Didn't you inform Changshan County?"

Lei Xiangwen sneered and said, "What evidence is there in Changshan County? Just take a phone recording whose authenticity is unknown? Or a few fragments of unknown origin?"


Qin Gang immediately stopped their quarrel and gave an order.

"All plans are postponed, and the three states continue to slumber and accumulate strength."

"Mr. Li, please continue to be responsible for the research and development of nuclear weapons."

Mr. Li nodded slightly, showing a just right smile.

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