Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 434 Nuclear Industry

In the eastern suburbs of Xinyang Prefecture, in an old laboratory.

Fermi packed up the tools by himself, cleaned the ground, took the trash out of the door, locked the door of the laboratory, and prepared to go home.

At this time, a frivolous voice sounded from behind.

"Mr. Fei, you are safe and sound."

Fermi turned his head and saw the tall, thin and handsome Mr. Li walking slowly. Dozens of his students and assistants were standing more than ten meters away.

Fermi said coldly: "Mr. Li, please tell me if you have anything to say."

Mr. Li looked him up and down and saw that Fermi was wearing an old lab coat with patches on his trousers. The collar was not only curled but also faded. He tutted his tongue and said, "Mr. Fei, not paying attention to appearance is your biggest mistake. Science must not only be correct, but also make people feel correct. You are dressed like a third-rate scientist's assistant."

He flicked his robe, it was bright and clean, full of modern high-end scientific delicacy everywhere.

Fermi remained indifferent. He nodded as a greeting, then turned and left.

Mr. Li took a step forward, held his hand, and said with a smile, "Mr. Fei, don't rush away."

Fermi turned his head, Gujing Wubo looked at him.

Although he didn't say anything, Mr. Li's momentum was so stagnant that he didn't dare to look at him, and his voice dropped.

"Mr. Fei, I think we can put aside our prejudices. Cooperation is a win-win situation. Why are you stubborn? As long as you join my team, I can promise you the position of the second person in charge."

Fermi said coldly: "Forgive me, jackals are not worthy to walk with tigers and leopards." He gently brushed his hand away, like brushing off a speck of dust.

Not giving him another chance to stay, Fermi turned and left.

Behind him, Mr. Li's handsome and decent face was redder than a monkey's ass.

He clenched his fists tightly, and every word seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth.

"You asked for it."


Changshan County.

KGB headquarters.

The elders of the family, Wang Ya's faction with his wife as the core, were standing respectfully in front of Qin Luoshuang.

"Miss, my people have already infiltrated into the group. The struggle within the group is sharp and conflicts abound. This is a good opportunity to poach people."

Although Qin Luoshuang hated Wang Ya very much, his ability and loyalty were unquestionable. Changshan County had always been short of people, and no matter how much he hated him, he had to endure it.

"Uncle Wang, you'd better be careful. There is a huge gap between Changshan County and the group, and not many people are willing to come."

Wang Ya showed a smile full of rotten teeth: "Miss, am I here?"

Qin Luoshuang nodded: "I have wronged you, Uncle Wang."

Wang Ya smiled and said: "I'm not wronged at all, the eldest lady is the future of the group, and those useless heirs are useless at all. The eldest lady is extremely smart, and Changshan County has shown the strength to defend its own interests. Many people will come here."

Qin Luoshuang glanced at him: "What do you want?"

Wang Ya bowed his hunchback deeply: "I want the position of the Third General Bureau, the Fourth General Bureau, so that I can further expand your power in Changshan County."

This is what Qin Luoshuang hated him the most.

"Wang Ya, I'm already Sheriff Lin's spare tire, do you understand what that means?"

Wang Ya smiled and said: "I understand, it is the heir, but Miss, this is not enough. Throughout the history of the empire, how many princes were abolished and how many princes were killed..."

"OK OK."

Qin Luoshuang interrupted him, and the more he talked, the more he seemed to be a generation shorter than her, making that fool seem like she was really her father's generation.

It's still a nice name for a spare tire.

"I just want to say one thing. Secret means are never allowed, especially kidnapping and murder. Otherwise, even if it is you, I will not show mercy, do you understand?"

"Of course." Wang Ya bent down deeply, "Missy is unparalleled in kindness, kindness and love, and I will obey her orders."


Lin Wen stayed on the bed depressed for a whole day, and this wave of losses was relatively large.

In addition to Yuanshen and Luck Dao, good fate spells are also used.

Once the good fate spell is used, not only will the good fate be lost, but it will take many days to recover.

Otherwise, the primordial spirit consumed by casting spells would be doubled, 25% for one [Air-Forbidden Divine Power], and 400% for one [Empowering Puppet], which is simply unacceptable.

Moreover, this is caused by its own reasons.

Lin Wen was so depressed that he lay on the bed and practiced immortality for a whole day.

Only by immersing in the world of cultivating immortals can one forget this trouble.

The system is really a treasure trove, where you can find all kinds of information about cultivating immortals, and sometimes there are even short .avi videos to guide Lin Wenxiu's posture.

It's just a pity that his plan to prostitute for nothing last time failed, so he can only read these little knowledge and be a cloud player for the time being.

After clouding for a day, Yuanshen also recovered to 17%, and Lin Wen's mood improved a little.

At this time, Qin Luoshuang called and told him that the collection of fragments had been completed. They found a total of several kilograms of weapons-grade enriched uranium at the scene, and more than 100 kilograms of other nuclear materials.

Qin Luoshuang was afraid that Lin Wen wouldn't understand, so he taught him what uranium is for a long time.

Lin Wen interrupted her: "I know, it is the heaviest element in nature, uranium-235 with a purity of more than 90% can make atomic bombs."

Qin Luoshuang asked in surprise: "How do you know? This is the most secret knowledge in the empire."

"Hmph, don't you know that I'm in the original world... in the original place, do the classmates call me Xiaoniu Xiaoai? And this kind of low-end knowledge, even elementary school students know it in my place."

Qin Luoshuang only thought that he was talking nonsense again, and said cautiously: "Lin Wen, this thing is very hot. If we don't have 100% proof that it comes from the Qin Group, once it is known by the empire, it will bring us a very big risk. Therefore, I suggest keeping it strictly confidential and not leaking information."

Lin Wenwen was about to wave his hand and say to her to deal with it, but suddenly he had a flash of inspiration——

Changshan County successfully established a grain futures exchange, and the good fortune of civilization in the weekly settlement has skyrocketed by several hundred points.

If I use this highly enriched uranium to build a nuclear power plant, won't civilization skyrocket by a few thousand points?

This is well understood.

Civilization is the knowledge accumulated in human history that is conducive to understanding and adapting to the objective world, the art that conforms to the pursuit of human spirit, and the humanistic spirit that can be recognized by most people.

It is the sum total of art, morality, and invention, the aggregate of all social and natural actions that bring man out of his barbaric state.

There is no doubt that the application of nuclear energy is an important element in this collection.

Of course, Lin Wen is not an expert in nuclear power plants. It is obviously a waste to use weapon-grade enriched uranium to generate electricity. The key is that there is no nuclear centrifuge in Changshan County, and the nuclear materials will be gone when they are used up.

What if a Chernobyl is accidentally created?

Bow down and apologize?

Bad karma doesn't matter how much you bow.

If the atomic bomb is used, the risk will be even greater. Not only is the empire's reaction unpredictable, but the hard power of Changshan County is not enough to support him to threaten the emperor to order the princes. It is hard to say whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Lin Wen thought for a moment, and decided to take a look first, before deciding whether to make an atomic bomb or a fission furnace.

Thinking of the great good fortune that will come, Lin Wen was instantly motivated, jumped up from the bed, and went straight to the KGB headquarters.

The wreckage of the explosion was all placed in the hall of the headquarters, divided and surrounded by lead plates.

Qin Luoshuang is discussing the solution with a few KGB experts who understand nuclear knowledge.

Lin Wen rushed in and lifted the lead plate, Qin Luoshuang screamed: "Lin Wen! It's dangerous!"

But [Body Without Colorful Phoenix] did not call the police, it was just a pile of wreckage, not nuclear material.

Lin Wen covered the lead plate with a bang, and asked, "Where's the uranium?"

Qin Luoshuang said angrily: "Lin Wen, do you really understand or pretend to understand? Do you know that this is very dangerous?"

"Don't you have Geiger counters? The pile of wreckage just now has no nuclear radiation."

"How do you know? You can tell with your eyes? The radiation counters are still being shipped."

Lin Wen didn't want to talk nonsense, and asked, "Where's the uranium?"

Qin Luoshuang pointed angrily: "Here."

Lin Wen followed the direction she pointed, and saw that in the corner of the hall, a translucent container contained scattered silver-gray fragments, some of which had turned black.

As soon as Lin Wen approached, dense acupuncture sensations appeared all over his body, and he jumped back quickly: "The protection there is not complete, and the nuclear radiation exceeds the standard."

Qin Luoshuang's face became serious, and he immediately ordered several staff members to seal the container with lead plates.

Lin Wen said: "Anyone who has collected or been close to nuclear materials will report to me soon."

Qin Luoshuang nodded slightly.

"Is there any specific data on the collected nuclear materials?"

Qin Luoshuang said softly: "Several of my experts have already tested it, and the total is 157 kilograms. Among them, 3 kilograms have reached the weapon grade, 9 kilograms have an abundance of more than 80%, 30 kilograms have an abundance of more than 60%, and the rest are about 30%. There is also a part of radium, a part of plutonium 239, and a part of uranium 238. Judging from the fragments, it should be an implosion structure."

Lin Wen covered his forehead: "Which idiot made this nuclear bomb? Can the abundance be layered? Is this a dish that glows? Countless flavors reverberate in the mouth in one bite, and the taste buds explode instantly?"

Qin Luoshuang asked curiously: "Do you understand Lin Wen very well?"

"No one in the world knows better than me."

"However, as far as I know, there is a theory of chain reaction that the more elements participating in the reaction, the richer the abundance level, and the greater the power of the explosion. So they used three kilograms of weapons-grade enriched uranium as the neutron source and detonation point, triggering a chain reaction of other elements."

Lin Wen sighed: "Which idiot proposed this mental retardation theory?"

"But it sounds reasonable. I have supported this expert before."

Lin Wen couldn't help complaining: "This... this doesn't even understand the basic theory, it's just like a layman's imagination."

Qin Luoshuang was not very happy, and felt offended: "I think it's good, maybe there are some small mistakes, and it will be successful after a while of improvement. You may not be right, Lin Wen."

Lin Wen suddenly wanted to hit the face with the atomic bomb, but he quickly suppressed this urge.

Good fate is the most important thing, and you can't be impulsive.

Lin Wen took a deep breath and said, "Store them well. Test these wreckages. Those with radiation should be disposed of properly. It's best to seal them in a cement coffin."

"Also, choose a safe site, I'm going to build a nuclear power plant."


imperial capital.

To the Winter Palace.

In the luxurious reception hall, Yu Zhongxian had a happy conversation with a middle-aged fat man with a big belly.

After a while, the fat man said goodbye.

"My lord, I'll leave it to you."

Yu Zhongxian smiled and said, "Don't worry, Boss Xu, they will be fine."

The fat man nodded in satisfaction, turned and left.

A subordinate immediately handed over a document: "Master Yu, this is a 20% stake in Xuliang Group, worth 300 million yuan, please accept it."

Yu Zhongxian nodded, and his cronies took over the documents.

After everyone left, Yu Zhongxian ordered: "Reject the judgment of the Shanghai Tribunal and accept the appeal. The forced annihilation of the corpse burning case is renamed the negligent arson case. If the civil compensation is enough, you will not be guilty."

Wang Xinwei said softly: "My lord, it's a magic city. It's risky for us to do this. Now some media are out of our control, and they want to publicize the report, which is not good for us."

"Have you paid me?"

"Yes, they don't want it."

Yu Zhongxian was silent for a moment and said: "Join the commercial, taxation, security and other departments to check whether they are suspected of breaking the law or committing a crime."

"Yes." Wang Xinwei took the order and left.

Yu Zhongxian had a gloomy face. In the past, such trivial matters did not require him to appear in person.

But now, the empire is becoming more and more strict, there is less and less freedom, and there is no rule of law, which greatly restricts his power.

Moreover, during this period of time, the council has suffered extremely heavy losses, and the organization's funding gap is getting bigger and bigger. Even the high-ranking chief executive has to go out of the game to make money himself.


Yu Zhongxian smashed the teacup to pieces.

But there is no way to be angry. Funds are the basis of all operations.

The council's current source of income is only the biochemical factory. After part of the review power was handed over, the benefits it gained from it have been greatly reduced.

At this moment, a personal guard came up to report: "Master Yu, Elder Mo delivered five more bug-human special combat bodies, and urged us to find more and stronger humans as soon as possible."

"very good."

Yu Zhongxian stood up, with a gloomy and cold light in his eyes.

I have been stuck recently, so the update is a little late, sorry, grandpas (ノへ ̄,)

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